Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 293 Discuss 5 units in total

Chapter 293
The setting sun is just sinking, the bright moon has not yet risen, and the red clouds are as bright as emerald green clouds for half a day, just before dusk.

Seeing the three generations of Emei disciples, the group of radiant lights, compared with Xuan Zhenzi, Qi Shuming, etc., is no different. There are many monks in the seat, with different thoughts.

Most of the people who came here were originally to board the Emei ship, and naturally they became more and more delighted, feeling that they made the right choice.

The ten-thousand-year catastrophe is very cruel, but the specifics are vast and unpredictable.As far as casual cultivators are concerned, even if they want to deal with it, they are at a loss. They can only follow the trend and get close to a big faction.

Some also sighed secretly, thinking about what happened next.Every catastrophe will cause various factions to rise and fall one after another. If the other party's inheritance is not bad, when will our own sect be able to stand out?

Qi Shuming took everyone's eyes and thoughts into his eyes, didn't say much, turned around and talked about the second thing, saying:
"Emei and Meng Qiu had a little misunderstanding last time, which caused a lot of people in the practice world. Now that the catastrophe is imminent, and Wutai evildoers are rampant, we, the Orthodox Church, should put aside the past and work together to fight the catastrophe.

Today, in front of Daoist Ji Le and everyone else, I turned my fighting with fellow Daoist Meng into friendship, and all the grievances and grievances in the past were wiped out.From now on, all of my Emei Sect, no matter whether it is the head teacher or the disciple who has just started, are not allowed to be enemies with friend Daoist Meng without any reason. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.Originally, Emei invited Meng Qiu, and everyone was already very surprised. Now that they are said to be reconciled, it is almost unbelievable that this is the Emei faction who has always been overbearing and abnormal.

Of course, some of them were disappointed. Originally, they wanted to see the two sides collide and continue fighting, but unexpectedly they managed to make peace.

Meng Qiu felt a little relieved, although he knew that this kind of promise might not be very restrictive after the ascension of Daoist Ji Le, but it could somewhat resolve the current hostility with Emei and give him time to grow.

And even if there is another conflict in the future, at least a neutral person like Xuan Zhenzi and a relatively friendly Emei man like Mie Chenzi will still abide by the agreement and save a lot of trouble.

Qi Shuming didn't really care about everyone's reaction, after a while, he continued: "The last thing, I think everyone already knows, is to crusade against the Wutai faction.

Taiyi Hunyuan has profound Taoism and ruthless methods.If it is delayed for one day, the harm to the world will be greater than one day.It is better to eradicate the scourge sooner rather than later.

If you have no objection, you will set off tomorrow and defeat the Wutai faction early, so that you can free up your energy early to deal with the coming catastrophe. "

This matter is not sudden, everyone has expected it, but there is not much discussion, they all agree.

Daoist Ji Le, Wudang head teacher Ling Lingzi and others just came here to be a witness, and when the matter is over, they didn't want to stay any longer, so they left.Of course Meng Qiu and the others did not dare to stay at Ningbi Cliff, and followed outside.

After leaving Ningbiya, it was just the beginning of the year, and the moon had not yet reached the mid-heaven, but it was already shining brightly, illuminating the cliff valley.Nearby, many fairy pavilions and towers built by Emei for visitors, complement each other, forming a splendor and dazzling life.

At the same time, there are lofty mountains, luxuriant forests and flowers, accompanied by clear waves of Pinghu Lake, flying waterfalls and springs, Hongqiao lying on waves, and Qionglou intersecting.

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "When I first practiced Taoism, I heard about Emei's name. I knew it was the most powerful sect in the world. I have always been fascinated by it. Unexpectedly, after so many years, I didn't have the opportunity to come and see it until I became an immortal. From now on, I won't be considered ignorant."

"It turns out that this is your first visit to Emei." Chen Yufeng said: "That's right, who told you that you rose too fast, took decades, walked the road that others have traveled for hundreds of years, if you can still see the scenery along the way, wouldn't the monks in the world be jealous to death.

Look at Emei, although there are six earth immortals, which one is as good as you?Qi Lingyun, who was previously known as the No.1 of the younger generation, wished to pull out his eyeballs and put them on you. The provocative meaning is very obvious.

There is also Li Yingqiong, the owner of the Ziying Sword, whose gaze is like a sword. If Qi Shuming hadn't sworn just now that the disciples of Emei would not trouble you for no reason, she would definitely have to compete with Li first. "

Meng Qiu said: "I have seen the power of the Qingsuo sword before, but at that time I was not cultivated enough, the magic weapon was not good enough, and the person holding the sword was not very powerful, so I did not find out the true power of the sword.

If Li Yingqiong wants to fight swords with me, then of course he can't ask for it. I also want to see how powerful the number one flying sword in the world is. "

The spirit sword technique created by Master Changmei, the first flying sword refined was the Ziying Sword. If one can explore it, it will be of great benefit to Meng Qiu in refining the Qingxuan Sword.

Speaking of this, he thought of other things again, and asked: "Qi Shuming said that he would tell you the secret of the purple and green twin swords, has it been passed on now? How do you feel?"

Zheng Bagu exclaimed: "It's very powerful. Even people like me who are not proficient in swordsmanship, after a little practice, feel that the power of cooperating with Yufeng has risen by more than three levels. From this, we can see how powerful the combination of purple and green swords should be.

Emei only said that she can't trouble you for no reason, but those in the realm of celestial beings are not afraid of their repentance. The disciples of the third generation below are mostly newborn calves, so they may not find some excuses to come and provoke them.

They are used to bullying the few with the more, last time they besieged you with the Qixiu Sword, and next time the heirs of the Ziqing Twin Swords may join hands to deal with you, so don't be careless. "

Meng Qiu waved his hands and said, "The Daoism handed down by Master Changmei must have its own uniqueness. I dare not underestimate it. But they want to come, and they can't ask for it. It just so happens that my swordsmanship has reached a bottleneck and I can't improve it. I have to rely on fighting swords to learn by analogy."

Zheng Bagu was just afraid that he was inexperienced, so she really believed Emei's oath, seeing that he was prepared, she stopped talking, picked a nearby pavilion, and together with Chen Yufeng, concentrated on studying the art of combining two swords.

Meng Qiu also studied the Long-Browed Immortal Spiritual Sword Technique that he had learned from Qi Shuming.

As he expected, most of the content is the same as the gift given by the drunk Taoist, but the key points are missing, if you don't have the whole book in your hand, you can't see it at all.

Moreover, the technique and timing of the cultivation of the sword spirit are also vague and unclear. They only talked about fate and experience, and wiped out all the original detailed steps.

Luckily, Meng Qiu didn't really need this technique, it was just to help Taoist Zui clean up the suspicion of passing down the Emei Taoism privately, so that Qingxuan Sword could be used openly.


The area under the jurisdiction of Mount Wutai is smaller than that of Huashan and Emei, but there is also magic in it.

The direction of its spiritual veins is very strange. It gathers in the five peaks of Wanghai in the east, Jinxiu in the south, Cuiyan in the west, Yedou in the west, and Yedou in the north.

It has been carefully built by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and has been recuperated by the ground veins for many years, so that it is higher than the cloud surface and goes straight to the sky.

The last time Emei came to attack, he built a resting place here. In terms of height, it is no lower than these five peaks. It is tens of miles wide and has many towers and pavilions, just like a leisure cave.

And they haven't come here for a long time, and the Wutai faction didn't even go back, as if they were waiting for the enemy to come again.

After settling down, Meng Qiu looked around carefully, and sure enough, no matter where there are monks stationed, the scenery is definitely not bad.

The Wutai Mountains are more majestic than the Hengshan Mountains in the south.The mountain is like this, the solitary peak stands upright, and there is no dependence around it. After a long time, another mountain rises from the ground.

Among them, the trees are towering, all tens of millions of years old, and the height is about the same as those in other places, but the leaves are different, and the pieces are as big as bamboo hats, covering the sky and the sun, and no light from the sky can penetrate, so weeds do not grow, and the soil and rocks are exposed bare.

Emei hurriedly called people to besiege the Wutai faction, but when they reached the ground, they were not in a hurry to attack. They just stayed in the camp temporarily and invited a group of people to attack in turn every day.

This day it was finally Meng Qiu's turn, led by Mie Chenzi, who was on guard against a celestial being secretly attacking him.He also specially invited Jian Bingru, one of the five sons of Emei, who always practiced asceticism and never went out to make enemies easily, to help, so as to avoid other conflicts.

The three of them chose Guayue Peak on the West Terrace. When they climbed to the peak in the early morning, the sun was rising in the east, and the clouds and smoke were misty and ever-changing.

Looking far away, there are towering green peaks, smoke rising from the valleys, winding rivers, and dragons lying on the slopes; close up, there are clusters of peaks, ancient trees and strange pines, graceful scenery, floating white clouds, and lingering Fengxi River.

The Bailing Slaying Immortal Sword Formation is arranged here, which is guarded by Jiaoshan Taoist, a direct disciple of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch.

Looking outside, a layer of thick fog covers the entire mountain, not only can't see the appearance of the mountain, but even the middle platform area of ​​the core of the five platforms behind, can't see the slightest bit, and the size can't be distinguished.

Taoist Taoist Jiaoshan was of medium stature, dressed in sackcloth, with a clear face, looked at the person who came, and said with a smile: "You came here no less than five times with different people. The first two times you attacked sincerely, but your ability was not good, and you lost two lives.

Come back later, it's very slick, once I push the big formation, I will get out immediately, for fear that I will be eaten by me if I go too late, and I don't want Emei's name at all.

You are just here to explore, why are you so timid as a mouse?Master has already issued an order, as long as you don't force your way in or hurt others, if you want to see it, you are free to watch it. "

After he finished speaking, he turned around, and the dense fog automatically moved out of the way. After taking three steps, he couldn't see anyone at all.

Meng Qiu looked at Jian Bingru, without saying a word, as if taking money from others to eliminate disasters, and obeying orders.

Jian Bingru was silent for a moment, and said: "Let's go!" He stepped into the fog first.

Meng Qiu followed in. At first, his vision was hazy. After he took a few steps, his vision flashed suddenly. When he raised his eyes, the fog had all dissipated, revealing a long strip of flat land.

This place is very wide, near and far, and the scene is different from place to place.To the east is a pool of clear water, with a waterfall hanging down from a cliff.At the west end, the cliffs on both sides converge towards one place, and the middle is like a herringbone cave entrance, with vines and wild flowers everywhere.

Near the mouth of the valley, there are many unknown flower trees growing sparsely. The grass is green, the trees are shady, and the flowers are in full bloom.There are also small creatures such as white rabbits and foxes that wander around from time to time.

Jian Bingru on the side had disappeared, and when he looked back at the place he came from, his appearance had changed a lot. There was no fog, just a winding road winding down from a high mountain full of towering trees.

Meng Qiu worked silently, the scene in front of him did not give him an illusion, but he could clearly see that all of this was not real.Such contradictions but harmonious coexistence made him amazed.

Just this point, the magic of this great formation far exceeded his expectations.The formations I have seen in the past are either defensive or offensive. Even if I encounter the two formations of Dazhi monk in Daxue Mountain, I can't get rid of the barriers, and I have to use them first.

And the big formation in front of him seems to not care about what it can do at all.It's just to show this beautiful scenery in front of Meng Qiu, without any murderous intentions.

He stepped forward, walking all the way, except for flowers, plants and trees, all kinds of animals were the most.White rabbits, foxes, wolves, sheep, tigers, leopards, deer, bears, etc., it seems that all the creatures in the forest have come before them.

"What kind of formation is this?" Meng Qiu laughed dumbly and said, "The Hundred Spirits Slashing Immortal Sword, could it be that what you call Bailings are all these? As long as the qi-training monks are there, they can be sent away."

Fellow Daoist Jiao Shan's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "The array created by Master, the magic of overcoming the heaven and the earth, the mystery of invading the sun and the moon, are infinitely mysterious, how can a yellow-mouthed child like you understand it.

If the old man hadn't said to let you look at it casually, otherwise I would activate the formation and immediately turn the world upside down and turn you into ashes. "

Of course Meng Qiu didn't believe it, he walked forward at a leisurely pace, and made provocative words again, intending to lure the other party to react, so as to get a glimpse of some mysteries in the formation.

But Taoist Jiaoshan didn't open his mouth, making his plan come to nothing, so he had to visit along the way, slowly stepped out of the canyon, crossed the stream, and arrived at the foot of a high mountain.

Worried about the enemy's sudden attack, Meng Qiu turned his spiritual consciousness to the maximum all the way, and at the same time thought to himself: "Could it be that the scenery just now just wants people to linger and forget to return, and wastes spiritual consciousness."

As soon as the thought came out, it suddenly felt wrong.When a monk enters the battle, he will concentrate all his attention, there is no need to add more things to the snake.

What's more, the Earth Immortal has a long breath, after a fight, there will be no fatigue for three days and three nights, this loss is not worth mentioning.

With all kinds of questions, Meng Qiu arrived at the foot of the mountain, just took a step forward, suddenly the world was spinning, and because he didn't sense any threat, he didn't resist.

In an instant, the sky is turned upside down, the sky is clear, the sun is shining brightly, the sky is shining everywhere, and it is as clear as a blue.

Meng Qiu looked at Jian Bingru who was standing next to him, who frowned, and said, "There is nothing special about this empty forest except for the animals that can be seen from time to time. Rather than calling it a sword array, it might as well be called a magic array."

"Forest?" Meng Qiu was quite surprised. The two entered at the same time, and what they saw was different.

If it were a phantom formation, it would make sense, but he obviously felt that the things in the formation were real, which was very contradictory. Even if he was not very skilled in the formation, he could still detect the strangeness.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask, the clouds and mist in the sky suddenly churned, and a voice came from inside: "Emei children, if you want to explore, why don't you open your mouth and ask, why do you have to sneak around?"

(End of this chapter)

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