Chapter 284
"Here you are!" Mrs. Dongyang said bitterly, raised her head, with tears in her eyes, and threw something casually.

That thing flew into the air, it was not the essence of Taibai Xuanjin, but a hairpin used on the Taoist crown.

Its quality is neither gold nor jade, neither stone nor wood, and I don't know what it is made of.The color is as black as lacquer, dull and dull, but the form is extremely quaint, and it can be seen that the inside is faint and flowing layer by layer.

As soon as this object came out, it immediately radiated brilliance, like a stream of water, covering the entire hall, and the air became thick, making it difficult to breathe.

"I knew that one of you is a good couple and the other is a good couple." Meng Qiu said with a smile, "Now you really can't hide it anymore, let's show our true colors."

Nanming's Lihuo sword radiated a red light, and moved forward, the light from the hairpin hit it, like hitting a stone wall, and fell one after another.

Mrs. Dongyang's grievances are inexplicable. She sincerely wanted to persuade her husband to give the Taibai Xuanjin essence to Meng Qiu to resolve the conflict between the two, but He was weak-tempered and lived overseas for a long time.

But right now, she didn't care about other things, and quickly checked Long Xuan's injuries. Although she was only hit by the sword at the tail, an inexplicable sword energy rushed into the body, penetrating through the meridian skin and attacking the head.

She hastily fed a pill to her husband, but Long Xuan was still twisted all over the ground, blood kept spilling out, screaming in his mouth: "It hurts, it hurts, itches, itches."

The sword energy surged backwards, like an iron brush brushing the flesh, excruciatingly painful; it was also like ants crawling and biting, the itching was unbearable.

"Be patient." Mrs. Dongyang took out all kinds of elixirs, stuffed them into Longxuan's mouth like feeding rice, and quickly poured in mana to help suppress the sword energy, but unfortunately it had little effect.

Looking at the incision of the tail, the brilliance is like a mirror, and there is a layer of light film on the outside. If you pick up the broken tail, you can't connect it no matter what.

Seeing that the other party was in more and more pain, and afraid of delaying time, Madam Dongyang gritted her teeth, took out a crystal clear jade bottle, poured out a mellow, smooth and fragrant panacea, and pressed it on his wound.

This pill is called Sanyuan Gupo Pill, and it is one of the treasures in Panluo Immortal Mansion, refined by the ancient great sage Guangchengzi.All other spirit pills are taken internally, but this pill works from the outside to the inside, and has magical functions such as consolidating the soul and solidifying the soul, refining qi and rejuvenating the body.

There were three pills in that bottle. Originally, Long Xuan was going to use the body of the ink dragon to cultivate his magic power to the extreme. If he used this pill again, he would be able to concentrate his mind and soul, and he would also dissolve all the evil energy attached to him, and return to his fairy body.

So far, the primordial spirit has become more condensed, without loss, instead of benefiting more, it can reach the sky in one step, and it is hoped that it will have a glimpse of the threshold of the gods.

But if the three-element solid soul pill is used in advance, of course it can also resolve the distracting thoughts in the dragon's body, but after the demon power becomes fairy power, it will not be in harmony with the original body, and the growth rate of cultivation base will be far behind, which can be said to be wasted.

Helpless, He Xian was hit by Meng Qiu's sword and was seriously injured. If he couldn't heal immediately, he wouldn't even survive, let alone his future.

The Guangcheng panacea, naturally relieved the pain, the meridians continued, and the tail was glued back again.Only then did Long Xuan regain his breath, even panting, but he couldn't hum a word.

Meng Qiu had subdued the hairpin at this moment, pressed it aside, looked over coldly, and said, "Have you thought about it clearly? Now that I hand over the Taibai Xuanjin essence, I will not only let the past go, but I will also give you the green cloud fairy seat and the circle of troubles.

Otherwise, just do the math, you go back on your promises first, and want to snatch the account later. "

"Okay, we'll give it." Mrs. Dongyang calmed down now, feeling a little fear in her heart, and hurriedly went to get the treasure bag from Long Xuan.

Unexpectedly, Long Xuan stretched out his claws, stepped forward, and said angrily: "He hurt me like this, you don't want to take revenge, why are you still facing him?"

Mrs. Dongyang wept and said: "It was your fault in the first place, and you kept going back and forth again and again. You fought first, and you were hurt by Fellow Daoist Meng.

What's more, can't you see that he is merciful, you can't even resist a move, and you still have to struggle, aren't you afraid of losing your life? "

Long Xuan said: "We can't beat him, don't you still have that thing in your hand? Use it quickly."

"Are you crazy? That's our life-saving tool. It's used here. If we encounter a real enemy later, what can we do to stop it?" Mrs. Dongyang exclaimed and said:
"Furthermore, judging from this man's tone, his reputation in Middle-earth is definitely not small. Even if we fight him off, and let the old fairy know about the incident later, we will not be able to please him."

"What are you afraid of? If he is going to be injured, I will definitely not allow him to walk out of the big formation." Long Xuan furiously said: "If you don't want to, it's up to you, I will fight myself."

After saying that, he jumped forward suddenly, and was about to strike again.

"You won't cry until you see the coffin!" Seeing that he was stubborn, Meng Qiu raised his Nanming Lihuo sword, ready to strike ruthlessly.

Mrs. Dongyang couldn't stop it, so she had to grit her teeth, took out a fist-sized crystal ball, squeezed it hard, a white light shot out from it, and it came first, passed Long Xuan, and threw it into the suppressed hairpin.

There was only a soft sound, which came out from the hairpin, and then the brilliance rose again, but this time, it was black light that shot out, making the hall dim and dark.And the momentum inside the magic weapon also increased steadily.

Seeing this, Long Xuan immediately stopped in his tracks, stepped back, and said joyfully, "I knew that you are sincere to me, and you won't let me be wronged in vain."

Mrs. Dongyang's face was full of bitterness, she just watched the movement of the hairpin, she was speechless.

Seeing that the momentum of the hairpin was getting higher and higher, Meng Qiu couldn't help frowning, but still didn't move.

Suddenly the black light was retracted, and the room was full of light again.A phantom of an old Taoist woman with a delicate face and as spontaneous as silver appeared under the hairpin.

Meng Qiu saw that it was Lu's image, and suddenly felt that the matter was difficult.The latter popped up and didn't see any movement, but asked instead:
"Dongyang, what's going on, you suddenly used the star-absorbing hairpin and summoned my clone. But what kind of enemy did you encounter?"

Before Mrs. Dongyang could speak, Long Xuan took a step ahead and cried, "Dongyang and I were playing in the cave, when suddenly a foreigner came, claiming to be a high-ranking scholar of Zhongtu.

I waited for a good reception, but I didn't want the other party to be ambitious and threatened me to hand over the Taibai Xuanjin essence.

I refused to give it to him, but he pretended to leave and came to say goodbye, but he took advantage of my unpreparedness, cut off my tail, and tortured me with evil methods, which made me die of pain.

As a last resort, I can only take the Sanyuan Gupo Pill in advance. After years of hard work, it turned into running water. I ask Senior Lu to make the decision. "

"How unreasonable!" Lu Yu was furious, so angry that the phantom was shaking, turned around, and shouted: "I want to see, who is so bold?"

Immediately turned around, saw the appearance of the enemy in front of him clearly, couldn't help but startled, said: "It's you, Meng Qiu!"

"Eh, Senior Lu actually recognizes me." Meng Qiu bowed his hands and said, "I remember that I only met Senior once, and I was still looking up at Senior's demeanor, but I don't want to be honored to be remembered by Senior."

There was a sneer on Lu Yu's face, and said: "How can I not recognize you? The famous Qingxuan Sword Immortal, who is fierce and domineering, who doesn't know?
For more than a hundred years, you are the first monk who dared to kill Emei disciples.I heard that if it wasn't for the ascetic Toutuo's desperate rescue this time, even Master Baiyun would have died.

It's not uncommon for someone with such courage and a bit of cunning to come and snatch my goddaughter's things and hurt others. "

Mrs. Dongyang heard that Lu Yu really knew Meng Qiu, and that the other party seemed to be really famous, so she couldn't help feeling a lot of regrets. If she had known this, she should have been tougher just now, and asked Long Xuan to exchange for Taibai Xuanjin's energy.

However, Long Xuan saw that Lu Yu's tone and expression were not friendly, and he became more and more happy. His eyes were destined to face each other, and he wished that the two sides would fight immediately.

Meng Qiudao: "Senior Lu, don't believe this evil dragon's one-sided words. I came to the door openly and aboveboard. I want to exchange the magic weapon for the Taibai Xuanjin essence. Why do you want to grab it?"

Lu Yu said in a deep voice: "If it wasn't for the robbery, why would Long Xuan suffer such serious injuries?"

Meng Qiu said indifferently: "I came here with sincerity, I proposed to use the green cloud fairy seat in exchange for Taibai's energy, they first agreed, and then went back on it, asking me to add one more.

I gave another circle of troubles, but this evil dragon thought that I was easy to talk and made progress, so he asked me to add another one.

Adding can be added, I also took out the book of ecstasy, but I was afraid that there would be trouble again, so I opened my mouth to discuss it, just asking him to give a guarantee.

Like any one of the magical treasures, its preciousness is better than the essence of Taibai Xuanjin.But this wicked person is so greedy that he is not only unwilling to surrender his energy, but also wants to snatch it by force.

Although Meng always pays attention to being kind to others, he is absolutely unbearable to be bullied like this.Giving him a little lesson is already considered restraint. "

"Hehe, so he still has to thank you?" Lu Yu hissed and laughed: "What kind of green cloud fairy table, ecstasy, and broken copper and iron, who cares about it, and wants to exchange Taibai Xuanjin's essence?"

Meng Qiu didn't get angry, just chuckled, and said, "Old Immortal Lu is indeed a celestial being, and she doesn't care about the magic treasures in the mountain treasure house."

Lu Yu was suffocated, turned her head, and said in surprise: "Dongyang, what Meng Qiu said is the truth, do those magic weapons really have such qualities?"

Master Lianshan is such a person, and those who can be collected by him in the treasure house are naturally all high-quality goods.For Tianxian, although most of them are useless, they can't be called rags against the conscience.

Mrs. Dongyang faltered and said: "Some of what he said are indeed true. But although the quality of the magic weapon is good, we can't use it."

Hearing that his wife didn't fully tell the truth, Long Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and bit back: "This man possesses supernatural powers, and he said that the Taibai Xuanjin essence is of great use to him, and he should exchange one for three.

Although I didn't want to exchange, I couldn't bear his forceful pressure, so I had to agree.When it was time to trade, he changed his mind and only offered two magic weapons.

Dongyang was afraid that something unexpected would happen, so he persuaded me to agree.But we can change it later, he sees that we are easy to talk to, and he is only willing to give one.I couldn't hold back any longer, and after a few words of sarcasm, he shot suddenly. "

Lu Yu frowned, turned around, and said slowly: "Meng Qiu, what Dongyang Longxuan said makes sense. If you don't have an explanation, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Meng Qiu laughed a few times and said, "How can you not know the truth of the matter? It's just that you don't want to admit it.

I've heard that you are protective of others and act unreasonably, but you are willing to tell me so much when you first come up, and you don't shout and kill, which is already surprising.

Now that you want to show your true face, why do you need to do something extra, pretend to be a fool, and make people uncomfortable. "

Lu Ru was furious, and shouted: "Boy, don't be arrogant! I'll give you some face for the face of the real person of Ji Le, but you ask for death yourself.

Do you really think that if you win a few Earth Immortals, you dare to challenge the Heavenly Immortals?Today I will let you see what the highest fruit status in the world is. "

Meng Qiu immediately said: "If senior's real body was here, I would naturally not dare to do anything wrong, and would have hid far away. However, if a separate body is also scared to make me run away, wouldn't it be underestimated if it spreads out?
Come, come, come, it happens that I have long wanted to try the methods of the gods. Compared with them, I still have a lot of gaps. "

Nanming's Lihuo sword flashed red, and pulled out a long tail of flame, which was astonishingly fierce.He didn't wait for the opponent to make a move, but actually attacked on his own initiative.

"How courageous!" Lu Yu snorted softly, bursting into anger, sucking on the Star God Hairpin, and immediately flying out thousands of black rays of light as thick as hair, entangled forward.

Of course she knew that Dongyang Longxuan had lied, but she was eccentric and protective, and she had a good relationship with Emei, so she always hated Meng Qiu.

It's nothing but concern about the friendship between Meng Qiu and the real person of Ji Le, and he dare not cause trouble for no reason. Now that the other party has taken the initiative to attack, he is happy that his teacher is famous, but at the same time hates that he is neither high nor low, and does not know his dignity.

When the Nanming Lihuo Sword touched the black light of the Star God Hairpin, they both stopped in place, both of them were stunned.

Meng Qiu didn't use all his strength. He thought that this move would lead to a disadvantage, but he didn't expect that it would be evenly matched.

Lu Yu's face darkened. Although she didn't use much mana for this blow, she was somewhat unable to hold back when she was blocked by a junior earth fairy who she looked down upon.

She snorted coldly, mobilized the hairpin, and a few stars shot out from the tip, like meteors from outside the sky, galloping towards it, its momentum was so heavy that even the main hall shook.

Meng Qiu also let out a soft shout, and the sword light suddenly swelled, producing infinite flames, which rushed fiercely like thunder.

There was only a bang, and an extremely astonishing air pressure exploded at the impact, and it rushed in all directions.

First of all, the main hall could not stand it. All the tables, screens, columns, and sorghum beams were all shattered under the impact.

Longxuan Dongyang and his wife, although they were on guard, but their cultivation was not enough, they were also close, but they also suffered twists and turns, so they flew far away.

Dongyang was fine, his body was small, and the blows were limited, but a few ribs were broken, and he vomited blood.

However, Long Xuan's body was shaved tens of thousands of times, all scales were lost, revealing bloody flesh, pitted and dimpled.Among them, where the injury was severe, the inner viscera could already be seen, and the bones were covered with cracks.

Meng Qiu would never hold back, and although Lu Yu targeted Meng Qiu, the couple cheated with Buxi and did not restrain their mana, so they were seriously injured by one blow.

(End of this chapter)

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