Chapter 303
The old nun called his disciples and said: "I have learned something from my discussion with fellow Daoist Meng, so I am going to retreat. If there is any business in the cave, you, Jinwen, will handle it. It's not an important matter. You must remember not to go out.

In addition, you are not allowed to meddle in the twists and turns of the Kunlun School.Anyway, the old nuns didn't like to see those evil obstacles too much in the past, and they were left to fight for them. "

Zhang Jinwen and other seven disciples, seeing what the master said was serious, naturally did not dare to object.

Immediately, half of the old nun called Meng Qiu, and retreated together, began to practice several times, and finally took out nine gold needles about four or five inches long, with pointed ends, and with a little urging, each of them turned into a fiery red Chixu Shuoguang.

She said: "This Chiyang Divine Needle is a magic weapon given by my master when I first became a Sanxian. It is infinitely powerful. When I went to Wudang, I sealed all the magic weapons I got from Yiying Kunlun because of my fighting spirit with my fellow disciples. Only now have I seen the light of day again."

The old nun on the other hand felt emotional for a while, and joined forces with Meng Qiu, and it took a full year of effort to peel off the shell of this magic weapon, beat it into a half-steady and half-disintegrated state, and give birth to spirituality.

This step shows that Taoism is feasible. She couldn't help showing joy on her face, and her expectations were raised. After a short rest, under Meng Qiu's protection, she slowly split the primordial spirit.

Unless Mie Chenzi is willing to help suppress it with a wordless monument, no matter who is cultivating the second soul, he must cut a piece from the original soul.

The whole process is like holding a saw and sawing the primordial spirit bit by bit. The pain is not worse than all kinds of torture in the world, and it affects the soul, which is unavoidable.

During this process, the monk must be extremely sober to ensure that the torn primordial spirit is enough to give birth to spiritual consciousness, but not cut too much and damage the foundation.

This is not the most difficult part, the key is that once the primordial spirit is damaged, the catastrophe will follow.It is important to keep the altar intact when the spirit is weak, otherwise the demons will invade, and you will be possessed even if you are not dead.

It is because splitting the primordial spirit is extremely difficult and dangerous, so the method of the second primordial spirit is spread widely, but few people dare to try it lightly, and even few practitioners have achieved it.

Half of the old nun was originally very determined, but now that the road ahead was cut off, the dawn suddenly appeared, and his heart towards the Tao became stronger. When the soul was separated, even though it was painful to die, he still held on to the last trace of clarity and split the soul into two.

When the practice is finished, even though she has already been promoted to Earth Immortal and cultivated into a Wushou golden body, her face is still pale and the ground is covered with sweat.

At this time, he still didn't dare to stop, took out the elixir he had prepared, swallowed it in one gulp, and started to exercise his kung fu, and put the separated piece of primordial spirit into the red sun needle.

If you are cultivating the second soul, after splitting the soul, it is not possible to combine it with the prepared body immediately.

One is that the primordial spirit is damaged, and it must be recovered as soon as possible, otherwise the injury will remain forever.The second is that the newly divided primordial spirit is just a fragment, and it must be repaired into a small and complete one before it can be useful.

But Meng Qiu's way of cultivating weapons cannot be like this.Because if the two primordial spirits are considered complete, it will take a lot of effort to put them together, not to mention that the body attached to the sub-primordial spirit is like impurities, which definitely cannot be integrated with itself and will definitely be rejected.

If you want to completely combine the magic weapon with the original soul, you can only take advantage of the incompleteness of the two souls and the strongest suction to offset the repulsion and integrate the magic weapon.

This newly independent small piece of primordial spirit is extremely fragile, and has extremely low spiritual knowledge, so it is difficult to control. No matter how careful the old nun is, he almost made a mistake. Fortunately, Meng Qiu was on the side to protect him, so he was spared.

It took a lot of effort, and finally sent the distraction into the Chiyang needle.Here is another crucial step, to fully integrate the distraction with the magic weapon within seven days, otherwise, if the time is too long, not only the primordial spirit will be depleted, but also the spirituality of the magic weapon will be lost.

The Chiyang Divine Needle has been practiced by half of the nuns for many years, and they are very familiar with it. This step has only been completed in five days.

After that, she successfully took it back to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and entangled with the main soul.While vigorously urging the two sides of the consciousness to close them together, at the same time, pay attention to suppressing the natural repulsion of the soul to foreign objects.

Cutting is easy, merging is hard.At this stage, it took a full half a year to be considered a success.When half of the old nun closed the last crack in the two primordial spirits, he saw the sea of ​​knowledge churning, the primordial spirits spinning, turning into red light, connected to each other, as if they were one.

By this time, this Dafa has almost been cultivated, and only the last step is left, warming up the magic weapon, driving the growth of the primordial spirit, and promoting the realm to climb.

This step is the most important for the old nun.Didn't she spend so much time trying to push the gate of the gods through this method?
After recuperating for several days, she started to move. She took a deep breath, calmed down, took out the prepared spiritual material, and according to Meng Qiu's instructions, broke it up into liquid little by little, and then released the soul and fell into it.

After practicing like this for more than half a month, half of the old nun felt that the soul was really growing slowly, and the realm that had been stagnant for many years began to loosen again.

She worked hard and practiced for another half a month. When the spiritual liquid was exhausted, she stopped practicing and said happily: "It really works!"

Meng Qiu was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "It's not in vain that I expended so much effort to perfect this method." So far, the method of refining weapons has been considered smooth.

The practice for a period of time after that all depended on water grinding and polishing slowly. In addition, half of the old nun's combat power had recovered, so they didn't need anyone to guard them, so the two of them went out of the customs.

In order to express his gratitude, half of the old nuns specially gathered the disciples together and set up a banquet.While we were talking about something interesting, a voice suddenly came from outside the door, saying, "Have half of the junior sisters ever left the customs? Zhifei, Tianchi, Tie Zhong and Mr. Zhong came to visit!"

These four people are the actual hosts of the Kunlun School, and they came to the door together.The old nun was startled, and then told Zhang Jinwen to wait, change seats, and went out to meet him.

Zen Master Zhifei was also taken aback when he entered the hall, and said: "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Meng to be here, but my junior sister is here to meet guests. I was the one who was waiting abruptly."

Even so, the few people did not intend to leave at all, they still sat down, exchanged some greetings, Zhifei Zen Master said directly: "Originally, we should wait until the junior sisters are done with the guests, but I think this matter has been spread a long time ago, so there is no need to avoid it.

I came here today to discuss with my junior sister, how the Kunlun faction should deal with the situation when the catastrophe is imminent, the world is in chaos, and Emei is aggressive. "

Half of the old nun frowned, and said: "When I came back, I already said that from now on, I will be a wandering cloud and a wild crane. All matters in the door will be handled by a few of you, and you can decide on your own. Why do you need to consult with me?"

Zen Master Zhifei sighed, and said: "Junior Sister has been retreating all the year round to seek the Dao, probably because she is ignorant of the current situation in the practice world.

The apocalypse is approaching, and the signs of the sky have been issued. Now, all parts of the middle land have not been affected, but there are news from overseas that many islands have exhausted their spiritual energy and degenerated into mortal land like the land of Dongyue.

Therefore, many overseas monks poured in one after another. In addition to making a mess in order to compete for the spiritual vein, they also spread the news all over the sky, attracting the monks in the Middle Earth to become turbulent.

In addition, after the Emei faction forced the Wutai faction to close the mountain gate, the momentum increased sharply, and the casual cultivators sought refuge one after another in order to overcome the calamity, and now they are already invincible. "

Half of the old nun frowned, and said: "Even so. Didn't my faction make up my mind to go back to the mountain and shut myself up, not to get involved in these disturbances, what does it have to do with these things?"

Zen Master Zhifei said: "You don't pay attention to people, but people want to find you. More than a year ago, Emei suddenly invited monks from our sect, Wudang, Qingcheng, Yihuanling, and Xiaonanji Guangming Realm to hold a Dharma meeting.

Na Qi Shuming said that Emei had prepared a plan to solve the current chaos.It is to gather and fuse the caves of each of our families, and move the fairy mountains and spiritual islands at home and abroad into it, extract the spiritual veins from all over the middle earth, and create a huge cave.

This cave can be called the Heavenly Court, which resides permanently on the earth, and can accommodate millions of monks in it, gather the power of all people, and resist ten thousand years of calamity together. "

"This... so bold!" Meng Qiu and half of the old nun looked at each other in shock.

"Who said it wasn't? We were also shocked by Emei's boldness. It is worthy of the Taoism passed down by Master Changmei." Zen Master Zhifei sighed: "This proposal can be regarded as a life-saving move in today's practice world, but we cannot agree.

We must know that after the cave sky is merged and transformed into one place, the control rights of each party's own cave sky will inevitably disappear.This heaven and cave will naturally fall under the control of Emei.Kunlun's income is nothing more than a corner, hard work, and making wedding dresses for others. "

Half of the old nun opened his mouth, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zen Master Zhifei, saying: "I know what my junior sister thinks, it is nothing more than to divide the authority of Dongtian into multiple shares, and not concentrate in his Emei family.

Qi Shuming also brought up this matter, but you have to know that suppressing such a cave is definitely not enough for ordinary treasures.In today's world, apart from Lingcui Peak in Emei, who owns this treasure?

As long as this magic weapon is in Emei's hands, his family will have the final say on the Heavenly Court and Dongtian.What's more, he is a three-day immortal, and we can't make up one of the few remaining families. Who can beat him? "

The old nun on the side immediately said: "Then ignore them, can they still call and take away my cave by force?"

Zen Master Zhifei, Master Tianchi, Taoist Tie Zhong and others looked at each other and smiled wryly.

The old nun raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Do they really dare to do it?"

"Nowadays is different from the past. Ten thousand years of catastrophe is imminent. In order to survive, those moral and other things may not be effective." Zen Master Zhifei said:

"What's more, Emei occupies the righteousness. As long as they announce this plan, most of the casual cultivators in the world will stand by their side and regard us as enemies. No matter how powerful the Kunlun formation is, it can't stop the surging crowd, and they will continue to follow."

"Then why did you come to see me?" Half of the old nuns said, "I said earlier that I will not participate in the decision-making of the sect. Kunlun's willingness to surrender is up to you to decide."

"In the face of great difficulties, you cannot escape." Zen Master Zhifei sighed, and said: "We don't want to surrender, and we can't fight them. Now, we have no choice but to escape. Drive the cave, leave the boundary, and drift into the void, looking for life."

The old nun on the side was silent for a moment, and said: "Understood." Then he took out a scarlet pearl, and shook his hand to hit it.

It turned out that the control authority of Kunlun Cave was divided into five, and each of the five elders received one.Back then, when half of the old nuns joined Wudang, it wasn't a big deal at first, but there was a lot of turmoil, because you Longzi Wei Shaoshao and others wanted her to hand over the control.

She didn't give it at first because she was out of anger, but now she has to hand it over.Because in order to push Dongtian to leave the earth boundary, one must have supreme mana, and use the core of Dongtian to control the departure.

As long as the five pearls that control the Kunlun cave are combined, Zen master Zhifei can be promoted to a fairy after being refined, take the cave away from the earth, and avoid the catastrophe of thousands of years and the impact of Emei.

Meng Qiu is not very clear about the twists and turns here. Anyway, half of the old nun can handle it by himself. He only thought of another matter, and said: "Why is Emei so high-profile, aren't you afraid that other families will come to help and besiege them?"

Mr. Zhong said: "A few years ago, I was going to visit Master Ji Le to ask him to teach me swordsmanship, but I accidentally learned that the Master has retreated and is about to ascend. Except for his deterrent power, who else can stop Emei?"

"Is this really true?" Meng Qiu was startled, stood up and asked, and after getting affirmation, he turned around and said, "Master, fellow Taoists, I have something important to attend to, and I cannot stay long, so I will take my leave."

Half of the old nun knew about his relationship with Master Ji Le, so he didn't want to keep him, and let him go.

Meng Qiu galloped all the way to Yihuanling Huanbo Pond, after passing the report, he entered the cave, and indeed Sun Xun, the son of Wufu fairy, and Lu Min, the land golden fairy, came out to greet him, but he didn't see the real person of Jile, and asked where it was, just like what Mr. Zhong said.

He sighed secretly in his heart, but kept his expression on his face. After chatting casually for a few words, he asked, "I heard people say that Emei wants to unify the world and refine the heavens. I wonder what fellow Daoist Sun thinks?"

Sun Xun was very calm, and said: "Jingxu has already prepared for this matter, I am already trying my best to control the cave sky, and after he ascends, I will prepare to leave the earth boundary.

It's just that Yihuanling is too vast, and I spent a lot of effort, but I still haven't been able to fully refine it.Afterwards, I am afraid that I will ask fellow Taoists to support me a lot, and if I persist for ten years, I will be able to transcend. "

The bigger the cave, the more difficult it is to drive it to fly out of the boundary. The required realm and magic power are definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.On the contrary, small caves like the Kunlun School are not so troublesome. Once the refining is completed, they can get away in a short time.

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "I have already discussed this matter with Master Ji Le. He helped me a lot in the past, but he hasn't repaid me yet. I will try my best in the future."

He got the definite news that Master Ji Le had retreated, and it was less than ten years, and his face was heavy, so he was about to leave, but was stopped by Sun Xun, saying:

"Your apprentice, Shangguanhong, has lived here for many years. You come and go, but you never see a word of concern. This time she came to find you, and said that if I see you, I must let her know and have something to say."

(End of this chapter)

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