Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 286 Chasing the Green Robe

Chapter 286 Chasing the Green Robe
With this in mind, Meng Qiu turned the mirror and slightly loosened Yinxia from Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing.

The two looked at each other, thinking secretly in their hearts, but their faces were full of gratitude, and they said in unison: "Thank you for your generosity, senior. Forgive me. When I return to Huashan, I will definitely help get the essence of Huashan."

Meng Qiu sneered, and said: "When you go to Mount Hua, how can you two submit obediently? You will definitely go to the teacher and come to surround and kill me."

Fa Meng hurriedly said: "How dare we deceive seniors, we can swear to God now, we will never dare to break the promise just now."

"I swear I don't need it." Meng Qiu took out two thumb-sized, red pills, threw them in the air, and said:
"These two three-corpse brain pills were obtained together with the treasure mirror from a cave in a valley. Looking at the jade slips left there, it shows that these pills were refined by a celestial immortal called Daoist Gu.

There are three kinds of corpse worms in it, there is no abnormality after eating, and they usually do not attack, but every year at noon of Duanyang Festival, if the antidote to restrain the corpse worms is not taken in time, the corpse worms will come out.

Once they escape into the sea of ​​consciousness, the person who takes this medicine will not only become unconscious, but even act like a ghost, and even their parents and wives will bite and eat it.

You two, each take one, after eating, you will be afraid, so you can take me to Huashan again, so you can have no doubts. "

"Heavenly Immortal?" Fa Meng was taken aback, and looked at his companion with some disbelief in his heart, how could he recognize the relics of the Heavenly Immortal with the ignorance shown by the other party.

But Meng Qiu put away the precious mirror, Yinxia disappeared, and Fa Menghe and Luo Mingqing recovered.

Both of them were stunned for a moment, but when they saw two objects being thrown from the opposite side, they subconsciously caught them, but Du Tianlie's fire flag was returned.Only two three corpse brain pills are still dangling in the air.

Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing were free, but they were even more puzzled. They didn't dare to move, forced a smile, and were about to speak, they saw a change in Meng Qiu's body, his aura increased greatly, and his cultivation level rose steadily.

Meng Qiu looked at the stunned two people, and said: "I didn't intend to spare your lives, but you guys are lucky, I happen to be a little interested in the hookup between the old raging fire ghost and the green robe old ghost.

You two, as long as you take me into Huashan and see it well, after I leave, you can report the matter to anyone you want. "

"Senior's order is naturally not a problem." Fa Meng said quickly: "It is our honor to be able to look up to the two of us, how dare we not obey? There is no need to waste this heavenly elixir, right?"

Meng Qiu didn't answer either, only smiling.The two had no choice but to squeeze out a smile, one took one and swallowed it.

As soon as the three corpse brain god pills entered the mouth, they immediately melted, and a scorching sensation rushed upwards, [-]% of which sank into the viscera regardless of the flesh. The inside was first hot, and then burned like a fire.

And the other [-]% of the heat, instantly entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and released the ice, almost freezing the entire sea of ​​consciousness, but the soul was very awake, attacked by the cold, but unable to move.

This pain and cold lasted for about a cup of tea before it gradually eased.

Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing couldn't lift even a little bit of mana, if it wasn't for Meng Qiu's lifting, they would have fallen from the sky and died here, becoming a laughing stock.

Only then did the two of them firmly believe that this kind of poisonous pill, just after eating it, would cause a great reaction. Moreover, in the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a chill hidden in it, once the consciousness was used, they would be able to detect it and linger.

This miraculous effect, combined with the status of the other party's Earth Immortal, even if the pill was not left by the Heavenly Immortal, it is not much worse.

Fa Meng immediately understood his situation, and said cautiously: "Senior, we can rush back now, but your old man's cultivation level..."

Meng Qiu immediately changed, and his cultivation was suppressed to the foundation building stage, and he said, "Just call me Cao Wang, the Taoist of Shangde."

The three of them rushed back to Mount Hua, so the gates were widely opened in the mountain to welcome the green-robed patriarch, so the guards were not strict; Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing were brought in, so the entry was extremely smooth.

After crossing the lotus petal-like mountain range on the outside, to the inside, there are towering mountains and rocks, and the sound of clear springs. Wherever you go, there are towering giant trees with hanging leaves like covers, entangled vines and thorns.

All kinds of flowers can be seen from time to time, big like a wheel, small like a star, red, blue, yellow and orange, of different colors, the wind blows a delicate fragrance, and the atmosphere is pleasant.

The scene of this school of immortals is completely different from being in a famous leftist sect.

What shocked Meng Qiu especially was the fact that he was walking all the way. This layout reflects the front and back, connects up and down, and blends harmoniously, as if in a huge cave, not like in the mountains that should be uneven.

"It seems that the entire Huashan Mountain has been transformed by Patriarch Lie Huo." Meng Qiu couldn't help putting away a little contempt, and became vigilant, looking at Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing, who were obviously relaxed and flying straight towards the central three peaks, and said:
"Now you are going to lead me to see the old ghost?"

Fa Meng's body froze slightly, and he cried out in a low voice, "Senior is by your side, how dare we think otherwise? It's because the cave is indeed there."

"Let's trust you for a while." Meng Qiu said with a faint smile: "If you really can't take it anymore, it's okay to take me to see the old ghost Liehuo. At worst, if I show my true colors, he will give me some face."

Fa Meng's heart shuddered, and he put away his small thoughts.If it is true as the other party said, they recognize Patriarch Lie Huo, and they will offend a master of the Earth Immortal.

Even if he looked at the face of the patriarch at that time, the poison pill could be cured, and he was ambushed by the other party later, how could he be as lucky as he is now to save his life?

Fortunately, his cave is indeed there, Fa Meng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and moved forward diligently.Luo Mingqing was still not reconciled, pretending to be surprised:
"Senior actually recognizes my patriarch? Why don't you go to meet him because of this relationship. Patriarch will be happy to know that his friend is here."

Meng Qiu sneered, and said: "That old ghost and I are not friends, nor can we be called enemies. We have only fought twice, so we haven't seen each other."

Having said that, Luo Mingqing was also frightened, and led the way with his companions obediently, and soon arrived at a low mountain in the northwest corner of the three peaks of Huashan.

There is a cave here, there is nothing on the outside, and it is divided into three rooms inside, which is very simple.Meng Qiu frowned slightly, and said, "This place is dilapidated, maybe it's a place without spiritual veins?"

Fa Meng smiled awkwardly, and said: "Although Mount Hua is large, there are also many disciples, so the caves are tightly used by the ancestors and uncles. We, the disciples who established the foundation, can share a mountain, which is already a gift from the ancestors."

"Forget it, if you're away from home, you can only make do with it." Meng Qiu looked around a bit and realized that the ground veins were in the room on the left. As he walked in, he said:
"It's nothing to do with you. It's up to you to stay or go out to visit friends, or even go to the senior teacher to detoxify."

The more he said this, the more bitter they felt in their hearts, the power of the poisonous pill might be real, so they went to the stone room on the right with their heads downcast.

As soon as Meng Qiu entered the left cave, he saw a Dutianlie fire flag in the middle, which was similar to that of Fa Meng and the other two.

There are complex patterns on the ground, and formations are arranged.Slightly sensing, there is a weak force of earth veins passing by.

He observed carefully, but he was not proficient in the formation method, and he couldn't see why, so he simply tried to test it.

Meng Qiu slowly drew the air of the earth veins upwards, and it went smoothly at first, and when it was about to come out of the ground, when it was about to be pulled, the formation lit up, and all this spiritual energy was directed into the Dutian Lie Huo Banner.

After testing it a few times, it is still the same. Once the spirit veins come out of the ground, they will be absorbed by the formation.He frowned and pondered for a long time before he got a clue.

But seeing his figure sway, he has reached the center of the formation, and he raised his hand and pulled out the fire flag.

The ground formation immediately reacted, and when it was about to show its brilliance, Meng Qiu had already drawn out an idea that seemed to have not come out, and crossed into the raging fire flag.Such aura continued, and the ground magic circle dimmed again.

He was very happy, and secretly said: "Fortunately, in those years, in order to use half of the magic circle given by the master, I worked hard for a while and learned a lot.

Otherwise, even if the formation in front of me is rough, I don't have the knowledge to think of a solution, so I can only take the risk of going to the Immortal Cave Mansion. "

It went on like this for more than a month, and it went smoothly.Although the spiritual veins here are small, they are flowing slowly. Under Meng Qiu's continuous absorption, he finally gathered all the essence of Xishan that he needed.

It's not that Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing didn't go out during the period, but they were apprehensive when they went out, and they were downcast when they came back. It seems that they also secretly found someone to try to relieve the erysipelas.

Meng Qiu didn't care about it either, although what they gave them was not the "Three Corpse Brain Pill", but it was not too bad. It was originally refined by Saint Gu Jiayin in the Magic Wave Pool, and the toxicity was not bad.

If it were Patriarch Lie Huo, they probably wouldn't be able to do anything, not to mention that these two people don't have the courage and status to find Patriarch directly, probably because they invited some Sanxian to check.

When Meng Qiu came out, the two were overjoyed, and Fa Meng said anxiously: "Senior, did you refine the essence of Huashan Mountain, did it go well?"

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "What do I want the spirit of Huashan to do? It's just to see that your house is full of fire. What's so great about it?"

The faces of the two of them changed drastically, thinking that a wolf had been lured into the house, they were startled and frightened.

Meng Qiu ignored it, and asked again: "Is the green-robed old monster here?"

Fa Meng put away his thoughts and said: "I heard that after the farewell meeting today, the ancestor will go back."

Meng Qiu thought about it immediately, and prepared to call the two of them to take him to the main peak in the center, but who knew that the two of them were not of sufficient status to enter the core area, so they changed their way out of Mount Hua, left behind two detoxification pills, and left in a flash.

He hid in mid-air, and after waiting for a while, he saw the Huashan mountain range, which was originally clear, suddenly covered with a layer of light red veil, and then a [-]-foot-sized opening was opened in the center, and two clusters of bright light, one red and one green, could be seen.

Green light suddenly shot up into the sky, and the hole immediately returned to its original appearance, and the peaks of Huashan Mountain became clear again, but there was no human habitation.

Meng Qiu realized that it was Dutian Liehuo's formation, and after a few times of amazement, he secretly used the sword light to keep up with the green light.

Going all the way to the south, almost at the junction of Sichuan and Shaanxi, the green light stopped in midair, showing the strange appearance of the ancestor in green robe, said: "Fellow Daoist followed me for a long way, do you have any advice?"

Only then did Meng Qiu reveal his figure, sighed, and said, "After all, I only learned the superficial aspects of Wuxing Jiandun, and I can't even hide it from you."

The green robe recognized the person who came to the door with Gong Yehuang and Zheng Bagu, and couldn't help but get angry, ignoring the caution when he noticed someone was following, and shouted:

"Good boy, it turned out to be you! I have always remembered the revenge of being besieged by you back then. I couldn't find anyone to vent my worries, so you sent them to my door. God helped me!"

The battle of Huanbochi didn't take long, he had no news about Baiman Mountain and had never heard of it, but this time he came to hear Patriarch Lie Huo also mentioned it, so he didn't dare to hold it against Meng Qiu.

In addition, he was extremely jealous of the other party's talent, and now he is merciless in his attack, and immediately released the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu.

Having suffered losses in the last battle at Baiman Mountain, counting carefully at this moment, there are still tens of thousands of Golden Silkworm Gu, densely packed.It is very scary.

Meng Qiu took a deep breath, and without making any attempts, he unleashed the Nanming Lihuo Sword, the light of the sword split, and more than ten thousand sword shadows burst out, attacking and killing them.

He hadn't been promoted last time, and his mana was not strong, so this move was not powerful enough. Against the Golden Silkworm Gu, it could only injure but not kill, or only kill a small piece.

This time it was very different, the sword came out like thunder, under one blow, the flames shot out, and the poisonous Gu was destroyed together.

Immediately, more than ten thousand Gu worms were covered with flames and fell one after another, while the Nanming Lihuo sword in Meng Qiu's hand became brighter and brighter.

The green-robed patriarch was also taken aback, and hurriedly contained the hundred poisonous golden silkworm Gu. The sky that had been slightly empty due to the lack of one-tenth of the Gu insects was suddenly filled again, and it was extremely dark for a while.

Meng Qiu mobilized his mana and struck out another sword, but this time the light of the sword split, the opponent was on guard, the Gu insects all emitted golden light, and joined together into pieces, the amount they could kill was less than one-fifth of the previous time.

According to this level of progress, he would have to unleash more than 50 swords to clear the sky.

Not to mention whether his magic power can support it, the green-robed patriarch is also a person with rich experience in fighting, how could he just stand by and not make a move.

Not to mention, the last time the opponent used 24 demonic appearances, they were able to summon the phantom of Asura demon god.

It was precisely because of this fear that Meng Qiu hurriedly chased after him, intending to intercept the green robe and prevent him from returning to Baiman Mountain, so as to borrow the power of the magic circle.

He struck out another sword and killed some hundred-poisonous golden silkworm Gu, then changed his sword technique and chose the delicate refined sword into silk, while defending against it, he looked for good opportunities to strike.

At this time, the sky is clear and bright, and there are no clouds in the sky.The sun is fierce, shining down, and the earth is unobstructed.

Meng Qiu was wrapped in a huge ball of golden light, but the inside was extremely dark, only by killing some golden silkworm Gu, could the sunlight penetrate.

The green-robed patriarch laughed triumphantly, and said, "Little thief, don't think that you've been promoted to Earth Immortal, and you feel great. If you bump into my hand today, it will be your death date!"

But Meng Qiu only chuckled, and said: "After fighting for a long time, you can see that all I show off are sword skills. Do you think the sword in my hand is fake?"

After saying that, he slapped Nanming Lihuo Sword, a hundred feet of red light suddenly rose from the top, and then subsided again, turning into a raging flame rising from the sword.

Thousands of sword shadows reappeared, only different from the last time, they were all made of fire, they rushed out, before hitting the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu, each sword shadow exploded automatically, scattered into hundreds of sparks.

Immediately, one hundred thousand sparks burst into the golden silkworm Gu formation and fluffed up, like a flowering epiphyllum, wrapping everything around and burning it clean.

The haze was gone, and the sky above Meng Qiu's head was clear again.

(End of this chapter)

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