Chapter 295

Meng Qiuzheng was satisfied with what he heard, raised his eyelids, and said, "You tell them to pick first, and if the rest can't handle it, just leave it to me."

Miechenzi was stunned, chuckled, nodded, and said: "You do have such confidence. You are a top-notch man, your sword is a good sword, and combined with your primordial spirit, you are the best among earth immortals. Even if that Taiyi Hunyuan blows up the hype, you can still stand still."

Among the four formations revealed by the Wutai faction, the most important thing is to introduce the devil into the formation, turning the fictitious into reality, changing from the inner demon to the outer demon, and the outer demon attracts the inner demon, and the internal and external pincers attack, and there is no defense.

For the vast majority of monks, this is an extremely terrifying thing, even if it is encountered by a heavenly immortal, it is extremely difficult, and it is impossible to escape when it comes to ascension.

Therefore, this great formation only depends on the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal, and it is almost impossible to break through disasters and catastrophes.Even an immortal would consume a great deal of mana.

But in Meng Qiu's view, it was simple.As Mie Chenzi said, he has the Nanming Lihuo Sword, which was originally refined by Bodhidharma for the purpose of eliminating demons, and it naturally restrains this formation; in addition, the primordial spirit has been superimposed twice, and it is thick and abnormal.

The most important thing is that the primordial body of chaos sits in the sea of ​​consciousness, and all falsehoods cannot be confused, and it is inherently invincible.

"In your opinion, who is the best to break the four formations?" Mie Chenzi asked, and then answered himself:
"The Bailing Slaying Immortal Sword Formation transformed by the demon can indeed restrain the lack of righteousness. But what is righteousness and what is evil? Which one can be defined? As long as the mind is not chaotic, the body is upright, and the devil has no chance to take advantage of it.

At this point, apart from you, only the Goddess of Calamity and Yu Luocha are the most able to persist in their Dao Xin.Moreover, Tianhui Yiguang is not as sharp-edged as the purple and blue swords, nor is it like the Nanming Lihuo sword who dominates the group. It is peaceful and peaceful, and it happens that it is not afraid of the pollution of the devil.

If the two of them can make a move, the Bailing Slaying Immortal Sword Formation will definitely be safe and sound.

The qi is impure and subject to Yin demons.If you want to break the yin and soul trap in the fairy sword formation, you must have no distractions from the beginning of cultivation. It doesn't matter if you learn from others in Taoism and swordsmanship, but the fundamental Taoism should not be mixed with Taoism, Buddha, or demons.

Almost no one in the world satisfies these conditions.But fortunately, luck is in Emei. I sent Li Yingqiong, the successor of Ziying Sword, who has been in Emei since the beginning of Taoism.

And the Ziqing twin swords are infinitely powerful, no matter what monsters are in front of them, they cannot stop them.Martial nephew Li is the best to break this formation.

The yang demons attracted by the Divine Infant Misfortune Immortal Sword are the so-called "life-threatening" people, most of whom have not completed their work, leading to excessive cultivation and then great desires, constant emotions, and unresolved human relations and common affairs.

Brother Ascetic is a monk, his six roots are pure, and the invisible sword is invisible and desireless.In addition, Yue Qinbin is one of the most powerful disciples under Taiyi Hunyuan's sect, so he can only be wronged by his senior brother to make a move, otherwise others may be able to defeat him.

There is also the Heisha Extinguishing Immortal Sword transformed by the old demon, presided over by the monk Zhitong, it is difficult for those who are not skilled enough to restrain it.Only Ye Bin, the owner of Admiralty Island, has been practicing Taoism for the longest time, and his mana has been polished to a mellow shape, but it's a pity that the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword cannot be restrained, so it's okay to force a fight. "

At this time Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch also finished introducing the four formations. Meng Qiu heard Miechenzi's words, sneered, and said via voice transmission:
"Senior, what if Headmaster Qi has other ideas after all the calculations like this?"

"Junior Brother Qi has always been admonishing, are you as stingy as you think? Don't provoke." Mie Chenzi replied: "If you don't believe it, the expedition is over now, I'll find out when I go back to discuss."

"No hurry!" Meng Qiu stood up suddenly and said to Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch: "Monsters, yin demons, yang demons, and earth demons are all ten demons, and there should be more than four types of formations that senior has set up here, right?
Since it is a showdown, why not reveal the other six formations, let me wait for the experience to decide the outcome. "

"One battle determines the outcome? It's not bad." Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch chuckled and said, "It's just that you are not the person in charge here, so how can you be the one who decides."

Meng Qiu said: "No. I agreed to Emei and came to help break the formation. Naturally, I don't want to delay the practice for too long.

We must know that the catastrophe of ten thousand years is imminent, at most it will only be a mere hundred years.For the seniors, being in the realm of celestial beings can trigger a catastrophe at any time and fly away.

I'm just a newcomer to the Earth Immortal, and I'm still far away from ascending, so time doesn't wait for me.If you procrastinate and rely on formations, and a sword fight lasts for 30 to [-] years, won't it break my path? "

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan put away his smile and said, "You can also choose not to help Emei, and go home to practice on your own."

Meng Qiu sighed, and said: "Senior also knows that Emei is domineering. If they can't break through Mount Wutai, they will turn around and attack Mount Mangcang. How can I resist it?"

Qi Shuming smiled and said: "Friend Daoist Meng is joking, if you don't want to help, can we forcefully press your head?
I am also a newcomer to the Celestial Immortal, and my realm is not stable enough. I can't compare with the five-day leader, and I have the ability to ascend at any time.

In any case, this sword fight will not last for 23 years. Emei is about to fight seriously, and the victory will only be in the middle of ten months. "

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said indifferently: "Headmaster Qi is a bit brazen, what ability do you, Emei, have to break the ten unique formations? Could it be that you want to mobilize Lingcui Peak and Liangyi Weichen formation?

That's really great, I just want to know, which one is higher or lower in formation technique attainment between me and Daoist Changmei? "

Qi Shuming said: "The Ten Absolute Formation is certainly powerful, but without the suppression of the Supreme Treasure, it cannot restrain the Heavenly Immortals. As long as I gather ten fellow Heavenly Immortals, this Formation will be broken."

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan frowned, he had thought about this method of breaking the formation, but there are countless gods in the world, it is very remarkable to gather three of them; it is almost impossible to gather ten, and said:
"Now is indeed the most stable and prosperous period in the practice world, and there are as many as twenty or so immortals. But you, Emei, are famous, but if you gather ten, it is tantamount to nonsense!"

"My Emei family has three heavenly immortals. In addition to the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu who have been invited to help, the number of people needed to break the formation has already reached half."

Qi Shuming calculated again, and said: "My school has always been friendly with Buddhism, and it is not unusual to recruit four or five immortals, such as Tianmeng, Zunsheng, Baimei, Dazhi four monks, Fentuo camel, etc.

You also don't need to expect the Demon Society to take action at this time and restrain the Buddhism for you.The enmity between them and you is not small, and it is considered good if it does not add insult to injury. "

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan was silent for a moment, and said again: "Even if you can really invite these people, where are you going to find two more angels to deal with me?"

Qi Shuming said indifferently: "It's really not possible. I'll go to the real person of Ji Le and ask him to take action for the sake of my mentor. At that time, it won't be that you have more than one enemy, but you have to think about how to escape from the real person."

No matter how proud Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was, he knew that he would definitely not be the opponent of the real person of Ji Le, his heart sank slightly, and he said: "So, you have made up your mind to force me to fight to the death as soon as possible?"

Qi Shuming nodded and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Meng is urging, there is no reason for me to disrespect.

As for the latter six unique formations, it would be better if Fellow Daoist Taiyi is willing to announce it; if not, the two senior brothers and I will attack it by force, and we are not afraid that it will not show its traces. "

"In this way, if I refuse, I will appear stingy." Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said: "Forget it, since you want to see it, I'm up to you.

As for the decisive battle in the future, are you trying to rely on a few juniors to break the formation, or find the real person of Ji Le and Buddhism, it's just soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth. "

After he finished speaking, he took out a jade talisman, put some soul information in it, and flew out.

After a while, the fog was as thick as black clouds, and there were six more formations in the middle of the four platforms in the south, east, northwest, and up and down.

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch waited for a while, seeing Xuan Zhenzi and others coming, the conversation started again, and said: "There are six formations left, the top one is the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword Formation, presided over by Xu Feiniang.

Heavenly demons are caused by "images".A person who cultivates living in the mountains has a single thought, but he is defeated by the devil and cannot come true.who?When you are refining fire pills, cultivating the truth, cultivating the great, and holding them in Jing, you may see the appearance of the shadows, the banners and flowers, a hundred kinds of heavenly fragrances and clouds covering the room, or hear the rhymes of fairy music, this is the test of the demons, that is, the fulfillment of the non-righteous way.

The Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword Formation is under, the eldest disciple Tuotuo presides over it, and follows humans and demons, and there are people who practice it.

Whether living in the mountains or entering the house, writing talismans step by step, digging out the formulas and holding them, if you want to use them, you have a different thought, or you are disturbed by the filthy smell of words, chickens and dogs, pregnant women, teachers, monks, nuns, and common people conflict in the mandala, so as to confuse the Dharma. "

Since they were all preparing for a duel, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch did not hide it, and put the Ten Jue Formation on the surface, and introduced it without bragging.

The Blood Sea Devouring Immortal Sword breeds gods and demons, which means those who are greedy for profit and nourish them, and the rules are not strict.It fell into the hands of Taoist Lin Yuan of Xuandu Taoist in Wanxiu Mountain, Tianshanling, Guizhou. This is also a difficult monk.

Those who are gods and demons, those who practice and practice, or because of exorcising or destroying temples to eliminate essence and summon souls, and wanton madness are often tried by gods and demons.Sometimes appearing in form or writing words, throwing stones and whirlwinds blowing trumpets and moaning, there are many changes to see their strange shapes, stealing offerings from altars, stealing secret scripts of elixir, bewildering dharma bodies without rest, all are tried by gods and demons.

Afterwards, the Bone Slaying Immortal Sword belonged to the ghost and belonged to the golden body Arhat Fayuan.

For ghosts and demons, if you don't specialize in the practice of the law, you will live.A man of practice may govern people in the fields or build altars where corpses are buried. If he thinks for a while, he will have ghosts at night, houses will be empty, birds and mice will appear like snakes, insects will show strange shapes, and they will confuse the righteousness and destroy the altar.

The True Evil Remnant Immortal Sword contained disease and fell into Zhu Hong's hands.

Those who are seriously ill mainly suffer from hygienic disorders, and those who practice and practice are obsessed with one thought. When the four major disorders are poor in diet, cold and heat disorders cause many diseases, and the lingering damage to behavior is also the test of this serious disease.

The last fairy sword of delusion and chaos, which gives birth to the demon of the unsteady and illusion of seeing the gods, is held by the sun and moon monk Qian Xiao of the Luohun Valley in Salween Mountain, Yunnan.

The insufficiency of tranquility is seeing the demons in the realm. When you are practicing or in a different room on the road, you will feel greed and hatred when you see something, and you will not see things in your eyes and listen to evil sounds, or you will see the ends of the weather, shapes and shadows when you enter the room.

Execution, destruction, extermination, devouring, killing, misfortune, trapping, mutilation, beheading, and chaos, the Wutai faction specially refined ten extremely flying swords, which were used as objects of suppression in the ten extremely formations.The monks who preside over the formation are all earth immortals.

After carefully introducing the various formations and spending a few more hours, Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said: "I allow you ten days to go back and discuss how to break the formation here.

After ten days, it will be the end of the battle, and there will be no end to death.If I lose, everything will cease, and the Wutai faction will disperse from now on.

Ruosheng, for the sake of Daoist Changmei, you don't want to disband Emei, you just need to seal the mountain for 200 years honestly, and no one in the gate is allowed to leave Ningbi Cliff. "

Qi Shuming had seen the Ten Jue Formation, its power was greater than he expected, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but his face didn't show anything, he just nodded and didn't follow other people's opinions, he responded directly: "Emei agrees to this matter."

After returning to the camp, I discussed with Xuanzhenzi and Miechenzi for a while, and it was not until the next day that I called everyone and said:
"The Ten Absolute Formation is the result of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's lifelong practice, and it will take decades of hard work if he wants to attack it by force.

The ten thousand year catastrophe is approaching, and there is not much time left. If you wait for such a long time, it will undoubtedly be a waste of time.

So at the suggestion of fellow Daoist Meng Qiu, I discussed with my two brothers and decided to fight to the death with the Wutai faction.

Give them ten days to fully deploy the Ten Jue Formation, and we will attack.Once this formation is broken, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch will automatically disband the Wutai faction and restore peace to the world. "

Then some monks were shocked and said: "Headmaster Qi said just now that the Ten Absolute Formation is difficult to break and cannot be attacked by force, and now he wants to do it again. What is the reason?"

"Be safe and don't be impatient!" Qi Shuming said: "We have a plan, the person who breaks the formation is already ready, and other fellow Taoists will assist, just intercept the demon.

This time, I, Emei, will take the lead in this battle, and I will ask several other fellow Taoists to help.As long as the previous plan is followed, it will be a battle.

In order to destroy the Immortal Sword Formation, Brother Ascetic will be troubled by Senior Brother Ascetic with the invisible sword, and Junior Sister Yuan Yuan will assist. Once Senior Brother restrains Yue Qinbin, please quickly take away the suppressed object.

Li Yingqiong holds Ziying, breaks the ghosts and traps the fairy sword formation, and the seven-handed Yasha Longfei has extraordinary magic skills, and Junior Sister Xun is the one to deal with it.

Holding the Qingsuo Sword, Zhou Qingyun asked Junior Sister Fan Xia to help him break the Bone Killing Immortal Sword Formation.

Zhuge warned me to break the jade hook, and Jian Bingru helped me break the fairy sword array.

Qi Xia'er wields the Mandarin Duck and Thunderbolt Sword, and with the help of her teacher, Suyin breaks the blood sea devouring immortal sword formation.

Yue Wen holds the Qixiu sword and asks senior brother Bai Guyi to help him break the true evil and immortal sword array.

Qi Lingyun used the golden light and fierce fire sword, and asked Zhu Mei's senior brother to assist him to destroy the Tianma Zhuxian sword array.

As for the remaining three, please Daoist Ye Bin use the Ice Soul Cold Light Sword to break the restraining Heisha Destroying Immortal Sword Formation, and Master Yizhen will take care of them more.

Fellow Daoist Zheng Bagu and Fellow Daoist Chen Yufeng, I trouble you two to fight together with Fairy Buxu and Xiao Daoist to destroy the Bailing Slaying Immortal Sword Formation.

In the last five poisonous immortal sword formation, Monk Tuotuo is the head disciple of Taiyi Hunyuan, the most difficult to deal with, only fellow Daoist Meng Qiu is highly skilled in Taoism and has the Nanming Lihuo sword, so he can fight against it. In this formation, you are invited to come out and help fellow Taoist Lingwei old man of Qikong Island. "

 Recently, the state is very bad, and the writing is not very good.

(End of this chapter)

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