Chapter 287
Hundreds of thousands of poisonous golden silkworm Gu were all emptied, not only the green-robed patriarch was dumbfounded, even Meng Qiu was surprised.

After the Nanming Lihuo Sword fell into Meng Qiu's hands, due to his lack of cultivation and the incompatibility of the sword with him, most of the time, he only used its strength and yang harmony, and seldom fully released its power.

After arriving at Earth Immortal, this is the first time that he has gone all out to burst out Lihuo, and it has such a miraculous effect, it is truly worthy of being the first of the Four Treasures of Buddhism.

Most of the methods used by the green-robed patriarch were on the Golden Silkworm Gu. The rest of the magic arts were not very proficient, and the ability to hurt people was due to his strong magic power. If he wanted to use it against Meng Qiu, it would be tantamount to asking for trouble.

It's just that facing Nanming Lihuo Sword and using the Golden Silkworm Gu, it's like a moth rushing to a flame. It's useless except to send one's treasure to others to kill.

He was also decisive, and with a shake of his hand, twelve zombies fell beside him, all of them were Sanxian cultivators.Then his body swayed, his hands and feet danced, and he muttered words.

Meng Qiu had seen the other party's method of summoning the Asura Demon God last time, and he was not a Demon God, so he immediately turned his sword light, trying to get ahead and interrupt the spellcasting.

But the green-robed patriarch was unmoved, and hundreds of thousands of poisonous golden silkworm Gu flew around his body, layer upon layer, intercepting him in front.

For a while, Meng Qiu couldn't think of a way to break through, and split the sword light again, with one blow, two strikes, three strikes, and killed two to three million Gu insects in less than a cup of tea.

It's just that the green-robed patriarch turned a deaf ear to it, and still focused on mobilizing the demonic formation.

Seeing that most of the Gu worms were dead, Meng Qiu was about to make persistent efforts, when suddenly the sky darkened and a cloud of black mist appeared, waving its tentacles around, baring its teeth and claws.

After a while, the black mist shrank inward, turning into a terrifying giant ten feet high, with two heads of sheep's heads, four symmetrical hands, each holding a sword.

Meng Qiu's heart shuddered, even though there were only twelve sacrifices, this phantom of the Asura Demon God still reached the realm of a celestial being.

At this time, he didn't move, but the phantom of the demon god attacked on his own initiative, with two knives and two swords, slashing straight from up, down, left, and right, just like mortal martial arts, without fancy.

Just as Meng Qiu was about to move, he suddenly noticed that his whole body seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all.Even though he had enough mana, he couldn't break free.

The demon god's attack is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, there is no way to avoid it, and its momentum is three points more powerful than the previous time when he ran into Lu Yu in Tiedao Gorge.

Knowing that he couldn't hide, Meng Qiu stopped struggling, gave a soft drink, and mobilized the Nanming Lihuo sword in his hand, filled with mana, the fire burst in his hand, and suddenly there was a loud noise, shaking heaven and earth, like a dragon's chant, spreading far away.

At this time, the entire sky was half black and half red, as if two armies were piled up, colliding fiercely. After a moment of pause, the balance of power was broken, and the black light smashed the red light like a broken bamboo.

With one strike from the Demon God, the sword energy Lei Yin from Nanming Lihuo Sword was defeated head-on, and the rest of the momentum was still extremely powerful, hitting Meng Qiu's protective magic light, hitting him until his blood was floating, and he flew back ten miles away.

Seeing that he was gaining power, the green-robed patriarch immediately hooked up with the Demon God and chased after him, wanting to take advantage of the limited time that the phantom existed to kill the enemy in front of him.

Meng Qiucai woke up from the shock, calmed down, and secretly compared, even though he was conceited that among the earth immortals, he had few opponents, but there was still a gap between him and the heavenly immortals.

The last time Lu Ru used the star-absorbing hairpin to transform into a doppelgänger, her realm was sufficient, but her magic power was not enough. At most, half of her foot landed on the realm of a celestial being, and of course she was no match for Meng Qiu.

But the demon god in front of him, although he is just a phantom projection of Asura God, and doesn't have much magic power, but in terms of realm and magic power, he is a real fairy, and he is probably not much worse than Gongyehuang.

If Meng Qiu has mastered the fundamental Taoism, or has a flying sword that suits him, and he can still fight, it is natural that he will not be able to fight at the moment.

But he didn't want to go, so he thought for a while, and seeing the enemy approaching, he locked himself in with an imposing manner, and the attack followed immediately, so he took a deep breath, grabbed it casually, and dropped a simple and simple mirror in his palm.

The magic power surged, and the brilliance spread out for more than ten feet, and pieces of Zhongxia flew out of the mirror, and the falling flowers were colorful, and the demon god washed away.

It seemed that the movement was slow, but when he raised his head, the blue light had already shone on the enemy, and suddenly, the storm and fire appeared one by one in the golden glow.

The Demon God was aggressive at first, but after he stopped Meng Qiu, the four weapons were raised early.But at this moment, it seemed that he had suffered a backlash, and he froze in mid-air, unable to move, like a stone or wood carving.

The green-robed patriarch immediately noticed that the communication with the demon god was interrupted, and he was taken aback. Just about to check, he saw thousands of red lights blooming from the opposite side, flying towards the demon god like a meteor, and landed on the demon god's body.

Then the blue light disappeared, and the demon god straightened up, raised his sword high, and roared to the sky.Thousands of red dots appeared from all over its body, immediately enlarged, and then bloomed into fist-sized fire lotus blossoms, which were so delicate and beautiful.

But with a bang, all the fire lotuses exploded, and the red light interlocked to form a ball, wrapping the demon god inside, and suddenly shrunk in.Until there is nothing in place, together with the phantom, it disappears completely.

The green robe was stunned, and before he could react, there were several sounds around him, and then the twelve loose immortal zombies burst into flames, burning all over their bodies, leaving no ashes.

He stared at the Haotian mirror on the other side, and couldn't help asking: "What kind of magic weapon is this?"

"The magic weapon that kills you!" Meng Qiu was forced to use the magic weapon at the bottom of the box, which was used when the earth was immortal, and it really was very miraculous.

Now that the demon god is dead, he will not let the enemy go.Immediately turned the mirror light and shot towards the green-robed patriarch.

The green robe had been on guard for a long time, and with a strange cry, hundreds of thousands of gold stars flew out of his body, galloping in all directions.

As soon as he finished this action, the next moment the blue light from the Haotian Mirror locked him in place, and he had no chance to escape.Then a red light passed through, broke into the sea of ​​consciousness, and cut off the primordial spirit.

Nanming Lihuo sword hooked, and came back with a green robed body.Meng Qiu put it away and looked around again, the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu was still fleeing desperately.

He chuckled lightly, and said: "If I hadn't heard people say that Xuan Mizhu is not only your second soul, but also the mother of the hundred-poisonous golden silkworm Gu, it really made you escape."

There are hundreds of thousands of Gu worms, and they fly fast, it is almost impossible to catch them all in one go.But the Xuan Mi Pearl and the Golden Silkworm Gu are one body with two sides, the appearance and the inside are generally the same, hidden in it, unless one is lucky, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to find.

But Meng Qiu didn't rush, turned the Haotian mirror, fixed Dongfang's feet, shot a blue light, and fixed a Gu worm ten miles away, then the sword energy turned into a rainbow, fell to the side, stretched out his hand, and said:
"If it was someone else, you would really have escaped. But using the method of splitting the soul in front of me, it would be a bit of a trick."

Since he obtained the method of refining gods from Miechenzi, and supplemented by the cooperation of the chaotic primordial embryo in the sea of ​​consciousness, the primordial spirit separates and recombines, producing infinite changes. He can be said to be the most proficient monk in this way.

The Hundred Poisons Golden Silkworm Gu fell into Meng Qiu's hands. It was originally stiff and dumbfounded. Hearing these words, there were two squeaks and words from the green robe, saying:
"I hate the injustice of the heavens! It's so easy to find the way forward, but my life ends here. If I am trained to become a celestial immortal, the Xuan Mizhu and the golden silkworm Gu become one, and every Gu worm is my primordial spirit. If one is immortal, I will never die. How can you kill me?"

"Hahaha, when you get promoted, I'll be a celestial being long ago. Don't say it's just a rough way to divide the soul. Even if you practice the supreme method of Asura and rebirth from a drop of blood, killing you will be like killing a chicken."

Meng Qiu laughed and said, lightly exerted his mana, grasped the Gu worm and pinched it, the sword energy overflowed, and killed the inner green-robed consciousness.

At the same time, the golden silkworm Gu flying in all directions stopped together, and then fell down like a shower.

Meng Qiu spread out his palm, and there was only a green, crystal clear, round and clean black bead, full of vitality.

He put away the treasure and the Haotian Mirror, looked around, and immediately controlled the flying sword and left quickly.

After more than half an hour, I saw all kinds of Dharma lights coming from all directions, landing on a mountain below.

The first ones to arrive were some monks from the left, and the highest cultivation level was only the Sanxian, there was a lot of discussion and speculation.

A moment later, a ray of golden light fell from the sky, and the figure of the camel Yixiu appeared, glanced around, and said in surprise: "Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu?"

Stretching out his hand and making a move, a Gu worm landed in his hand, after a little inspection, he knew that his spiritual consciousness had disappeared and died.

He glanced around and saw the corpses of golden silkworm Gu all over the place, their color was already dim, and they were uncountable, he couldn't help frowning, and asked: "Fellow daoists came early, do you know what happened here?"

A Sanxian hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Senior, let me tell you, although I practiced in this mountain, I don't know much about it.

I was discussing with some friends in the cave just now, when I suddenly heard a few loud noises in the air, when I came out to look, I saw a little golden light falling from the sky, and I didn't know it was this kind of strange insect until I saw it. "

Another added: "I was in the wild, first I saw a golden light, as dazzling as a second sun.

Then the golden light broke, and the red light filled the sky. After a short time, it turned into black light for half a day, and red light for half a day.After bumping into each other, they all dissipated with a dragon chant.

After a while, the black light gathered again, but the red light did not gather, but red lines flew from a distance, obliterating the black light.

After that, there were this kind of strange insects, scattered into the sky full of gold stars, as if hiding something, and then fell down. "

The two said they didn't know very well, but Yixiu also got a rough idea, guessing that someone was fighting with the Lupao Patriarch in mid-air, and later the Lupao was defeated, even the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu, which was like life and death, was completely wiped out.

"In the world, is there anyone whose Taoism or magic weapon is red light?" He thought: "Master Shanxia's rainbow sword is unique in the practice world, but with her little cultivation, how can she be an opponent of the green robe?

Ordinary people can't distinguish the fire technique of Shaoyang Shenjun.But compared to the green robe, he is still far behind, and I haven't heard that he has any treasures in his hand.

It can't be the Red Lotus Demon Lord of the Blood Sea Dao. If he wants to make a move, he will definitely do so silently. Otherwise, if there is such a big commotion and openly kills the people of the Asura Dao, isn't it afraid that the old man Sibi will come to the door? "

Just as he was thinking, another red light flew from the sky and came straight down.Those casual cultivators thought that the cultivators who were just fighting came over, and they backed away in fright.

The red light fell to the ground, but Patriarch Lie Huo came with two disciples, Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing. Seeing Yixiu, he was taken aback for a moment, then looked around, picked up a Gu insect, checked it briefly, and said in shock: "Fellow Daoist Yi, you killed the green robe?"

He knew the green-robed patriarch better than Yixiu, he knew that the hundred-poison golden silkworm Gu was something related to the latter's life, it was indestructible by itself, and it was absolutely impossible for the Gu to die so silently.

"I just came here." Yixiu snorted coldly, and said angrily: "A few friends beside me said that he is a person who uses red light and fights against the green robe. If I didn't know that you don't have that ability, you would be more suspicious than me."

He paused, and said again: "Are you sure that the green-robed old ghost is really dead?"

Patriarch Lie Huo didn't care that the other party saw clearly, he stretched out his hand and pointed around, and said: "There are hundreds of thousands of poisonous golden silkworms in a radius of more than ten miles, all of which are dead like this, the green robe is probably more ominous than good."

Yixiu was even more surprised, and said: "Who can have this ability? Even if it is me, it will take a lot of effort to kill this old ghost. What's more, if he wants to escape, I may not be able to stop him.

Hearing from these fellow Taoists, it is truly astonishing that the battle lasted only a moment before the winner was decided. "

Patriarch Lie Huo asked the people around him to tell the story again, shocked in his heart, turned his head to look at the two disciples next to him, and said slowly: "From this description, I probably know who it is?"

Without waiting for Yixiu to ask, he sighed, and said: "I'm not afraid of being laughed at by fellow Taoists, Huashan sent something embarrassing.

Not long ago, Lupao was still a guest in Huashan.Not long after he left, my two disciples and grandchildren came to report, saying that an earth immortal hijacked them with poisonous pills, sneaked into Huashan Mountain, and hid for nearly a month.

After spending so much time and effort, the man told the two idiots that he was here to steal the essence of Mount Hua and use it for refining treasures.

Isn't this obviously a lie? For a person in the realm of the earth fairy, what magic weapon can use such a spiritual material?
Sure enough, when the green robe left today, this person also left, and he kindly left behind the poison pill antidote.

My two disciples and grandchildren only reacted at this time. They were afraid that the other party was cheating and came to me, so they revealed the matter. "

Yixiu looked at Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing, and said, "You two, do you know that Earth Immortal?"

The two shook their heads quickly, Patriarch Lie Huo also said: "That man deliberately plotted against him, so he naturally made up a disguise and did not show his true face.

However, he was not careful and showed his feet.Others don't recognize the poisonous pill, but I do know that it is the poisonous dragon pill made by Saint Gu Jiayin.

Except for the newly entered Ji Le Zhenren family who won the Huanbochi Cave Mansion, who else can have this opportunity to get this pill?

In addition, the Nanming Lihuo Sword, the head of the Four Treasures of Buddhism, also emits a red sword light. Isn't this person's identity ready to be revealed? "

"You mean, Meng Qiu?" Yixiu narrowed his eyes and said, "He is formidable, he even beat the ascetic Tutuo, but if he can kill Lupao, he is probably not close."

"I can't guess that, maybe he invited Gongyehuang to come over and ambush him." Patriarch Lie Huo said:

"Moreover, he has always been mysterious. He has repeatedly performed feats of defeating the strong with the weak and defeating the high with the low. It is unknown if he can kill the green robe."

Yixiu thought for a moment, and said: "There is a lot of doubt about this matter. According to what you said, if you invite Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch to come over, you can still kill him."

"Indeed!" Patriarch Lie Huo laughed and did not refute, saying: "What will happen next, there will be interested people to investigate, I will wait for the result."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Fa Meng and Luo Mingqing and said: "You two idiots lured wolves into the house and killed Fellow Daoist Green Robe, so why don't you bury him here?"

Before the two of them begged for mercy, a flame flew out, burned to ashes, and returned with two Heavenly Fire Flags, and disappeared.

Yixiu frowned, and said to the casual cultivators around: "In a short while, someone will come to ask, but I won't be so talkative.

If you have a place to go to, leave quickly, otherwise your lives will be lost, so I will stop here and do it for myself. "

He also raised the golden light and left quickly.Only everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and turned their eyes to the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu all over the place, their expressions wandering.

(End of this chapter)

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