Chapter 309
With a long roar from Meng Qiu, Taoist Zui got the order, and immediately greeted Taoist Tie Mao, and together they poured mana into the token of the cave.

The misty clear light rose from the mountains and fluffed up to the sky. It seemed a little slow, but it was connected with the black mist on the top in the blink of an eye.

Meng Qiuzao drew out the Tianhui sword, folded it downwards, and pointed towards Luoshenfang like lightning, bringing up a series of brocade rainbows, printing and dyeing this small piece of heaven and earth in colorful colors.

Feihong rushed out of hundreds of feet, turned into a rain of swords, rushed into the flames, and exploded at the same time, with loud bangs and bursts of flames.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, Wu Nangong couldn't help shrinking his eyes, he was very surprised, and quickly moved the wind and fire archway again, and immediately the flames were full of flames, lighting up the sky red, like a big volcano, flying straight across the sky, and countless golden knives and fire forks shot forward fiercely, the sound of thunderbolt seemed to shake the sky.

"This blow is three points more powerful than Yufeng's full force of the sun, moon and five-star wheel." Although Meng Qiu was a little surprised, he didn't really care about it, and even had some doubts, secretly said:

"Mrs. Lu dawdled her hands. This Wu Nangong has such a great reputation. Why is he like this? It seems that he is using force, but his power is lacklustre. Could it be that there is some conspiracy?"

In a hurry, Meng Qiu didn't have time to think about it. While running the Tianhui Sword to resist the Star-absorbing God's hairpin, he flew up Yiguang and hit Luoshenfang.

Taoist Zui, Taoist Iron Man and their apprentices were stunned. They never imagined that Meng Qiu was able to defeat two heavenly immortals. For a moment, it was impossible to tell whether it was real or not.

At this point of the fight, Lu Yu and Wu Nangong also felt their faces became hot, and they both shouted loudly and exerted their strength at the same time.

The star-absorbing hairpin stabbed forward suddenly, knocked back the Tianhui sword, and then stopped on the spot, a little light burst out from the tip of the hairpin, covering the entire Nine Palaces in an instant, like a blazing sun rising.Then it exploded, turning into more than a thousand golden stars, falling far away.

Luoshenfang kept spinning, and the 36-foot-tall golden archway spewed out hundreds of feet of wind, fire, cloud and thunder. Thousands of golden knives and fire forks were pressed down, bringing up a fire dragon thousands of feet long, full of light, thunder and lightning.

The two angels used almost all their strength, golden light, raging fire, gusts of wind, and frenzied lightning stirred up in this small area. Thunder light flashed and thunderbolts kept ringing, as if it was the end of the world.

Meng Qiu also felt suffocated for a while, and hastily withdrew his two swords halfway, and tried his best to block them.At this time, he doesn't care about any sword skills, he refines the sword into silk, and splits the sword light into pieces. As long as he can intercept the enemy's attack, he can use any strange move.

Even so, they were still retreating steadily, and the fire and thunder pierced through the sword net from time to time, falling to his side, making the body protection magic light shake like a candle in the wind, and it seemed that it might dissipate at any time.

Several people in the cave looked trembling, their faces turned pale.The drunken Taoist didn't know what to do, so he could only squeeze his mana desperately, pouring it into the jade tablet of the cave mansion, and helping to contain the Jiugong Formation.

"This is still a bit of a fairy, but compared with those murderous people I have seen before, it is too different, even the newly promoted Senior Gongye Huang." Meng Qiu was under great pressure, but he still couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in the enemy's gourd, so he shouldn't act rashly.

But Shangguan Hong who was at the entrance of the cave saw a clue, shook his head slightly, and said to himself: "A crab is really not as good as a crab. Heavenly immortals, let alone those with long eyebrows and hearts like gods and nuns, at least they can easily deal with earth immortals, but now they only have this little mana, which is embarrassing.

It seems that after the order of the practice world was established, the monks lost the oppression of survival, did not pay attention to fighting skills, pursued the ultimate realm, and created many shortcuts for promotion.

Even so, after all, there is still a huge gap between the heavenly immortals and the earthly immortals.But the master was able to counterattack, one against two, only a little behind, and there was no problem in self-preservation.This kind of performance makes people can't help but think of the real person with long eyebrows.

However, there is another celestial being next to him, even if he was promoted with the Qijue Locking Love Curse, his combat power is definitely beyond the reach of a few ordinary celestial beings.The situation is very bad now, but I don't know how Master will break the situation. "

Shangguanhong could imagine that Meng Qiu had already paid attention to it.The original plan was to pretend to provoke Lu Yu and Wu Nangong, and then by surprise, he used all his strength to injure Yi Zhou.

But when fighting against these two people, half of the time it was a tie, which was beyond his expectation. He was afraid that the other party had some conspiracy, so he hesitated all the time.

The situation was somewhat stalemate, but at this moment, Yi Zhou couldn't wait any longer, and said loudly: "Two fellow Taoists, this little thief also has a few friends, so it might take too long and cause an accident. I'll help."

Meng Qiu and Shangguan Hong guessed right, Yi Zhou did break through with the help of the Qijue Love Locking Curse.

Back then when he was chasing and killing Meng Qiu, he met Wu Nangong by chance, formed a little friendship, and when he came to visit as a guest, he inadvertently found out the secret that the other party was practicing the Qijue Locking Love Curse.

I was looking for a place to inform, but then I thought, the other party is a fairy, if I beat a snake, I will suffer from it.What's more, even if some blissful real person or Buddhist monk destroys this person, he will not get any benefits.

What's more, Yi Zhou was annoyed at being teased by Meng Qiu, a junior, and when he felt that his realm was stagnant and feared to be surpassed by the other party in the future, he was angry and afraid, and couldn't help being greedy.

After thinking about it several times, he even tried to curry favor with Grandma Taibai and Sha Hongyan, and helped Wu Nangong change his relationship with his daughters, so he moved them and bestowed the Qijue Locking Love Curse.

At that time, Yi Zhou saw that this way of Taoism was as evil as the rumors said, and he actually transferred his emotions to his relatives to obtain the bottleneck of the other party's energy and spirit, and even diverted the catastrophe.

Originally, he didn't want to practice, but Wu Nangong persuaded him from the sidelines, and secretly used magic to seduce him, and finally he couldn't help it, and shot at his family.

Because of the need to transfer the seven emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil, and desire, only his wife Yang Auntie, concubine Lin Mingshu and Lin Fangshu, son Yi Sheng, daughter-in-law Wei Qingqing, and daughter Yi Jing are left in the family, and one is missing.

Originally, he even wanted to attack his sister-in-law Youtan Shenni, but he was worried that the other party's level was too high, and he was afraid that he would notice, so he gave up.Only by going overseas to catch an earth immortal and counting it as the seventh person can the evil law run smoothly.

Yi Zhou practiced hard for many years before reaching the Earth Immortal. He was trapped in the bottleneck for more than 100 years and could not make any progress. He thought that there would be no hope for the Heavenly Immortal anymore, but he never thought that once this method was used, the effect would be immediate, and the energy and spirit would come continuously. There was no hindrance to his own primordial spirit and mana.

Originally stopped at this time, the family members still have a chance to survive, but practicing evil methods will inevitably enter the brain, how can they return?

In one go, he transferred half of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to his family members. The unlucky Earth Immortal, his two concubines, and his daughter-in-law were killed on the spot, and he was also seriously injured.Then he fed his wife, Aunt Yang, son Yi Sheng and daughter Yi Jing to the demon, and managed to pass the test.

After becoming a celestial being, Yi Zhou regained consciousness, suddenly remembered his family, felt extremely guilty, turned this emotion into hatred, and transferred it to Meng Qiu.

At this moment, he roared: "If you hadn't killed my two grandsons, I wouldn't have come to where I am today for revenge. Little thief, take your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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