Chapter 304 Road Choice
After a while, Shangguanhong and Yu Luan came together. When she saw Meng Qiu, she was very calm, fell down on the ground, and said, "I have seen the master!" In her expression, there was no helplessness and resentment before.

Meng Qiu slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you thought about it?"

Shangguanhong nodded, and said: "From now on, there will be no saint Gu Gain in the world, only Shangguanhong."

"Okay!" Meng Qiu stretched out his hand, helped him up, and said, "Then follow me back to the mountain." Shangguan Hong obediently walked behind him.

Yu Luan watched quietly from the side without speaking, tears streaming down his face.The other party's attitude already seems to be clear, and Yi Jing, Yang Jin and other reincarnations who are still disconnected from their previous lives are different. They have already decided to start over and have nothing to do with their previous lives.

If not, Meng Qiu would not be willing to take in one of them. A great monk who had reached the pinnacle in his previous life and had a great reputation caused some karma for nothing.

When he returned to Qingxuan Cave Mansion in Mangcang Mountain and had a rest, he called Shangguanhong and said, "Are you still learning the Taoism of the previous life, or should I teach you again?"

Shangguanhong responded: "Since I have abandoned my previous life, I might as well go there to be more complete. When it comes to cultivation, it's all up to the master."

In front of Master Ji Le and others, she openly apprenticed to her teacher, and the status of master and apprentice has already been determined.

In the world of practice, master-student is very important, which is the most reliable relationship between Taoist couples, and it is very closely related to the law in the wealth of legal couples.

Once you get started, the kindness of master and apprentice is even better than that of father and son. As long as you are not the kind of registered disciple, you will almost never betray your master.

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "Okay. There are about a hundred kinds of methods that I know how to practice. Only five of them can directly reach the gods, which can be regarded as majestic and righteous ways, each with its own merits.

One is my fundamental method of practice, called "The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine", which was co-authored by the Great Sage Guangchengzi and the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan.This Taoism is not as comprehensive as the other Taoism handed down by the Great Sage. It only has a single word, and it focuses on the cultivation of the soul and the body.

If you succeed in practicing this method, your foundation will be extremely solid, and you will not be afraid of the danger of going crazy.Moreover, his spiritual consciousness and mana are powerful, far surpassing those of his peers.Supplemented by super-high Taoist swordsmanship, or top-notch magic weapons, it can have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

However, the blood of the ancient monks is different from today's, and the aura is more abundant. Even if the soul and the body are cultivating together, they can both cultivate to perfection in a short period of time.

In today's world, unless you take the panacea as food and purify your mana from time to time, your progress in practice will not be as good as that of the current world. "

Shangguan Hongxin said: "Although the master came from a casual cultivator, his Taoism is upright and dignified. Everyone guesses that he has obtained the ancient Taoism, and it is true. It must be an adventure for him to practice the ancient Taoism, which cannot be replicated.

Even so, this method is also the most top-notch, no matter which sect it belongs to, it should be regarded as the fundamental method and not passed on easily.

Even in my previous life, I couldn't get a method of the same level. The cultivation method that I patched together is brilliant, but it is not systematic, which leads to unstable foundation and failure in the end.

Such a precious Taoism, but the master said that he knows four other sects that are comparable to it. I am afraid that even Emei may not have this collection, which is really unbelievable. "

As she was thinking about it, Meng Qiu said again: "The second kind of Taoism, many people know about it, but few have seen it, is the golden elixir method created by Master Lian Shan with painstaking efforts.

The two realms of Qi training and foundation building are similar to the Taoism practiced today. After that, there are three realms of Jindan, Yuanying and Huashen. When practicing, they are different, and they pay attention to using mana to promote the realm.

The most subtle thing is that there are more realm divisions.There are as many as [-]% of Qi training. After the foundation is established, it is divided into early, middle and late stages.Every bit of progress can be clearly sensed.And between the big promotion levels, it can also be assisted by pills.

The monks cultivated by this method are not as good as mainstream monks in terms of mana power, consciousness, and fighting skills, but the advantage is that they can advance very quickly.Generally speaking, it should be [-]% faster.

Even if it's not as talented as you and me, those who are a little bit worse, like Fairy Wufu, and the female fairy Yu Luan, as long as the resources are sufficient, they will have no bottlenecks in their cultivation until they become gods. "

"Hiss!" Shangguanhong had only vaguely heard of the Taoism created by Master Lianshan, and thought that at most it was the path of the demon ancestor or the Buddha, but she didn't want to find another way.

Although monks also place great importance on fighting skills, most people still want to improve their realm and ascend to the sky.

The golden elixir method can reduce the talent requirements, and the practice speed is faster and easier.If it spreads out, most of the monks will probably revise it.

Shangguan Hong couldn't help being a little curious, and said: "Master Lian Shan's wish was to benefit all living beings. Why didn't Master and other seniors obtain this method and spread it to make everyone wish?"

"There are twists and turns in it, it involves internal struggles within the Lianshan Sect, so it's hard to tell." Meng Qiu sighed, and said: "This method is certainly excellent, but if it is spread, it will be a blessing or a curse, which is hard to predict.

We Qi practitioners, once we become enlightened, we only need to eat the wind and drink the dew, convincing the Qi and the clouds. If there are too many of them, the heaven and the earth cannot bear it.What's more, Jindan cultivators need ten times more resources.

Spiritual veins to nourish the body, spiritual herbs to refine alchemy, and spiritual materials to protect the body, one pile after another, if they are searched, within a hundred or eighty years, the accumulation of thousands of years in the Middle Earth will not exist.

If you cultivate Sanxian, you can go to Qilu Island in the South China Sea to have a look.There are many foreign aggressions there, and in order to fight against the invasion of sea monsters, the shoddy practice methods are almost publicized, so there are a lot of monks in the Qi training period.

In just a little more than a thousand years, all the spiritual materials and spiritual mines in the entire island have been exhausted.Even the monks who established the foundation couldn't make up a flying sword made of hardware, so they all replaced it with bamboo and wood.

I'm not too old-fashioned. Originally, the Golden Elixir method was passed on as soon as it was passed on, but it involved too much, and due to lack of ability, I dared not disclose it.

Until now, knowing that the ten thousand year catastrophe is approaching, he even gave up this thought directly.A group of companions are still there, how can we stir up the universe and speed up the catastrophe at this time?
But this Taoism, whether you learn it or not, I will pass it on to you.If you can survive the catastrophe of ten thousand years, pass it on or not, it's up to you to decide. "

Shangguanhong didn't feel that there was any trouble falling on her, but said solemnly: "Thank you, Master, for giving me this opportunity to become famous in the world."

She is proud and has a very good reputation. Such a good thing is something you can't ask for.

"The third Taoism "Shangqing Baolu" is still the legacy of the Great Sage Guangcheng, but it has been revised by the masters of the past, and it has been completed in the hands of the master Changmei Zhenren, and there is no gap with the current Taoism.

This book is actually in three volumes, Master Lianshan from Shangqing, Taiqing, and Yuqing from Taiyuan Patriarch and Chusanzi Yu Taoist respectively.Among them, Yuqing's book is the most famous, which is Emei's Nine Heavens Xuanjing.

You are my disciple, we share weal and woe, so I will not hide it from you. "Shangqing Baolu" was handed down from Master Lianshan to Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan.Last time he failed in the sword fight with Emei, so he sent it to me secretly.

Emei has long had a heart, and the three books are gathered together.Therefore, this method is of great importance, and it's okay to practice it, but right now, don't reveal it easily, otherwise you will be envied by others, and it will be difficult for me to protect it for a while. "

When Shangguanhong heard this, she was already shocked inexplicably. The three Taoism methods that Meng Qiu showed were all top-notch in the world.

She was still a little puzzled at this moment, and said: "I heard that Master helped the Emei Sect last time and broke a formation of the Wutai Sect. Originally, Patriarch Taiyi Hunyuan should blame you, why..."

"He has to pass on the "Shangqing Baolu", and he has always regarded himself as the direct descendant of Master Lianshan; I got the Golden Alchemy by mistake, so he considers him to be a family."

Meng Qiu explained, saying: "This is my generation's grievance, just listen to it, don't pay too much attention to it, but it is Emei, who needs to pay more attention to it."

Shangguan Hong immediately understood, and asked impatiently: "Then there are two more Taoisms, but what are they?"

Meng Qiudao: "If it is said that the "Nei Jing" is the source of ancient times, the "Baolu" is the culmination of today's Taoism, and the Jindan method is the sword's deflection, then the remaining two Taoisms can be called subversive.

Among them, the method of refining the gods was originally created by Miechenzi. Its conception is amazing, its function is wonderful, and it is unconstrained, it can be called a unique one.

No matter what kind of other methods, Taoism, Buddha, demons, other sects, even ghosts, corpses, bones, etc. in the small way, no matter whether they are dead or alive, they must rely on their bodies, and at worst they must have ghosts.

But the method of refining the gods is different. The pursuit is to abandon the carrying things, so that the primordial spirit can be independent of the heaven and the earth, and truly be at ease. "

"This... how is it possible?" Shangguanhong is not a child who has just started to practice, of course she knows the relationship between the body and the soul, and suddenly heard this kind of Taoism that can subvert the common sense of practice, she was so shocked that she didn't know how to say it.

Meng Qiudao: "I also thought it was impossible at the beginning, but after Taishan learned the magic method from Miechenzi, I realized that there are always extraordinary people in the world who can do things that others cannot.

I have practiced this method, and rely on it to make rapid progress, breaking through the obstacles all the way to the earth immortal; Mie Chenzi also practiced it, thus breaking through the pass and being promoted to the heavenly immortal. "

He picked and picked some things that happened on Mount Tai that year, and explained the three ways of this method, saying:

"I have orthodox Taoism, so I chose the branch of the division and combination of the primordial spirit; Mie Chenzi undoubtedly took the path of the independent primordial spirit; although the method of transforming the second primordial spirit was not successful, it is the simplest and there will be no mistakes.

If you want to go this way, there is no need for special treatment during the Qi refining period. After the foundation is established, you can start to grow the primordial spirit according to the method of refining the gods. When it splits at the time of the Sanxian, I can control it now, without relying on wordless monuments.

There are still a few decades until the catastrophe breaks out. If you practice fast enough, you may not be able to separate the primordial spirit before the catastrophe, and maybe you don't have to think of other ways to overcome the catastrophe. "

Shangguanhong was a little moved, but still held back her emotions and said, "I still want to hear the last Taoism."

Meng Qiu wasn't surprised either, and said, "The last method is called the Way of Equipment Cultivation, and it was created by me by kneading the essence of various Taoisms recently.

Its essence is to fuse the primordial spirit with a magic weapon that can grow, and to upgrade the magic weapon later is to upgrade the primordial spirit.

This method has borrowed from the Golden Elixir method, so it grows without bottlenecks. It is nothing more than accumulating resources and strengthening magic weapons, but it does not have the problem of low combat power.

If you choose the magic weapon, it is already extremely powerful. In a short period of time, both the realm and the fighting ability will be greatly improved.

The benefits of this Taoist method are very obvious, so I won’t say much about it; there are also many disadvantages. First of all, it is very dangerous during cultivation. If the will is not strong enough, it is easy to give up halfway and damage the foundation.

Furthermore, the choice of magic weapon is the key. If you fail to choose a good magic weapon, and the growth is not enough later, then it will be useless.Even if it has the potential to become a treasure, the resources to be filled are still massive. "

What she heard today shocked Shangguan Hong, but the last words made her speechless, and her heart felt like a landslide.

No matter how much she overestimated Meng Qiu, she would never have imagined that at this age, Meng Qiu could create Taoism comparable to that of the Great Sage Guangcheng and Master Lianshan.

After waiting for him to recover, Meng Qiu asked, "Which of these five Taoisms do you want to learn?"

Shangguan Hong took a deep breath and said, "It's all up to Master!"

"Hahaha, you're really cute. Anyway, I'll choose one for you." Meng Qiu said with a smile: "These Taoism methods are similar to each other before the establishment of the foundation and even before the Loose Immortal. And the Loose Immortal realm doesn't take much effort for you.

Therefore, in the early stage, there is no need to focus on the foundation.Study the "Huangdi Neijing", although I am not rich, I can still afford the aura and resources you spent on your previous practice.

The second is the method of refining the gods. No matter which path you take, the primordial spirit always needs to be strengthened and separated.

The same is true for the way of weapon repair, primordial spirit is the most important thing. As for the fusion of magic weapons, it can be done at any time, even the gods have the opportunity, and it is never too late to prepare the magic weapons first.

As for which path you really want to take in the future, it is not too late to make detailed calculations after the foundation is established. "

Shangguan Hong bowed down and said, "I would like to obey the master's order!"

Meng Qiu then taught her the Taoist part of the "Huangdi Neijing", and he used a method to gather the spiritual energy in the cave, and took out a lot of pills to help her grow rapidly.

After finishing these, he said: "I have already taught half of the old nuns the way of weapon cultivation. This time, I will go to Lingyu Cliff to see if Bagu Zheng is willing to learn it. You can practice at home."

One flash, and it's gone.Shangguanhong opened her mouth behind her, but she didn't have time to speak.

Meng Qiu met Zheng Bagu and explained his intentions in the future.The latter thought for a long time before saying quietly:
"One careless move, everything is lost. Back then, I failed to follow my master's teachings and follow the righteous path, but instead pursued the ability to fight, which resulted in my foundation being inferior to others.

In fact, I already know that there is little chance of being promoted to the Heavenly Immortal right now, it's just that I am unwilling.

Thinking back to those days, when he was full of vigor and sharpness, if he kept his breath until today, he might still have a chance of promotion by relying on the means of fighting to support the fighting.

Reluctantly, He Zhong was injured by the old nun Utan, and was delayed for decades.After getting away, although there is still anger, but the spirit has been lost.

If it were ten or five years ago, I would definitely not agree to switch to other methods, but the last time I fought on Wutai Mountain, I already knew my limit, so that's it.If the road cannot be made easier, the future is dead.

Ever since I got to know fellow Taoist, I have tried repeatedly, and until now, I still refuse to give up. Bagu is grateful, how can I be self-willed again?I have cultivated this method! "

Zheng Bagu talked a lot, just to convince herself.

Meng Qiu nodded and said, "That's very good. Once this method has started, it must not be interrupted. Let's find Chen Yufeng and go to the cave of light."

(End of this chapter)

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