Chapter 297 Unexpectedly
After the two recited a poem that was not suitable for the scene, they stopped talking, only the street next to it was full of people, still noisy.

After a long silence, Master Tuotuo put his palms together, and all the busy traffic disappeared immediately.

For monks who have cultivated to Meng Qiu's level, their minds are all hard. Even if the illusion is real, it is just a path, and once it is seen through, it is useless.

The sword formation immediately returned to its original appearance, with a colorful sword hanging above its head.The light emitted is white, blue, black, red and yellow, but also gray, as if stained.

Master Tuotuo took the lead, pressing down with both hands, and the Immortal Sword of Five Poisons immediately issued several sword lights, strangling downwards.

The sword skills are ordinary, but every blow has the power of the late stage of the earth immortal, so Meng Qiu didn't dare to underestimate it, and quickly released the Nanming Lihuo sword to meet him.

With this movement, something was wrong immediately, the aura around him had long been emptied, and every time he used the magic weapon of the flying sword, he had to mobilize the mana in his body.

This alone is unbearable for monks who are not in the realm of earth immortals, or whose mana accumulation is not deep enough.

"Fortunately, old man Lingwei left the sword formation first, otherwise with his current cultivation base, he will inevitably be delayed."

Meng Qiu secretly thought that the flying sword in his palm shot out several beams of sword light, knocking out all the sword energy falling from the air.

Master Tuotuo was not in a hurry, and kept his skills straight. When the Five Poison Pearl Immortal Sword was lit, thousands of rays of light shot down, like a rain of arrows, and the power of each root was as powerful as before.

This method is not very unusual, but the advantage is that it is extremely powerful and can be continued continuously.But within half an hour, there were dozens of waves of attacks.

Meng Qiu initially dealt with the two waves purely with mana. Seeing that they had no special features, he turned around and used some skills of practicing swords to make silk. With only a fraction of his strength, the offensive can be easily disintegrated.

He laughed and said, "Could it be that fellow Taoist wants to use this trick to exhaust my mana? It's not impossible, but how long do you plan to take? Five days, half a month, or half a year?"

As his reputation became more and more obvious, most of his background and growth trajectory were figured out, and even the Taoism had long been guessed.

Master Tuotuo naturally knew that the other party might be practicing ancient Taoism.This kind of Taoism is different from the current system that emphasizes the primordial spirit and despise mana, but combines the two. Once successful, the mana will be stronger than today's earth immortals.

Although the formation can continuously absorb spiritual energy from the outside without interrupting the offensive, but with the current strength, it may really take a long time to defeat the opponent.

What's more, Meng Qiu is not a dead thing, once the energy is exhausted, it will naturally escape. This sword array attack Wushuang, it is not so smart to trap people, it should not be able to stop the opponent, this kind of victory is meaningless.

And for the Wutai faction, the battle must be resolved quickly, otherwise it will take a long time, the Emei background will be deeper, and of course it will be more calm. If they are willing to pay a certain price and invite two angels to come over, they will definitely not be able to resist.

Master Tuotuo thought of this, and mobilized the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword again, but the sword light remained unchanged.He was not good at swordsmanship, so naturally he didn't dare to show off in front of Meng Qiu. Instead of exposing the flaws of his swordsmanship in a flashy manner, it would be safer to simply use clumsiness to match skill.

In addition, the five-color brilliance emitted is also dimmer than before, like a mist bursting out at night, covering the starlight, the moon grows green hair, and the moonlight sprinkled is also gloomy.

Meng Qiu immediately noticed the difference, the air became thicker, and his actions were slower than before.The sword wire that was sent out could not help but deflect slightly.

He had to make adjustments and added a little more mana to the sword energy before it returned to normal.

But as soon as he moved, the sword array also changed, the viscosity increased by one point, and the sword energy was like being thrown into water, no matter the sharpness or accuracy, there were deviations.

Meng Qiu exerted strength again, and the sword array changed again. Repeatedly, the whole person seemed to have entered the oil, and there were invisible restraints in every move. Facing the same trick, the magic power used was five times more than before.

"I have a primordial primordial embryo. I have accumulated a lot of energy on weekdays, and my aura is almost endless. If I continue to consume it like this, I won't be afraid." He was confident, so his posture was still calm, and he thought to himself:

"It's just that this situation is very unfavorable to me. Since I made the move, the Wutai faction has been completely offended; and the Emei side has a lot of hatred. Neither side is pleasing. If the delay continues, no matter who is free, I will be passive."

Thinking of this, Meng Qiu let out a soft drink, and split out two hundred sword lights, half of which were aimed straight at the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword, and the other half were aimed at Master Tuotuo.

The sword light on both sides is more focused, the sword aura going upward is grand, like a stone cannon, unstoppable; the one going towards people is like a flying arrow, swift and sharp.

Master Tuotuo didn't panic, he just clasped his hands together, a layer of golden light glowed all over his body, and the flying sword fell on it, like raindrops hitting a stone wall, unable to penetrate at all.

But the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword hanging in the air was attacked by the sword energy, but it was a bell hanging under the eaves, swinging from side to side, tinkling non-stop.

"Alas, the time is a bit rushed." Master Tuotuo sighed softly, stretched out his hand, and a ray of Buddha's light went up, fell under the Five Poison Sword, and turned into a bronze mirror, separating the attack.

He said: "The Emei faction invited you over, is it because they saw this flaw?"

While attacking, Meng Qiu said: "That's right. Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch's sword array is extremely powerful, and it is difficult to break unless the gods take action.

But after several visits to the formation, Emei still saw some flaws, the first thing is that the suppressing objects used by your sword formation are not of high grade.

For example, the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword is certainly a rare magic weapon in the cultivation world, but it is far inferior to the Nanming Lihuo Sword in my hand.If one ebbs and the other rises, there is a possibility of breaking the formation. "

Master Tuotuo said: "Hehe, is it only the flying sword that restrains it? Headmaster Qi dispatches troops and dispatches generals, and the people assigned to each place are different. It is clear that in addition to the flying sword's level, he also thinks about Taoism and temper restraint, isn't it?"

"Since fellow daoists know all about it, why bother to ask more questions." Meng Qiu responded, simply using a small amount of sword light to contain the opponent, and most of the rest of his strength was used to attack the Wudujuexian sword.

His mana, swordsmanship and flying sword are all excellent, so when he got serious, the Buddha's light suddenly faltered, Master Tuotuo also felt the pressure increased, he supported it for a while, and said:
"Forget it, the original intention was to wait a little longer, and wait for the younger brothers to attack first. Now I can't wait, so I have to show some real skills, and ask you to see why this sword formation can only be matched by a fairy."

Not seeing Master Tuotuo's movements, the Immortal Sword of Absolute Five Poisons trembled, and the five kinds of brilliance fell off, turning into a large net in the air, and covering it down.

Although Meng Qiu didn't know the usefulness of this move, he didn't dare to let it fall, and hurriedly urged the flying sword, and Nanming Lihuo rose up, setting fire upwards.

As soon as the two parties came into contact, there was a sizzling sound.Although most of the five-color light filaments were burned, Lihuo also became dim.

Meng Qiu's heart shuddered, he seldom used the function of the divine sword itself, but as long as he made a move, it was invincible, the last time he used it to deal with the green-robed patriarch, he wiped out the opponent's hundred poisonous golden silkworm Gu.

The sword light emitted by the Immortal Sword of Absolute Five Poisons is obviously not as fierce as the Golden Silkworm Gu, but the effect it can cause is much stronger.

"The sword array is said to be unbreakable without being immortal." Meng Qiu sighed, turned the flying sword again, and released Nanming Lihuo as before, but this time it was not dominated by it, but attached to the sword energy.

The five-color light net fell further, and the sword energy pierced through it like flying needles. Each of them hit the nodes where the light net intertwined, and immediately defeated it, leaving only a small piece of light, which disappeared in an instant.

This move is extremely precise, it needs to drive thousands of sword lights within a millimeter, and exert force at the same time. If there is a slight difference, the force will be uneven. As long as one node is missed, the rest can be recovered by this.

"Sure enough, I can't compete with you in swordsmanship." Master Tuotuo raised his brows, muttering something, and said: "Enhancing precepts and learning virtues, Zen and thinking karma. Good at cultivating in the holy life, come to my place..."

The scriptures got out of his mouth, but they changed from virtual to real, and turned into symbols of different Chinese characters, flew into the air, and stuck on the sword of Wudujuexian.

The light emitted by the Five Poison Sword became even darker. After it escaped from the sword body, it swayed and fell like hailstones.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to be careless, and with a flash of clear light, he propped up the body protection light three feet high, blocking the pouring sword rain from outside.

The sword light had five colors, and it was dim and not very bright. The entire formation seemed to be shrouded in a huge gray veil, and the sky couldn't see through. It was like a moonless night.

The rain of swords fell, each with great force, hitting the body shield with a flash of light, and then dissipated.Although it can't penetrate, but judging by its appearance, Faguang can't last long.

Meng Qiu frowned slightly, let go of his soul quietly, and probed carefully.Although this wave of offensive power is great, but compared to just now, it only has more mana, which is not worthy of Master Tuotuo's serious preparations.

But he spent a lot of thought, but he still couldn't find out what was wrong, so he felt that he couldn't sit still, so he released Feijian.

Master Tuotuo seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and when Nanming Lihuo Sword flew out, he shook his hands and shot out a small Zhantan Buddha's light, intercepting it under the Wudujuexian Sword.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to act rashly, and used his sword to resist patiently.After a while, he noticed something was wrong. Compared with before, there was an extremely slight delay in moving the sword. If it wasn't for his superb swordsmanship and strong spiritual sense, he would not have noticed it at all.

He couldn't help being taken aback, but there was no movement on his face, and he checked in private, and within half a moment, the lag deepened a tiny bit.

Meng Qiu suddenly understood that the sword rain of the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal was able to isolate the spiritual consciousness. Fortunately, it was discovered early. If it was later, the connection between Feijian and Yuanshen was cut off, and Nanming Lihuojian was trapped by the enemy, then he would be in danger.

Just as he was about to move, he suddenly thought that the flying sword would be disturbed outside, and if the raindrops hit the body protection light, would there be a problem.

Sure enough, after the rain of swords fell, traces of very obscure magic power quietly scattered into the clear light. If there was no defense, even if you checked carefully, you would not be able to see the problem.

Meng Qiu hurriedly swept away with his divine sense, and suddenly his soul jumped, anger, hatred, resentment, annoyance, and annoyance, five emotions came out at the same time, and he wanted to ignore it immediately, pouring all his mana into the flying sword and venting it out.

Fortunately, he was determined, and immediately sensed something was wrong, suppressed it, and thought at the same time: "Yin wood, yin fire, yin earth, yin metal, yin water, I also said that these five poisons are just strange sword lights, and the name does not match the reality. It turns out that this is where they are so powerful.

If you don't notice, when the poison penetrates into the body along with the mana, even the soul will be attacked by the demon head. Even if you can survive the madness, it will be restrained by the five poison swords. "

Now that he found the problem, Meng Qiu couldn't wait any longer, so he hurriedly used the ability of Nanming Lihuo Sword to split thousands of sword lights and shoot them in all directions. As soon as they flew out, red light burst out from the sword and turned into raging flames, spreading across the entire formation.

"Hey, I saw it." Master Tuotuo said with a smile, but there was no reaction, and then he recited the scriptures.

Meng Qiu's heart sank, as expected, no matter how the flames burned, the rain of five-colored swords still passed through, and it didn't seem to have any effect.

Since the mystery of the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword was seen through by the opponent, Master Tuotuo no longer concealed it, and the rain of swords fell unscrupulously, encircling Meng Qiu for three feet, pouring down like a waterfall.

The five-color brilliance stuck to Meng Qiu's bodyguard, like a gangrene, no matter how hard he tried to drive it away, he couldn't break free.

At the same time, the Nanming Lihuo sword was also disturbed, and the five-color silk thread was entangled, superimposed layer by layer, trying to separate it from Meng Qiu's spiritual consciousness.

Thousands of thoughts raced through Meng Qiu's mind, he suppressed the idea of ​​using the Haotian Mirror, took a deep breath, and said secretly: "Since I practiced Taoism, I have never had any distractions except the fundamental Taoism, and the only means of fighting the enemy is a flying sword.

Since learning swords, he has studied hundreds of schools, and he has become a unique school. He has also created such peerless skills as sword light differentiation, and is known as the world's number one sword cultivator.

This is not the time when the mountain is at the end of its rope, and you are about to verify what you have learned, and you are not paranoid, so how can you easily rely on foreign things? "

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and then were pushed away again. Meng Qiu concentrated on it, activated his mana through the air conditioner, Nanming Li Huojian turned, the red light shrank, and exploded again.

The sword energy that flew out from the flying general no longer turned into flames, but stretched into silk threads, which were as thick as the light of the five poisonous swords.

Each sword thread seems to have a different shape, and the sword moves are also different, either up or down, or left or right, winding towards the five poisonous sword lights one by one.

As soon as the sword silk came into contact with the sword light, the sword light immediately collapsed and disappeared without a trace, and the sword silk became active again, and went to the next sword light.

First, the lower part of the sword light dissipated, and then went up, all the way non-stop, but within a short time, most of the existing five-color sword lights in the formation had disappeared, and were forced by Nanming Lihuo's sword energy to keep shrinking towards the top.

If Jian Yu was forced back to the top, and the sword energy rushed over, Meng Qiu would be able to take off the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword in a single thought, and the formation would be broken.

"Oh, it's still too reluctant after all." Master Tuotuo stopped chanting, and said: "Qi Shuming has a good eye, and unexpectedly found you, just in time to restrain my sword array.

Otherwise, even if the god camel Yixiu comes over, I can make him flee with just this formation. "

Feeling a little bit, there are several other formations, which are in danger, Master Tuotuo can only sigh, and said: "Forget it, the matter is urgent, if you keep hiding, you will be defeated, so you can only show some real skills in advance."

He stretched out his hand again, his mana surged, and the Immortal Sword of Absolute Five Poisons suddenly lit up, shooting out a colorless sword light, killing Meng Qiu.

Meng Qiuyun sent more than a dozen sword qi upwards to meet him. He thought he was cautious enough, but unexpectedly, the sword light fell straight down without any hindrance.

He hastily recalled the flying sword body, and went up to meet it, the two swords collided, but Nanming Lihuojian was pushed down by more than ten feet.

"This mana!" Meng Qiu was taken aback, and blurted out, "Are you a fairy?"

(End of this chapter)

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