Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 292 Gathering of Immortals

Chapter 292 Gathering of Immortals
The friend Meng Qiu mentioned was naturally Bagu Zheng. It happened by coincidence that the other party expressed his intention not long ago, and was quite interested in participating in the battle between Emei and the Wutai faction.

Although Qi Shuming was happy in his heart, he still asked cautiously: "I don't know which fellow Taoist you are talking about, do I know him?"

Meng Qiu said: "Female Disaster God Zheng Bagu, she has the sword Tianhui of Master Lianshan in her hand."

"It turned out to be her." Qi Shuming thought for a while, and said helplessly: "In terms of quality alone, the Tianhui Sword is naturally superior, and it is still better than Qixiu.

But this swordsmanship is not because I underestimate Zheng Daoyou, she has never used it as her strength, and she may not be able to do it in the face of the Ten Jue Formation.

But he didn't know where the master's other sword, Yi Guang, was. If he could combine the two swords, but his sword skills were inferior, it would be fine. "

Meng Qiu frowned secretly, thinking: "The last time Yue'er Island fetched treasures, Emei also sent people there, how could you not know the whereabouts of the magic treasures in the Lianshan treasure house?

Even with the help of the Goddess of Calamity, she is not satisfied, and she still wants Yu Luocha to take action, is it because she wants to involve the remaining forces of the Lianshan Sect? "

Thinking like this in my heart, I said on the surface: "Zheng Daoyou, I can contact you. As for the others, I can't call them. I can only ask her for help."

Qi Shuming smiled and said: "That should be the case. Fellow Daoists can tell me something, that as long as the two fellow Daoists are willing to come, Emei is willing to offer a piece of sword refining skills, so that Tianhui Yiguang can be integrated into one like purple and blue swords."

Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows, nodded, and waited for the other party to leave, then went to Xiaonanji Bright Mirror Cave.

After meeting Zheng Bagu and explaining his intentions, the other party agreed to make a move. When it came to Qi Shuming's intention to invite Chen Yufeng, they were not surprised.

Gongye Huang said: "This head teacher Qi is really shrewd. As soon as you mention Bagu, he will know that Yiguang has fallen into Yufeng's hands. The invitation is just to make sure that I will not refuse."

On the contrary, Meng Qiu was a little surprised, looked at Chen Yufeng, and said, "Yufeng, you seem to have no reason to take this muddy water?"

"I have a grudge against Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan." Chen Yufeng said, and then said: "It's all the old things left by the master, you don't need to inquire, just reply to Qi Shuming, and say that I agree."

Seeing what she said, Meng Qiu didn't continue to ask, nodded, and went straight to Biyun Nunnery in the evil spirit village.

At this time, Taoist Zui is not here, only Yang Da stays behind.Meng Qiu talked to Yang Da about the past, invited him to Emei, and informed Qi Shuming of Zheng and Chen's invitation.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng came to the magic wave pool, met Meng Qiu, and led by the real person of Ji Le, they arrived at Emei together.

This place is famous, but it is the first time for Meng Qiu to come here. Looking down from mid-air, the mountains are full of clouds and mist, and the peaks near and far are floating and sinking in the clouds and mist, like islands in the sea, with only a little tip exposed.

He was about to say a few words of admiration, but he heard the real person next to him frown and said: "This place was originally a place with ups and downs, mountains and rivers, like waves. Now it has become like this. Although it is more ethereal than before, it is also a little less natural."

Pressing Luo Yun's head, Qi Shuming had been waiting here, first saluted, seeing Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, with a smile on his mouth, he welcomed everyone in, saying:

"There are a lot of Taoist friends coming this time, the main hall is small, I'm afraid the hospitality will not be adequate, so outside the Linggui Immortal Hall, under the osmanthus tree in Jinsuping, a feast is set up to entertain the guests.

That place was specially built for this grand event, and it is the most beautiful in this mountain, especially the hundreds of osmanthus trees, all of which are the spiritual roots of the Moon Palace, the thousand-year-old laurel fruit, planted by the fairy spring.

Each plant covers an area of ​​more than a few acres, with dense branches and leaves. Once the flowers are in full bloom, the fragrance is fragrant, just like the world of golden millet, which makes people ecstatic and happy, lingering under the flowers, reluctant to leave. "

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "When fellow Daoist Changmei had not ascended to the ascension, I had been to this Ningbi Cliff many times. Although the scenery is strange, I would get tired of seeing it too much. Since there is such a beautiful scenery, I have to take a good look at it today. What's so wonderful about it."

"Of course I won't let the real person down!" Qi Shuming led the way forward without being able to fly away in the cave.

When you first look at it, you will see a waterfall and flowing spring, like a jade dragon flying, hanging high in white, and between the swaying, dozens of hundreds of feet of water column are shot up.

In front of Ningbi Cliff and on the mountains far and near, there are towering pine trees, fir trees, and spinach trees, which are lush and moist.There are also vultures, eagles, doves, cranes, five-color parrots and the like, flying and dancing on it, apes, tigers, moose, and various exotic animals, parading to and fro, coming and going.

Meng Qiu was secretly shocked. It wasn't that the scenery was so strange, but that this area was covered by the Emei formation. Looking at it this way, this cave is no less than a thousand miles away, and it is not much worse than the Bright Mirror Cave.

The sky is clear, and there are no clouds. Going forward, along the stone steps, there are thousands of rows of flowers and trees on the top and bottom of the two cliffs.

There is a large lake at the bottom, with green and white lotus flowers, scattered and neat, and do not occupy the whole lake.

Seeing that Meng Qiu was engrossed, Qi Shuming smiled slightly, waved his sleeve lightly, a breeze blew up, thousands of golden scales flickered on the lake surface, and the shadows of the flowers were separated from their cloaks, and they became more and more delicate.

Dazzling to the back mountain, I saw four golden and green towers, two on one side, just facing the flying pavilion in the middle of the tower in the shape of five plum blossoms.In addition, on the peaks and cliffs of various places, there are also twenty or thirty pavilions of various sizes, faintly appearing.

In the pavilion, they are all the second-generation elders of Emei.Although Meng Qiu had seen many of them, Qi Shuming introduced them one by one.

In addition to Xuan Zhenzi and Mie Chenzi, there are Ascetic Toutuo, Baiyun Shitai, Jian Bingru, Xun Lanyin, Shanxia Shitai, Nianshi Shitai, Yuanyuan Shitai, Li Yuanhua, Xu Yuantong and Zui Taoist.

Wanli Feihong Tong Yuanqi, Fenghuo Taoist Wu Yuanzhi, and Haha Monk Yuanjue Zen Master died in this battle with the Wutai Sect, but they also added Bai Guyi, the cloud chasing old man, Yue Yun, the Yudong real person, and Tai Shenxiu, the Dragon Slayer Master who was converted from Changmei Zhenren's sect to Xinru Shennun, making a total of 17 people.

I don't know if there was internal coordination, Master Baiyun saw Meng Qiu, the murderer and enemy, and changed his previous appearance of being mad with hatred. Although he can't be called smiling, he is much more kind.

After seeing the ceremony, Qi Shuming invited four people from Master Ji Le to sit on the East Tower. There are also Qingcheng school dwarf Zhu Mei, Tianganshan boy, Fu Mo real Jiang Shu, Wudang head teacher Ling Lingzi, Kunlun school Mr. Zhong, Tie Zhong Taoist, Youlongzi Wei Shaoshao, Beihai Xingkong Island great disciple Ling Weisou.

On the west side, there are the first Kuzhu old man and Lu Yu, followed by Master Yizhen, Qingnang fairy Hua Yaosong, Buxu fairy Xiao Jiumei, Daxiongling Kuzhu nunnery Zheng Dianxian, Hanyue Zen master Xie Shan, Wuming Zen master, Jinzhong Island owner Ye Bin, Yang Jin, Weiwei monk Zhu Youmu, Master Suyin, and Xia monk Yifan.

There are 13 people on each side. When it comes to realm, they are at least Earth Immortals, and they are not the heads of various sects, but they are well-known figures in the practice world.

The rest, although they received invitations, or because of their deep love, or because of their superficiality and self-effacing, dare not stand side by side with the elders and true immortals, they all went to other places to sit.

For example, the young sword fairy Xiang Shan of the Kunlun School, the Taoist of Wangfeng Tieyu in Changsha Valley, the Tiantie Master of Yuangong on the Fubo Cliff of Dianchi Lake, the Dadaishan people of Daxing Mountain, the Wusan Xianming of Beihai Bingyang Island, Xia Yin, Jiyong, Wei Hanqiao, Linghu Wanlan, Zen Master Yichen of Miaoyin Temple in Baimapo, Minshan Mountain, Chai Bogong of Longqiu Shanqiao in Wuxie Mountain, Zhuji, Zhejiang Province, Dong Tiansun, a lame master Yiou, and Hongling of Bianshan Mountain. Yinxu old man, Yixing Shanjuan cave longevity monk Lu Pingyao, and so on.

There are also gods, monks and sword celestial beings from Buddhism and Taoism, uninvited guests who heard the news, and disciples brought by all the immortals, totaling no less than [-] people.

After they sat down, Qi Shuming flicked his fingers, and a little golden light flew out of the pavilion, fell into the air, and burst into bloom.

Along with this one firework, fairy music suddenly sounded here, a hundred and eight golden bells struck, forty-nine beeps of jade rocks, and suddenly the lake water roared, and the lake was full of water bubbles bursting out of the melting blue waves, followed by a very crisp crackling sound as dense as pearls.

Every time a blister breaks, a lotus bud emerges from the water surface, dazzlingly elongated, the green leaves are rolled up, and the leaves stretch out.

Everyone praised them unceasingly, but before they could open their mouths, they saw the Tianfu fairy flowers in the front and back of the surrounding area, together with thousands of flower trees in the back mountain, suddenly blooming at the same time, and the front half of the fairy mansion immediately became a sea of ​​flowers.The greenery floats in the sky, the sky is full of clouds, the fragrance is hundreds of miles away, and it is as bright as brocade clouds.

Coupled with the jade Hongqiao, the flying pavilion flowing pills, the rainbow condensed into purple, the auspicious light, and the auspicious mist, it merges into an unprecedented wonder.You Miao is a magnificent place, although the flowers are full of treasures and grotesques, the water is still green and the mountains are green, and the whole area is bright, without mixing with each other, without any aura of wealth and honor in the world.

"Okay, okay!" Even Master Ji Le could not help but praise twice, saying: "This situation is not in vain for me to go through this experience."

Seeing this, Qi Shuming and Mie Chenzi looked at each other, and Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

The last time Wutai faction besieged Emei, they destroyed many spiritual veins of Lingshan Mountains other than Ningbiya, causing Emei's prestige to plummet.Such a lot of trouble and deliberate effort is not just to offset these negative effects.

Judging from the reaction of the crowd, it seems that most of the success has been achieved.Qi Shuming hit the iron while it was hot, got up and said: "Today, all the virtuous people have arrived, and the house is full of guests, which really makes Emei flourish.

However, due to the catastrophe encountered last time, it is still in the midst of a catastrophe struggle with the Wutai faction, and the grand event was hasty, poorly prepared, and extremely rough. "

He cupped his hands and saluted, and everyone stood up to return the salute, many people said repeatedly: "Master Qi is humble!"

After everyone was seated, Qi Shuming continued: "Don't say too much about the long-winded words, so as not to be disgusted by fellow Taoists. Today's grand meeting is actually held to deal with the evildoers of the Wutai Sect.

Think about the Wutai sect, although it is called a sect, its behavior is equivalent to that of the devil's sect.School of the middle way often focuses on harming the common people.

For example, they have a magic weapon called Liuliu Zhenyuan gourd, which is cultivated with the ghosts of 36 boys and girls with roots.

In addition to distinguishing the eldest male, middle male, young male, eldest female, middle female, and young girl according to age, sun, moon, and hour, during the sacrifice, a large number of boys and girls of the five suns and twelve zodiac signs are also poured out.

In the Wutai sect, there are all such magic weapons. For hundreds of years, they have harmed countless mortals, and their crimes are heinous.

In the world of practice, what he does is not to be outdone.Since Taiyi Hunyuan created the school, it has expanded year by year.It doesn't count to drive away the fellow Taoists who had settled down in the Wutai sect, but also extended their hands and feet to Huashan Mountain in the west and Hengshan Mountain in the north.

Now most of the north has fallen into the tiger's mouth, and good people have no place to stand here.

That's all, the key is that the ten thousand year catastrophe is imminent, and the so-called countermeasures of the Wutai faction are very absurd. They actually want to kill other monks to replace the catastrophe.

Emei is regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh because of her long eyebrows, real beauty and strength.

The previous sneak attack was unsuccessful, and after that, disputes were repeatedly provoked, not only killing the elders of our sect, but also hurting innocent people. Grandma Honghua and fellow Daoist Ke Yizi died unfortunately.

I sent an angry attack on them, but thanks to the protection of the patriarch, Hengshan was wiped out, Huashan was breached, and Wutai and a gang of evildoers were forced to retreat to Wufeng, relying on the magic circle, and lingering.

I invite fellow Taoists to come here today, because I want to use your strength to completely defeat the enemy once and for all, and restore the world of practice to a bright and clear sky. "

Then Hua Yaosong, the green sac fairy, stepped forward and said: "What Zhangjiao Qi said is true, Wutai is not destroyed, and the world of practice is rarely peaceful.

Especially at the critical moment when the catastrophe is approaching, if we can't get rid of this scourge early, we can't be safe, so how can we have the energy to deal with the catastrophe? "

Dozens of others including Zheng Dianxian agreed.After a while, it gradually became quiet.

Qi Shuming continued: "Of course, there is no denying that if Wutai is destroyed, Emei will benefit a lot. Therefore, this time, I will send the main force. If you can help me, I will be very grateful!"

After finishing speaking, he clapped his hands, and saw six people flying out from below and landed in the pavilion, all of them were disciples of Emei.

Meng Qiu recognized Zhuge Jingwo, Yue Wen, Qi Lingyun and Zhou Qingyun, all of whom were Earth Immortals.The first three are normal, but this week Qingyun, who has achieved Sanxian after him, has now been promoted to Earth Immortal. His talent is so high that it is really amazing.

There are two other women, one is Qi Xia'er, who is apprenticed to Youtan Shenni.When everyone looked at her, she stared at Chen Yufeng, not relaxing for a long time.

Chen Yufeng was smiling, but not angry.When she killed the master of the other party, she expected to form a death feud with Mrs. Fan Xia, Mrs. Su Yin and Qi Xia'er, so of course she didn't care much.

What's more, the angrier the enemy is, the happier she is, and she is really in a good mood right now, so she doesn't mind this little thing.

There is another person, Li Yingqiong, who is known as the leader of the three generations of Emei disciples in the future, is really heroic and extraordinary. Meng Qiu tried Huimu to watch, like a flying sword, straight into the sky.

There are six earth immortals among the three generations of disciples of Emei, and all of them look complete and extraordinary. In addition, Emei's magic weapons are always available, which amazes the visitors, and they can't help but want to move closer to Emei.

What's more, Qi Jinchan, Mo Fenghuang Shen Ruolan, child prodigy Zhu Wen, red lady Yu Yinggu, seven-star hand Shi Lin, God Eye Qiu Lin, Zhuang Yi, Yunzhonghe Zhou Chun, etc. standing below are all Sanxians and outstanding in the world of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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