Chapter 285
Meng Qiu and Lu Yu had already fought a real fire at this time, and they didn't care about other things. When the hall was shattered, they immediately flew into the sky and collided again.

The momentum rushed upwards, and suddenly hit the light film that isolated the water surface, and immediately swayed and undulated, even the sea water above shook with it, setting off thousands of feet high waves.

Seeing that Meng Qiu was still unable to take down with such a unique move, Lu Yu's face became more and more serious, and she mobilized the star-absorbing hairpin again, and the black light turned around, inverting the cosmic light, and the whole cave was as dark as night.

Then hundreds of points of light flew out from the tip of the hairpin, and they were thrown into the air, turning into stars, shining brilliantly, and then falling straight down one by one, rushing towards Meng Qiulai one after another.

Meng Qiu has already found out the other party's cultivation level, he is in the realm of immortality, and the quality of mana is also high, but it is not thick, especially in this cave, using such earth-shattering methods, the spiritual power cannot be replenished.

What's more, the quality of the Xingshen hairpin is inferior to that of Nanming Lihuojian, so Meng Qiu is confident that his own strength is better than Lu Yuxuying's.

He laughed loudly and said: "Senior Lu, if you only have this little means, your goddaughter and godson-in-law will die today!"

The red light on Nanming's Lihuo sword was blazing, and it flashed suddenly, and it was thrown out, and immediately separated into thousands of ways, and went forward.

The sword was like a rainbow, like a sword shooting the sun, picking down the stars one by one, and the remaining more than a hundred flying swords did not stop, killing Lu Yu.

Lu Yu snorted coldly, raised her hands, and the remaining stars in the sky were immediately extinguished. At the same time, thousands of black lights flew out from the hairpin of the star-absorbing god, entwining the sword shadows separated by Nanming Lihuo sword one by one.

Meng Qiu urged the flying sword, struggled for a while, and immediately sensed the difficulty of the dark light, which was purely the condensed mana, which was impermanent in gathering and dispersing, and thick and solid.

Seeing that Jianguang's differentiation method was restricted, he was not surprised. Even if the enemy was only a phantom of a fairy, it would not be so easy to deal with.

However, he was not without means, and he used the method of practicing sword into silk again. The red sword energy turned into strands of silk thread, which was a little thinner than the opponent's black light, and the movement was softer and more delicate. Obviously, the sword skill was more than a notch higher.

As long as the black silk is wiped out, that area will be occupied by the fire, showing light.In just a moment, the red light is connected into a piece, just like the sun is rising, the sky is full of rays, and it is extremely gorgeous.

At this time, Long Xuan and Dong Yang shrank in a corner, not daring to speak.The two people in the fighting method can ignore the legal prohibition in the cave and change the world easily. The 72 peak formation they are proud of will certainly be of no use.

Seeing that the red light quickly drove away the black light, and the whole sky became brighter, Lu's face sank like water, but no other movements were seen.

It's not that she doesn't have other more powerful means, but this body is just a phantom, unable to exert its full strength, and it can't take down the enemy even if it uses only five points.

"Boy, you are lucky. Today I am not the original body, and I asked you to beg for a bargain." Lu Ru simply restrained all the black light, protected her side, and shouted:
"Dongyang, take out the Taibai Xuanjin essence. Meng Qiu, if you take this thing and leave quickly, this matter will be over, and I will let the past go."

"Hahahaha!" Meng Qiu laughed a few times, and said, "It's too late to give up now. If you don't accept the courtesy first, then you can fight later, and you can't let it end!"

Suddenly there was a red light in his hand, and then there was a loud bang, like thunder falling from the sky. This thunder sound of sword energy poured into him with all his strength, slashed straight at Lu Yu's body.

There was another earth-shattering sound, which caused Dongyang Longxuan to spit out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Lu Yu's phantom with horror on his face, and it dissipated immediately like a bubble, without even leaving a word.

After the enemy was gone, Meng Qiu didn't stop. He immediately returned his sword and slashed twice, sending Dongyang Longxuan and his wife on their way.

Then he cleaned up the mess, took away the treasure bags of the two, found the Lvyun Immortal Mat and Trouble Circle that he had just given away, as well as the fundamental target of this visit, the Taibai Xuanjin essence, and left.

The remaining star-absorbing god hairpin had the imprint of a celestial being in it, so it was useless to take it, so it was thrown away in the cave, and let it sink and float.

After many hours, a black light fell, and Lu Ru's figure appeared. She only glanced at the magic weapon, not surprisingly, she checked the surroundings, and confirmed that the two juniors in her family were dead, and left with a voice of hatred.


Taibai Xuanjin Jingqi, Dongfang Taiyi Yuanjing, Xuepozhu, Qiantianhuolingzhu, Gongde Shenmu, the five top spiritual materials of gold, wood, water, fire and earth needed to refine Fantianyin, Meng Qiu has gathered all of them, and he is very happy. Even the sword light that came back from Tiedao Gorge has also become light.

The only thing lacking now is the essence of Huashan, and this thing is the foundation of refining the treasure, so it is necessary, so he simply deflected his direction and went west.

At the boundary of Mount Hua, Meng Qiu looked down. The entire mountain range was about [-] li in radius. It looked like a lotus flower in the distance.

The cultivator of Mount Hua, Patriarch Liehuo, may not necessarily have a higher level of cultivation than Meng Qiu, but the trouble is that the entire Huashan mountain range has been arranged with the Dutian Liehuo Formation, which is densely packed like a spider's web.

If you go inside, accidentally touch the formation, and startle the opponent, when the formation is up, looking at the shape of the mountain, you know that even if you can get out, you will inevitably suffer a big loss.

Naturally, Meng Qiu knew that obtaining the essence of Huashan Mountain should not be done accidentally, and one must be cautious, so he just lowered the cloud head quietly and walked to the outskirts of the mountain range.

From the bottom to the top, you can only see the high mountains and scenery off the center, and the peaks are tall and steep, majestic and dangerous.

He searched asceticly, and walked around the mountain. It's not that there are no leylines falling outside the formation, but there are very few clever ideas in it. If he wants to extract and condense it into essence, it may take more than a hundred years of effort.

In the world of great strife, it is only about the day and night, Meng Qiu can't wait for such a long time, he can't help frowning, thinking hard for a while, but he can't figure it out, he just thinks of a stupid way, wait for those Huashan disciples to go out, and rob a few, and see if he can find the spirit of Huashan by chance.

In this way, for a long time, he secretly killed Zheng Tianqian and Yu Maile Huakong, two well-known disciples of the Huashan School, but he still failed to get what he wanted.

"The essence of Mount Hua is not a precious thing. The foundation-building cultivators are also the backbone of the sect, and most of them can be used. It makes no sense that these two people don't have it at all. It seems that they can be killed if they can't be shot. You have to figure it out."

Meng Qiu secretly thought about it, and then waited aside.Sure enough, this gang of evildoers couldn't bear to cleanse themselves. After a few days, there was a mass of red light flying out from the mountain. It looked like two foundation-building monks.

He followed up stealthily, saw a Toutuo and a demon, and heard them bragging about each other, he knew that one was called Shenhuo Toutuo Fameng, and the other was a three-handed real person Luo Mingqing, both of them were evil obstacles doing evil.

Around Mount Hua, due to the order of Patriarch Lie Huo, they are not allowed to mess around, so they are planning to go to the area of ​​Mount Song to have fun.

When they flew to the vicinity of Mang Mountain, Meng Qiu couldn't bear to listen to their obscenity, and suddenly stopped him, the fog covered his whole body, concealed his identity, and changed his voice:

"You two bastards, dare to fly over my head, are you impatient?"

The two of them were startled, they hurriedly picked up the protective magic light, and probed forward again, realizing that it was only a foundation building practice, they were relieved immediately.

Shenhuo Toutuo Fameng was also a cautious person, clasped his palms together in a salute, and said, "I don't know that your master is practicing here, so it's our fault that he collided with you."

The three-handed real person Luo Mingqing rolled his eyes, followed suit and apologized, and said: "My brother and two masters are also famous in the cultivation world. I don't know which disciple the honored master is from. Maybe both of them know each other. Don't hurt your friendship."

Meng Qiu said: "Don't make friends, I'm a lone cultivator, and I've always been alone. You two have just established the foundation, and you dare to go against seniors. Tell me, what should you do?"

"Senior?" Luo Mingqing pretended to be puzzled, and said: "Your honor is also a foundation, and the same realm as ours, how dare you call yourself a senior?"

Meng Qiu said proudly: "I'm a person who is in the late stage of foundation establishment and is expected to be a loose immortal. You are just entering the realm, how can you have the courage to stand shoulder to shoulder with me?"

The life of the low-level casual cultivators is hard, haha, there are no powerful magic weapons and spells, and they can only be separated by comparing the strength of mana and the proficiency of Taoism to distinguish the early, middle and late stages of foundation establishment.

When it comes to the big sect, it only takes more than ten years and one or two retreats to cultivate the foundation and become a loose immortal. Besides, when fighting in the same realm, who is higher and who is lower has little to do with the small realm, so it will never be subdivided.

Toutuo and Yaodao immediately understood the background of the visitor, looked at each other, and laughed.

Fa Meng said: "So it was a robber who didn't have eyes and found your grandfather's head. Do you know who we are?"

"Who are you?" Meng Qiu asked cautiously, "Is it the Mangshan Ghost King or the Bone Emperor's men?"

The two were startled, Luo Mingqing said cautiously: "The Ghost King of Mang Mountain is the underworld sage, Senior Xu Wan? What is the relationship between the Bone Emperor and the Bone God?"

"What kind of sages and gods? It's a mess." Meng Qiu squinted at the two of them, and said, "You don't even know the two most famous Sanxian seniors in Mang Mountain, so how dare you be so arrogant?"

"Sanxian?" Fa Meng felt that he was being teased, and suddenly he burst into anger, and shouted: "Aren't you playing with us? A mere Sanxian dares to have such a big nickname, is he impatient?

Old man, we are disciples of the Huashan School, you are sensible, come here and kowtow a hundred times, and I will let you go.Otherwise, you will be caught and roasted in the fire. "

"Is it Patriarch Liehuo's Huashan sect? He is only a loose immortal, so how dare you trust him so much." Meng Qiu sneered at first, and then said joyfully:
"It just so happens that I need the essence of Mount Hua to refine the magic weapon. You two, hand it over honestly. Maybe I, an old man, can let you go."

"It turns out that he is really a casual cultivator who doesn't know how to live or die!" Fameng laughed grimly, and said, "I still thought that if I were a fellow, I would make some friends. I never thought that I don't even know my ancestor, and there is no need to live."

He took out a demon banner with flames painted on it, waved it downwards repeatedly, and immediately a ball of fire bombs flew out, hitting the opposite side.

Meng Qiu fumbled for a long time from the treasure bag, found a bronze mirror, pointed it at it, and immediately a silver cloud flew up, spreading dazzlingly, forming a light curtain, blocking the front.As soon as the fire bomb hits upwards, it explodes.

When the demon monk saw this, he couldn't help being furious, the demon banner swayed continuously, dozens of fireballs came at his head, hitting Yinxia and exploding one after another, but they couldn't hurt at all.

The two monsters in Huashan were taken aback, they didn't expect the opponent's magic weapon to be so miraculous, and they immediately became greedy again.

Luo Mingqing then used the Dutian Lie fire flag, and a series of fire bombs flew away, and the flames suddenly became more and more intense.In a blink of an eye, that area became a sea of ​​flames.

Meng Qiu stood in the way for half an hour. Seeing that the performance was almost over, he immediately yelled and said triumphantly, "You two juniors, are you running out of mana? See how powerful I am, the magic mirror of yin and yang."

After speaking, the magic power surged, the mirror light flourished, and the silver glow surged outwards, pushing away all the raging fire, covering the area for hundreds of feet.

When Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing landed inside, their bodies tensed up immediately, as if they were embedded in the stone wall, they couldn't move, and their mana couldn't move, they couldn't even hold the Dutian Lie Huo Banner.

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand, took the two flags and the treasure bag of the two of them over, checked briefly, and said, "How about it, you two juniors know that you are afraid? Hurry up and open the treasure bag, and hand over the essence of Huashan Mountain!"

Luo Mingqing hurriedly said: "Senior, we really don't have the essence of Mount Hua in our hands, why don't we let us go back, let's get some and send it to senior?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Meng Qiu said disdainfully: "The essence of Mount Hua is indeed precious, so it was surrounded by Patriarch Riehuo to prevent people from collecting it. But Huashan is vast, and you are all under Huashan's sect, so there is no reason not to collect some for your own use."

Luo Mingqing hurriedly said: "Senior, I don't know. I have a large formation that relies on the Huashan Spiritual Vein, so the Patriarch has already ordered that, except for a few elders with higher status, other disciples are not allowed to collect inspirations at will."

Meng Qiu frowned, and said to himself: "So that's it. It seems that only the immortals of Mount Hua such as Shi Nanxi, Yang Shao, and Zhu Nanchuan are qualified, but with their realm, they may not be able to see the spirit of Huashan, and they may not have it in their hands.

What's more, it is common for this kind of monks of the earth immortal level to retreat in closed doors for three to five years, and they move quickly. If they want to go out, even ordinary celestial masters want to catch them, and it is not easy to find them all at once. "

He no longer expressed his hope of obtaining the essence of Huashan from the hands of the Huashan sect. He glanced at the two in front of him and said casually:
"Nonsense, what kind of formation will occupy the entire ley line? Obviously you don't want to give it.

But it doesn't matter, if you don't want to let go of the treasure bag yourself, I'll kill you first, and slowly grind it out. "

When Luo Mingqing saw that he was going to do something, he was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Yes, yes, yes, my master has some, as long as senior lets me go back, I can get them."

"Let you go back, and then you find a companion to kill me?" Meng Qiu said disdainfully: "Since there is no spirit of Huashan, let me die!"

"There is a way, there is a way." Seeing this, Fa Meng quickly opened his mouth and said quickly: "These days, the ancestor of the green robe in the Yinfeng Cave of Baiman Mountain is coming to visit, the ancestor of Raging Fire has a big banquet for guests, and casual practitioners from all directions are welcome to come.

Seniors can pretend to be visitors, and we will lead them into Huashan.Although our Dongfu is not among the three peaks in the center of Huashan, it is not on the edge either. Be careful, and you can get the essence of Huashan. "

"The green robe came out of Baiman Mountain?" Meng Qiu was overjoyed, he had long wanted to trouble the ancestor of the green robe, but the other party was in Baiman Mountain, protected by a formation, and had no way of attacking him. Now that he came out by himself, it was a great opportunity.

But his expression remained calm, he lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then said to the two: "Okay, it's up to you. But if you play any tricks, I am kind, but the magic weapon in my hand must not recognize people."

(End of this chapter)

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