Chapter 273

I saw a red light flying up from the bottom of the magic wave pool, stretching for hundreds of feet, like a long rainbow passing by.

"Worthy of being an immortal in the sword, once you make a move, it is extraordinary!" Ascetic Toutuo narrowed his eyes, and added two more points to the spirit of the fight.

This move seems to be simple and ordinary, it is nothing more than drawing a sword light in the air with mana, but one has to look carefully to distinguish clearly that a long rainbow is completely drawn by sword energy.

From the beginning to the end, it is generally thick and uniform, and it is not bad, showing extremely superb control.

The sword energy blinked in front of his eyes, Ku Toutuo immediately urged the invisible sword, forced to block it down, the sword light collided with the opponent's sword energy, and the bullet flew up.

In such a situation, it is as if he shoots a bow and arrow and is picked up by the opponent.The red light was like a man wielding a hundred-foot long knife.

Meng Qiu came up with a strange move, and after taking the initiative, he didn't hesitate, when the red light moved, the sword energy shrank into a ball, and went straight to the ascetic Toutuo.

Toutuo had no choice but to retreat a hundred zhang upwards. Taking the opportunity to dodge, the invisible sword jumped twice in the air, like floating in water, and arrived in front of him in an instant, blocking the enemy's sword energy.

This time he was on guard, and his magic power was abundant.But as soon as the two swords came into contact, he felt that the opponent's sword was very light, with little strength.

"Oops!" Ascetic Toutuo understood that there was another chess mistake, and immediately reacted, the invisible sword retreated instead of advancing, with a flicker, it fell to the side, and then disappeared.

After a ten-thousandth of a second, a flame rose from where he was standing, and then a divine sword flew out from the flame.

The black and white swords on Mr. Zhong's back flew up long ago and turned into two dragons, circling in the air around the Emei five-party flag array.

At every turning point, infinite light is born, and it changes into seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, which circulate continuously.Inside each ray of light, there are countless flying swords hidden.

Facing the Thousand Shadows Phantom Light Sword Technique, Master Baiyun and the others in the formation did not dare to be arrogant at all, and did not do anything else. They just sat cross-legged in the air, holding the flag with both hands, to block the shining brilliance.

This kind of swordsmanship pays attention to the transformation of yin and yang, the intergeneration of virtual and real, and the seemingly powerless sword light may turn into a real flying sword in the next moment.

With the strength of one person, he suppressed Master Baiyun, Master Fanxia and others, and there were still two of the seven reals in the middle, which already shocked many people. What was even more shocking was that Mr. Zhong still had the strength to watch the duel between the two on the other side carefully.

He first admired Meng Qiu's whimsical thinking, and when he saw the sword of Ascetic Toutuo, he couldn't help but admire: "The invisible sword escape is really wonderful."

As he spoke, Ascetic Toutuo had already left his place and appeared a hundred feet away. As soon as he appeared, he saw the invisible sword being thrown out, intending to snatch back the first hand.

The flying sword, as thin as a cicada's wing, only appeared in the air for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace.Meng Qiuyun looked at it with all his eyes, but he couldn't detect any trace of the invisible sword, so he had to be careful.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was movement in the spiritual energy in front of him, he hurriedly sent Nanming Lihuo sword around, and with a ding sound, the enemy was repelled.

It's just that the invisible sword still escaped into the void, and could not find a trace, ready to wait for the opportunity to move.

Lurking on the side like this, Meng Qiu couldn't find the target, and it was difficult to attack for a while, so he had to passively defend.

I saw the invisible sword, like a fish jumping out of the water from time to time, attacking from all directions and angles.

Coming from above, Meng Qiu mobilized the flying sword to block it above his head; attacking from behind, Nanming Lihuo sword immediately rushed over to intercept it.

From the perspective of outsiders, it is natural that ascetic tutuo has the upper hand and overwhelms the enemy.

But in the eyes of masters of swordsmanship like Mr. Zhong and Taoist Tie Mao, Meng Qiu's response was simply perfect.

No matter how elusive the ascetic toutuo's flying sword was, Meng Qiu always responded with one sword and never made a second sword.And every sword is just right, just able to resist the incoming force, and will not waste any mana.

This kind of swordsmanship requires not only precise vision and rich experience, but also extremely superb skills.

Pointing, cutting, wiping, lifting, grid, circle, etc., the swordsmanship changes in a variety of ways, not to mention that there is no arm restraint, and it is hidden in the dark, which is even more unexpected.

With tens of millions of angles, there are tens of millions of forces and changes. Meng Qiu can distinguish them in an instant and deal with them accurately. The difficulty is like carving flowers on the tip of a needle.

Such a short half an hour, Meng Qiu didn't retreat half a step, and he couldn't make any progress, so he had to change his moves.

It wasn't that he was incapable of mana, but that the opponent was always defending, wishing to spend ten days and half a month.But Emei wanted to seize Yihuan Cave, but had to break into Huanbochi Cave.

Ascetic Toutuo sighed in his heart: "After all, the sword skills are not good enough. If you try to be brave, you will never be able to break through the opponent's block. You have to change your moves."

He immediately exposed the invisible sword, fixed it in the air, poured mana into it, and a white light suddenly appeared on the flying sword, which was as thin as a cicada's wing, and it was as thick as a sword with a scabbard.

He practiced Taoism much longer than the other party, so he didn't think about anything else, he just used magic power to deceive others, thinking to himself that it was the best way to reverse the situation.

As soon as the sword light came up, Meng Qiu was on guard. He poured mana into the Nanming Lihuo Sword and let it go out. With a "bang", the two swords collided, and the sword energy was scattered in all directions.

Most of them rushed to the surroundings, drawing traces on the stone wall.There are quite a few left, heading towards the phantom wave pool in mid-air.

If these sword qi are allowed to enter the pool and stir up, the magic wave pool may not be able to withstand it, maybe it will fall down and block the door of the cave, and everyone's hard work for a long time will be in vain.

"It can't be called a trivial matter, it disturbs everyone's interest in watching the sword fight."

Seeing this, Mr. Zhong quickly waved the dust whisk in his hand, the silver thread danced, formed a net in the air, and fell to the bottom of the floating magic wave pool.

The sword energy was like rain, hitting the dense net, the net shook for a while, but it was not damaged at all.

Ascetic Toutuo was surprised by this test, only to realize that Meng Qiu's magic power was as strong as his own.

"Could it be that he tried his best to resist this time?" He was suspicious, and hurriedly urged the invisible sword, and came one after another head-on.

In the end, I was very surprised with Mingku Xingtuotuo. Among the dozen or so collisions, I still had some advantages in the first few times, but later, Meng Qiu seemed to have figured out his routine, turned against the guest, and even suppressed him.

At this meeting, many people were able to see the situation clearly, and immediately knew how powerful Meng Qiu was, and there were many discussions.

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, the Invisible Sword is supposed to be light and agile. Why does it collide with me repeatedly? It's a little bit of putting the cart before the horse."

Kuxin Tutuo nodded, and said: "Fellow Daoist is right, I am not good at learning arts, and some classes use axes, and I am overestimated.

But today's battle cannot be avoided, and the invisible sword is my most powerful method, so I can only bite the bullet and ask Fellow Daoist Meng for advice. "

He suddenly changed his rhythm, and saw that the invisible sword no longer attacked head-on, but tossed and moved in the air without giving way. Occasionally, he saw a flaw and attacked quickly, swiftly and lightly.

In the eyes of most people, this kind of swordsmanship is extremely good. It is like a stream of water, pervasive, and once it gains power, it will continue continuously.

Meng Qiu laughed and said, "That's right, I also want you to see my methods."

He also changed the sword technique accordingly, and the sword light immediately became lighter, like a pair of little butterflies, chasing each other, very lively.

Meng Qiu was able to delay time, but the ascetic Toutuo could not. He simply increased his mana infusion, and his swordsmanship was even worse.

It has to be said that after the combination of power and force, the swordsmanship is not only not clumsy, but more flexible.

Meng Qiu also had to get serious, the imperial envoy Flying Sword, the swordsmanship he showed was only a line above, maintaining an invincible undefeated.

Only half a minute later, Ascetic Toutuo couldn't help but sighed, and had to change his tactics again, and added the invisible sword escape.

It has to be said that the invisible sword technique is only complete if it is combined with the invisible sword.Even though his swordsmanship was inferior to Mr. Zhong's, but judging from the scene, it seemed that he was better.

Rao Meng Qiu had just seen the invisible sword's flickering and extinguishing attack method, and it still feels fresh.

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't want to be passive defensive like before, so I used another method.

He urged the Nanming Lihuo sword, the red light was shining like a furnace, the sword energy came out from the edge of the sword, and immediately turned into silk threads.

When it collided with the invisible sword, the red silk thread immediately entangled it, entangled the edge of the sword, and did not cause any damage. It was just used for positioning, so as to save a little energy and be on guard all the time.

Ascetic Toutuo naturally didn't want his ultimate move to fail, the invisible sword turned into something tangible, jumped a few times, but couldn't get rid of it, and after another hid, he couldn't come out for a long time.

It's just that the red silk thread followed all the way like a gangrene attached to the bone.He hastily mobilized his mana and suddenly opened it, but the red thread immediately turned into a fake, and it couldn't be removed, even if he thought about other methods, it was the same.

In this way, the biggest advantage of the invisible sword, invisible and formless, has been cracked.He didn't catch him by surprise, but his penance Toutuo's swordsmanship was much worse, so he was beaten back and forth.

Seeing this, Master Baiyun became very anxious, and waved the sharp gold flag fiercely, emitting a white ray of light, piercing the sky.

It's just that this tactic fell into the illusion created by Mr. Zhong, as if the water was cut off with a knife, and the water was still flowing after the knife passed through, so it had no effect at all.

She didn't dare to fly out of the formation by herself, so she had to call out to her companions and make their moves together.

But seeing white light, blue light, black light, red light, and yellow light flow in sequence, impacting the illusion, forcing Mr. Zhong to be serious.

With a clear whistle, the two flying swords floated and sank, wobbling unsteadily, each sending out black and white auras, and surrounded the five people on the opposite side, but they still did not attack.

In the Wufang Banner, Master Baiyun couldn't break free no matter how hard she tried, she was furious and said:
"Your surname Zhong, do you really want to fight against Emei? You must know that there are no immortals in your family now. If you go too far and go beyond the limit, I will report to Headmaster Ming Qi, please take action and teach you a lesson."

Hearing this, Kuxing Toutuo secretly said "Not good", and quickly remedied: "Zhong Daoyou and Baiyun Junior Sister, two beloved disciples, both died in the hands of Meng Daoyou, and the hatred is deep, so I am eager to speak nonsense, please don't take it to heart!"

Mr. Zhong sneered and said, "Can such a threat be explained clearly with a misunderstanding?"

He was about to make a move when Meng Qiu suddenly said, "Young Daoist Zhong, please step aside."

Without further ado, Mr. Zhong stepped aside immediately, but saw a ball of red light coming at a gallop, and hit the five-element flag array in the blink of an eye.

There was a loud bang, and the five elements and five colors of light first flourished, and then collapsed together.

A destructive aura spread out from the middle, first drowning Baiyun Shitai and the others.

Fortunately, these people's Taoism is profound, and they immediately sacrificed various body protection methods, light and magic weapons, and protected themselves at the first time, so as not to be humiliated.

It's just that Master Baiyun, Hua Yaosong, and Zheng Dianxian had the weakest mana, they lost sight of the other, and were blown back more than a hundred feet by a gust of wind.

At this time, Mr. Zhong had already surrounded the residual mana and strong wind sprayed into the magic wave pool, and the ascetic head Tuo also rolled up many residuals and wiped them away.

Meng Qiu's body flashed continuously, and the body-protecting light formed purely by mana resolved the disaster. At the same time, the sword light kept on, and then rushed towards Master Baiyun.

Ascetic Toutuo's face changed, and he quickly merged his sword with his body. The invisible sword pierced through the void and landed in front of Master Baiyun, waiting for this wave of offensive to be intercepted.

Meng Qiu seized the opportunity with one move, and immediately refused to give up, attacking like a storm, forcing the ascetic Tutuo to retreat steadily.

Master Baiyun didn't even have the ability to parry, so he could only follow the ascetic toutuo back, like duckweed in the water, he couldn't help himself, not to mention spending time to re-form the five-element flag array.

Meng Qiu killed him happily, and the ascetic Toutuo gradually became overwhelmed, feeling extremely helpless.If it were someone else, even Yixiu, he wouldn't be so aggrieved.

It happened to be Meng Qiu, who was skilled in swordsmanship, completely restrained his strongest method, and couldn't use it at all. He wanted help, but there was no movement around him.

The real person Yue Yun of Yudong, the fairy Hua Yaosong and Zheng Dianxian looked at each other, but they didn't move.Only Mrs. Shanxia was really worried, but she was also afraid of getting burned, so she dared not move.

Master Baiyun was extremely helpless and powerless, so he could only recite the Buddha's name on the sidelines, saying: "If the dusty crowd really exists, the Buddha would not say that it is a dusty crowd. So what? The Buddha said that the dusty crowd is not a dusty crowd, but it is called a dusty crowd."

Ascetic Toutuo himself is very good at nourishing Qi, but at this time, he is inexplicably agitated, he doesn't want to listen to it, and the Buddhist scriptures keep pouring into his mind.Until later, when I heard it in my ears, there was a change in my heart, and I kept saying:

"All causes and conditions produce dharmas. I say that there is nothing. It is also a false name, and it is also the middle way. There has never been a law that does not arise from causes and conditions. Therefore, all dharmas are empty."

After a while, with a long roar, he suddenly understood, and said: "There is no difference in space, I understand!"

The sword technique immediately changed, one moment was condensed and heavy, the next moment it was ethereal, and the alternation of light and dark made people unable to trace it.How many times Mr. Zhong's swordsmanship has the taste of yin and yang, the combination of virtual and real, but it is different.

There is no longer any gap between swordsmanship and flying swords, but empty and not empty, not empty and empty, like a lotus root, although it is disconnected, there is still a silk thread in the middle.

He shouted: "All causes and conditions produce dharma, I say it is empty. Why? All conditions are perfect and combined to produce things. It is because things belong to many causes and have no self-nature. Without self-nature, they are empty."

(End of this chapter)

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