Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 272: Battle of Swordsmanship

Chapter 272: Battle of Swordsmanship
After everyone got to know their names, Ruan Jiu said to Yixiu: "Friend Yi, let's talk about it later, and listen to Senior Sun's orders first."

Wufu Fairy Sun Xun's cultivation may not be higher than his, but for the face of the real person of Ji Le, the two families have long been friends, so they dare not ignore it.

"What else is there to arrange? Since you are here, you and I and Sun Daoyou will deal with the gang of demons together. The rest, poor beggars, will be easy to deal with."

Ruan Jiu smiled and didn't respond, he only looked at Sun Xun, who said, "It's still not necessary, we can deal with these people from the Demon Sect.

If you look at the people from the Buddhist sect, Zen Master Duzhi, Zen Master Wuming and Master Niren, the God of Xiaohan Mountain, are all masters who have been enlightened for a long time. Although they seldom go out, their magical powers cannot be underestimated. "

Among the earth immortals, she may not be the most powerful group. In terms of knowledge, there are not many who can surpass her.

Ruan Jiu followed suit, and went straight to the Buddhist sect, saying: "Ruan Jiu, Lingqiao Palace, Tianpeng Mountain, together with my juniors and juniors, I will ask some masters for advice!"

In the lead was an old monk, tall and tall, with benign eyebrows and kind eyes, dressed in cassock and holding a Zen staff, said:
"I heard that the Tianpeng Mountain where the Lingqiao Palace is located is located on the edge of the sea and the poor, separated by quicksand falling by hundreds of thousands of miles, and connected to the spiritual sky and heaven by the height.

Thousands of feet from the top to the bottom, the mountain is full of volcanoes, smog is pervasive all year round, flames are flying, molten rock flows gold, and the flames are like blazes;

There is no grass on both sides, and you have to cross these areas of ice and fire, rise [-] feet, and rush through the seven-layer cloud belt to gradually enter the better place.

This fairy mountain resort, Changchun in all seasons, has boundless beauty. There is a pair of unworldly masters, Chizhang Daoren and Chizhang, who have become immortals.

The two seniors have great supernatural powers and boundless mana, and they are by no means inferior to any masters in Middle Earth.It is only because of indifference to fame and fortune that he lives in seclusion here, does not communicate with outsiders, and isolates the footprints of immortals.

Since the fellow Taoists came from Lingqiao Palace, they should also be noble people who are not contaminated by the mundane world, so why do they want to stand up for others today? "

He told the story of the Tianpeng Mountain group's origins, in order to remind his companions that they should not be underestimated.

Ruan Jiu said with a smile: "In life, no one has many friends. I came out this time, of course I was invited by my friends to help me out.

Old Zen master, you see that this place is not big, and it is not enough for us to develop individually. Why don't we find another place to fight the law, and it will be quieter. "

Naturally, the Zen master could hear the other party's perfunctory, sighed, knowing that it would be useless to talk too much, so he said, "That's fine. There are so many people here, it's hard to take care of yourself in a fight, and it's not good to hurt anyone."

He greeted his companions, including Zen Master Duzhi, Master Niren of Xiaohan Mountain, Yifan the Xia Monk, Master Suyin, a disciple of Utanni, and Yang Jin, a disciple of Fantu.

Especially the last one, who has a strong background, is the reincarnation of Ling Xuehong, the younger sister of the poor god Linghun and the wife of Bai Guyi, the cloud chasing old man.

In the previous life, he was seriously injured by the demon corpse Gu Chen and died, and he was able to reincarnate only with the help of Buddhist methods.In addition, Fentuo God Ni was her former master, so after awakening her memory, she returned to Fenduo's sect.

After the group left, Yixiu and Sun Xun also pulled the Demon Sect monk to the other side.

Although there are many masters among the Momen people, and when it comes to cultivation, Jinshenjun, Haha Patriarch, Xuanyuan Fawang and Jiupanpo are all under Yixiu, but Meng Qiu is not worried.

Not to mention that Yixiu's supernatural powers are almost comparable to such gods as Gongyehuang, even if Sun Xun and Ling Hun have the seven treasures golden pillar and nine heaven Yuanyang ruler in their hands respectively, they cannot win or lose.

Most of the people left and found other places to fight, and the crowd of onlookers also split into waves and rushed to various places.

Seeing that the cave was about to open, Meng Qiu said with a smile: "The limelight has been snatched away, so what can I do. Zheng Dianxian, and Emei fellow Taoists, let's not waste time, let's start too."

Many of the rules in the practice world today were established by Daoist Changmei and a group of companions. For example, in the current competition for the cave, once it is decided who will lose and who will go, then the fight will be open and aboveboard.

Of course, such rules are not too restrictive.When the cave is opened, it is not impossible to sneak in.

But if you have torn your face, don't complain about it when other people are ruthless.

At this time, the bright moon gradually slanted, and a pool of water also rose to the highest point, revealing the bottom of the magic wave pool, which was shaped like a wooden basin.

The walls of the pool are all made of quartz mica, which complement each other and illuminate the surroundings as bright as day.Five tall and large caves are neatly arranged on the round wall.

The sky of the cave has been opened, the ground at the bottom is as flat as a stone, and there is a deep cave with a diameter of about one hundred feet, which is dark and bottomless.

At this moment, Meng Qiu was alone, blocking the entrance of the cave, laughing and talking.

Not only everyone in Emei, but also some casual cultivators around him, who couldn't see his current state, thought he was still a loose immortal, and were a little ready to move.

On the contrary, Master Tuotuo sent by Wutai sat on the top of the mountain with a smile on his face. At this moment, he didn't see any movement.

The rest of Kunlun Zhifei Zen Master, Mr. Zhong, and Youlongzi Wei Shaoshao are all knowledgeable, and since the appearance of the heavenly immortals, they have given up the idea of ​​competing for the cave.

This meeting also had no intention of making a move, but it was rare to see this battle, and unwilling to leave, the three of them went to various battlefields to watch the battle.

Meng Qiu asked for a fight, but Zheng Dianxian calmed down and looked to the side.

Xuan Zhenzi went to another place, where the ascetic Toutuo should be the master, but this person has always ignored the secular world in Emei, so now only Master Baiyun can come forward.

She flew out with a cold face, and shouted: "You little villain, you really don't know how to live or die. I didn't care too much about you because of the rules left by my teacher, do you really think that Emei has nothing to do with you?

Now I am more and more ignorant of the heights of heaven and earth, first I resorted to tricks and deceived the seven treasures of Buddhism, and now I dare to get involved in the dispute between caves and heavens. If you are not punished, the world will think that Emei is easy to bully. "

Meng Qiu didn't pay attention to Mrs. Baiyun, but looked behind her, standing ascetic toutuo, Mrs. Shanxia, ​​Yudong real Yue Yun, Qingnang fairy Hua Yaosong, Daxiongling Kuzhuan Zheng Dianxian, and five earth immortals.

He stared at Ascetic Toutuo, and said: "Back then in Qingluoyu, I saw fellow ascetics fighting with fellow Taoist Tuotuo, the profoundness of Buddhism was amazing.

It's a pity that I couldn't see the world-famous invisible swordsmanship of fellow Taoists, and it's a deep regret.Today, thanks to the blessing of Daoist Master Ji Le, it is a joy to be able to fight swords with fellow Taoists. "

Kuxing Toutuo stood up and said: "Friend Daoist Meng's swordsmanship is also impressive to me, if I encounter it at other times, I must ask for advice.

But right now, the fight for the cave is really a major event in Emei, and I can't help myself.Therefore, the fellow Taoists who were watching could only be disappointed.

Today's battle is not for sword fighting, but for a victory, regardless of means. "

Most of the people below left early, and most of the rest are fond of swordsmanship, such as Mr. Zhong and Taoist Tie Mao, who are here specially to observe Meng Qiu's swordsmanship.

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "Whether it's swordsmanship or Taoism, no matter how powerful it is, it's just skill and not the right path.

I practiced hard, and finally reached the realm of the earth fairy, but my fellow Taoists didn't mention it, which is really sad. "

While talking, he sacrificed the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and slashed at the stone wall on the right, a red light flashed, and he heard a cry of "Ouch", and a person fell out of the void.

"Maguan Daoist Si Taixu?" Qingsang Fairy Hua Yaosong sneered and said, "You are such a bereaved dog, how dare you come here to ask for cheap?"

Just now, while Meng Qiu was arguing with everyone in Emei, Si Taixu groped quietly to the side, and slowly groped towards the entrance of the magic wave pool.

He couldn't see Meng Qiu's realm, and he was conceited that he was good at hiding and could hide it from the other party, so he became greedy and prepared to break into the cave by surprise.

But they don't know that although his escaping method is brilliant, he can hide the truth from Master Baiyun, but Meng Qiu and Kuxing Toutuo have already seen through it.If you don't eat Nanming Lihuo's sword, you will also be touched by the invisible sword.

Fortunately, Si Taixu was quite alert, when the sword light came, he hurriedly used a defensive treasure that had been with him for many years to meet him.Although the magic weapon was destroyed, fortunately, he survived the blow without losing his life.

This sword also frightened him very much, after calling out, he didn't dare to stay, and immediately fled with all his might.

Just when Meng Qiu made a move and Si Taixu escaped, a black light slammed into the five cave gates like lightning.

"Looking for death!" Meng Qiu laughed lightly, and with a flash of sword light, a red rainbow hung in front of everyone's eyes, followed by a scream, and another figure appeared.

This man was of medium build, dressed as a monk, so bald that he didn't even have a single eyebrow, and his description was ruthless. He wore a magic bag on his waist, two knives and a banner on his back.

He looked at Meng Qiu, his face suddenly turned into panic, he pointed at him, said "you, you" several times, fell headlong, and died immediately.

The crowd was suddenly silent.Previously, Si Taixu was also a famous Earth Immortal, and he was seriously injured by a move, which is shocking enough.

Now this person has a bigger background and died faster, making many people dare not imagine their own eyes.

This savage monk is one of the four evils in Yangjiaoling, Boke Daban, Tianshan Mountain. His surname is Xu and his name is Tao. He is known as the bald god in various sects. He is proficient in evil methods, arrogant and unreasonable.

Master Baiyun also shrank her eyes when she saw them. She didn't notice the two sneaking just now, but under Meng Qiu's sword, one was wounded and the other died.

She had already tried her best to overestimate the enemy, but she didn't want the opponent to become an Earth Immortal, and now his cultivation was completely impenetrable.

She couldn't help looking at Ascetic Toutuo, but saw the latter shook his head, sighed, and said, "Junior Sister, take out the five-element formation flag. Otherwise, there will be a fight later, and I won't be able to protect you. I'm afraid there will be casualties."

The implication is that they are not optimistic about Master Baiyun and the others who can resist Meng Qiu's sword moves.

Mrs. Fanxia and Zheng Dianxian both looked ugly, but they had to admit that, until now, neither of them seemed to be able to withstand the power of the enemy's sword.

Mrs. Baiyun took out five flags, divided into white, blue, black, red and yellow, namely Ruijin Banner, Jumu Banner, Hongshui Banner, Raging Fire Banner and Houtu Banner, and handed them to Mrs. Fanxia, ​​Yue Yun, Hua Yaosong and Zheng Dianxian.

The five people lined up in five directions, and as soon as the flag moved, a beam of brilliance flew up from each of them, and they met in the air to form a group of five-color brilliance, which slowly descended and turned into a giant five-color umbrella, protecting the six Emei people inside.

Meng Qiu's two swords just now scared away the monks who wanted to fish in troubled waters, so he didn't move now and let Emei use it.

Ascetic Toutuo shook his head, moved his body, flew out of the umbrella, and told Master Baiyun: "You take good care of yourself." After saying that, he released the invisible sword and floated in front of him.

This sword is made by combining the inheritance of the heart sword of the Daxue Mountain lineage of Buddhism, combined with the spiritual sword technique of Changmei Daoist, picking [-] kinds of elixir, absorbing the elites of the sun and the moon and the pure gold of Western Taiyi, and refining it.

When not in use, it is three feet long, the whole body is like crystal, and as thin as a cicada's wing;

He said: "Although I have practiced this divine sword, I have always had a regret, that is, I have not been able to create a powerful sword technique to match it like Master Ji Le.

Previously, no matter whether he was competing with Master Qi or asking Brother Xuan Zhenzi for advice, his sword skills could only stay at the ordinary level, and he still missed the point.

You, Meng Daoyou, are famous all over the world for your swordsmanship. You have the three great skills of sword light turning into rainbow, sword energy thunder sound and practice sword into silk.

Even if there is no such thing, I am going to find an opportunity to discuss with you and see if I can draw inferences and get some inspiration.

Therefore, please be a fellow Taoist, and when you fight with swords later, don't hold back your hands, let me see how much difference there is between you and me. "

Meng Qiu nodded and said, "Since the request is so sincere, fellow Taoist, I will naturally not refuse. I just want to see what the world-famous Invisible Sword will look like."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Master Baiyun's complexion changed, and he said: "Senior brother, the matter of the cave is of great importance, and you cannot let yourself be willful.

Please also take the overall situation as the most important thing, quickly enter the five-element formation, and we will work together, even if he has great abilities, he will never stop us. "

"Heh!" Before the ascetic Toutuo could speak, Mr. Zhong, the unknown sword fairy of Kunlun flew out of the crowd, and said to Mrs. Baiyun and the others from a distance:

"Sword repairing event, how can someone make trouble here? Fellow Daoist Meng, fellow ascetic, you just fight swords, I will come and watch them."

There are three top sword skills in the practice world, Sword Qi Huahong, Sword Qi Leiyin and Sword Light Differentiation, besides this, the other three sword skills are equally famous.

They are the Qiankun Chixian Divine Sword Technique of the Bliss Boy, the Invisible Sword Technique of the Ascetic Toutuo, and the Thousand Shadow Phantom Light Sword Technique of Mr. Zhong.

The first three do not need to rely on flying swords, as long as you learn swordsmanship, you can use them; the latter three can only be effective if you cooperate with a unique flying sword.

It's just that apart from Master Ji Le's swordsmanship and flying swords being fully mature, the other two have their own shortcomings. Ascetic Toutuo's swordsmanship is not strong enough, while Mr. Zhong's flying sword is much worse.

But despite this, the fighting skills of the two are still far superior to those of their peers, and they are both top-notch among the earth immortals.

For example, the ancestor in green robe or the ancestors of Jinshenjun and Haha just now may have a higher realm, but if they really do it, they will be weaker.

Meng Qiu was naturally happy to find a helper like Mr. Zhong on the way, and said with a smile, "Then thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhong. When I win this round, I will make an appointment to ask for advice later."

After all, Nanming Lihuo Sword has already rushed towards the ascetic Tutuo.

(End of this chapter)

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