Chapter 291
Master Ji Le was silent for a moment, and said: "Originally, based on my friendship with fellow Taoist Changmei, I shouldn't have told you about this.

But I am about to ascend, Zhuo Jing and a group of disciples are still too poor in cultivation, even if there is Yi Huan Dong Tian for protection, they may not be able to survive the ten thousand years of calamity safely.

It's also because I've lived too long, and I've made friends in my life, except for the two Feisheng, there is no one left.Among the disciples, there is not a single master who is too far away from fellow Taoist with long eyebrows.

I originally wanted to entrust the whole family to Yixiu, but although he is extremely talented, but because of his strong temper, he insisted on fighting and spent too much energy on the five elements.

In the past, it would not have mattered to waste these 200 years, but the catastrophe of ten thousand years is imminent, so what if he becomes an immortal?If you accumulate too little, you may not be able to survive the catastrophe of ascension.

If he is like Gongyehuang, willing to lower his head and hide in the cave, there is still some hope left.However, I can guess that he must face the difficulties and forcibly cross the tribulation, risking his life in vain.

Yixiu is hopeless, and I despise others.If you hadn't turned out to be born, I'm afraid I could only hold my nose and ask Emei to take advantage of this, and return the cave to them, and personally take action to clean up the Taiyi Hunyuan for them. "

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "Thank you for looking up to the real person, but no matter how proud I am, I don't think I can stand shoulder to shoulder with the three gods.

In fact, from my perspective, there is nothing wrong with the real person entrusting his family to Emei, and it is safer.

As for dealing with Taiyi Hunyuan, for real people, it's just a matter of hands-on effort, and not much time is wasted, so why not do it? "

Master Ji Le sighed, and said: "The world often compares me with long-browed fellow Taoist, although there are many people who boast of having two stars at the same time, but I know that I am far behind in terms of cultivation base, realm, talent, and ambition.

Although I admire him very much, I always feel dissatisfied in my heart.Seeing that he founded Emei and accepted many apprentices, he decided to set up a sect in Qingcheng.

It was this action that made me completely dead.Look at the Emei sect, which is thriving day by day, with earth immortals emerging one after another, and now it is even a sect of three heavenly immortals.

Look at my so-called Qingcheng, those who have gone astray, those who have been deceived by the witch, and those who have failed to cross the catastrophe, and now only Lu Min is left behind, who has been trained to be an immortal, and his potential has been exhausted.

If it wasn't for the disciples withering like this, I would have no face to accept it, and I wouldn't have given up the name of the Qingcheng School to others. "

Speaking of this, he said again: "However, no matter how bad I am, the chief cultivator, Brother Daoist, was also a powerful figure before, so I won't be able to ask his apprentice for help, and be reduced to the point of being driven around and begging for mercy."

"You are No. 1 in the world, invincible in both vertical and horizontal directions, who has the courage to use it at will, it is an exaggeration." Meng Qiu slandered, and then thought to himself:
"If Master Ji Le hadn't been for emphasizing love and sex, he would have ascended a long time ago, and he wouldn't have been dragged so far because of his family and disciples. Seeing that the catastrophe is coming, he still has to work hard."

Meng Qiu had a lot of sighs, but it was difficult to say them out. Individuals have their own destiny, so how can others just say it casually.What's more, the person in front of him has a high level of cultivation, which is much higher than himself.

Master Ji Le said: "My ascension period will be about ten years later. First try to resolve the conflict between you and Emei, even if it fails, I will be able to protect you from the attacks of the gods in the ten years.

In the future, if you want to be successful in cultivation and able to avoid the sharp edge of Emei, please help to protect Zhuo Jing and his disciples more; if you can't avoid it, then even if I lost my bet, they will at most suffer from the hardships of others, and they will not die. "

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Qiu knew that this was the best result.Now that the catastrophe is imminent, the order of the practice world is gradually falling apart. The angels who used to see the dragon and see the head and tail are all making frequent moves, and they are no longer as stable as before.

After ten more years, even if he can't be promoted to the Heavenly Immortal, he can still temper his mana to become thicker. With a few treasures added, I believe that by then, he will be able to protect himself.

Otherwise, if you reject Emei's invitation, I'm afraid it will be like the real person of Ji Le said, no matter whether you win or lose the battle with the Wutai faction, an immortal will come to seek revenge.

You must know that the three angels of the Emei Sect are all people with perfect Taoism and superb magic weapons, and they are not like Asura Demon God Xu Ying who lacks means and has no realm.

Meng Qiu asked himself that even if he used the Haotian Mirror, it might not be better than Xuan Zhenzi's method against Xiji Sect.

He nodded immediately, and said: "The real person loves me deeply, and the younger generation will be very grateful. I agree to Emei's invitation, and I will also ask the real person to turn it around."

"That's fine." Daoist Ji Le was not surprised, and said: "Anyway, this is not urgent, let me tell you some secrets of the current practice world.

Aren't you surprised, what kind of suppressant was used in Emei's Liangyi Mote Formation to be so powerful?Let me tell you, it is Lingcui Peak. "

"Lingcui Peak?" Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said, "Isn't this a mountain in the back of the Emei Cave Mansion?"

Master Ji Le nodded and said: "This treasure also came from outside the sky and fell into West Kunlun, and the Xingxiu Sea is a lake that was smashed out by it.

At that time, the demon ancestor had great supernatural powers, and he refined it and the surrounding area into a cave, which is nearly ten times larger than Yihuanling.

Only when the Devil's Cult has such a hole in the sky can it develop steadily, and masters in the teaching will emerge in endlessly.If it weren't for being accustomed to internal fighting, the hatred between the various factions is extremely heavy, how could it be Emei's turn to be the largest faction in the world?

It was just that after Daoyou Changmei became a Taoist, with the support of Daoist Taiyuan, Taoist Yu Sanzi, and Master Lianshan, he rectified the order of the practice world, and the most impacted was the Demon Cult.

At that time, although the Demon Cult was powerful and had such high-level people as the Old Blood God and the Palace Master of the Stone God, they fought on their own and were defeated one by one.

What's more, there are Buddhist crazy monks, nuns such as Xinru Shennu, and many patriarchs of Taoism, who have long been dissatisfied with them and have been helping fellow Taoists with long eyebrows openly and secretly.

Naturally, the Demon Cult retreated steadily, and all kinds of demon leaders who ravaged the world were driven back to Xingxiu Sea.The members of the Alliance of Righteous Paths did not give up and forced them to come to the door.

However, the power of Xingxiu Sea Cave and Heaven is very majestic and cannot be broken by human power.Fellow Daoist Changmei went in alone, and had a gamble with the other party. The specific situation is unknown, but he took away the treasure of Lingcui Peak, so we will know the outcome.

Sure enough, since then, the three sects of the Devil's Cult have all escaped from the world, and only some offshoots are active outside, and they are no longer the same as before.

Fellow Daoist Changmei founded the Emei School in Ningbiya later, and set up the Liangyi Mochen Formation.I also participated in the battle to encircle and suppress the Demon Cult, and I also participated in the mote formation for him, so I have a little understanding of the ins and outs of this matter. "

Meng Qiu said: "So that's how it is. Presumably the power of the Liangyi Mote Formation is extremely powerful. Otherwise, Daoist Changmei has ascended for many years, and the Demon Cult already has four or five celestial beings, so they wouldn't have done nothing."

The real person of Ji Le said: "That's natural, otherwise I will return to the cave, why should I be afraid of them?

A golden building with seven treasures can fix the light environment, not to mention the superimposition of the Lingcui Peak by the dust array of two instruments, its power is so great that it can turn this Yihuan Mountain into dust. "

Meng Qiu was even more surprised, and asked, "Can the Liangyi mote array still move?"

"Of course it can be moved." Daoist Ji Le said: "If it weren't for such a divine tool to suppress it, and the foundation of the Demon Cult was dug away by others, how could there be no thought of revenge.

With so many gods and monks, how can the Guangda Buddhist sect who is thinking about it be able to endure a sect without immortals to ride on top?

Do you think other people are really grateful for the contribution of fellow Taoist Changmei to the world of practice, and are willing to give up the title of the world's number one sect to Emei? "

Meng Qiu asked: "According to this, Lingcui Peak is Emei's greatest support, right?"

Master Ji Le nodded and said: "They rely on a lot, such as Taoism left by Daoist Taiyuan and Xi Sanzi, Ziqing double swords, etc., but there must be nothing that can surpass Lingcui Peak."

Meng Qiu then asked: "What the real person means, this treasure is even more powerful than the Nanming Lihuo Sword. Is it possible that it can reach the level of Xuanyuan Supreme Treasures such as the Jiuyi Cauldron and the Haotian Mirror?"

Master Ji Le nodded and said: "Naturally. The Demon Ancestor opened up a way, and the talent of the long-browed Daoist is just one person under the ages.

The Lingcui Peak refined by these two successively is no worse than the Jiuyi Cauldron and Haotian Mirror cast by the Great Sage Guangcheng and the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan. "

The power of the Haotian Mirror is inconceivable even when Meng Qiu uses it now. It is much more powerful than the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and he has yet to fully grasp it.

But Emei is not the case. With the innate qi talisman left by the real Changmei, coupled with the auspices of the gods, it is natural to be able to fully use the Lingcui Peak. Its power can be imagined.

Meng Qiu took a deep breath. The arrogance that had arisen from killing the phantom of the Asura demon god dissipated immediately. He felt that he had to keep a low profile and be promoted to a celestial being as soon as possible before he could let go.

Master Ji Le seemed to see his worry, and said: "But you don't have to worry too much, Emei will not easily move Lingcui Peak unless it is absolutely necessary.

This treasure was originally integrated with Suhai Dongtian, but now it has been separated, so it is naturally incomplete, if it is hidden, once it is activated, it must be supplied with a large amount of spiritual energy.

And after it escaped from Ningbi Cliff, Xingxiu Sea would sense it without the ban arranged by fellow Daoist Elder Eyebrow back then, sending out a huge suction force to pull it back.

At that time, without you needing to do anything, the Demon Cult will definitely come out and bring back Lingcui Peak.

Of course, there is no way for Emei to eliminate this hidden danger, or to find another cave and place Lingcui Peak in it, so as to cut off the connection with Xingxiu Sea.

Emei has been preparing for this for many years.The cave of the Bright Realm is too small, and they look down on them; Yihuanling barely passed the test, but they were disturbed by the Wutai faction, which restrained most of their energy and failed.

This time, Emei must destroy the Wutai faction. Apart from old grudges and regaining face, revenge against the other party is definitely an important reason. "

Meng Qiuli understood the twists and turns, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "According to this, the Wutai Sect and the Demon Sect are both enemies. Is it possible for them to join forces?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "It may be possible, but Emei must have other backers. Not surprisingly, it is Buddhism.

Now the white-browed monk has also been promoted to a heavenly immortal, and the strength of Buddhism has expanded unprecedentedly, and it is comparable to the Devil's Cult.I just don't know what price Emei will pay. "

Meng Qiu said: "That's not something I can worry about. Let's get through this hurdle first, and then we can have another ten years of stability. At that time, the situation may change again."

"Yes, yes, yes." Master Ji Le nodded again and again, and said: "The catastrophe of the old monk Tianmeng and the old ghost Honglian can't be suppressed. Maybe they will go ahead of me, and there will obviously be some waves in the future."

Ascension is the dream of every monk. Meng Qiu immediately regained his spirits and said, "Does the real person think that the two of them can survive the catastrophe?"

Immediately, Master Ji Le replied: "Impossible. They are still a little bit late, but time waits for no one, and we cannot give them a chance to fulfill their Taoism."

"Then do they know it themselves?" Meng Qiu asked again.

The real person replied: "How is it clear, how is it not clear? No one knows the difficulty of ascension. From ancient times to the present, practitioners are like crucian carp crossing the river, but there are only a few ascensions. Who dares to say that he will definitely be able to ascend to the spirit world?
Every cultivator who has survived the catastrophe of ascension will prepare for his fall before the catastrophe, and I am no exception. Isn't what I told you today just "confess the funeral"?
But at the same time, he will put aside everything, not think about these messy things, and only concentrate on dealing with the ascension with full confidence.

Otherwise, the turmoil in the mind would just give the Heavenly Demon an opportunity, just like Master Lianshan back then, even if his cultivation was as high as the sky, he would still fall into the evil calamity. "

Meng Qiu signaled that he understood, and asked the other party some other secrets, such as the details of the Kunlun Sect, the history of the Lianshan Sect, the method of Shinto, and the stories of the Emei Sect, and then he left.

He didn't stop all the way, flew to the Little Antarctic Light Realm, found Zheng Bagu, and gave a general idea of ​​his plan to go to Emei to help him, and mentioned the matter of killing the green robe.

Zheng Bagu said: "I was thinking that I would go to that old demon to settle accounts after I have achieved success in Taoism, but you took the lead, it seems that I have to change my opponent.

It just so happens that you are going to the Wutai faction this time. If possible, I would like to follow along to see if I can pick a strong opponent to compete with. "

Meng Qiu knew that she still couldn't let go of the way of cultivating war by fighting, so she didn't want to persuade her too much, but said:
"I had no choice but to agree to Emei. What are you doing in this muddy water for no reason? It's better to be safe,"

"Sure? With my talent, how can I have a safe qualification." Zheng Bagu said: "Cultivation is to go against the sky. If you don't fight, how can you be willing."

Meng Qiu nodded, and didn't try to persuade him any more, just said something else.When the time was up, I rushed to the magic wave pool.

As expected, Qi Shuming came as promised, and when he learned that Meng Qiu agreed, he was naturally overjoyed, and said, "It's great that fellow Daoist Meng is willing to make a move. After ten days, I will invite fellow daoists to come to Ningbiya, and invite the real person to come to witness this matter.

Now I won't stay any longer, now that I have gathered all the nine swords, and the last one, I have to go to Wudang Mountain to find out more with fellow Daoist Linglingzi. "

"Why? The Wudang faction doesn't agree to use the real martial arts sword?" Meng Qiu asked, and Qi Shuming responded:
"Yes. Fellow Daoist Linglingzi said that the true martial sword is the most important magic weapon in Wudang. He has a low level of cultivation, so he dare not take the flying sword to the cave?

I'm going this time, just doing my best to obey the fate, I'm afraid I won't be able to persuade the other party either.However, in a hurry, it was a bit difficult to find the tenth flying sword. "

Meng Qiu's heart moved, and he said, "I do have a friend who seems to meet the requirements. Let me ask her to see what she thinks."

(End of this chapter)

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