Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 296 Five Absolute Poison Immortals

Chapter 296
Hearing every formation, an Earth Immortal with a famous sword made a move, and the monks who followed understood that Emei had been prepared for a long time.

A few people rolled their eyes, and immediately thought about it, they wanted to follow Meng Qiu and other people who broke the formation, and go to the Ten Jue formation together to ask for credit.

The matter was so important, how dare Qi Shuming ask someone to mess up the plan, so he persuaded everyone with good words, and assigned the task of besieging Mount Wutai to stop the commotion.

Meng Qiu got the assignment, so he chose a remote location in the camp to negotiate with Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng as usual.

He said: "The Bailing Slashing Immortal Sword is considered to be a relatively well-known Wutai sect, there is a secret, although the name of Jiaoshan Taoist is not obvious, but when I inspected this formation today, I hardly noticed anyone presiding over it, so it can be seen that his cultivation is not trivial.

If you enter the formation, be careful, don't rush forward, stabilize your position first, use Tianhui Yiguang to meet the enemy, and hold the Bailing Slashing Immortal Sword.

For other matters, the Buxu Fairy Xiao Jiumei will take care of it.Since Qi Shuming dared to ask this person to help, he naturally took a fancy to his means. "

Zheng Bagu nodded, but at the same time she was a little worried, and said: "Don't worry about the two of us, it's the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword Formation, and the host is Monk Tuotuo, a disciple of Wutai University, whose cultivation level is bottomless.

If you fight alone, you may not be able to get anything cheap, let alone break the formation.It's not that there are no other good players on Emei's side, but Lingwei, who is a little less capable, was sent to help. There must be something strange here, you have to be careful. "

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "Emei is naturally bitter towards me, it's just because of the pressure from the real person of Ji Le and the Wutai faction that she put aside her hatred for the time being, not because she doesn't want to take revenge.

You don't need to worry, when it comes to breaking the formation, they are more eager than me, and there must be a backup in the dark.Sending Ling Weisou over, I'm afraid I think I'm familiar with him, and I don't expect him to be of much use.

But having said that, I heard Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch say that these ten unique formations can only be broken by a celestial being.To be proud of him is not to tell lies.

Although Emei thought of using the principle of Shengke to get rid of it, it is not guaranteed to be successful, or there will be a lot of price to pay.

Once you can really break the formation, don't stay here, leave the finishing work to others, and leave quickly. "

Chen Yufeng smiled and said: "That's natural. You didn't see that Qi Xia'er, Shan Xia and Su Yin wanted to eat me up. I can hold on to two of them. If the three of them go together, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to escape."

Even so, she kept smiling, with a lot of emotion on her face, and said: "These days of being chased and fleeing all over the world have never happened in more than a hundred years. It is really nostalgic." After finishing speaking, she looked at Zheng Bagu and smiled.

Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "Leilei is like a lost dog, what is there to miss?

If you get rid of the inner demons in advance, there is great hope for the celestial beings, as long as they endure for a few years, and when their realm improves, I don't believe they would dare to find trouble with a celestial being, and the enmity will naturally be resolved. "

Chen Yufeng smiled and said: "I ask you auspicious words, if I become a fairy, the first thing I will do is to help you deal with Lu Yu, lest her eyes stare at you like a copper bell.

If I hadn't heard from you, I would have thought there was a lot of hatred between you if you killed a servant girl who was the first to kill her. "

From Ningbi Cliff to Mount Wutai, every time Lu Ru saw Meng Qiu, she would grit her teeth.If it weren't for Emei's request to Meng Qiu, if she couldn't disrupt Qi Shuming's plan at a critical moment, she might have already started.

Although he didn't make a move as he wished, he said a lot of cruel words.The other party ignored it, which made her even more angry.

Meng Qiu said: "Don't pay attention to her. She has only mediocre magic tricks, and I can't beat her, but she can escape easily."

The three of them discussed for a while, and then predicted the possible dangers again. After making a plan, they quietly meditated and practiced the method.


In a blink of an eye, ten days later, Emei and his party gathered together and arrived at Wanghai Peak in Dongtai. The Wutai faction was also waiting here.

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan saw that the enemy was coming, but he had inquired a few days ago, and there were no real people of bliss, Buddhist monks and nuns, so he immediately felt relieved.

He sat high on the cloud bed, gestured to the side, and Taoist priest Lin Yuan from Xuandu came out of the formation, shouting: "Emei sect changed from being humble and generous in the past, to bullying and overbearing.

I originally thought that you, the second-generation disciples, have more or less inherited from a real person, and that you are somewhat self-cultivated, but you just indulge your younger generations to be arrogant and act unscrupulously.

Who knows that the catastrophe is coming, each of you has revealed your true nature.Coercing small sects, bullying casual cultivators, seeing that no one can stop them, they are arrogant, and they even sent their ideas to Wutai faction, they are simply overestimating their own capabilities, and they don't know how to live or die. "

Meng Qiu curled his lips, it was clear that the previous two families had agreed to fight to the death here, but they still had to waste so much talk.

Just as Qi Shuming was about to speak, Mie Chenzi stepped forward and said: "Taiyi Hunyuan, since we have already made an agreement last time, why bother to ask the disciple to come out and chatter. I have always admired your three-point talent, you might as well be more straightforward.

There are three major swordsmanship in the world, which are known as the highest, but few people know that you, the senior brother and I created them.It's rare for us to gather together today, and there are many fellow Taoists watching the battle, why not let go of the battle, and don't make some twists and turns. "

Among the visitors, many of them were very surprised. They hurriedly asked others, only to find out that practicing sword into silk, sword qi into rainbow, and sword light into splitting, these three world-renowned superb swordsmanship, were actually created by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, Xuanzhenzi and Miechenzi.

Since Lu Zu Dongbin carried forward the technique of flying swords, in the past many years of development, swordsmanship has surpassed Leifa, and has become recognized as the number one killing method. Among them, the three major swordsmanship and the skills derived from them are indispensable.

Although Meng Qiu was praised as a superb swordsman, far superior to his predecessors, but after all, his fame was relatively short, and his reputation was not as deep as that of the three masters of swordsmanship.

Therefore, when Miechenzi invited him to fight, both good and evil were looking forward to it, and the atmosphere at the scene was extremely enthusiastic, as if boiling water, boiling continuously.

Patriarch Hunyuan Taiyin laughed lightly, and said, "You two are not my opponents. With Qi Shuming, it's almost the same.

You just want to contain me, so as not to intervene in the Ten Jue Formation below.To put it bluntly, there is no need to cover it up.

I'm also curious, this formation is difficult for non-celestial beings to break through, what method did you think of, so impatient? "

He turned around and confessed, and then the cloud bed rose straight up, saying: "Come on, you don't want to do anything here, and neither do I. The Wutai School is where I practice Taoism, not Mount Emei, so don't break it."

"Eldest senior brother, third senior brother, let's go too!" Qi Shuming heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the enemy's activation, and said to Old Man Kuzhu and Lu Yu: "Two fellow Taoists, Sikong Zhan and Monk Chuanxin, I will leave it to you two to deal with it."

Sikong Zhan, the Venerable Moke, was a younger brother who was accepted by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch after he left the Lianshan Sect and before he founded the Wutai Sect.

This person already had some fame, but after receiving the careful guidance of his newly worshiped senior brother, he has now become a heavenly immortal.It's just that it's so secretive that almost no one knows about it.

The last time Emei brought the five great immortals and wanted to take down the Wutai faction in one go, it was this person who came forward. After Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was dragged away, he, together with another monk who was a heavenly immortal through the heart, propped up the sect.

The Chuanxin monk had half of his arm cut off by the Changmei real flying sword hundreds of years ago, and he declared that he would avenge this revenge, and practiced in hiding for a long time before he was lucky enough to be promoted to a heavenly immortal.

He once swore to take revenge.After Daoist Changmei ascended, he transferred his hatred to the entire Emei Sect.

Seeing the enemy's three angels, fearing that they would not be able to win, they turned their ideas on the younger Emei juniors.

Before Monk Chuanxin could carry it out, he heard the news of the Wutai faction's battle with Emei. Hearing that Ningbiya was almost destroyed, he danced with joy.

Afterwards, knowing that the two wars continued, he came here on his own initiative to help Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch to deal with Emei together.

It was also thanks to him, otherwise Sikong Zhan had to deal with Old Man Kuzhu and Lu Yu alone, and he might have to run away in a short time.

As soon as Tianxian left, everyone regretted not being able to see the demeanor of the sword master, and felt a little less stressed.

Monk Tuotuo smiled and bowed towards the opposite side, without saying a word, he led all the juniors, apprentices and nephews back into the formation.

Jian Bingru stood up and said: "All fellow Taoists, according to Junior Brother Qi's assignment, each go to break the formation.

Senior Sister Baiyun is here to preside over it, please note that this battle is no small matter, we must get rid of the evil and do our best, and don't let the thieves escape lightly. "

Master Baiyun has a very high position in Emei, she always only obeys Xuanzhenzi and Qi Shuming, she doesn't even have much respect for Miechenzi, but when she met this fifth junior brother, she didn't dare to say more, and said politely:
"Junior brother, just go, I will examine myself, and I will not allow any remnants of evil to escape."

Jian Bingru nodded, and went to the Lunxin Chaos Immortal Sword Formation first, and Zhuge policeman followed me with a broken jade hook.

The rest Li Yingqiong, Zhou Qingyun, etc., also accompanied by Xun Lanying and Mrs. Fanxia, ​​each went to one of the ten most powerful formations.

Meng Qiu nodded to Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, stretched out his hand to pull Lingwei old man, and said: "Fellow Daoist enters the battle, don't worry about anything else, you must put your own safety first, and leave the rest to me."

Old man Lingwei had seen how powerful the other party was, so he nodded quickly, and followed Meng Qiu into the Sword of Absolute Five Poisons.

As soon as he entered the battle, he was taken aback. It wasn't the scene of the wind blowing in, the black mist filling the sun and the moon, but the appearance of a market.

The streets are long and long, and it is difficult to see the beginning and the end.The blue brick floor is flat and wide.On the left is Changbo, covered bridges spanning, and green willows; on the right are shops, grain, oil, rice noodles, rouge and gouache, calligraphy and painting studios, and a wide variety of goods.

There are even more pedestrians, shuttling back and forth.Old and young, boys and girls, shoulder to shoulder.The carriage was ticking, the hawkers were shouting and drinking, and there was a lot of noise.

Such a peaceful appearance, on the contrary, made old man Lingwei tremble, not daring to move at all. He used his spiritual sense to sweep back and forth, but everything in front of him was true, and he couldn't see any flaws at all.

The more this is the case, the more it is obvious that the person in charge of the formation is far beyond his reach, so he immediately crossed his knees and closed his eyes, sacrificed the body protection method, light and magic weapon, and focused on defense.

Master Tuotuo smiled, and said: "Hehe, you know how to advance and retreat. For the sake of your master, fellow Taoist, let me spare you, a junior, and get out quickly."

Hearing this, old man Lingwei quickly got up without saying a word, and went straight out, and the mist made way for him to go.

The people outside couldn't see through the formation, couldn't see the details of the sword fight, and felt itchy in their hearts, but seeing someone come out in such a short time, they were immediately extremely surprised.

Master Baiyun hurriedly stepped forward, greeted him, his face darkened, and said: "Fellow Daoist Ling, why did you come out, could it be Meng Qiu..."

Although she hated Meng Qiu very much, she always put the overall situation of Emei as the most important thing, and wanted Meng Qiu to die, and she did not want to cause trouble at this critical moment.

Lingwei smiled wryly and said: "I haven't seen Fellow Daoist Meng since I joined the battle. The reason why I came out is that the enemy is too strong. I have no way to deal with it. I'm afraid it will slow me down."

He told the inside situation, many people didn't think so, secretly said: "It's just an illusion, so far, who has practiced Daoism, has not encountered three or five times, but can scare this Lingwei old man back in embarrassment, it seems that Xingkong Island is just a name in vain."

Master Baiyun's complexion was even worse, of course she would not be so ignorant, knowing that old man Lingwei is the eldest disciple of the ancestor of the sky, he has all the Taoism and the law, and the magic weapon is not weak at all, if he can scare him back without making a move, one can imagine the danger inside.

Instead, she was worried about Meng Qiulai at the moment, frowned and said: "If you follow what fellow Taoist said, this will be troublesome for a while."

Lingwei old man said: "Before I entered the battle, Fellow Daoist Meng had reminded me to evacuate quickly if the opportunity was wrong, so as not to risk my life in vain. Since he is so cautious, if he is not sure, he will naturally come out early.

He is ten times better than me, and what I fear may be nothing in his eyes.Master, don't worry, just wait and see what happens. "

Master Baiyun nodded, and said: "That's the only way." But unconsciously, most of his attention was put on the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword Formation.

After Meng Qiu joined the battle, he was on the main street just as Lingwei saw.However, unlike the latter, he took the initiative to integrate into the market, so what he saw was more vivid.

Carriers come and go, bustling.Two lanterns, cloth shoes in pairs; rattle drums, thumping, bamboo dragonflies, wings; gourds are sweet, steamed cakes are fragrant; occasionally passing a restaurant to take a sip of strong wine is tempting.

The light clouds shaded, the breeze sent coolness, the willows swayed gently, and the river rippled slightly.There are children with hanging hair, who are beckoning to their friends and companions, and cheering; girls with paper umbrellas, with flowing dresses, smiling and charming, just like in the middle of the water.

This long street is endless, gradually lost.Meng Qiu lingered, watched with relish for several hours, the golden crow fell and the jade rabbit rose, and he didn't feel tired.

Master Tuotuo chuckled, and said, "Friend Daoist Meng is clearly not deceived, why do you still linger?"

Meng Qiu shook his head, and said: "Fellow Taoists preside over this formation, they should use the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword to attract people and demons, and attract people.

When hurting others, the five poisons of anger, hatred, resentment, annoyance, and annoyance should be evolved based on the worldly situation.Anger injures the liver, hatred injures the heart, resentment injures the spleen, annoyance injures the lungs, annoyance injures the kidneys.

But fellow Taoists do the opposite. I have observed for a long time that the powerful do not show their minions, the rich do not rely on chariots and horses, and the poor have income from their work; the old and the young, young and old, can all be happy.

Wouldn't those who have the kindest heart yearn for the paradise in this world?This is where the conspiracy is far away from the conspiracy. "

Master Tuotuo still had a look on his face, and said: "But Fellow Daoist has watched it for such a long time, and he is still unmoved."

Meng Qiudao: "Cultivating immortals is for detachment. If you are addicted to five colors, once your Taoism is destroyed, you will be lost forever. The road of immortality is long, and the suffering of human beings is short. You can always tell the difference between eternity and eternity.

What's more, ride on the plain neon of the crimson banner, and float up with clouds and air.Jian Geze's long pole is always brilliant.It is a beautiful thing to become immortal and feel refreshed.

Occasionally, in the secular world, seeing the appearance of all beings, and seeking tranquility in the midst of troubles, you will know that if you are not far away from the world, you will be far away from the Tao. It is not a kind of practice. "

Master Tuotuo nodded, and said: "Jielu is in a human environment, and there are no cars and horses. How can I ask you? My heart is far away from myself."

Meng Qiu shook his head, and said: "I have an ancient house, Songyang Yunvfeng. I will stay there for a month and hang it on the Dongxi pine."

(End of this chapter)

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