Chapter 282
Meng Qiu was startled, but immediately realized, and said, "About a year ago. When did senior become a god?"

Mie Chenzi snorted lightly, but did not answer.Meng Qiu understood and didn't ask any further questions.

Seeing that the two of them really knew each other well, the drunken Taoist immediately felt relieved.Although Mrs. Baiyun also said that Meng Qiu had become an Earth Immortal last time, she was still surprised when she saw it with her own eyes.

Mentioning Yang Da and the like, Miechenzi became a little impatient after talking for a while, and reminded: "I'll talk about some trivial matters later, and the important things should be done first."

The drunk Taoist immediately said: "Last time you said that you met the third senior brother overseas, is this true or false?"

Meng Qiu hurriedly said: "Of course it's a lie. It's just because I promised senior that I can't tell his whereabouts, so I made a random nonsense, but I didn't think it would cause you to misunderstand.

Now that the senior came back from Dongyue and came to the door together again, this matter must have been made clear, right? "

Miechenzi said impatiently: "Why do you need to explain too much about such a trivial matter. They think that I am a Demon Sect, so let's just take it as it is, and there is nothing to say.

I came here today because of other things.I want to pass on the method of refining gods to my two juniors, but my experience in this area is not as good as yours, so I want you to teach me. "

"Is this the case?" Meng Qiu thought for a while, but decided to speak straightforwardly, saying:
"There is no problem with my teaching. It's just that the method of refining gods created by the predecessors is very profound. The talent and understanding required are extremely demanding. I try my best, but I can't guarantee that the two fellow Taoists can learn it."

Mie Chenzi nodded, and said: "Of course I know. It's just that there is still a glimmer of hope for you to teach. If it were me, they would not be able to learn it.

You can rest assured that no matter whether you succeed or not, you will not be blamed, and if you do what you can, I will promise you a condition. "

Meng Qiu waved his hand and said: "This method is originally obtained from my predecessors, and it has helped me a lot. Otherwise, I would not be able to reach the Earth Immortal now. If I ask for other things, it will be a little dissatisfied."

After all, he began to teach the method of refining gods.It is true that this method was created by Mie Chenzi, but when it comes to the introductory part, it is indeed Meng Qiu who knows the most finely.

After all, when Mie Chenzi created the Taoism, he was already an Earth Immortal, while Meng Qiu was only a Loose Immortal, which happened to meet the minimum requirements for the introduction of this method.

Afterwards, even though he chose the path of primordial superimposition, the path of Miechenzi's primordial soul independence is not the same, but there will be no difference in the basic part.

So he recounted all his experiences in cultivation and his thinking over the years, in detail.

Zui Taoist and Li Yuanhua repeatedly asked questions, and Meng Qiu was able to answer them one by one. It took a day and a night to explain thoroughly the part of the method of refining the gods, closing the sea of ​​consciousness and giving birth to the second soul.

Miechenzi also nodded repeatedly when he heard it, and said: "I thought that this Taoism was complete, but I didn't expect that there are so many loopholes. Your words are truly forging the foundation."

He couldn't help explaining his thoughts on cultivating Taoism over the years, starting from the earth immortals and going all the way to the heavenly immortals.

Every time Meng Qiu listened to a passage from him and thought about it for a while, he would be able to express some different opinions, which made Mie Chenzi feel very novel, and some of the ideas made Mie Chenzi even more amazing.

The more the two talked, the more lively they became. Zui Taoist and Li Yuanhua tried their best to listen at first, but later, they couldn't understand a single sentence of the ten sentences, as if they were falling into the clouds and mist, and they couldn't find their way at all.

Discussing the Dao together, immersed in it, two days and two nights passed, and both of them felt that they had gained a lot.

Only then did Meng Qiu come to his senses, and said apologetically, "It's rare to have the opportunity to ask seniors about Taoism, so I was fascinated and neglected the two of you."

He paused, and said: "I've said everything I can, and I'll have to figure out the rest.

If you are ready, you should ask your seniors to take you to the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai, and use the effect of the wordless monument to seal your cultivation base and sea of ​​consciousness, so that you have a chance to give birth to a second soul. "

Mie Chenzi smiled and said: "That's not necessary." He waved his sleeves, and a three-foot-high stone appeared in front of them, floating in the air, looking ordinary.

"Monument without words?" Meng Qiu asked in surprise, "How did senior bring him back?"

Miechenzi said proudly: "I have been able to become a heavenly immortal long ago. If it wasn't for refining it, why would I have stayed for half a year longer to tell you to be promoted to an earthly immortal before me."

"This thing is actually a magic weapon?" Meng Qiu couldn't help being amazed, and said, "If it still has the power of the Jade Emperor, wouldn't all the monks within a radius of ten thousand li be affected by it?"

Miechenzi shook his head and said, "It can't be done. The monument's power on the top of Mount Tai is due to the full supply of Dongyue's spiritual veins.

In comparison, I can call monks with a radius of hundreds of miles, but they can't sense the spiritual energy, which is already very reluctant.

Moreover, there is a fatal problem with this treasure, once it is deployed, it will not distinguish between enemy and friend, and even I will be affected, just like a mortal. "

Meng Qiudao: "Senior's method of refining gods is not just for this kind of situation. The primordial spirit is at ease in the world,"

"That being said, who would dare to take out the primordial spirit to try it out easily." Mie Chenzi said: "I have just become a celestial immortal, and the most urgent idea now is to complete the method of refining the gods, so that the primordial spirit is independent and still has the original strength."

Meng Qiu understood, and said: "Only having Taoism, without the ability to protect the Tao, it is indeed difficult to last long. It is simply that the seniors are already confident, and the law of refining gods will be perfected, and it is just around the corner."

Li Yuanhua thought of something else, and asked: "From what Fellow Daoist Meng said, this wordless monument seems to be the chief culprit of Mount Tai's unique spirit.

Now that this thing is taken away by the third senior brother, does it mean that the aura will return in the Taishan area? "

Taoist Zui also looked over, and Mie Chenzi said: "That's just a rumor. No matter how powerful a magic weapon is, it can't be this powerful, not even Xuanyuan's relic.

There is no spiritual energy in that place, it is not because Xu Fu crossed the sea back then, extracted all the spiritual veins in the place, and took them to the South China Sea to fill up the island.The spiritual energy behind has nothing to carry, so it still has to dissipate. "

Meng Qiu's heart moved, and he said, "Then the area around Mount Tai is still in the same state as before?"

"Well, there is still no aura. It will take tens of thousands of years to restore the original appearance. It is absolutely impossible." Miechenzi said with a smile:
"Why, you think this cave is not good, and you have moved your mind, wanting to change to Mount Tai and establish yourself?"

Meng Qiu said: "I'm used to being wild and I can't stand restraint, otherwise I wouldn't have worshiped Emei all those years ago?
It's just that I have a magic weapon to refine, and I need to use the essence of Dongyue.Originally thought that if the spiritual energy recovered, there was still some hope, but now it seems that it will not be possible. "

Mie Chenzi flipped his hands over, and a jade bottle appeared, he threw it over, and said, "So you want this thing, but it's a coincidence. After I took out the unwritten monument, I found some at the bottom."

Meng Qiu took it and saw that it was indeed the spirit of Dongyue, so he couldn't help being overjoyed.He originally thought that Fan Tianyin would not be able to practice well, who would have thought that the mountains and rivers would recover, and the flowers would be brighter than the willows.

He immediately said: "Thank you, senior. I'm afraid this is the last bit of Dongyue's essence in the world, right? Since Dongyue's spiritual energy was cut off, the five directions and five elements have not been assembled neatly, and many magic weapons can no longer be refined."

Miechenzi said: "This is still secondary. The key is that without the suppression of Dongyue, the sky is tilted to the west and the earth is sinking to the east. It can no longer be changed. Originally, there were big rivers flowing into the sea in the southeast, northwest, and north. It has only been a few years since they all diverted to the east."

They tacitly avoided the fight between the two parties, and talked about some ancient secrets and important matters in the cultivation world, and Mie Chenzi bid farewell.

At this moment, Meng Qiu breathed a sigh of relief. When he met this person just now, he was not only surprised that he came out of the mountain, but also worried that he would take revenge for the three generations of Emei disciples according to the foreword.

No word is mentioned at the moment, presumably the drunken Taoist turned it around.He was about to transmit his voice over to thank him, when suddenly Mie Chenzi stopped, turned his head and said:
"You have passed my level, and I won't trouble you in the future. I just want to tell you something in advance. Qi Shuming has also become a fairy, so you can do it yourself!"

Meng Qiu's face changed drastically, and before he could reply, Miechenzi activated his mana, and the golden light rolled up the drunk Taoist and Li Yuanhua, and left.

After a while, Meng Qiu came back to his senses, his face was gloomy, and when he entered the cave, he had no intention of thinking about anything else, only frowning and thinking about how to deal with Emei.

He is not afraid of any of the earth immortals in Emei, but if he bumps into the hands of the three angels, he will not die and his skin will peel off.

Although Xuan Zhenzi didn't say anything, he didn't make a move when we first met, and there was no reason to make a move afterwards; Mie Chenzi was arrogant, and if he said it was the end of the grudge, it was naturally the end.

Only Qi Shuming, head teacher of Emei, ordered to hunt down Meng Qiu's envoy.He is different from the two senior brothers, he is not so scruples about means when doing things.

Just looking at how even his junior brother Zui Taoist and his nephew Yang Da could force him to do the mission of delivering a letter to the enemy camp, he knew that he would only be more cruel to the enemy.

"Qi Shuming didn't make a move before, presumably because he was preparing to break through the realm, so he shouldn't move lightly." Meng Qiu thought, "Now that he's done his job, will he continue to kill him?
I am not cultivated enough, and Daoist Bliss is suppressing in Yihuan Cave, so I can't come here easily. If I am found by this person, how should I deal with it?
Unless Xuanyuan's supreme treasure, Haotian Mirror, is exposed, other spells and magic weapons will definitely not be able to resist him.On the contrary, if this heavenly seal can be practiced, its power will be as stated in the "Nei Jing", and it will be safe for self-preservation. "

Thinking of this, Meng Qiu took another inventory of the spiritual materials in his hands, five directions and five elements, only the essence of Huashan and the golden gods were missing.

Huashan Mountain in Xiyue was completely surrounded by Patriarch Liehuo with Dutian Liehuo formation. He couldn't think of a solution for the time being, but it was another kind of golden spiritual material. He remembered that there was a kind of Taibai Xuanjin spirit in the Panluo Immortal Mansion under the Tiedao Gorge in the Northeast Sea.

At that time, Meng Qiu wanted to go to this Panluoxian mansion together with Zheng Bagu, but he was told that the place was born long ago and was occupied by a pair of aliens, Xianlongxuan and his wife.

The cultivation of these two people is average, but the female fairy worshiped under the sect of Tianxian Lu Ruo in the Southern Xingyuan of the Great Eastern Wilderness, and became a registered disciple.

"It is said that this old woman has a fiery temper, relying on her high cultivation, she is unreasonable in dealing with things, she doesn't want any face, even if she finds any mortal who doesn't like her, she will do it."

Meng Qiu murmured in his heart, and thought again: "However, this old woman participated in the battle for the magic wave pool. She must be a guest in Emei at this time. This is a rare opportunity, so don't hesitate."

Thinking of this, he made a decisive decision, closed the cave, and flew overseas alone with his sword without inviting anyone.

The border between the two seas in the northeast is quite vast, but because of its remote location and desolate scenery, there are no other islands in a radius of tens of thousands of miles, except for mirages and phantoms that sometimes appear in the sea.

Meng Qiu wandered back and forth for a long time before finding Tiedao Gorge.The appearance here is weird. The six big reefs protruding from the center of the sea are thousands of feet high and the stones are as black as lacquer. From a distance, they look like six big knives nailed to the sea with their canine teeth interlaced. The situation is extremely dangerous.

Only these six black reefs with a width of about tens of mu and a height of hundreds of feet, with flat tops and slopes that do not even grow moss, let alone the footprints of immortals, and even seabirds do not live on them.

When Meng Qiu arrived, it seemed that there was a windy season, and the waves were extremely fierce and violent.In such a situation, even if the Sanxian fell into it, it would be no good.

Of the six reefs, the lowest one is a thousand feet away from the water, and all of them are nailed to the water with the tip of the knife facing down.Below sixteen or seventeen feet away from the water, there are no fewer than tens of hundreds of mountains of varying heights.

Originally, the wind and waves are dangerous, but they are stirred up layer by layer by these thousands of submerged reefs. The sea water comes here and surrounds these six large reefs, creating whirlpools.

Meng Qiu fell down a little, moved enough of the Dharma eyes, and checked through the water.Sure enough, there are thousands of rocks and ravines under the sea, beautiful peaks and ridges, beautiful flowers and Yao grass, all over the ground.Those six black barren reefs are the top of the mountain.

The most surprising thing is that the sea is so dangerous with wind and waves, but five or six feet away from the water, the blue waves are still and even, as clear as a mirror.It seems that there is only sixteen or seventy feet of sea water above, and the large mountains and forests with a depth of hundreds of feet below are covered by a piece of incomparably huge colored glaze.

Meng Qiu knew in his heart that this was where Longxuan and his wife lived, and they had to go through it, and then go inside to reach Panluo Immortal Mansion.

If the Immortal Mansion had not been born and had no owner, he would not be polite, and he must have gone quietly.Now that I have a master, I can't be reckless, so I said:

"Cultivator Meng Qiu, come to pay a visit to Longxuan and Dongyang, fellow Taoists. Please take the time to meet each other. Thank you very much!"

These words followed the water flow and were thrown into the light film, all the way forward, and passed down.

After a while, a female voice came from afar, saying, "Please come in!"

The film of light immediately parted, revealing a path, and Meng Qiu stepped in.When they got to the front, they went down together. Sure enough, it was sixteen or seventy feet below the sea surface, and the inside was completely empty.

The water above is still raging and rough, and the waves are like mountains.It seems that something is holding the water below, preventing it from sinking, but there is no trace of it.As this approaches, the more I feel the strange mountains and mountains, the beautiful scenery, I have never seen it before.

It has just descended sixteen or seventy feet, and it is about to reach the hollow place. Seeing it pass through, first there is an incomparably huge potential floating on the bottom of the feet, and it will come up softly. If you don't pay attention, you may even be swung back by others and thrown out of the water.

There was no one in sight, and Meng Qiu was about to speak when suddenly a group of monsters that looked like dragons and not dragons, with necks more than ten feet long, deer heads and turtle backs, flat tails and long tails, four legs and one claw, and gleaming green scales all over their bodies, slowly came out of a strange forest that was tens of feet high and about a dozen girth in diameter, with green stems, lush flowers and leaves, and draped like covers.

These monsters are small from head to tail, and they are also sixteen to eighty feet long.The four legs are high in the front and low in the back, and the long neck accounts for almost three-fifths of the body length, but the mouth is not big. There is a claw on the front chest, which is shaped like a cattail fan and seems to be stretchable.

After coming out of the big tree, they rushed to Meng Qiu, turned their heads together, looked sideways, Meng Qiu knew what it meant, and stepped out quickly.Sure enough, these monsters surrounded him and rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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