Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 308 The Great War Continues

Chapter 308 The Great War Continues
Meng Qiulue thought about it, and said: "The last time I was overseas, I saw his wives and concubines quarreling with each other and making a lot of noise. Presumably this person's weakness lies in lust.

But let's not rush to deal with him, Yi Zhou's situation is also very wrong.Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for him to advance to the rank of Celestial Immortal, but things have happened again.

From the analysis of his status and reputation, he shouldn't get involved with Wu Nangong. Looking at the situation, it seems that he is following the other party's lead, which is extremely suspicious. "

Shangguanhong immediately understood, and said: "Master, what you mean is that you suspect that this person has also learned the Seven Absolute Love Locking Curse?"

"Yes! Although the Xuangui Temple is not big, it has some background, but it's not like giving anything casually can impress Yi Zhou. Wu Nangong is not rich, so besides this curse, what else is valuable?"

Meng Qiu looked at Taoist Zui again, and said: "Besides, I heard that this person has always been on good terms with Emei. Before Yue'er Island took the treasure, I drove away old nun Baiyun. She once said that she would ask someone to hunt and kill me. It was not anyone from Emei, but Yi Zhou.

Such friendship is no small matter.But the last few times Emei had made big moves, it seemed that this person had disappeared and had never been seen in Central Earth again.

He doesn't have the ability to support the improvement of the realm, and he can't survive the catastrophe of ten thousand years. If he doesn't hug Emei's thigh tightly, there will be more benefits to attract him. "

Taoist Zui thought for a while, and said: "I really can't participate in the decision-making of Emei, but this kind of welcoming and sending always falls on me. It's really strange for you to say that.

In the past, Yi Zhou and my faction were very close, and they would come to visit every now and then, and they wanted to imitate Bai Guyi, the old man of cloud, and whole family devoted themselves to coming here.

Over the years, there has been no trace at all.The last time the crusade against the Wutai faction was such a big event, several invitations were sent to the Xuangui Hall, but no one was seen. "

Shangguan Hong said: "This is easy to handle, let's try him. Master can also make preparations earlier, anyway, his foundation is not stable, if he reveals a weakness, he will definitely injure the enemy with one blow."

"Then trouble the two fellow Taoists first, and help host the formation of the cave." Meng Qiu nodded, took out the control jade token of the cave, handed it to the drunken Taoist, and said:
"I'll go to Mrs. Lu to try my hand, so that she won't be suspicious; then I'll explore Wu Nangong's methods, so that I won't be able to figure it out later.

As for Yi Zhou, if he wanted to make a surprise move, he would save it for last.Back then, I was chased by him and ran around, very embarrassed. "

Meng Qiu confessed a few words, and rushed out of the cave, Tianhui Yiguang's two flying swords turned into two dragons, soaring into the sky, one of them pierced straight into the black mist above his head, causing thousands of thunderclaps to fall down.

Immediately, the sky was filled with lightning, silver snakes danced wildly, and it was like a mountain torrent erupting, rumbling, unstoppable, and the mountain peaks were shaking, as if they were about to collapse.

Zui Taoist and others were trapped in the Nine Palace Formation and couldn't see what was going on outside, but even with the cave in front of them, they were still shocked by the power and looked at each other in awe.On the contrary, Shangguan Hong was well-informed and her expression was still calm.

The Tianhui Sword was only used to disturb the Nine Palaces Formation, not to let its power act on Meng Qiu. The real opponent was Yi Guang, whose sword was like a rainbow, rushing to kill Lu Yu.

"Hmph!" Lu Yu snorted coldly, and said, "Last time, I just sent out a mere avatar with little mana, which made you take advantage of it. Do you really think you can resist?"

She threw the star-absorbing god hairpin out, and a few golden lights immediately lit up on the hairpin, which seemed to correspond to the Venus in the sky, and then a black light gushed out and overwhelmed it.

There was a flash of brilliance on the Yi Guangjian, and when it hit it, it was purely a head-on collision with mana, it cut a gap in the black light, and it was powerless to move forward.

Meng Qiu's body trembled slightly, and he thought to himself: "Sure enough, this real body is much more powerful than the clone. Even if I didn't use all my strength, she could easily block this blow. Sure enough, no one can reach the heaven easily."

Lu Yu on the other side was even more shocked. Even though she had already looked up to the enemy, she didn't expect that she had already sacrificed her life's treasure, and the spell she cast was deciphered.

Apart from a little luck, the reason why she was able to be promoted was because of her single-mindedness.For a long time, he has been cultivating in the Great Eastern Wilderness far away from Middle-earth, and has hardly been involved in any major events in the practice world.

I don't even care about the magic weapon that others can sacrifice. I only see a hairpin that I carry with me to refine it. It is used as a means of defending against the enemy.

Even so, it took hundreds of years before he got his wish and was promoted to a fairy. It was hard and lonely, and it was difficult to understand with outsiders.

What made her even more uncomfortable was that her potential was exhausted afterwards, and there was no room for improvement at all, and she had no achievements in Taoism. When she met other immortals, she basically couldn't beat them. She could only rely on mana to bully those whose realm was not as good as her own.

These are not really secrets, because she seldom fights with others, and even if she makes a move, it depends on the big bullying and one blow, so others know little or nothing.

It's no wonder that Meng Qiu's thoughts were diverted. You must know that the celestial beings he has seen all the time, except for Gong Yehuang, have various methods that are extremely clever. Therefore, it is unexpected that there are celestial beings like Lu Ru who have only cultivated one magic weapon.

The two had their own fears, and in the next few rounds, they were a lot more cautious. They came and went, watching the excitement, but there was no substantial progress.

At this moment, Meng Qiu still had doubts, and thought to himself: "I was afraid to attack with all my strength, and let the two people around me take advantage of the loopholes. Why does Mrs. Lu still have reservations? And Wu Nangong and Yi Zhou didn't even make a move. What are you worried about?"

In fact, Wu Nangong was going to make a move, but Yi Zhou came over secretly and said:

"Don't be impatient, Mr. Wu. That little thief is very cunning. Look at him right now, he didn't use his full strength at all. His most famous Nanming Lihuo sword is still hidden elsewhere. He must have evil intentions."

Wu Nangong asked in a deep voice: "I also know that divine sword, it is indeed rare in the world. But no matter how powerful it is, it is still a dead thing. I don't believe that it can withstand two angels."

"Although I hate this little thief, I have to admit that his swordsmanship can be said to be astonishing." Yi Zhou said: "Excalibur is a dead thing, but if it falls into the hands of a little thief, can it be revived?
Besides, if it weren't for the fact that he was also afraid of the strange move in this flying sword, why would fellow Daoist Lu refuse to use more powerful offensive methods, and would only blindly defend to maintain balance. "

"Didn't she still want to distract herself from manipulating the formation?" Wu Nangong made up his mind and prepared to strike. He took out the treasure of Zhenshan, Luoshenfang, and threw it on Meng Qiu.

The magic weapon used is shaped like a golden archway, with five gates in total.Throwing his hand into the air, the height reached tens of feet immediately. Surrounded by colorful clouds and smoke, gusts of wind and flames were launched from the door, thundering and flying forks, with the sound of rumbling thunder and lightning, rushing forward like raging waves. The momentum is fierce and incomparable.

(End of this chapter)

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