Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 271 Reinforcement arrives

Chapter 271 Reinforcement arrives
As soon as the news of the "internal strife" between the two elders in Songshan spread to the public, it immediately caused a sensation, and everyone was arguing and arguing non-stop.

Different from those heavenly immortals above their heads, they have been enlightened for too long and their status is too high, so most low-level monks don't know each other. The two elders of Songshan Mountain can be regarded as the second most famous earth immortals in the past 200 years. If the elders in the sect have some knowledge, they will tell their children.

Many teenagers stretched their heads to look over, looking forward to it even more than Meng Qiu said just now to challenge Emei alone.

Seeing this, Zhu Mei was still a little shy, and said: "Brother Bai, let's go find a secluded place first, and then start fighting."

Bai Guyi shook his head and said: "Since we want to compete, are you afraid that everyone will see it? It's no fun to hide, it's here, upright and upright, so everyone can see clearly."

Zhu Mei was startled, and then realized.Since you want to perform in front of the real person of Ji Le, how can you be sneaky, you should make as much momentum as possible.

The two have hundreds of years of friendship and tacit understanding, no more talk, nod to each other, fly into the air, shaking hands each is a flying sword, hit the air.

But I saw two sword lights, one green and one white, like two fish swimming in the clear waves, chasing each other and playing, with a chic and agile posture.

After a short fight, the intensity picked up again, like two dragons grabbing pearls, you come and go, not giving in to each other.Just three or two swords will collide, and sparks will be scattered all over the sky, floating around.

The monks below were stunned, most of them only knew the power of the collision of swords, only a few could understand the superb swordsmanship of the two.

Meng Qiu looked at it for a while, then turned to his companion and said, "But in the past 20 years, the white dwarf's swordsmanship has improved a lot.

It seems that there are only two or three people who can make some famous names in the practice world, and the others have more or less tricks. "

Ling Hun laughed, and said, "Friend Daoist Meng, what enmity do you have with Zheng Dianxian, why do you look down on him so much?"

"As long as she has some real skills, why is this?" Meng Qiu was first influenced by half of the old nun, so he didn't have a good impression of Zheng Dianxian, and then saw that the opponent's flying escape spell was too bad, so naturally he didn't want to give any good words.

Zheng Dianxian yelled angrily, "Little thief, you are too deceitful!"

She didn't care about watching the fight between the two elders in Songshan, she flew a few steps, raised her hand, and a golden light came towards her like lightning.

This light is about three zhang long, pointed at both ends, like a shuttle, with sparks flying from the front and back.

This is the golden dragon shuttle, a magic weapon that she independently refined. It is half flying sword and half has the effects of various gods and thunders, and it is extremely powerful.

As long as any powerful monster is hit on weekdays, the sparks will immediately turn into lightning and explode, blowing them to pieces.Flying swords and magic weapons that were close to each other will break when they hit nineteen.

If there is an interception, it can also dodge up, down, left, and right according to one's will, avoid the front block, and still fly towards the enemy, without stopping.

Although Meng Qiu didn't pay much attention to the opponent, but there were many powerful enemies by his side, he didn't want to show his weakness, and he didn't want to be fooled, so he directly took the Nanming Lihuo sword and flew out.

He intentionally taught the other party a lesson, even though he was the second player, the flying sword escaped faster, and the latter came first, and directly hit the golden dragon shuttle.

Only a shocking explosion was heard, and the golden light jumped suddenly, bursting in mid-air, flying thousands of sparks, flying around.

The mountain where the Magic Wave Pond is located goes down, separated by one or two thousand zhang, the aftermath still hits like hailstones, and several shallow pits are smashed into the ground; when it crashes into the forest, the branches are also broken immediately.

Some cultivators who were greedy for fighting skills and didn't have time to defend themselves were smashed all over their heads, screaming non-stop.

But the magic wave pool was still rising slowly, and it was also hit by the impact, and the lake surface began to have waves, which were also ten feet high.

"You two, you are too aggressive. If you can't control it, please move elsewhere, so as not to arouse the prohibition left by the holy lady and disturb Kaifu."

The one who spoke was a thin and small monk, his face was full of wrinkles, and he looked eighty or ninety years old at least.

Wearing a gray monk's robe, there are no other things such as Buddha, Zen staff, etc. The only thing special is that when both hands are put together, there is only one thumb on the left hand.

With such obvious features, Meng Qiu recognized the person as Chan Master Duzhi from Jingbo Temple in Shangfangshan, Suzhou, an eminent Buddhist monk.

He glanced at it and said: "My mission today is to guard the magic wave pool and prevent others from entering. It doesn't matter whether it is blocked by the formation or I guard it.

Monk, if you want to go in, just say it openly, don't show off your little tricks.It's fine to lie to yourself, why bother to lie to me, it's useless to make people laugh. "

"Not bad!" A chubby monk with a fat head and big ears came out from the south with a smile, and said:

"If you have an idea, say it clearly, why bother talking about it, pretending not to care on the surface, and itching in your heart.

Acting like this is completely devoid of the demeanor of a Buddhist monk, and the ancestors are ashamed of you. "

"Haha Patriarch?" Ling Hun recognized the person and was very surprised. He whispered to Meng Qiu, saying:
"This old monster has been famous for many years, his magic power is extremely high, he is not inferior to Lu Pao and others, and he is extremely difficult to deal with.

However, although he was born in a sect, he has always been a loner, and hardly associates with Buddhism or demon sects. This meeting has accepted the invitation of demon sects, and I am afraid that the visitors will not be kind. "

Before Meng Qiu could answer, he saw Yixiu the divine camel flying out, and stood in front of Patriarch Haha, saying:
"Old monster, I haven't seen you for many years. Why are you becoming more and more useless, and you are now working as a running dog for the Demon Sect?"

"Hey!" Haha Ancestor was not angry, and said with a smile: "Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps, you are not the same as cast under the sect of Master Ji Le, how much better than me?"

"I want to use Yi to return the cave to the heavens and resettle Shan's wife." Yixiu said, "You are a widow and a poor monk, who will entrust you to you?
Could it be that you have lost your heart, gave up your ascension, and prepared to hide in the cave to end your life? "

Haha Patriarch said angrily: "Gongyehuang can survive the catastrophe and be promoted to a god, how can I be willing not to give it a try?
As for avoiding disasters and catastrophes, that is a later matter.Maybe if I work hard, I can trigger the Ascension Tribulation to go to the Lingkong Immortal Realm in a short time? "

"Hahahaha! Are you still having such a dream? Come on, let me wake you up!" Yixiu laughed a few times, and greeted the other party:

"However, none of you are my opponent. You might as well ask your companions to attack together. I will catch them all. Let's see how many people there are in the Demon Sect. I want to play the idea of ​​Huanbochi."

Haha Patriarch also laughed a few times, and said: "You said this, then we will not be polite. Everyone, come out, let this hunchback get to know each other well."

As soon as the words fell, the black mist in the south parted, and six figures appeared.

The first one was a middle-aged man in gorgeous Taoist attire, Yixiu was stunned for a moment, but when he saw another old woman next to him, his face changed drastically.

The woman was no more than four feet long, and she was thin and dry, almost like a zombie.The head is dove-shaped, the face is as black as ink, and a pair of blue eyes are faintly fierce.

The whole body is naked, except for a short skirt made of bird feathers and leaves intertwined around the waist, and a cloud shoulder of the same material on the upper body, but it looks resplendent.

Her hands and feet are like bird's claws, and she holds a dove stick in her left hand, black air surrounds her body, dove eyes are shining brightly, and colored smoke curls from her mouth from time to time.

"Jin Shenjun, Jiupanpo, Xuanyuan old monster?" Yixiu said in a deep voice, "Are you all here?"

The middle-aged man in front is Jinshenjun, the younger brother of the old man Shibi, who is proficient in magic. Once he joins forces with the old ancestor Haha, Yixiu will find it difficult to cope.

And the old woman at the back was born in the Heavenly Demon Dao, and belonged to the same sect as the Xingxiu Demon Lord. She was ordered by the Patriarch Shichengshan to set up the naked teaching, and the method of refining the form of the Heavenly Demon taught was also extremely powerful.

The three of them went out together, even if Yixiu tried his best, he could only hold back for a moment.

What's more, next to him is the Kongtong old monster Xuanyuan Dharma King who is wearing a golden Taoist robe with a big gossip embroidered on the back.

The cultivation of this person and the previous three people are only brothers, and if they join hands, Yixiu has absolutely no possibility of resisting.

Besides, Moshi the Poison Hand, the disciple of the Fawang, as well as Xu Wan, the Underworld Sage, and the Bone God Lord, although they are also giants, are not worth mentioning.

Jin Shenjun said jokingly, "Tuozi Yi, I heard that you are going to pick up seven of us by yourself? That's really admirable!

Come, come, since you are so proud, what are you waiting for, do it quickly, let everyone see the demeanor of the leader of the seven truths. "

Yixiu really didn't expect that the Devil's Cult had gathered four top earthly immortals who were only one-tier inferior to him. Even if ordinary immortals descended, such as Gong Yehuang or even Lu Yu, they might not be able to match them.

But he has a strong temper, even when he bumped into the south wall, he refused to look back, snorted coldly, and was about to strike immediately.

Sun Xun, the Fairy of the Five Blessings, saw something was wrong, quickly stood up, and said with a smile: "Little Jin, it's because my husband isn't here that you dare to be so arrogant?"

Back then, the Demon Cult failed in the struggle against the Orthodox Church headed by Master Changmei, so they were not allowed to hide from the world in West Kunlun.

All the demons would not go out according to the appointment, but Jin Shenjun was lustful by nature, couldn't bear the coldness, went out to collect mending, but was bumped into by the real person of Ji Le, and beat him half to death.

From then on, he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore, took his disciples and the witch he loved, and hid in the cave in the middle of the mountain. He disappeared for many years and dared not go out.

Naturally he recognized Sun Xun, hatred surged in his heart for a moment, he opened his mouth, wanting to say some harsh words, but he was afraid of the prestige of Daoist Ji Le, so he dared not open his mouth.

I had no choice but to turn to the side, and said: "Today, I was ordered by my master Asura to come to help the Demon Sect and seize the magic wave pool.

Whoever stands in front is the enemy.Humpty B, you have to be afraid, leave quickly, do you expect others to stand up for you? "

Yixiu was interrupted by this, but calmed down.If it was his own business, he would take it no matter what, but today is at the invitation of Master Ji Le.

Entrusted by others, for matters of loyalty, he can only suppress his anger and say: "You trash, don't show off your aggressive tactics.

If you really have the guts, come out and have a one-on-one with me.You take turns, I am not afraid.Whoever wins stays, whoever loses goes, how dare you? "

Jin Shenjun said: "I'm waiting for the situation to be strong, and I can just push it over. Why do I have to fight with you alone, like in a ring?"

Meng Qiu frowned, and stopped holding hands with Zheng Dianxian.If it is a competition of strength, it is not necessarily lost to the Devil's Cult here, but on my side, I am facing more than the Devil's Cult. When I look up, there are enemies on all sides.

Not to mention Emei, but Buddhist monks and nuns, one by one, it seems that they are not easy to deal with.Even Yifan, the heroic monk, seemed to be the weakest of them all.

Sun Xun also understood, sighed, and asked, "Friend Daoist Meng, is it difficult for you to deal with those Emei people alone?"

Meng Qiu glanced at the Emei formation, only Kuxing Toutuo, Baiyun Shitai, Shanxia Shitai, Yudong real Yue Yun, Qingnang Fairy Hua Yaosong and Daxiongling Kuzhuan Zheng Dianxian said with a smile:
"They are far behind the Demon Sect, only the ascetic Toutuo is strong, and the rest, although they can't be called local chickens and dogs, they are just that.

Don't worry, Sun Daoyou, as long as I stand in front of the cave gate, no one from Emei will be allowed to pass. "

"That's fine." Sun Xun nodded and said, "Friend Daoist Yi, I and other fellow Daoists will fight against the Demon Sect with you.

You pick two, I stop one, and ask Ling Daoyou to coordinate the rest.The enemy is formidable, so you must put your own life first, if things go wrong, it doesn't matter if you give up. "

But Ling Hun shook his head and said: "Old monster Xuanyuan is handed over to me, and the remaining three murderous hands, Moshi, Xu Wan and Bone Old Demon, should not be difficult to deal with.

It's just that the old and bald Buddhists are watching covetously, who can deal with it? "

Ning Yizi, Grandma Jin, and Eighth Aunt Zheng could take over the three from the Momen, but the last remaining Lu Min and Cui Haike, let alone stop the Buddhism, I am afraid that even the Wutai Sect or the Kunlun Sect can't stop them.

Sun Xun didn't answer, just cupped his hands in the air and said, "I still have to trouble a few people!"

Immediately, there was a clear movement in the air, and the seven men and women showed their figures.

There is only one Dao boy who is about fourteen or five years old and has a strange appearance, and the rest are all Dao bone fairy winds, rich gods and peerless,

That Dao Tong was born with tiger face and leopard head, blond hair and purple eyebrows, golden eyes and double pupils, he bowed his hands and said: "I am Chi Zhang Immortal Tong Ruan Jiu, the direct disciple of Chi Zhang Daoist, I have met Senior Sun and several fellow Taoists."

Yixiu widened his eyes and said, "You have come unexpectedly, then your master..."

Ruan Jiu nodded, stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, then made a false introduction, and introduced:
"These two are my junior sister Gan Biwu and Ding's daughter-in-law, and my three senior nephews Chen Wenji, Guan Qingyi, and Zhao Hui. The last one is my apprentice Yin Songyun."

Gan Biwu is a young woman about 23 years old who wears a lotus-colored Luo shirt with a silk sash around her waist, emerald green Sala cloud shoulders, silk socks and red shoes, and holds a dust whisk in her hand.

Another girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in a gauze as thin as onion's wings, with gold rings on her chest, and a pink lotus skirt around her waist, is Ding's daughter-in-law.

Chen, Guan, and Zhao are all dressed up as young girls, in light yellow palace attire, with cloudy temples and maids, graceful and graceful, all of them are in every possible way glamorous.

Each of them carried a quaint hexagonal flower basket with a shallow bottom, inside which was a long-handled duckbill flower hoe with a red bamboo handle and a purple jade head.

Yin Songyun is the youngest in generation, but looks the oldest, middle-aged, with a feathered star crown, and a well-behaved greeting, without any characteristics.

Seven people came out at once, all of whom had cultivation bases of Earth Immortals.Let's look at the first three, they seem ordinary, everyone knows that they are back to basics.

Not only did the forces of all parties marvel, even Meng Qiu and the others felt a big stone fall from their hearts, their expressions relaxed and smiles appeared on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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