Chapter 298
At this time, Master Tuotuo's aura exploded. Just now it was a lake, but now it has become as deep as the sea.

He chuckled, and said, "I'm considered to be of the same generation as Xuan Zhenzi, Mie Chenzi, and Qi Shuming. If they can become immortals, why can't I?"

While speaking, the offensive of the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword continued continuously, pushing Meng Qiu's sword light down by tens of feet.

"A bunch of trash, they didn't even check the enemy's realm clearly, so they hurriedly called people over." Meng Qiu cursed Emei inwardly, resisted the urge to escape, and revealed his consciousness.

Master Tuotuo's magic power is extremely thick and round, and he mobilized the power of the formation in an understatement, and the momentum is majestic. It is not a realm promoted by external force, but a real fairy.

The situation turned downwards, the battle was dangerous, Meng Qiu took a deep breath, mana poured out from his body, his soul shook, got rid of the interference of the five poisons, and the flying sword became more agile.

The five poisonous sword qi all over the sky, like meteor clusters, one after another, have the potential to overwhelm Mount Tai.And Nanming's Lihuo sword light is like a surging tide, even if one wave cannot be stopped, there will be another surge until the enemy's offensive is completely intercepted.

Master Tuotuo saw that Meng Qiu did not escape, and still resisted with mana and swordsmanship. Surprised, Master Tuotuo couldn't help frowning, saying:
"Fellow Daoist Meng, you're just here to help, and it's not your own business. I guess even if Emei gets paid, it won't be very valuable. Why do you have to work so hard for it?"

Meng Qiu almost exerted all his strength, but he was still at a disadvantage due to the huge gap in his realm, so he responded with all his strength, "It's nothing more than being entrusted by others, and it's a matter of being loyal to others."

"It's a loyal thing, but you have to do it according to your ability." Master Tuotuo smiled and said: "I originally wanted to save a little more energy, but it seems that it won't work. I might as well spend some effort first and send you away."

He also knew that it was almost impossible to kill Meng Qiu, so there was no need to be cruel and offend people for nothing.

Therefore, Master Tuotuo's surging mana did not directly attack, nor did he use the magic weapon, but directly poured it into the Five Poison Zhuxian sword formation. Immediately, the entire formation was darkened and dimmed.

Meng Qiu first felt that the sword light sank, and couldn't stand it, and then the light around him was oppressed, and it kept shrinking, and soon it was less than ten feet.

Even so, he could barely bear it, the most deadly five poisons seemed to be real, while drilling into the body protection method, while isolating the inside and outside, every time he mobilized the flying sword, it was ten times more difficult than before.

Under such circumstances, Meng Qiu no longer forced himself to go out at this time, who can say that he is wrong?
So he stretched out his hand and recalled Nanming Lihuojian, Qing Guang shrank, ready to rush out of the formation.

Master Tuotuo chuckled, but didn't see any movement, the offensive remained the same, and he also wanted to see how capable the opponent was.

Just as Meng Qiucai poured all his magic power into the flying sword, preparing to use the sword energy thunder sound to break a way out, he suddenly felt a slight sway around him, calmed down again, and then the pressure dropped sharply.

With a thought in his heart, he turned his head to look back and forth, and saw that the thick fog broke through and a ball of golden light poured in. Inside was a tall old monk with a red face and white eyebrows.

"Chan Master Baimei, why are you here?" Master Tuotuo put down his smile, very surprised, and asked, "If you act rashly, aren't you afraid that the Demon Cult will find out and attack you secretly?"

The person who came was the white-browed monk, one of the three Buddhist monks, with a voice like a bell, he said: "With Tianmeng and Zunsheng as restraints, and the devil's sect as a few immortals, they are not monolithic, so how can we take risks.

Besides, you sent Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan to be conceited. He offended Buddha, Taoist, demons and sects a long time ago. He and his subordinates of Lianshan Sect are unwilling to help. Except for the remnants of Huashan and Hengshan, who is willing to help? "

Master Tuotuo sighed inwardly, and said in a deep voice: "My faction is certainly unique, but Emei is just as barbaric and domineering, squeezing others. Given your realm and status, what benefits can Emei give you? It's worth your time in this muddy water."

Zen Master Baimei whispered a Buddha's name, and said: "I owed a big favor to Daoist Changmei back then, so I had to come."

He was originally a martial arts tycoon in the land of Qilu, but by chance, he was enlightened by the ancestor of Wudang, Sanfeng Zhenren, and embarked on the road of cultivation.

Later, he was able to devote himself to Buddhism, worshiped under a divine monk, and took charge of a large lineage, but it was Daoist Changmei who helped thread the needles, and then he achieved today's achievements.

This kind of favor is great, but Daoist Changmei is invincible, so naturally he can't use it.The successor Emei is also the number one sect in the world leading the righteous way, and the monk will not work on trivial matters, so it has continued to this day.

Master Tuotuo nodded, and sighed: "The prosperity of Emei began with Daoist Changmei. Not only the profound Taoism and the exquisite magic weapon, but also the human kindness, can be sheltered everywhere, and talents will emerge in large numbers.

Although the master has great ambitions, his talents are not inferior to the real ones, but he has no luck.The world has been decided, and if you want to stand out, you need to spend more than ten times the effort, how difficult it is! "

"The way of human beings is to give more than enough to harm. The master holds the five-poison-absolute sword and attracts people and demons. How can you not know people's hearts?" Meng Qiu sighed, and said:

"Thanks to our talent, we can cultivate and attribute the great power to ourselves, so that we can get a little bit of freedom. Otherwise, we are like ordinary farmers, under the war, working early and working late, offering more but getting less, not only ourselves, but also future generations. Generation after generation, we cannot escape."

Zen Master Baimei shook his head and said: "Friend Meng Daoist is extremely talented and has an extraordinary inheritance. Why do you hurt the spring and the autumn. The time has come, so you should work hard."

He didn't talk nonsense, put his hands together, recited Buddhist scriptures, and walked forward step by step, saying: "When you really practice the deep prajna paramita for a long time, when the five aggregates are all empty, you don't lose the appearance of me, people, all living beings, and longevity. It is called the empty appearance of all dharmas..."

While chanting the scriptures, the golden light around the body rose step by step, extending outward, sweeping away the darkness and shining brightly wherever it passed.

Master Tuotuo didn't dare to be negligent, and he also recited the scriptures, every word and every sentence, flew into the air, attached to the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword, and scattered five-color sword energy.

The sword energy fell on the Buddha light below, like ink dripping into clear water, the light suddenly dimmed.

Zen Master Baimei stopped in his tracks and tried his best to get rid of the filth by applying the Dharma. He frowned and said, "Great Monk, your Dharma has gone astray. It is already the way of the devil to respond to the devil."

Master Tuotuo said: "The Zen master is narrow-minded. Di Shitian, Asura, etc. are all members of the demon sect, and they can protect the Dharma for Buddhism. Why? Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

How can the Buddha's salvation of all living beings be limited to human beings, demons, spirits, ghosts, and monsters?To save a demon is better than countless. "

"After my parinirvana is seven hundred years old, it is the true law that the magic wave Xun will gradually frustrate me. For example, the hunter wears the robes, and the demon king Bo Xun is the same."

Zen Master Baimei said sternly: "As the Great Monk thinks, only the five rebellions and turbulent times will lead to the prosperity of the evil way, the demons will become monks, and the Buddha way will be disrupted!"

"Hahahaha! That's exactly what it is." Master Tuotuo laughed for a while, and said, "When the Dharma is extinguished, it is like an oil lamp. When it is about to be extinguished, it is even brighter. Since then, it is incalculable.

After that, for tens of millions of years, Maitreya will become a Buddha in the world, the world will be peaceful, the poisonous gas will be eliminated, the rain will be moist and comfortable, the grains will be luxuriant, the trees will grow, and the people will be eight feet long. "

Meng Qiu had seen Buddhist monks fighting in Qingluoyu before. At that time, he was also the Tuotuo master.

At this moment, the golden Buddha's light and the five-poison sword energy are fighting inextricably. For a while, the Buddha's light drives away the black mist, and for a while, the blackness is soaked in gold.

When the two debated scriptures, they were also fighting with each other, with the tip of the needle facing the wheat awn.One has a lotus tongue, and the other is eloquent. The entire formation is full of buzzing sounds.

At the beginning, Meng Qiu didn't pay much attention to it, and only concentrated on wielding the sword, restraining part of the Five Poison Sword Qi, and sharing the pressure for Zen Master Baimei.

At the back, the Buddhist scriptures are like a hypnotic song, which makes people's mind cloudy and gradually becoming confused.

"Not good!" After all, Meng Qiu's primordial spirit is powerful, and there is a chaotic primordial body guarding the sea of ​​consciousness. He was only a little confused, and immediately woke up, angry in his heart, and secretly said:
"This bunch of buddhist old bald men don't have any good things. At such a critical moment of fighting skills, they still want to plot against me."

It is extremely easy to control the Celestial Immortal's shot precisely, but the scriptures refused to let Meng Qiu pass, it was clearly intentional.

This is the greed of Buddhism, but those who are outstanding, all want to get through the door.Because of this, it is a merit and virtue, which can be used to break through the mystery in the teachings of the Buddha.If you accumulate more, you can turn all kinds of passes into flat ground.

Back then, Utanshini was trapped in front of the gods, so he wanted to use this method to improve himself.Therefore, he took the opportunity to make trouble and injured Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, hoping to save them.

This Goddess of Calamity, a Jade Rakshasa, was only a well-known figure among Sanxian at that time, and they were all worthy of such a design.What's more, Meng Qiu is No. 1 among his peers, with profound magic power and outstanding swordsmanship, which makes Buddhism covet.

In addition, he was born as a casual cultivator with no other background, and in his hand is the Nanming Lihuo Sword, the first of the four treasures of Buddhism.

Even Zen Master Baimei, who is not as gloomy as Tianmeng, nor as deceitful as Dazhi, can be regarded as a rare upright person in Buddhism, but he can't resist the temptation of Buddhism, and takes the opportunity to save Mengqiu.

The reason why Master Tuotuo was willing to cooperate was because he believed that with Meng Qiu's temperament, even if he really devoted himself to Buddhism, he would never be the same as Tianmeng and Baimei.

In this way, naturally he would not work for Emei, even if he could not become a friend of the Wutai faction, he would definitely not be an enemy, and would make a big enemy out of thin air.

If the degree of transformation fails, it doesn't matter, you will definitely feel rebellious, and you will hate Emei and Buddhism, no matter how you look at it, you will not lose.

The two Buddhist celestial beings have a tacit understanding, and the chanting scriptures will naturally be more confusing. Once they can't resist, they will be muddled, planted the Buddha seed, and condense their spiritual consciousness into a relic.

Meng Qiu was extremely angry, but he also knew that it was not the time to attack, so he secretly made up his mind that he would come back with revenge in the future, and at this moment, he just stabilized his sea of ​​consciousness and moved his sword carefully.

Zen Master Baimei recited the scriptures for a long time, seeing that he was unmoved, he sighed and admired his determination at the same time.Seeing that he couldn't succeed, he simply gave up, passed the sound transmission, and said:

"When Headmaster Qi sent me a message, he said that the Ten Absolute Formation is very powerful. It can only be broken by using a special method alone, otherwise ten heavenly immortals will have to attack at the same time.

In addition, he also said that since there are ten fates, instead of taking them separately, this formation must be able to be combined.

According to fellow Daoist Miechenzi's observation, the person who controls these ten formations must have a high level of cultivation and choose the most critical one among the sword formations.

Previously, he suspected that it was Xu Feiniang who presided over the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword, but now it seems that unless this person is also a celestial being, it should be Monk Tuotuo.

Therefore, this array is the most critical, and one hair can move the whole body.If we hold it back, we can buy time for other fellow Taoists; if we work harder to destroy the Five Poison Absolute Immortal Formation, the other nine formations will also be implicated. "

Meng Qiu responded coldly, saying: "I don't have the realm of a celestial being, with only this bit of mana, I can restrain the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword at most.

You must be able to suppress Tuotuo for a moment and prevent him from using his mana in the sword formation before I can break the formation, otherwise don't waste time and leave early. "

Zen Master Baimei didn't care about his tone, thought for a while, and said: "I took back the Muni beads, and also borrowed Hanyue's Scattering Flower Branch, the combination of the two should be a miracle.

However, although the enemy has been promoted not long ago, his accumulation is rich, and his Taoism comes from a famous family. The means must be very important. You only have one chance, so don't be careless. "

Meng Qiu only responded with "OK" and didn't say any more. He saw Feijian by his side, and he seemed to be wholeheartedly preparing to defend.

Seeing this, Zen Master Baimei shook off the gloom beside him, rushed forward suddenly, and was only a hundred feet away before he escaped. His whole body was full of light, and he shouted: "I have fully taught the lecture, and I should listen to it with all my heart. If you surpass a hundred or sixty hearts, you will generate great merit..."

Eighteen clusters of huiguang flew out from behind him, the brilliance of the treasures, as bright as the sun stars, arranged in an array, and fell on the top of Master Tuotuo in an instant.

Master Tuotuo was not surprised, with a shake of his hand, a khaki-colored cloth bag flew up into the air, with its mouth wide open, and greeted him.

Only then did Zen Master Baimei release the Muni Pearl, without waiting for the opponent to move, he threw something into the air at the same time.

The magic weapon is in the shape of a lamp, only about three inches in size, a ball of pale yellow light, with red, white, and blue strange lights emitting from the side, only about a foot long, shining brightly, but the light is extremely intense.

As soon as he made a move, the three-color strange light took the yellow light as the axis, and turned like a windmill, forming a circle of gold, red, blue, and white four-color wheels, and threw it towards the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword.

"Heart Lamp!" Master Tuotuo shouted with great awareness, hurriedly mobilized his mana, sucked in the cloth bag, and at the same time burst out a ball of divine thunder in his hand, and shot it at the Heart Lamp.

Zen Master Baimei stretched out his hand quickly, and the Muni beads emitted many round sparks, and threw them into the cloth bag.As soon as the spark fell, it swelled thousands of times in a blink of an eye, and it sounded like an explosion, and the cloth bag's brilliance dimmed and it was crumbling.

Then the heart lamp suddenly burst into brilliance, connecting with the Buddha's light around him, fixing half of the formation, and being wrapped in it like Master Tuotuo.

At this moment, Meng Qiu let out a long roar, and a blaze shot up into the sky from his hand. The divine sword was like a rainbow, and a thunderbolt exploded in mid-air, hitting the sword of Wudujuexian.

The sky-shaking sound came from mid-air, and there was a burst of shaking, and the surrounding fog violently churned, which lasted for a moment, and then all dispersed with a puff.

The sky was falling straight down, and the sun was hanging high.

(End of this chapter)

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