Chapter 299 comes to an end
"Cough cough!" The Immortal Sword of Absolute Five Poisons was broken, Master Tuotuo suffered the backlash, spit out a mouthful of blood, and coughed a few times.

He took a deep look at Zen Master Baimei, focused his eyes on Meng Qiu again, and then said bitterly: "Emei's calculations are really far-reaching, and I was careless!

First, Lingwei old man entered the battle, which made me contemptuous.You came later, and fought the five-poison formation with your peerless resources. I thought it was you who broke the formation and put down your guard, so that the white-browed monk seized the opportunity.

If I can train the ten great formations into one piece at the first moment, not to mention the white eyebrows, even if there are one or two angels, so what? "

Most of the mountain peaks here have been turned into dust in the aftermath of the fighting, and the other nine large formations are not in sight.Without the interference of the five poisons, Meng Qiu regained consciousness as soon as the sun shone. Many thoughts circulated in his mind, and he said in a deep voice:

"What can you do if you start early? Since you can see Emei's plan, why don't you think about it again. When I came to the formation, the head teacher of Qi only sent a Lingwei old man to accompany me; when I couldn't break through the formation and wanted to escape, only the white-browed monk came forward. Could it be that you think it's all a coincidence?"

Master Tuotuo was startled, and said: "It turns out that Emei knew that I had been promoted to the Heavenly Immortal, but she couldn't bear it. It would be best if I could be careless and show my flaws. If not, once the big formation is launched, I can also use my hands to kill you, the enemy. Killing two birds with one stone is really unparalleled."

Meng Qiu's face was also not good-looking. Emei's move was not only to plot against the Wutai faction, but he was also in the trap.If it wasn't for his skillful means, he might have given up his life now.

He glanced at Zen Master Baimei, this person is a celestial being, and he is backed by a Buddhist tree, no matter how much Emei dared to deceive, it seems that most of this plan was participated in, and the degree of participation is unknown.

Meng Qiu turned his mind, snorted coldly, turned around and left without returning to the Emei formation, and landed not far from the Bailing Sword.

Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng defeated the enemy in this formation, he used his eyesight enough, he could only see the thick fog billowing, and his naked eyes were shining, but he couldn't see through.

After a long time, there were movements one after another in the surrounding Jiujue formation. The first ones to come out were Xun Lanying and Li Yingqiong, the two masters and apprentices.

Meng Qiu only glanced at Li Yingqiong, her Ziying sword was not put away, she was shining coldly, murderous, but also had her own spirituality, naturally unruly, worthy of being the No. 1 sword in the world.

Not long after the two came out, the mist outside the Immortal Sword Formation exploded suddenly, revealing the situation inside.

Police officer Zhuge stood proudly on the spot, with a broken jade hook in his hand, facing the Sun Moon Monk Qian Xiao, who was broken in two from his shoulder.And Jian Bingru has already taken a flying sword hanging in the air in his hand.

Meng Qiu was not at all surprised that these two could win.The delusion and confusion of the fairy sword array to attract the demons is aimed at those who have no concentration and see the gods in the illusion.

However, before Zhuge Jingwo became an Earth Immortal, I was plagued by demons set by the demon corpse Guchen for 200 years.

And Jian Bingru, as one of the five great disciples of Emei, had earned a little fame from the very beginning, and spent the rest of the time hiding in retreat in the back mountain of Emei.

Police Zhuge and I had just left the formation, saw Meng Qiu, and looked at the Wudujuexian sword formation. There was no fog and no one there, only half of the hill was left, so I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, and said: "Brother Meng is really brilliant, I can't match it!"

Meng Qiu was about to speak, when two people rushed out of the True Evil Remnant Immortal Sword Formation, it was Bai Guyi and Yue Wen, who kept going all the way, and when they flew a hundred feet away, there was a bang from behind, and the entire sword formation exploded, and after a while, the smoke disappeared.

The people who broke the formation in Emei gathered together, and Meng Qiu didn't bother to speak any more, and only bowed his hands to the Zhuge policeman, which was regarded as a response.

Seeing this, Yue Wen sighed.Back then in Mount Heng, he had seen Meng Qiu's sword skills, and he knew that this man was not something in the pool, so he handed it over.

Who would have expected that the other party would indeed soar into the sky later on, but he would also form a life-and-death enmity with Emei, which made it impossible for him to continue dating.

If Yue Wen is a direct disciple of Emei, like Zui Taoist and Zhuge Jing me, then it's fine, but his master Chayunsou Bai Guyi has a respectable status, but his status is embarrassing, so he has to act cautiously.

Four times out of ten, Emei only needs to break through three more formations, and the Wutai faction's formations on the east, west, north, south and four sides will not be able to gather together, and naturally they will lose a lot.

Master Tuotuo did not know when he arrived here, seeing three younger brothers died one after another, his face was cloudy, he only looked at Zen Master Baimei opposite, and then suppressed the idea of ​​attacking.

In a blink of an eye, another half day passed, and dusk was approaching, before three people flew out from the Bailing Slaying Immortal Sword Formation, they were Zheng Bagu, Chen Yufeng and Buxu Fairy Xiao Jiujiu.

The three looked vain and sluggish, Meng Qiu's heart tightened, he rushed over, protected the three, and flew outside.

At this time, Xun Lanying and others also surrounded him, and said, "Three fellow Taoists, how is the situation inside? Is the Bailing Slaying Immortal Sword Formation broken?"

Meng Qiu frowned, and was about to speak, Zheng Bagu sneered first, and said: "After accepting the benefits from your Emei, things will naturally be done for you. How the situation is, you can see for yourself."

Xun Lanying wanted to ask again, but Meng Qiu snorted softly, his magic power surged, Nanming Lihuo sword burst into flames, and said coldly: "What the three of us promised has been completed, and you will do the finishing work yourself. What are you asking?"

Li Yingqiong immediately raised her eyebrows, and the Ziying sword flew out in her hand, turning into a purple light, as fast as lightning, full of murderous aura.

With disdain on Meng Qiu's face, he backhanded the sword, and the red light shone.

"No!" Xun Lanying and Bai Guyi uttered together, together with Jian Bingru, the three of them released their flying swords, chased after Zi Ying, and rushed towards Nanming Lihuo Sword.

There was a flash of red light, and three additional rays of the same light split out, each of which greeted one, and bumped into it.The sky-shattering loud noise swayed in the valley, and a shocking momentum spread to the surroundings.

The three strands of Nanming's Lihuo sword were blocked by the three elders of Emei, leaving only one sword light, which knocked Ziying away with one blow, and flew to Li Yingqiong's head like electricity without stopping.

Xun Lanying's eyes were about to burst, and she yelled and flew over; Jian Bingru, Bai Guyi, Zhuge Jingwo, and Yue Wen all shook their mana, half saving people, half attacking the enemy, trying to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao.

With a "swish", the red light disappeared in a flash, and fell back into Meng Qiu's hand. He swung his sword fiercely, and with the surge of magic power, he swung away all the attacks of the people, and said in a cold voice:

"For brother Yang Da's sake, I'll let you off this time. Before you do anything next time, weigh yourself first. Don't think that you can do anything reckless by relying on Emei's power and magic weapon."

His sword didn't hurt anyone, it only cut off a section of Li Yingqiong's hair.After all, the other party didn't do too much, and it was Yang Da's niece. It was the first time they met, so it was hard to be too harsh.

Seeing this, Xun Lanying breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and glared at her, and was about to scold her, but Meng Qiu didn't look at her, and just said to Jian Bingru: "Both battles have been broken, so the agreement between me and Emei has been fulfilled?"

Li Yingqiong is fine, and Jian Bingru will not be on the verge of drawing swords, and responded: "Junior Brother Qi said that only three of them are willing to make a move, and no matter whether they win or lose, they will be considered fulfilling the promise."

"Okay!" Meng Qiu nodded, and the sword light enveloped Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, and flew away, non-stop, back to Mangcang Mountain.

After the three of them left, Emei and the others went to investigate the Hundred Spirits Zhuxian Sword Formation, but there was no anger inside, only a flying sword hanging above their heads.

After Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng recovered from meditation, Meng Qiu asked about the process of breaking the formation.

"It's a good plan for Emei to use a double-sword swordsmanship in exchange for us to eliminate a big enemy for them." Chen Yufeng said: "If I didn't have a grudge against Taiyi Hunyuan, I would have lost this time.

The Jiaoshan Taoist who presides over the Bailing Slaying Immortal Sword Formation is nothing special. The great thing is that this flying sword is really extraordinary.

Bailing, the spirit of wood, stone, beasts, to refine this flying sword, must obtain many spirits and monsters.Taiyi Hunyuan is really a formidable person, he killed Geng Kun, Taoist Yi, Elder Yuan from Qingmiao Forest in Huanglong Mountain, Shaanxi, and several other earth immortals who had become enlightened, and blended in.

With the help of the sword array, this flying sword can release the souls of these people to fight against the enemy, and its mana and supernatural powers are the same as those in front of it.The three of us fell into the formation, we were already suppressed, and we were besieged by these remnants of earth immortals, so we ended up in such a mess.

Thanks to Ba Gu and I, who honed the skill of combining two swords in the battle, we smashed the remnants one by one, and finally killed Taoist Jiaoshan. "

Meng Qiu was greatly surprised, and said: "Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch still has such abilities? But the Five Poison Zhuxian Sword I encountered doesn't have such abilities."

Chen Yufeng said: "His refining skills have been passed on by Master Lianshan. Although my lineage has a deep hatred with him, I still admire him very much in this respect.

As for the flying sword you met there was not strengthened, I think there is not enough time.Otherwise, not only the Five Poisons Immortal Sword, I am afraid that he would have to capture the Wanzai Hanyu and stuff it into the Bailing Immortal Slayer Sword. "

Meng Qiu thought for a while, then nodded and said: "I am facing Monk Tuotuo, and I also feel that the formation is a bit sluggish. It seems that there is really not enough time. It is a pity, otherwise, when we meet Emei, there will be a real battle between dragons and tigers, and it will be beautiful."

"Both will be hurt, it's better if both of them die." Eighth Aunt Zheng snorted before asking, "How about you?"

"It's more dangerous." Meng Qiu recounted his experiences in the Five Poisons Absolute Immortal Sword, which made the faces of the two even more ugly.

Chen Yufeng said: "Tuo Tuo is a lot older than us, and he practiced Taoism early. It's not surprising that he can be promoted to a heavenly immortal. It's just that Emei can calculate to such a degree, it's really scary."

"So what, sooner or later, we will have to settle this account with them." Zheng Bagu said angrily, "This time, I have gained a bit from this battle to the death, and my realm has loosened up a bit. I will go to practice first, and strive to become a celestial being as soon as possible. Then I will see who dares to plot against us like this."

Chen Yufeng also nodded with a smile and said, "This fight is somewhat like a dream of Goddess of Calamity and Jade Rakshasa back in the day. Sure enough, it is in line with our hearts to be so unrestrained. When you go to revenge Emei and Buddhism, remember to take us with you."

Meng Qiu responded with a smile, and watched the two of them leave for the Xiaonanji Guangming Cave, and then returned to the quiet room to meditate, recalling the realms and methods revealed by Master Tuotuo and Zen Master Baimei, which were quite rewarding.

Many days later, Taoist Zui came to visit, welcomed him in, and talked about the final outcome of this great battle.

In the battle of the Celestial Immortals, the two sides were evenly matched, and the fight was invincible. Needless to say, the key to victory or defeat lies in the ten battles.

Among the ten formations, Emei's side broke through seven formations.

Except for Meng Qiu, Li Yingqiong, Zhuge Jingwo, Yue Wen, Zheng Bagu, and Chen Yufeng who broke the Five Poison Absolute Immortal Sword Formation, Yin Soul Trapped Immortal Sword Formation, Delusion of Mind Chaos Immortal Sword Formation, True Evil Remnant Immortal Sword Formation, and Bailing Slashing Immortal Sword Formation, the other two formations were ascetics who broke the Divine Infant Calamity Immortal Sword Formation, and Qi Xia'er who broke the Blood Sea Devouring Immortal Sword Formation.

Among the remaining three formations, Ye Bin, the master of Admiralty Island, Master Yizhen, and Monk Zhitong, the third-generation chief disciple of the Wutai sect who presided over the Heisha Immortal Extinguishing Sword Formation, fought a tie.

Qi Lingyun and Zhu Mei defeated the Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Sword Formation together; and in the Bone Killing Immortal Sword Formation, Mrs. Shan Xia died, only Zhou Qingyun was seriously injured and fled back.

Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said: "Ye Bin has a mellow temperament, Master Yizhen and Emei have a close relationship, even if he makes a move, he must choose not to offend both sides, and it is not unusual to not use all his strength.

The Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword is the first of many divine swords of the Wutai School. Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch has been with him for many years, and he has become famous by relying on it, and its power is infinite.What's more, the host is Xu Feiniang, the Wanmiao fairy girl who is also his disciple and wife, and her methods are very good.

Even if Qi Lingyun had the golden light and fiery sword that the head teacher had practiced for a long time, and invited the dwarf Zhu Mei to assist him, he might not be able to win.What's more, Wutai School has no shortage of magic weapons, so it's normal for Xu Feiniang to add another treasure and lose to him.

It's just that there is something strange in this Bone Killing Immortal Sword Formation?You must know that the golden body Arhat Fa Yuan has only become an earth immortal, his realm is unstable, and his methods are ordinary, how can he kill the old nun Shan Xia?Could it be that the White Bone Sword was specially refined? "

"You guessed it right, it is indeed that the Bone Slaughter Immortal Sword is too powerful." The drunken Taoist nodded and said, "Headmaster Qi is also the one who came to think of Yuan like you, that's why he called nephew Zhou Qingyun and senior sister Shan Xia to do it.

Who would have expected that the Bone Slaughter Immortal Sword turned out to be Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, who captured three earth immortals from the upper and lower sects of the Bone God Lord, and refined it with the way of Bone, which is very powerful.

Senior Sister Fan Xia underestimated the enemy, and when she entered, she failed to prepare in time, and she and Nephew Zhou were trapped.Fa Yuan restrained Qing Suo's sword with a sword formation, Senior Sister Fan Xia was besieged by three earth immortals, and finally lost, she had to risk her life to send Zhou Qingyun and Qing Suo to escape from the formation. "

"So that's how it is!" Meng Qiu suddenly realized, and said, "To be able to refine such a flying sword, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch is also considered a generation of outstanding people. I don't know what happened to Wutai Sect later on?"

Drunken Taoist said: "The other side also has four Earth Immortals in the formation, how dare we force it too much, and only let Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan agree to close the mountain for 200 years, close the cave door, and quietly recite Huang Ting, and this matter will be considered exposed. Otherwise, if his disciples want to go down the mountain, we can kill them at will without any retaliation."

(End of this chapter)

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