Chapter 294 Taiyi Hunyuan
A man came out from the formation. He looked like a middle-aged man with a clean face, wearing a hibiscus crown, dressed in gossip fairy clothes, and held a blue sword in his hand.

He looked up and said contemptuously: "Miechenzi, you are hiding above, do you still want to sneak attack me?"

"Taiyi Hunyuan Hierarch is face to face, how can I have that ability." Mie Chenzi immediately fell from the sky and bowed his hands.

Only then did Meng Qiu realize that the person who came was actually Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, the leader of the Wutai Sect. He couldn't help but take a second look. He had immortal energy, but he didn't look much different from the host of a mortal Taoist temple.

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch first glanced at Jian Bingru, then moved his gaze away, and said, "You are Meng Qiu, who has become famous in recent years? You really are a heroic boy, that's amazing.

The first time I heard of your name was when you helped Zui Taoist fight Fa Yuan with swords.Unexpectedly, it has only been a few years, and it has grown to such a degree.He is stronger than fellow Taoist with long eyebrows back then. "

Mie Chenzi and Jian Bingru frowned, Meng Qiu said with a smile: "How can you compare Mo Wei's tricks with the real Changmei?"

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said: "Don't think that I'm trying to sow discord. If you don't believe me, ask the two Emei disciples beside you. For the first hundred years, they were famous as fellow Taoists with long eyebrows, but they couldn't beat fellow Taoist Bliss, and then they soared into the sky.

Like you, you have only been practicing Taoism for 50 to [-] years, and you are the best in your generation. It is estimated that there may not be one among them.

I'm not praising you because you have a high realm, you're just an immortal, it's nothing, as long as you're not an idiot, you can grind to a realm that can be achieved after foundation building.

What I am looking for is something other than your practice, swordsmanship, Taoism, alchemy, no matter which one can be practiced extremely well, you must have a talent that is unique in a million.

What's more, to practice to the extreme, the best in the world, that requires extraordinary understanding.This is where I think you are better than Fellow Daoist Long Eyebrow.

His swordsmanship is superb, but it is not as good as that of the real person of Bliss, but his magic power is powerful, and the purple and blue swords are magical;

Ziqing Twin Swords and Lingcui Peak are rare magic weapons in the world, but they were not refined by him, they were polished by borrowing the treasures left by the predecessors.

He is indeed a genius in practice, but he is not the most powerful one in each category. Compared with you and me, he can be regarded as broad but not pure, miscellaneous but not refined. "

When Meng Qiu heard this, he realized that Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch thought very highly of himself. In his eyes, the Long-Browed Daoist could not be the best in any aspect of cultivation, so his talent was not worthy of the title of No. 1 for thousands of years.

Miechenzi immediately sneered and said, "It turns out that fellow Taoists thought that my benefactor, Changmei, was a real person, but the No. 1 name after Guangcheng Great Sage doesn't match the truth?"

"How?" Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan shook his head and said, "Even if you and I are hostile, I dare not belittle fellow Taoist Changmei lightly. After all, his cultivation, swordsmanship, Taoism and formation are all top-notch. In general, no one can match."

But Meng Qiu chuckled, and said: "Senior, I'm afraid I forgot one thing. Daoist Changmei is different from a leader of a sect like senior, and a lonely person like me. He is a leader of the group. How can he compare his cultivation, sword skills, and formations?"

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan immediately became interested and asked, "It's not like this, so what do you think it should be compared to?"

Meng Qiu immediately took a step forward, and said loudly: "The sage Zhuang Zhouyun in the world, there are three swords in the world, they are called the Tianzi Sword, they are called the Prince's Sword, and they are called the Common People's Sword.

The Sword of the Son of Heaven takes the stone city of Yanxi as the front, Qi Dai as the collar, Jin and Wei as the ridge, Zhou and Song as the tan, and Han and Wei as the clips; it is surrounded by the barbarians, wrapped by the four seasons, surrounded by the Bohai Sea, and led by Changshan; it is controlled by the five elements, and its theory is based on punishment.

The sword of the princes, with the wise and brave as the front, with the honest and honest as the guard, with the virtuous and good as the spine, with the loyal and saintly as the scorpion, and with the heroic as the clip.This sword has no front when it is straight, no upper when it is raised, no lower when it is used, and no side when it is transported; the upper method rounds the sky to follow the three lights, the lower method squares the earth to follow the four seasons, and neutralizes public opinion to stabilize the four villages.

The sword of the common people, the unkempt head with a protruding bun and the hanging crown, the fringe of the manhu, the short back clothes, the angry eyes and the difficulty of speaking.Fighting in front of each other, beheading the neck and collar, and killing the liver and lungs, it is no different from fighting cocks, once the life is dead, it is useless for state affairs.

Once the sword of the Son of Heaven is used, it can be straightened without front, lifted up with no top, cases with no bottom, luck with no sides, above the floating clouds, and below the jeopardy of discipline;Once the swords of the princes are used, they are like the shock of thunder. Within the four seals, there is no one who is not obedient and obeys the emperor's order.

Meng Qiu is nothing more than a common man's sword, he only cares about himself, it is of no benefit to others, how dare he compare with the sword of the Son of Heaven like Master Changmei?It is no different from the comparison of fireflies to Haoyue. "

"Hey, what you said is true." Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan remained silent for a while, then smiled, and said: "When it comes to mind and ambition, no matter whether you are a commoner's sword or I am a prince's sword, they are far inferior to Daoist Long Eyebrow.

However, what you said are all mundane things.We monks, no matter how extravagant our mouths are, don’t we depend on our cultivation level in the end?
If fellow Taoist with long eyebrows was just a mortal, he might not even be able to climb Kunlun Mountain; if he was an earth immortal, with empty mouth and white teeth telling the devil to obey the rules, he might not be slapped to death by the red lotus old devil?

I naturally think that his actions to rectify the practice world and establish order are very great.But how can man's calculations be better than heaven's calculations? Did he ever think that everything he had taken care of after going through untold hardships would be destroyed by a thousand-year catastrophe in just a few hundred years.

If he saw it clearly enough, ignored these messy things and concentrated on it, he might have a higher achievement in cultivating immortality. "

"How can a sparrow know the ambition of a great swan?" Two rays of light shot from a distance, and after landing, the figures of Qi Shuming and Xuan Zhenzi appeared, and it was Headmaster Emei who spoke, and shouted:
"My teacher, Daoist Mei, has the world in mind, and he couldn't bear to be tortured by living beings, so he stepped forward and used all the talents he had learned to set the world and benefit the common people. Even if the catastrophe of ten thousand years comes, as long as he continues to practice, his name will be passed down forever.

On the other hand, the leader claimed to be extremely talented and unparalleled in formations, but in what he did, he really didn't have the slightest demeanor of a master of Taoism.

If you are as selfish as you, who care about gains and losses before doing something, have a whole body of ability, don't fight for other things, just for the ascension, and don't emit any light, then it is not as good as a shooting star in the sky. "

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan laughed, and said: "Immortal way is private. If you don't know how to be humble, and take care of others in everything, you will inevitably suffer a lot of hardships.

Fellow Daoist Long-browed is certainly unparalleled in Taoism, but if it weren't for good luck, when the Devil's Cult was in its infancy, how could he easily defeat the enemy and force him to sign the alliance under the city.

Even so, Xuan Zhenzi somewhat understood how fierce the enemy's counterattack was back then, which can be described as dangerous.If it weren't for someone's help, he would have fled in embarrassment at the least, and at worst would have died early. "

"Differences do not conspire with each other. I can't persuade friends, and friends don't come to disturb our monks' practice." Qi Shuming shook his head, and said again: "The leader didn't appear this time just to provoke him, did he?"

"Of course not. It's nothing more than seeing a talented younger generation, and I can't bear to go astray, so I just open my mouth to give pointers. It's not a serious matter." Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch smiled and said:
"The business is just to ask, you have been exploring the battle for the past few days, what experience do you have? If you don't understand, how about I explain it to you personally?"

Meng Qiu and the other five people were all surprised and looked at each other, not knowing what the other party meant by what he said, and what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch didn't wait for them to answer, he lowered his head on the cloud and said: "The formation to stop you now, called the Ten Jue Formation, is a great method that I have accumulated for many years and painstakingly created.

For monks to practice, Taoism is the most important thing.If the mind of the Tao is not established, there will be no way to enter; if the mind of the Tao is not pure, practice will be slow;

It's usually like this, it's already very difficult, not to mention that since the Qi training period, every time you take a step forward, there will be various catastrophes in heaven and earth, such as scattered immortal calamity, earth immortal calamity, and heavenly immortal calamity.

Among them, wind, fire and thunder are easy to avoid, but the magic catastrophe is difficult to figure out, and there is no way to prepare.There are Taoist spiritual treasures and Buddhist heart lamps, but they still don't help.How many heroes fell at the last hurdle, my master Lianshan is like this, alas! "

He babbled on a lot of common sense in the practice world, and everyone didn't notice the long-windedness. He even sighed first when he mentioned Master Lian Shan at the end.

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan quickly adjusted his mood, and then said: "Cultivation is against the sky, and it is not surprising that there are many disasters. Only with one heart can we go up.

There are ten types of tempering for a practitioner's Dao heart, which are called heavenly demons, earth demons, human demons, ghosts, gods and demons, yang demons, yin demons, disease demons, demons, and realm demons.

I chose ten kinds of flying swords for this ten unique formations, and guided these ten kinds of demons from the void, and arranged them into ten formations.If a monk falls into it, he will be attacked by the devil, if he can't resist, he will go mad immediately, at least his cultivation will be destroyed, and at worst he will die. "

The situation of this formation, Meng Qiu once heard Qi Shuming talk about it, is not much different from what Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch said today, it seems that Emei is well prepared, I don't know if I heard it earlier, or there is an internal support in the Wutai faction.

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said: "Your Xitai Guyue Peak, then I will start from the formation here. This formation is called Bailing Slashing Immortal Sword Formation, and the corresponding monster is a demon.

Husbands and demons, spirits of wood, stone, animals, and mountains are abundant.Anyone who enters Jing to practice is not true, and often attracts foxes, mountain spirits, rock monsters and ghosts, fearing that people will become enlightened and turn into bewitching in order to seek food, or sing gorgeous poems to show themselves.Therefore, people who practice Dafa should avoid it.

This paragraph does not mean that the demons have changed into reality, but refers to their means of illusion, which can turn the false into the same as the real.Especially the desire in the monk's heart, I wish I could vent it immediately..."

"Could it be that the leader came forward to tell us about the ten catastrophes that practitioners must know?" Miechenzi interrupted, a little amused, and said, "Could the leader say something new?"

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan was interrupted, and immediately said displeased: "Since Miechenzi knows everything, why come over and test again and again, why don't I set up a big formation and you all attack together, wouldn't it be good to have a battle?"

Miechenzi chuckled, and while keeping his mouth shut, he quietly transmitted a sound transmission to Meng Qiu who didn't know why, saying: "This Wutai head teacher is the best teacher in his life. When he speaks, he speaks eloquently and meticulously."

Meng Qiu responded puzzled, "Isn't that good?"

Mie Chenzi said: "For those monks who are just getting started, it's great to have such a detailed account. But it's too much. When he talks about the Tao, he can't wait to instill all his ideas into his disciples, so he is still the same when he is an immortal.

The so-called master leads the practice to the individual, he draws out the rules and regulations of the practice, and considers all the problems that can be avoided for the disciples.Although the disciples of the sect are promoted very quickly, they lack trials and training, and have no realm. Other Taoism, swordsmanship and the like are very mediocre. "

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "Even if the leader is not as good as Daoist Changmei, the apprentices he teaches are as outstanding as you, who are already heavenly immortals, and the last ones are drunk Taoists with excellent swordsmanship. But it may not be without merit.

To arrange the ten unique formations, there must be ten earth immortals.Just imagine in today's world, apart from Emei, which one can make it together?
The earth immortals taught by five or six heavenly immortals can only beat the Wutai sect only if they have the power of the whole sect of Buddhism or the devil's sect. "

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was still talking, saying: "The strength of this formation is that it targets those monks who lack righteousness. Those who learn Taoism and practice the truth have a righteous heart, so the demons and evil spirits dare not enter the body. Those who come to play with mountain spirits and evil spirits must have a wrong heart and a dark room.

It is also very easy to break the theory, cultivate yourself and correct yourself, and you can control yourself.But people are not sages and sages, no one can do anything wrong, practice so far, no one can say that he has not made mistakes or selfishness, so if you want to untie this formation, you need to find the right person. "

After finishing speaking, he shook his body lightly, turned to the other three peaks, and every time he went, he gave a long speech, saying: "Beitai Ye Doufeng here is the Yin Soul Trapped Immortal Sword Formation, presided over by my disciple Seven-handed Yasha Longfei.

Yin demons, those who dream about gods, those who live in the mountains and practice secret scriptures, or when they are thinking about it, when they enter the house, they hear the sad songs of the four fields, and the cold wind blows, and they see greed and hatred when they talk about miscellaneous words, or walk on the road.


The Immortal Sword of Immortal Infant Misfortune contains yang demons, and its dependents are those who block the way.Practitioners who want to practice inside themselves, to save life and death, have inauthentic thoughts or desires everywhere, resentment and hatred, thoughts and feelings, worries, worries, right and wrong, and chaos.


The earth demon was born from the Heisha Destroyer Immortal Sword, and all calamities, those who practiced Bugang changed into gods, and the book Fu Yushui's thoughts were not correct, and they were often tested by the earth demons.who?Just wanting to think and have doubts in the mind, digging out books and disturbing one's mind, or looking at the shape but not recognizing the name, or possessing the body and not being able to speak, resisting the enemy's Taoism and destroying the authentic text, these are not the reliance of evil spirits, they are the attempts of the earth demons.


Since Meng Qiu practiced Taoism, very few people explained these common senses to him, and they usually explored them by themselves, but now they listened with gusto and smiled.

Miechenzi didn't bother to pay attention, and amidst the endless chatter of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, he quietly asked: "The monsters are aimed at lack of righteousness, the yin demons are aimed at impure qi, the yang demons are aimed at lack of life, and the earth demons are aimed at insufficient cultivation. Among these four formations, which formation do you think is safe to deal with?"

(End of this chapter)

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