Chapter 300 The Secret Arrival
"What a magnanimous Emei!" Even though the Taoist drunk was in front of him, Meng Qiu couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Tell me, the 200-year period is too short, why don't they ask them to seal it for a thousand years, and when we all ascend, naturally we don't need to worry about anything."

The catastrophe of ten thousand years is imminent, even the most optimistic monks know that there are at most a hundred years left.Even though many of them didn't feel how serious the catastrophe was, they all followed the trend and ran around, or united, or sought shelter.

Under such circumstances, asking the Wutai faction to contemplate behind closed doors for 200 years is undoubtedly tying each other's hands and feet, cutting their flesh with blunt knives, preventing them from finding helpers, gathering spiritual materials, and communicating with the outside world.

For the monks of Sanxian and Dixian, they can barely survive, and the disciples of the middle and low realms are really ruined.

The drunken Taoist coughed a few times and said, "Don't say that, Emei and the Wutai faction are in a life-and-death struggle, and it's kindness to keep them alive.

What's more, I heard that several senior brothers made a small request, but the Wutai faction didn't agree, so there was such a thing as closing the mountain. "

"It's a small request, I'm afraid it's not the lion's big mouth?" Meng Qiu sneered, and asked: "When it comes to the situation of closing the mountain, it almost digs the roots of the Wutai sect. How can Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch agree?"

"That's beyond what I can know." The drunk Taoist got up and said, "I came here under the order of Headmaster Qi to inform you of the outcome of the matter. The words have been brought, and I have to go back and report."

He walked out of the cave, before parting, hesitated for a moment, turned around and said: "The catastrophe has come, those immortals who haven't been born for many years have appeared one after another.

Many people are no longer willing to abide by the order established by the teacher back then.You are too famous, and you have no one to support you, so be careful, don't act like before, regardless of the consequences. "

Meng Qiu nodded and sent the other party away.After thinking about it for a while, I realized that Qi Shuming's intention to send the other party over was nothing more than to persuade the Wutai faction to come over to warn.The last words of Taoist Zui somewhat imply a reminder.

After the people left, Meng Qiu was just about to return to the cave, when suddenly a clear light fell, revealing Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch.

He was taken aback, and hurriedly backed away, trying to hide in the cave.

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan did not move extraneously, but said: "The current successor of Lianshan Sect, please listen to me!"

Meng Qiu had already hid in the magic circle, and was about to issue a token to invite Daoist Bliss to come over. When he heard this sentence, he was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he had obtained the golden alchemy left by Master Lianshan from the treasure house of Yue'er Island that day. Could he be called the contemporary successor of Lianshan Sect?

He postponed sending the letter, and asked in a deep voice: "Why is the leader coming here? Senior Gongye is still alive, so I dare not be the current successor of the Lianshan Sect."

"Gongyehuang? What kind of person is he, dare to fight for the position of the successor of Lianshan's mentor?" Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was not happy, and said:

"Master's cultivation is extremely high, and his talents are both ancient and modern. For mediocre people like Gongyehuang, it is already a great fortune to be able to worship under his sect and learn the teachings of Taoism. How can he have any unreasonable thoughts?

Only you and I, divided into two and three generations, have traveled across the world, and no one has disobeyed us. With such ability, we can be called the direct descendants of the Lianshan Sect.

Since you are inheriting the Taoism of your mentor, you must not underestimate yourself, just look at him as a fairy, put yourself under him, and sweep away your prestige for nothing. "

Meng Qiu didn't know what to say for a moment, opened his mouth, and said: "I was born as a casual cultivator, and I have never been a teacher. What I have learned and practiced is also from others, but it has nothing to do with Master Lianshan.

They just assisted senior Gongye and took the Lianshan Treasure House, so how can they be regarded as the direct descendants of the Lianshan Sect? "

Seeing his repeated denials, Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan didn't feel annoyed, and said: "I have asked Xing Yun and Lu Jin, and they all said that the key to the battle on Yue'er Island is you. And the island's treasure house, although Gongyehuang, Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng have gained, the core inheritance is in your hands.

You have not only inherited the magic weapon left by your mentor, but also inherited it from him, and the rest of the nephews you met at Gongyehuang have all recognized you. If it is not a direct inheritance, how can you explain it? "

Meng Qiu smiled wryly, but it was hard to argue. He couldn't say that he only promised to pass on the Taoism of Lianshan back then, and didn't mean to inherit the mantle of Master Lianshan.

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was so stubborn, he didn't know if he was hit and half mad, if he denied it again and again, the stimulation was too much, maybe he would do it.

This formation is well arranged, even if it can block Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, it would be extremely troublesome for others to block the door, so he changed the subject and asked:
"The leader came here, but he didn't want to talk about the old relationship of Lianshan Sect. Why don't you disregard the agreement you just made with Emei and come here in person?"

"Huh!" Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan was a little unhappy, and said: "If it wasn't for the catastrophe that occurred earlier than I calculated, I can only entrust the matter of refining the sword to a few apprentices, otherwise I will do it myself and practice the flying sword into the appearance of the Heavenly Demon Sword.

Seeing that he didn't seem to care about helping Emei, Meng Qiu broke through the sword formation of the five poisons and immortals, Meng Qiu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said: "Even if ten flying swords are as powerful as the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword, so what?

At that time, I don't know if Emei will invite some of us to come, I only know that when he becomes angry from embarrassment, he will definitely call ten or twelve angels to attack the formation.No matter how powerful the Ten Jue Formation is, can it resist so many angels attacking together? "

"I can also invite a few more celestial friends to help out, how can I be afraid of them." Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan was very unconvinced.

"It seems that the leader still doesn't understand where he lost. He really thought it was because he was inferior in force?" Meng Qiu shook his head, sighed, and said

"From my point of view, the Wutai Sect was not defeated by others, but by the leader himself. You are too arrogant and reserved in life, and you can't let go of your dignity when doing things. You insist on holding the power of the sect firmly in your hands and don't give others a chance.

With your personality, it's fine if you're alone, but if you want to go up against the sky, as long as you have enough mana and the sky is close enough, it's not impossible.But as the leader of a faction, it is not a good thing to be too extreme and pursue perfection. Isn't it true that it is too late to be too late?

Let’s talk about this mountain-protecting formation. If he is a Daoist with long eyebrows, he needs to know that his aptitude in the formation is not top-notch, and the Liangyi Mote formation cannot be perfect, so he will take the initiative to reconcile it with magic weapons.

And you can't do this, you have to force your own weapon refining techniques to match the way of the formation, and don't use any foreign things.And the essence of manipulating the formation is all in your hands. If you think that your soul is enough, it is difficult for others to get your hands on it.

But don't guard against this, once you are trapped and no one is in charge of this formation, the biggest flaw will be exposed, and the ten formations will fight on their own.

If you are willing to choose a treasure from the very beginning, even if you snatch the purple and blue swords, suppress the sword array and make it connect, how can we have a chance to break it? "

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan was startled, thought for a moment, and then slowly said: "You haven't reached my level, and you don't master great teachings, so you can't understand what I think and what I do."

"God is talking." Meng Qiu secretly said, curling his lips, unwilling to answer.

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan was silent for a while, and then said: "Forget it, the Wutai Sect has already fallen, and I have no way forward. I came here today to put the hope of Lianshan Sect's rise on you, so there is nothing to say.

You should know the origin of Master Lian Shan, he and Taiyuan Patriarch and Yu Daoren, the two seniors who ascended to the previous class together, are brothers of the same school.Its cultivation is so high and its mana is so powerful that it is hard to imagine.Compared with today's Bliss real person, it is not bad at all.

With this supernatural power, it is not a problem if you want to ascend to the sky. Why do you have to work hard, delay crossing the catastrophe, and go overseas to toss about the Lianshan religion and other sects?
It's just because of transforming sects and inheriting the Tao is to practice the Tao of other immortals.The farther it is passed on, the more it will be transformed, and the growth of its practice will be faster.

If he can really spread a sect of Taoism to the world, as long as two or three out of ten monks can learn it, then after he breaks through, his supernatural powers will be even greater, and he is many times more powerful than ordinary monks who have ascended to the spiritual world, and it is possible to be called the ancestor.

It's a pity that he wanted to take a hundred steps but stopped at 99. The teacher thought he was successful, but he was too careless at the most critical step, so that he failed. "

Meng Qiu was a little horrified, and asked: "The leader is saying that the new Taoism created by Master Lianshan is essentially to sort out itself. Once it is cleared up and ascended, there is a chance to reach the realm of Buddha and Demon?
Could it be that Fellow Daoists also have the same idea and want to practice your way with formations.So after experimenting in many places in Hengshan and Huashan, I finally selected the formation of the Ten Absolute Formation to use it to prove the way? "

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan nodded, and said: "That is the case. Otherwise, Master Lianshan originally had the supreme Dafa inheritance from ancient times, why would he innovate and create another Taoism?
I can't compare to my mentor, who can find another way and be ingenious.I can only combine one body of Taoism with formations, and first divide it into ten formations. Once these ten paths are cleared up, and then combine them into one, my way will be completed, and I will ascend without worry. "

"So that's how it is!" Meng Qiu suddenly realized, and sighed: "The master's method is really an eye-opener. There are always refreshing things in the world of practice, which is really strange."

No wonder Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch said that if the Ten Jue Formation was broken, most of his future would be ruined.

However, Meng Qiu still had doubts, and said: "The leader suffered such a huge loss, why is he willing to be manipulated by Emei to seal Mount Wutai for 200 years? You must know that the final catastrophe is very powerful, if you don't work hard, you will not be able to pass it."

"They threaten the lives and wealth of all disciples of the sect, how dare I refuse?" Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch said: "You should know that some sects have caves. Wutai sect also has one, but the place is not big, only a thousand miles around.

This cave, after our failure to attack Emei, is our survival treasure raft.When the day of the ultimate soul comes, you have to rely on it to escape the catastrophe.

Emei took this as a threat. If we disagree, we will use all our strength to destroy a cave that my family has so hard to get, and make all the disciples of the Wutai sect displaced.

You must know that caves are rare, and in the past few hundred years, only two or three have emerged. At the critical moment of the catastrophe, everyone wants to be sheltered. "

Meng Qiu said: "Is there no other way for the leader to resist?"

"Why not?" Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan sighed, even a little decadent, and said: "Actually, Emei came to besiege Wutai, not to drive us out or restrict us. The main purpose is to get a Taoism that Master Lianshan passed on to me, the Shangqing Baolu."

Meng Qiu was very surprised: "Shangqing Baolu, what kind of Taoism is this, it deserves so much attention from Emei, do you have to waste time and effort to defeat a sect that is equal to you?"

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said: "We all know that there are three ancestors in Emei, Taiyuan Patriarch, Xi Sanzi Yu Daoren and Lianshan Mentor, all come from the same source, called "Ziqing Baozhuan", it is an ancient and wonderful book handed down by the ancient great sage Guangchengzi.

The Taoism practiced by Taiyuan Patriarch is called Taiqing Baolu, which is the first volume; while the Yuqing Baolu learned by Yu Daoren is the middle volume, which is the "Nine Heavens Xuan Jing" of the Emei School Zhenjiao Mind Method.

They passed on this Taoism to the Emei Sect through Master Changmei.Only the mentor opened the Lianshan sect by himself, and did not give them the treasure of the upper qing.Therefore, they will take this opportunity to seek this scripture. "

Meng Qiu was even more puzzled, and said: "Since these three heavenly books can all be cultivated to the level of ascension, why does Emei want to snatch the remaining one?"

Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said: "It's still the same reasoning as I just said. For talented and outstanding monks like me, as long as we don't mess around, ascension is regarded as nothing, so we will find a way, how to lay a solid foundation in the mortal world, and then we can develop more in the upper world.

These three volumes of heavenly scriptures were originally descended from the same strain. Separately, they are the best in the world. When combined, they are a supreme book of Taoism.Practicing now, at the right time, can speed up the accumulation of mana by the three immortals in Emei, and maybe survive the catastrophe of ascension before the catastrophe. "

"Emei's way of doing things is really intertwined, making people unable to figure out its fundamental purpose, and it is difficult to guard against." Meng Qiu suddenly understood, and sighed: "Look at what the leader means. It is because they didn't give them the Tao at all, so this disaster happened?"

"That's natural." Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan said solemnly: "This Taoism has been passed on to my benefactor, of course I can't give it to outsiders at will. Besides, Emei is used to talking nonsense, and most of the oaths she made will not be kept. Naturally, I will not be fooled.

Not to mention them, those disciples under my sect can only be counted as disciples of the Wutai Sect, and cannot join the sect of the Lianshan Sect, and I have never taught them the Taoism in this Shangqing treasure book.

I will be sealed in the mountains in the future, and I will even go through the robbery and ascend in advance. I am afraid that this inheritance will be broken in my hands. I came to you today to leave it to you. I hope you can carry it forward in the future. "

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan threw a jade slip, floated in the air, and left.

Watching the other party leave, Meng Qiu activated the magic circle, rolled up the jade slips, and flew into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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