Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 281 The Enlightenment of the Drunken Way

Chapter 281 The Enlightenment of the Drunken Way
Just as the drunk Taoist was about to agree, he suddenly remembered something, he hesitated, hesitated to speak, and refused to move.

Miechenzi frowned and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Li Yuanhua said euphemistically: "Fellow Daoist Meng Qiu just stopped my faction from occupying the Magic Wave Pool, which is a great hostility. Is it appropriate to pass now?"

"What's wrong with this? Master once taught that sects are sects, and individuals are individuals, so we might as well make a clear distinction." Mie Chenzi was a little puzzled. As soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and said slowly:

"No. Just now Jian Bingru said that Meng Qiu and Emei have a deep hatred. This word is not used casually. As far as I know, the matter of robbing the cave is completely worthless in front of him.

Among them, there must be other things that made him say this. Two junior brothers, can you clear up my doubts? "

The drunk Taoist sighed, stopped Li Yuanhua from speaking, and said to himself, "Let me tell the story."

He told the story of Meng Qiu and Emei's enmity, without partiality, and explained Emei's injuries in several battles clearly.

"How courageous! He dared to kill my Emei disciple!" Miechenzi couldn't hold back several times. He wanted to interrupt the Zui Taoist, but suppressed his anger. At the end, he flew into a rage and roared, saying:

"Tell me, where is this little thief now? I'll go and chop him into pieces. For more than 100 years, no one has provoked Emei, and he can still jump."

Li Yuanhua was startled, shook his head and said: "I don't recognize him, I really don't know where he lives in the cave, I only heard that it is in Mangcang Mountain."

Mie Chenzi then turned his gaze to Taoist Zui, who said, "I know about the cave of Fellow Daoist Meng. It's just that the origin of this matter is that those evil obstacles under Senior Sister Baiyun broke the rules first.

After that, within the time agreed with the Wudang faction, revenge was not successful.If the skills are not as good as people, this matter should be closed.Baiyun's smugness continued again, but he still failed to win Meng Qiu.

At this point, if you take action again, it is already against morality, and senior brother will do something to bully the small, so he is not afraid of being ridiculed by the heroes of the world. Do you want to lose Emei's reputation? "

"Well, why are you so confused?" Miechenzi was extremely dissatisfied, and scolded: "Emei Tieze, you forgot?

Apart from the legacy of our benefactor, our sect can have today's reputation, isn't it because of our tough and vengeful style of dealing with things?

Without this move, how could Emei maintain her current prestige and status, and how could she protect her disciples? "

"Prestige and status? What's the use of it?" The drunk Taoist sneered, and said: "Brother Li and I are only one apprentice, honest and responsible, and never cause trouble. I don't offend anyone, and no one offends me.

Brother, you are still a widow with no successors, what kind of protection do you want?Back and forth, it's all about doing good things for others.

You have been away for many years and have not returned. Have you ever seen someone worrying about you? After seeing you, if you greet me, isn’t it just watching with cynicism and cynicism?
Revenge, hehe.You see, Senior Sister Baiyun doesn't care about it herself, why are you jumping up and down, do you expect her to thank you? "

Mie Chenzi was displeased, and shouted: "Drunk Taoist, I think you've lost your head! After contacting those villains too much, I was also led to the wrong, talking nonsense.

In any case, you are all brothers from the same sect handed down by Master Changmei. No matter how many senior sisters Baiyun are, it will always be your senior sister.Don't you understand the reason why brothers fight against others outside the wall? "

"Senior brothers and sisters?" The drunken Taoist sneered, "I'm afraid that I will treat them as senior brothers and sisters because of my loyalty. Others may not look down on such useless seniors as me."

"Why did you say that?" Seeing that he seemed aggrieved, Mie Chenzi quickly asked.

Li Yuanhua sighed, and told about the last time Emei crusade against Mount Mang, Qi Shuming and Master Baiyun forced the drunk Taoist master and apprentice to be messengers to the enemy camp and almost died.

"This, this, this..." Mie Chenzi was dumbfounded, and said, "How could Qi Shuming do such a thing? Brothers, no one stopped him?"

Li Yuanhua shook his head and said: "Eldest senior brother is not in Ningbiya all year round, and he doesn't care about business; senior brother Jian has been unable to retreat. The only ascetic senior brother who has the weight to speak, you know his temper.

Among the rest of the people, either Senior Sister Yuan Yuan, Senior Brother Wu, Senior Brother Xu, and me are soft-spoken, or they are in line with Zhangjiao and Senior Sister Baiyun. "

Mie Chenzi's chest rose and fell, he closed his eyes and stood there, he was silent for a long time, and after a long time, he said: "That's all. There is a reason for them to treat me like this, so it can be forgiven.

But you are the youngest of many disciples, Master's closed disciples are treated like this, how dare they do this! "

Taoist Zui calmed down now, and said: "Many years ago, I realized that there was something wrong with the ethos in the sect, it must be that the peace has been too long, and it has been contaminated with the world's customs.

I was powerless to stop it, so I could only move to Biyun Nunnery on the outskirts of Chengdu, out of sight, out of mind.Originally, I thought that when all the senior brothers and sisters cultivated higher and higher, the deeper the realm, the disaster would disappear without attack.

Who would have thought that after all, my understanding is too poor, and I don't understand the truth that cultivating to the end will only make me more selfish.

Headmaster Qi and Senior Sister Baiyun are the same as their senior brothers, they value martial arts in their hearts, so in their eyes, it doesn't matter if I have one more or one less.

Unfortunately, it wasn't until that time that my apprentice Yang Da and I were forced by my seniors to deliver letters to Mang Mountain, that I suddenly realized that if it wasn't for Meng Qiu's all-out help, who threw himself into the tiger's den and rescued Yang Da from the old ghost of the snow mountain, I wouldn't even have the chance to regret it.

Now that things have happened, I can actually see clearly that I am not an Earth Immortal, and I am also at the bottom of the Sanxian. Compared with the three generations of disciples Zhuge Jingwo, Qi Lingyun, etc., I am far inferior in cultivation.

Yu Gong, most of his potential has been exhausted, and there is no hope of earth immortals; Yu private, he started too late, and he is not close enough to his senior brothers and sisters, let alone their disciples.

If it were you, the third senior brother, how should you choose, most likely the overall situation is the most important thing. "

Miechenzi sighed deeply, and said decisively: "The overall situation should be the most important thing, but no matter what, I will definitely not sacrifice the Emeimen, otherwise, what's the use of being so tough to protect our weaknesses?"

"That's why Senior Brother Jian and Senior Sister Baiyun didn't choose you to be the head teacher." The drunken Taoist said lightly, which made the other party startled, and said:
"Righteousness does not control wealth, and compassion does not control soldiers. You are arrogant, and you are a bit pedantic in dealing with things. You are not as decisive and cruel as Headmaster Qi."

Mie Chenzi said in a deep voice: "No matter how decisive you are, you don't dare to attack your senior brothers. You must know that in this sect, he is not the only one who is powerful, but also senior senior brother and me."

"Hey, third senior brother, you are extremely smart, why are you so confused when it comes to the Emei matter?" The drunken Taoist shook his head and said:
"It is precisely because of the existence of the two of you that you are always de-authorizing, Senior Brother Qi can't dominate the family, that's why he behaves like this.

Regardless of you, a gentleman can be deceived, and it is difficult to beat him.But senior brother is different, innately he is the best candidate for the head teacher, but his temperament is diluted, and he took the initiative to give in back then, so it is your turn to compete with Senior Brother Qi.

That's it, there are still troubles left.Except for the three of us, who have always been at odds with each other, Brother Ascetic, Senior Sister Yuan Yuan, Brother Wu Yuanzhi, and Senior Brother Xu Yuantong are all indifferent and unwilling to attach themselves.

Even senior brother Jian Bingru, if he hadn't seen the increasingly fierce competition for the head teacher and was afraid of affecting the unity of the sect, how could he help senior brother Qi according to his temperament?
It's not that you haven't seen it, this time the discussion in the door, Bai Guyi, the chasing cloud man, and Yue Yun, the real person of Yudong, also stayed.It's not that Senior Brother Qi saw that he couldn't overwhelm the prestige of Senior Senior Brother, so he specially recruited him to come in.

Having said that, the reason why I was targeted was not because Senior Brother Qi wanted to make an example to others.I have always supported you, and I am on good terms with Meng Qiu. No one is close to anyone in the family, so it's best to be careful.

If I compromise, after you return, will you still have the face to make trouble again?How many of the ascetic brothers can still listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement as before? "

After a long speech, Miechenzi fell into deep thought for a while.Li Yuanhua was very surprised, he sized up the drunken Taoist, and said: "Junior brother, I haven't had a long talk for many years, I don't think you have improved so much, it's really impressive."

The drunken Taoist smiled wryly and said, "Since my apprentice Yang Da was almost killed, but was rescued by Meng Qiu, who was regarded as an enemy in the sect, I began to reflect on it. I didn't drink alcohol for many years, so I figured out the truth."

He looked at Mie Chenzi again and said: "It's all my family's words, wild thoughts and complaints, you can't fully believe it. Senior brother is extremely smart, he should have his own plans, so don't pay attention to it."

Mie Chenzi said: "Although what you said is extreme, it is not completely unreasonable. After all, I am a little naive, and I should think about it later.

It's just that what I've been thinking all along is that Master found Emei with great difficulty and taught us a group of brothers and sisters. If we fall apart, how can we be worthy of Master's kindness? "

"Who said that if they come from one school, they must be tied together?" The drunk Taoist said: "At that time, Patriarch Taiyuan, Patriarch Yu and Patriarch Lianshan came from the same master's sect, but they separated later, and no one made irresponsible remarks.

What's more, with the ten thousand year catastrophe ahead, it's still unknown whether he can survive or not. Senior brother still has free time to care about fellowship. "

"Yes, what you said is true." Mie Chenzi seemed to want to open up, and said with a smile: "This is the end of the matter, as you said, they don't care about the so-called big enmity, and I don't have to be annoying and forceful. I don't care about Meng Qiu."

The drunken Taoist secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's good that senior brother has figured it out. Do you want to see fellow Taoist Meng Qiu now?"

"I still need to see you. Apart from the proof of insanity, there are other things I need his help with." Mie Chenzi nodded and said:

"The catastrophe of ten thousand years is imminent, and I have created a great method in these years, which can make the primordial spirit leave the body and exist in the world forever, so as to deal with the catastrophe of the ultimate spirit.

Originally, he wanted to contribute this Taoism to enhance his prestige in the sect, so as to defeat Qi Shuming and compete for the position of head teacher.

But just now I heard you say, anyway, this kind of Emei, I can't be the head teacher, let alone I am the head teacher, and I don't know how to deal with it, why bother myself. "

Zui Taoist and Li Yuanhua were very surprised when they heard that Yuanshen could survive alone, and exclaimed in unison: "How can there be such a miraculous Taoism in the world?"

Miechenzi didn't speak, just stood where he was, and released the primordial spirit.

As soon as they left the body, both of them felt obvious sensations. Following the other's words, they found that there was no primordial spirit in their body, and the body had nothing to do with the primordial spirit floating outside.

The realm of the two is not very high, but their knowledge is not superficial, so they naturally understand that the primordial spirit hides a deep sea of ​​consciousness, and it is absolutely impossible for them to leave the body.

What's more, the body of the primordial spirit comes from the same source, as long as they are all there, it is bound to be impossible for unrelated things to happen.

Seeing this kind of Taoism with his own eyes was so miraculous, the drunken Taoist and Li Yuanhua were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Mie Chenzi went on to say: "Now in the school, I only have good friends with you two, this Taoism happened to be practiced when I was in the Sanxian realm, so I will teach you.

It's just that this method relies too much on comprehension, and those with ordinary aptitude who practice it by themselves will probably not be able to get started.I am not good at teaching apprentices, so it is difficult for me to guide you.

Meng Qiu practiced with me back then, and helped me a lot, but the paths he followed were different.But as a Sanxian, he has experienced the complete cultivation path from beginning to end, and it must be much better for him to teach it than me. "

The drunk Taoist said: "So Meng Qiu is really acquainted with the senior brother? How did the two of you get in touch in the first place, and he also helped you create Taoism?"

Miechenzi then vaguely talked about the matter of Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu touching Mount Tai back then, causing the two to exclaim in amazement: "It turns out that the senior brother has lived in seclusion in Mount Tai for decades."

"I'm here at Bauhinia Dragon, and Junior Brother Duqi sent Junior Sister Fanxia to watch over me. If I didn't go to the most soulless place in Dongyue, how could I get rid of their entanglement."

Mie Chenzi explained, and then said: "Okay, there is no need to waste time, Junior Brother Zui quickly take me to see Meng Qiu. I don't know if a few decades will be enough for you to break into the realm of the earth fairy.

At that time, no matter whether it is to stay in Emei's own cave, or to seek other places, at least they can protect themselves. "

Taoist Zui then led the two of them to set off, and said while flying: "Meng Qiu opened up a cave in Mangcang Mountain, which is adjacent to Xuanshuang Cave of Tu'erya and Lingyuya. He often accompanied the real person of Jile and Taoist of Baiqin, Gong Yehuang. It can be regarded as a fairy place."

Miechenzi laughed dumbly and said: "Since I promised not to trouble him, I will do what I say. Why after so many years, the younger brother doesn't believe me, and wants to move out the real person of Ji Le."

The drunken Taoist sighed and said, "Don't blame me for being cautious. One is a brother who is both a brother and a teacher, and the other is a friend who can be trusted with life and death. How should I choose?"

After saying that, he quickened his sword light, and after more than two hours, he arrived at Qingxuan Cave in Mangcang Mountain.

At this time, Chen Yufeng took the elixir and rested in Zaohuaya. Gongyehuang and Zheng Bagu were guarding her. There was only Mengqiu in this cave.

Seeing that he was a drunken Taoist, without thinking, he activated the formation restraint and told him to come in by himself.When he saw someone, he was taken aback and blurted out:
"Senior Miechenzi, you have actually descended from Mount Tai, have you become an immortal?"

Mie Chenzi let go of his aura, and immediately put it away, saying: "Of course. I just don't know, is it you or me first?"

(End of this chapter)

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