Chapter 288
At this time, Meng Qiu didn't know that his murder of the green-robed patriarch had been exposed, so he walked back, leisurely looking at the green-robed treasure bag.

"The god of the valley is immortal, that is to say Xuanmu." Not surprisingly, the Dafa of Xuanmu that he is most concerned about is indeed among them.

This is not surprising, but most of the powerful monks always bring the most precious things with them. After all, compared with the cave, they are the safest.

Meng Qiu was not in a hurry to study the Xuanmu Dafa carefully, but checked other things.

There is also an extremely miraculous formula in it, which is the Phantom Summoning Method of the Asura Demon God used by the ancestor of the green robe twice.

This method is completely different from the methods of Taoism, Buddha, demons, sects, etc. It does not focus on cultivation, but to gain power by worshiping Asura demon gods.

The more devout the worship and the more offerings, the stronger the mana will be fed back.There is no bottleneck in promotion, as long as the demon god gives enough feedback, even within a day, a mortal can directly reach the realm of the earth fairy.

But this worship of gods will stop when you reach the earth immortal.After all, the Asura Demon God created by the Demon Cult is only a celestial being.

However, the green-robed patriarch was born in the Asura Dao of the great sect of the Demon Cult, and the Daoism in the sect goes straight to Ascension.You don't have to follow the way of God, you just practice the magic of asking the gods to protect the way.

This spell is full of evil spirits, you must find at least two monks who are in the realm of Sanxian or above, refine them into zombies alive, and use them as sacrifices.

The recruited monks don't need to distinguish between yin and yang and cultivation base, but only look at the thickness of qi and blood, the higher the better.

Enshrining these two sacrifices, the phantom of the demon god summoned, at most, has just entered the cultivation base of the earth immortal, and the means are not very good.

In order to summon the immortals, in addition to twelve sacrifices, one must also be proficient in inviting the gods and pray sincerely once a day. Only after a long period of time can a trace of the devil's thoughts be aroused and attached to the sacrifices.

Meng Qiu had read the long incantation and eulogy, and the whole article praised the greatness of Asura God. It seemed to be an authentic Shinto practice method, but Meng Qiu was well-informed, and he still saw a lot of demonic meanings in it.

The Xuanmu Dafa and the method of inviting gods are the most precious things in the ancestor of the green robe. In addition, there are some magic treasures that are not very useful, as well as the layout of the cave formation and the tokens for entering and exiting.

Seeing this, Meng Qiu suddenly had other thoughts, turned around, and arrived at the Yinfeng Cave in Baiman Mountain in a short while.

When I came last time, I only went around the periphery, and ran into the green robe, a big fight.At this moment, with the help of the token, he went deep into the cave.

Yinfeng Cave is located in the south of the main peak of Baiman Mountain, and there is a dark valley below.

When the sun hit the valley, it turned gray.In the muddy mud, bones can be seen from time to time, poisonous insects and scorpions shuttle through it, and long snakes and big pythons are bending and winding there, chasing and jumping.Other than that, talking about human figures, there is not even a trace of birds or beasts.

Meng Qiu frowned and sighed: "At first I wanted to take over this place and make it a separate mansion. With this appearance, I don't know how many lives have been lost. Even if it is tidy, it is not comfortable to live in."

He gave up the idea of ​​occupying this place, and immediately activated the token, and activated the magic circle of the cave to the maximum, preventing people from entering or leaving.

Several disciples of the Lupao Patriarch, Xin Chenzi, Tang Shi, Mei Luzi, etc., noticed it and gathered in the center of the cave, waiting for orders.

These people were full of evil, and Meng Qiu didn't bother to talk to them. Nanming Lihuojian mobilized and attacked and killed them. The screams and begging for mercy suddenly subsided, and soon subsided.

He went to the center, used the token to sense, killed the hidden monsters one by one, and used mana to destroy all the hubs of the formation, until the magic cave was broken, and he left with satisfaction.

After returning to Mangcang Mountain, Meng Qiu went out for a walk.Zheng Bagu is still not at Lingyuya and Zaohuaya, she must have gone to Xiaonanji Bright Realm Cave with Gongyehuang to accompany Chen Yufeng to recuperate.

The Tu'erya Xuanshuang Cave is also closed, and the family of the real person of Ji Le, who have returned to the cave, is naturally operating in the magic wave pool, and I am afraid they will not come back for a while.

Naturally, Shangguanhong, Meng Qiu's new apprentice, didn't need to worry about him, so he just had some free time to think about the refining of the Fantian Seal.

It is easy to refine Fan Tianyin. In the "Huangdi Neijing", there are original narrations.Take the essence of the five directions and five mountains as a guide, gather [-] kinds of top-notch spiritual materials, and follow the special Taoism.

The most critical point is the order in which each spiritual material is put in and the method of smelting. Only the "Nei Jing" has a complete record, and the mana that is cultivated can take effect.

Of course, top-notch spiritual materials are not easy to come by.Meng Qiu also relied on the Lianshan Treasure House, and searched most of them at once.The remaining part was either exchanged from Wudang, collected by oneself, or contributed by some monks "desperately".

There are also the Taibai Xuanjin essence, Dongfang Taiyi Yuanjing, Xuepozhu, Qiantianhuolingzhu and merit god mud, each of which can be encountered but cannot be sought, and is also integrated.

This refinement took seven to seven days and 49 days, and Tianyin was basically refined, and most of the remaining effort was spent on warming and nourishing.

Meng Qiu was a little hesitant at this time.When you reach the realm of the Earth Immortal, you must prepare the natal magic weapon in advance to harmonize with your own spirituality, and it will be of great use when you are promoted to the Celestial Immortal.

For example, Lu's star-absorbing hairpin can help her to possess a body on it, and it can be remotely controlled from a distance of a million miles. It is so miraculous that no spell or other magic weapon can do it.

The most famous one is Daoist Ji Le's Qiankun Chixian Divine Sword Needle, which has [-] needles. When it works, each needle can be turned into a flying sword. Its power is not inferior to that of Emei Qixiu.

Conversely, like Gongyehuang, he worked hard to become a celestial being, and he didn't have much energy to spend on his natal magic weapon. Therefore, when he reached his realm, his fighting skills couldn't keep up.

Meng Qiu's distress is not how to sacrifice the natal magic weapon, but that there are too many choices, even the Nanming Lihuo Sword can't be ranked.

Needless to say, Haotian Mirror, Xuanyuan is the most precious treasure, and its power is infinite.As soon as it was revealed today, even the phantom of Asura demon god in the realm of celestial beings couldn't stand it, so he killed him immediately.

Although Fan Tianyin has not yet formed, just based on the introduction in "Internal Classics", it is known that it is not inferior to Haotian Mirror and Jiuyi Cauldron, and it is made by him, which is closer.

There is also the Qingxuan sword that he is very fancy.Although the power is not as powerful as Nanming Lihuo Sword at the moment, but with his continuous addition of spiritual materials and nurturing, he has gradually approached the level of Tianhui and Yiguang.

If it weren't for the Taibai Xuanjin essence and other five-element super spiritual materials that are not compatible and have great uses, if they are smelted into the Qingxuan Sword, it might be comparable to the Nanming Lihuo Sword.

However, this sword has greater potential, and if more suitable materials can be found in the future, it may not be able to reach the level of Haotian Mirror.

Anyone who gets these three will be ecstatic without any hesitation, but Meng Qiu is different.

He felt that the Haotian Mirror was miraculous, but it was not in line with his own practice path, so to forcibly sacrifice the magic weapon of his own life was to accommodate himself.

Of course, swordsmanship is his favorite, and in order to specialize in this way, he doesn't even want to practice the first method of Taoism, the Great Five Elements Extinction Light Needle.But the Qingxuan Sword is only promising in the future, and it is still unknown how far it can grow.

Calculating that Fan Tianyin and Meng Qiu's own Taoism have the same origin, it is most suitable, but he is unwilling.In fact, for a long time, among the many foreign things, the most helpful thing is the chaotic embryo in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although this object cannot be used against the enemy, it is irreplaceable when used in cultivation.

The most important thing for his realm to improve so quickly is that the Yuantai can store spiritual energy and filter out impurities. As long as he has an epiphany, his mana will increase, and it will be like refining himself, saving a lot of hard work.

What's more, there is also the magical effect of shielding the catastrophe, as well as the effect of stabilizing the sea of ​​consciousness, manipulating the primordial spirit, and allowing him to successfully divide the primordial spirit.

Meng Qiu had already set his sights on the chaotic primordial womb when he heard about the natal magic weapon.

It's just that he has never been able to understand the mystery of this treasure.Although sitting in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it is not clear whether it has been refined or not.

After being promoted to Earth Immortal, he was barely able to use some functions other than absorbing aura and releasing mana, such as actively isolating the connection between the primordial spirit and mana.This is also his confidence not to find Mie Chenzi, but to split the fourth soul.

It's a pity that after all kinds of attempts, only some small magical effects have been obtained, and there is still a long way to go before it is fully refined.

But Meng Qiu is not only not depressed, but also a little happy.Even Haotian Jing can master more functions after he is promoted to Earth Immortal, and the performance of the Chaos Primordial Embryo is probably because its quality is even higher.

Every time he thinks of this, he is not so urgent, and decides to use water to grind his kung fu and gradually refine it. Anyway, he does not lack magic weapons.

When you reach the Celestial Immortal, holding Haotian Mirror and Fantian Seal in your hand, even if you don't have the magic weapon of your own life, there may not be a few people who can beat him.


Suddenly three years have passed, Meng Qiu was in seclusion on this day, when suddenly the restriction of the cave was touched.

He went out of the quiet room, searched a little, and found that the drunk Taoist was waiting at the door, so he opened the door of the cave and let him in.

When he sat down in the courtyard, Meng Qiu looked at the other party carefully, frowned and said, "Didn't fellow Taoist follow Mie Chenzi to practice the divine way, why haven't we seen each other for a few years, and there hasn't been any change at all?"

The drunken Taoist gave a wry smile, and said, "Geniuses like you who can learn Taoism at once are rare in the world after all. Idiots like me are the norm.

The third senior brother's method of refining the gods is too difficult and obscure, and requires extremely high qualifications.Brother Li Yuanhua and I racked our brains, but we didn't have a clue. "

Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said, "Did fellow Daoist Miechenzi hold that wordless monument, didn't it play any role?"

Zui Dao said: "It does work. This is the first time that I have sensed the separation of the primordial spirit and the disappearance of mana, so I can only rely on the body.

But no matter how I try, there is no way to regenerate the primordial spirit, not even a trace.

It's impossible to practice spells, and simply focusing on swordsmanship to practice the original swordsmanship more mellowly, it can be considered unintentional. "

Meng Qiu pondered for a while, and said: "The method of refining the gods is purely to cultivate the primordial spirit, and it is incompatible with all the current Taoism methods, and it is extremely difficult to get started.

It's not surprising that Fellow Daoists failed to get started in a short period of time.It just depends on what Fellow Daoist Miechenzi says. "

"It was the third senior brother who told me to give up." The drunken Taoist said: "He observed us carefully, and after several inquiries, he realized that we are not suitable for this method at all."

Meng Qiu frowned, and said, "Have fellow Daoists tried other methods of cultivation, which one suits me?"

The drunken Taoist shook his head and said: "Although the Emei Taoism I learned is not the "Nine Heavens Xuan Jing", it was created and handed down by my teacher himself. It is one of the most powerful methods in the world today. If it is not necessary, there is no need to change it."

Meng Qiu's heart moved. He had another idea a long time ago. Based on the spirit sword technique handed down by Master Changmei, he wanted to create a way of weapon cultivation that directly pointed to the realm of heavenly immortals.

It's just that Master Lianshan's Taoism is profound, and Miechenzi's extensive books have also taken more than a hundred years of effort and countless attempts before he achieved results.

Although Meng Qiu collected all kinds of Taoism and Taoism, and obtained the Xuanmu Dafa last time, most of the required foundations were gathered, but there were few connections between Taoism and techniques, and they couldn't even build a shelf.

He always likes to make decisions before acting, and he has not written a word about the matter of creating his own Taoism, so of course it is inconvenient to tell the other party.

I just passed the thought in my mind, and asked, "It's good that fellow Taoist has his own thoughts. What's the matter here this time?"

The drunken Taoist hesitated a little, and then said: "Emei's head teacher Qi Shuming is real, please go over and talk about it."

Meng Qiu frowned, and said slowly, "Fellow Daoist, what is the meaning of this?"

Zui Dao said humanely: "I know you have doubts in your heart. You obviously have a big enmity with Emei, so why did Headmaster Qi invite you to meet him? He doesn't treat you as a fool, but has other difficulties. Listen to me."

It turned out that during Meng Qiu's three years of retreat, the practice world was not peaceful at all.

In addition to the fact that the famous flower in the magic wave pool fell into the hands of Daoist Bliss, the death of the green-robed patriarch was spread by many casual cultivators who were present that day, creating an uproar.

It was only later that this incident was covered up. The news broke out that Emei Mountain was attacked by the Wutai faction. Except for the Ningbi Cliff where the core was still alive, the rest of the caves and Lingshan Mountains were almost completely destroyed.

The No. [-] faction of the Righteous Way has almost no face left. If it weren't for the news that they have three angels, their current reputation may have been frozen.

After suffering such a big loss, Emei naturally refused to let it go, and after rearranging the outside of Ningbi Cliff, launched an attack on the Wutai faction and its accomplice Hengshan faction.

If you don't make a move, you will die, but if you make a move, you will be shocked.Hengshan faction was attacked by Emei, and among the four leaders, only big brother Ding Jiazhuan remained, the rest of Huofa Master Huang Meng, Sanhua Master Zhuo Yuanfeng, and Tushenzi Wu Xun were all killed.

Over the next year or so, even though the Wutai Sect and the Huashan Sect deliberately kept a low profile, many monks died, and even the Huashan Sect's elder Martian Zi Yang Shao was robbed.

In addition, the casual cultivators who were trapped between the two factions fought violently and lost countless lives.

Later, a shocking incident occurred, Wu Yuanzhi, a Fenghuo Taoist from the Emei Sect, was ambushed and killed by several people from the Wutai Sect.

"Except for Li Yingqiong, Qi Lingyun and other outstanding third-generation disciples, even if the rest of them are dead, even if the senior brother, the third senior brother, and Master Qi are angry, they can still reason."

Zui Dao said humanely: "But Senior Brother Wu is the true disciple of the mentor, and his status is extraordinary. He was killed, no matter whether it was besieged or not, whether it was taken or not, Emei will be determined to avenge him."

(End of this chapter)

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