Chapter 280 Misunderstandings
In the Ningbiya Great Hall, many elders of Emei gathered together.

"Senior Brother Third, you are finally back!" Beard Immortal Li Yuanhua greeted him with joy on his face.The drunken Taoist hesitated for a moment and followed.

Beside Mie Chenzi, there are only two of them, and the rest, Fan Xia, Wan Shi, Tong Yuanqi, etc., all have complex expressions, standing opposite each other, not saying a word.

Seeing this, Zhu Mei hurriedly pulled Bai Guyi, but the latter shook his head, so he could only let out a hesitation and said:
"Headmaster Qi, fellow Emei Taoists, I was a little bit exhausted from the battle just now, so I want to ask for a place to rest for a while. I'm afraid I won't be able to talk to you all at this meeting."

Hua Yaosong and Zheng Dianxian just woke up like a dream, and quickly agreed.Qi Shuming nodded and said:

"Fellow fellow Taoists who have worked so hard, came all the way to help out. Shen Tuhong and Ling Yun, you two, bring your juniors and sisters and treat your seniors well. Don't be negligent."

The old man Kuzhu and Lu Ruo looked at each other, and let them go out, only Bai Guyi and Yue Yun stayed here.

At this time, there were 18 people, excluding Bai and Yue, and from Xuanzhenzi down, there were ascetic Toutuo, Miechenzi, Master Baiyun, Jian Bingru, Qi Shuming, Xun Lanying, Master Shanxia, ​​Master Nianshi, Wanli Feihong Tong Yuanqi, Taoist Fenghuo Wu Yuanzhi, Master Yuanyuan, Li Yuanhua of Ranxian, Xu Yuantong of Kanli Zhenren, Zen Master Yuanjue of Haha Seng, and Zui Taoist.

Except for the three heavenly immortals, seven of them are senior brothers above Tong Yuanqi, Mrs. Yuanyuan, and two elders of the outer sect. There are nine in total.

It's just that under this good situation, there are also many contradictions.Just as Mie Chenzi was about to speak, Mrs. Fan Xia took the lead and said:

"Headmaster, senior brother, this time the Huanbochi team failed, not to mention that it caused senior sister Baiyun to suffer a great loss, and she is currently in a state of enchantment. Please help me in time."

Mie Chenzi had seen Master Baiyun's dazed expression for a long time, so he didn't know the specific situation, and knew that the matter was urgent, so he shut up immediately.

Qi Shuming hurriedly stepped forward, and after a while, he said, "It's okay, it's just that I've been stagnant for many years, and once I was tempted, I was taken advantage of by the demon. When I use my mana, I can wake up within a cup of tea."

After finishing speaking, he raised his right hand, shooting out a radiance, completely enveloping Mrs. Baiyun, and at the same time, he was slowly making tactic with his left hand, muttering something in his mouth.

After a while, Master Baiyun's face gradually thawed, and the original fierce and fierce expression gradually disappeared, until the last bit of black air disappeared from his forehead, and the whole body woke up.

She opened her eyes, and saw Qi Shuming in front of her at a glance, her face was full of shame, and she said: "Master, I have disappointed you this time. Under such a good situation, I was blocked by the little thief Meng Qiu, and my success fell short."

When Mie Chenzi heard Meng Qiu's name, he raised his eyebrows, but he didn't make a sound, but said in his heart: "So that kid is really so powerful, even Bai Yun and Shan Xia seem to be unable to take him down together?"

Qi Shuming shook his head, sighed, and said, "I can't blame you for this matter. Only senior brother and old fairy Lu make a move, even if they are against Master Ji Le, they won't be able to win.

What's more, the opening of Huanbochi's mansion is full of uproar this time, there will definitely be experts from various schools to take action, surrounded by wolves, it is not easy to escape smoothly, and we can't expect too much.

Originally, it was assumed that the Wutai faction was just bluffing and didn't dare to make a real move, so if I go with the old man Kuzhu, there may be some chances.Who would have thought that the old thief was so arrogant that he came to attack by force. "

He was a little surprised, and said, "But you said you were defeated by Meng Qiu, but what happened?"

Mrs. Baiyun hurriedly described this action, what she experienced, from the beginning, and Mrs. Fanxia added from the side.

When they heard that Meng Qiu alone was able to beat the ascetic Toutuo, everyone was shocked, even Mie Chenzi looked sideways, and muttered to himself:

"This kid always said that he was the No.1 of the younger generation. I thought it was bragging. I didn't want to really have such strength. You must know that Qi Lingyun is still in the realm of Sanxian."

"Later, Senior Sister Baiyun shot out Tianxuan God Sand, which covered the bottom of the magic wave pool, and the mana could not penetrate. I don't know the details." Mrs. Shanxia said while looking at the ascetic Toutuo beside her.

Master Baiyun was a little surprised, and said: "Did I even use this treasure after I became obsessed? Doesn't the entrance to Yihuan Cave no longer exist?"

"Shensha is powerful, but it is not without restraint." Ascetic Toutuo said: "At the critical moment, Fairy Han of Minshan White Rhinoceros Lake sacrificed Yu Ding to immobilize it. Then Meng Qiu used his unique skill of sword light to resolve this difficulty."

The power of Tianxuan Shensha was clear to everyone in Emei, and they couldn't help but look at each other when they heard that someone was able to defuse it head-on.

Jian Bingru retreated all the year round and knew little about the outside world, so she asked, "Is this rising star named Meng Qiu the casual cultivator I mentioned earlier who has a deep hatred with Emei?"

Miechenzi felt more and more confusing about the matter. Over the years, he had missed many important events, so it was hard to ask.

"It's this person." Qi Shuming said: "Unexpectedly, the child who was not amazing in the past has grown to the present level. If I had known that I would have done things better back then, I shouldn't be too shameless."

Master Baiyun was too annoyed, he gave the drunken Taoist a sideways look, and said: "If someone hadn't been stalking him and making trouble, the little thief surnamed Meng would have been defeated even if he had ten lives."

Yi Huan Dong Tian is too important, this big defeat made her very angry, she was very rude, even a little too much.

Xuan Zhenzi frowned, Qi Shuming coughed, and just about to speak, Mie Chenzi sneered, "Baiyun, where are your eyes looking? Say one more word, believe it or not, I'll dig it out!"

Although Master Baiyun didn't mean to scold him, but his words were kind of crooked and a bit pungent.

"You..." Master Baiyun was too angry, glaring, and wanted to speak, but seeing Mie Chenzi's eyes slightly narrowed, with a fierce light flashing, he was choked up, opened his mouth, and couldn't speak.

Qi Shuming frowned, and said: "Senior brother, Emei is facing a catastrophe right now, and it's the time when everyone is united, why bother to hurt the peace because of a small matter."

Miechenzi said: "Okay, let's not talk about trivial matters, let's continue with the previous dispute over the head teacher. I..."

"Okay, Emei is almost gone, you are still messing around here." Xuan Zhenzi opened his mouth, and everyone shut up.

He glanced around and said: "Junior Brother Qi, even if you and the old man Kuzhu go to Yihuanling, you still won't be able to compete for the cave, and you may even be out early."

Those angels in his future will speak out one by one, and every time he mentions one person, everyone will be shocked.

When he heard Tianmeng, Zunsheng, Honglian, Shibi, and the unnamed Immortal Chizhang Daoist, Miechenzi looked solemn and said:

"With these people around, the chances of competing for the return to the cave are really slim. Even if I go together, it is still unknown whether the five immortals can win against the three of the Demon Cult. Besides, we will inevitably divide our troops, or we will be targeted."

Xuan Zhenzi nodded and said: "It's good that Junior Brother understands. Although it is not a critical moment, the road ahead is long and full of difficulties. When you come back this time, just stay in peace and don't make trouble."

Mie Chenzi frowned, and said: "Eldest brother, why did you say that? What I'm asking for is fairness. I said it when I left last time, and now I'm mentioning it again. The score should be right. How can there be trouble?"

"There are 18 people in the seat, how many support you?" Xuan Zhenzi stretched out his hand, and then said: "Furthermore, the Taoism you are currently learning is still taught by the master. What qualifications do you have to point fingers here?"

"Eldest senior brother!" Everyone was in an uproar, Li Yuanhua, the bearded fairy, was shocked, and hurriedly said: "You have never asked about world affairs, why..."

Xuan Zhenzi waved his sleeves and said to him: "There is no need to say more about this matter. If you want to find out, just ask Junior Brother Zui."

Only now did Mie Chenzi realize that although Taoist Zui was on his side, his brows were tightly frowned, appearing to be preoccupied.

He turned his thoughts around a few times, and scanned the hall, Jian Bingru, Bai Yun, Shan Xia, Tong Yuanqi, etc. were all part of Qi Shuming's party, so there was no need to say more.

Ascetic Toutuo, Master Yuan Yuan, and Wu Yuanzhi have always been neutral, and they still don't say a word at this moment.

Mie Chenzi didn't care about these people after he became an immortal, but Xuan Zhenzi turned to Qi Shuming and blocked all his thoughts.

Originally, I wanted to make a fuss about the destruction of the surrounding area of ​​Emei, but now I know it can't.With a breath stuck in his chest, it took him a long time to recover, and said:

"Good trick! Since the big brother is helping you, then I have nothing to say. But if I stay in Ningbiya, firstly I can't stand this anger, and secondly, you guys will be uncomfortable seeing me, so don't let it go!"

He flew up the sword light, rolled up Li Yuanhua and the drunken Taoist, walked out of the hall with a flicker of figure, and quickly fled away again.

Qi Shuming sighed, and said: "I haven't seen you for many years, third senior brother is still so temperamental." He looked at Xuan Zhenzi, with many doubts in his heart.

"It's fine to leave." Xuan Zhenzi didn't explain, but said: "I'm still recovering from my wounds, and I can't stay long, I'm going back to the East China Sea.

Mount Emei requires you to spend some effort on grooming, and I would also like to apologize to Kuzhu and Lu Yu, two fellow Taoists. "

After finishing speaking, he ignored everyone's persuasion, left Ningbi Cliff, and headed east.

Previously Dasheng, in a blink of an eye only Qi Shuming was left as a fairy, and the eyes of all the elders were filled with worry.

Jian Bingru frowned and said: "This time the ascetic brothers were defeated in the Huanbochi, and Ningbiya suffered a catastrophe. Now the two angels have left again. If the news spreads, the reputation of Emei will suffer a serious blow."

Everyone felt the same way, and looked up one after another.Qi Shuming said: "It's okay, when the catastrophe comes, there will always be some trouble. Besides, these are not bad things.

In the past, the orthodox way was mostly supported by the reliance on me, so it was praised in every possible way, but it may not necessarily be convinced in the heart.Once you encounter setbacks, you will leave in a herd.

Such as Wudang, who only come to find us when we have troubles, but tell us what to do in the open and in the dark.There is also Luo Ziyan, the golden grandma, who was so friendly in the past, but now she is standing opposite, hostile to us.

The catastrophe is imminent, and all monsters, ghosts, and snake gods have appeared. Once enemies such as demons and Buddhists unite, we will not be able to resist, let alone be able to maintain the order of the practice world.

It would be better to take advantage of the Wutai faction's attack and declare to the outside world that Emei's vitality has been greatly damaged.No matter who comes to ask for help, he can wait a little longer, so as not to be used as a gunman. "

Everyone praised each other and left separately. Qi Shuming went to Old Man Kuzhu and Lu Yu to talk.


Mie Chenzi took the Zui Taoist and Li Yuanhua with him, and flew to Zijin Long in Huangshan, and stopped.

In front of a cold forest, a white horse stands horizontally, thick clouds spread over the sea, and the clouds are misty in an instant, spreading into brocade.The peaks of the mountains are exposed among the white clouds, like a plate of white jade.

Dozens of jade shoots protrude from it, which is very beautiful.Looking back at the Northeast, it is still clear and bright. A round of red sun is supported by one of the highest peaks.

Mie Chenzi chanted the mantra, the cloud suddenly divided into two parts, revealing a narrow path, going up along the mountain, it was extremely annoying, and it came down to the bottomless abyss, and there were piles of broken rocks at the bottom, about ten feet long, with their roots pointing upwards.

He led the two of them straight forward, walked through this section in a winding way, and made another turn, and suddenly saw the light.

But I saw a straight road passing through, with steep streams on both sides, thousands of walls standing still, supporting the big waterfall coming from the other side of the white sand shovel, which is more than a hundred feet wide, and the sound is like thunder, like lightning.

Mie Chenzi chanted the incantation, and the waterfall was like a curtain, parted in half in the middle, and moved to both sides, making way for a cave that had been hidden in the mountains for many years and had never been born.

When he went inside, all the arrangements were the same as when he left in a hurry, and after a few words of emotion, he asked: "Junior Drunk, the attitude and words of Senior Brother just now are very strange.

He has always been calm, and suddenly he helped Junior Brother Qi speak, there must be a reason for it.He said that you know the details, what is going on, please tell me quickly. "

Zui Taoist's expression was complicated, he looked over firmly, and said: "Senior brother, do you join the magic sect just like Senior Uncle Deng Yin?"

"Huh? Why do you have such an idea?" Miechenzi was a little surprised, but after a second thought, he thought of just now, and said, "Could it be that senior brother also had such a misunderstanding?"

Li Yuanhua was too shocked to speak, heard the drunken Taoist sigh and said: "Is this really a misunderstanding? The last time Zhuge police my nephew was overseas, didn't it be because he bumped into his senior brother that he was seduced by a demon and almost died."

"What a mess, when did I see Zhuge police me?" Mie Chenzi frowned, and said, "And what's the matter with seducing the demons? Tell me in detail."

The drunken Taoist took a deep breath and said: "About 20 years ago, Master Zhuge's nephew fought with fellow Taoist Meng Qiu, but his skills were not as good as others, and his arm was cut off, isn't it because you, brother, helped me fix it?
And last time, you asked Meng Qiu to send a letter, saying that you saw the demon corpse Gu Chen in the West Extreme Sect, and you met Zhuge Nephew on the way.

The first time you planted evil thoughts in the nephew's heart, making him more extreme; later this time, you went crazy even more, and you even triggered the catastrophe of the earth immortal in the fight with Gu Chen, and almost died.

All kinds of things like this, again and again, no matter how good the elder brother is, how can he tolerate you when he is public or private? "

After hearing him finish, Miechenzi said angrily: "Nonsense. For decades, I have been retreating in a certain place in the Middle Earth, trying to break into the realm of immortals. Where did I get the time to go overseas and torment the disciples of the senior brother?

I'm afraid it's not that Zhuge Jing was confused and couldn't recognize people; or I was deceived when I met an expert. "

The drunk Taoist didn't believe it, and said: "The nephew may be confused, but the letter that fellow Taoist Meng Qiu brought you last time, it must not be a fake, right?
When he was born, you retired early and had never seen him before, but you were able to accurately describe your appearance and said to meet you overseas, how could there be such a coincidence? "

"I didn't expect that I would hide my position and not let you know, but would cause so many misunderstandings." Mie Chenzi was not angry, and said:

"Forget it. You have preconceived ideas. If I say one-sided words, you must not believe it. Then take me to see Meng Qiu and let him tell you where I have been all these years. Will I be willing to degenerate and join the magic sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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