Chapter 311 The Enemy Retreats

The moment Yi Zhou died, even the celestial phenomena changed. Everyone he saw was stunned on the spot, and all attacks stopped immediately.

Even Shangguanhong, who had the most confidence in Meng Qiu, couldn't believe it.There are many people who have always used the weak to defeat the strong, but most of them are the young and the old in the same realm.It is very rare for a Sanxian to beat an Earth Immortal.It is unheard of for an earth immortal to kill a heavenly immortal like this.

"Hundreds of years ago, there was no possibility of such a possibility. At that time, the battle was fierce, but anyone who could reach the earth immortal was killed from the bloody road, and there was no weak one. Not to mention the genus of the celestial immortal, there is no chance to get it."

Shangguan Hong sighed inwardly, and said: "However, even though the three people in front of me are considered useless, but when they reach the stage, their ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is always good. Master can kill them. Apart from their ability, that precious mirror is also the key."

She thought for a while, and when she thought about Meng Qiu's mention of her own origin of Taoism, she suddenly realized that this magic weapon must be the legendary Haotian Mirror that was taken away by the Xuanyuan Emperor.

Lu Ruo was very frightened and screamed strangely. She didn't even dare to put away the control talisman of the Nine Palace Thunderbolt Array.

Wu Nangong reacted quickly, but his escape speed was not as fast as his companions, he was only one step slower, and he failed to follow Lu Ru out of the gap in the Jiugong Formation in time, and was blocked for a while.

Although it was just a single blow to call Haotian Mirror just now, it also squeezed out [-]% of Meng Qiu's mana, and he was unable to stop Lu Yu at all, but he was delayed for a breath, and a large amount of spiritual energy flowed out from the chaotic primordial womb, spreading all over his body.

He recovered and shouted, "Where are we going!"

At this time, the mana is full, although the primordial spirit is exhausted, it can't use the full power of the Haotian mirror, it only activates a clear light, entangles the enemy, and knocks out the Fantian seal.

Just as Wu Nangong tore open a gap in the Nine Palaces Formation, he was about to escape, when suddenly a huge force was applied to him, making his movements slow.

When he turned his head, a dusty Yin Fei was approaching, and in a daze, he turned into a stone mill and galloped towards him.It doesn't look like much, but the force of the overwhelming pressure makes people breathless, as if Mount Tai is pressing down on the top, or like a meteor falling from the sky.

Wu Nangong was trapped by the Haotian mirror, he couldn't avoid it, he knew that if he got hit, he would die, so he shouted loudly, sacrificed Luoshenfang, and rushed to Fantianyin quickly.

With a loud bang, the Luoshen Archway flew halfway, and the five archways collided in the middle at the same time, and exploded, thunder and fire, and golden light, with a large wind and thunder, generated huge waves, disturbed the Jiugongzhen to shake violently, black smoke cleared, and the light net jumped.

The array of light outside the Qingxuan Cave below is also wavering, as if it is in danger of being shattered.Faced with such a huge blow, Meng Qiu had no choice but to avoid his sharp edge, and shook the Haotian mirror to intercept the thunder fire rushing towards the cave. , and at the same time activate Fantianyin, emitting five-color divine light, which freezes the entire space.

Only for a short while, the chaos stopped, and the wind and sea were calm.Wu Nangong took advantage of this movement and escaped to ascend to heaven.

Meng Qiu put away the magic weapon, the flying sword, and stretched out his hand to make a move. The uncontrolled Nine Palaces Thunderbolt formation talisman fell into his hand. With a strong grip, the formation disappeared instantly, and then he walked back to the cave.

Taoist Drunk and Taoist Iron Mane all exhausted their mana, their faces turned pale, and they fell to the ground.

Meng Qiudu went over to get some spiritual power, and when the two of them blushed a little, he said, "I'm not good at alchemy, and I'm not prepared for it. Hong'er, if you have some, give me some."

Shangguanhong silently took out two Yimu elixir, gave them to them, and after serving them, she recovered some energy.

Taoist Iron Man stared up and down at Meng Qiu for a while, and sighed: "When I first met you, I had already vaguely predicted that you would achieve extraordinary things in the future. I thought that being famous all over the world and being the first among your peers was already amazing, but I never imagined that you would be able to do so.

Heavenly immortals, in my dreams, I can only imagine myself becoming an earthly immortal, so how dare I look forward.Now such a person, but you have one against three, and even killed one, really..."

He shook his head and said to the drunken Taoist, "This one is the first immortal to die after the beginning of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity?"

The drunken Taoist nodded, and did not answer directly, but said: "The more catastrophic aura is, the more intense the battles are. In the past, there were many battles in building foundations in peaceful times. We loose immortals are considered masters.

But up to now, even the gods will perish.It seems that the morals of this world no longer allow us to continue wandering outside, and it is time to retreat, lest one day we die for no reason. "

How could Meng Qiu have expected that just a fight would make Taoist Zui think of retiring.But this is also what he hopes, after all, the opponent's strength is too low when this catastrophe is approaching.

Taoist Tie Mao was silent for a moment, and said: "You can hide back to Mount Emei, but where can I go?"

Meng Qiu thought for a while, and said: "Overseas Light Realm, Middle Earth Yihuanling, Taoist friends can choose one of them, I'm still a bit thin."

Taoist Tie Liao was overjoyed at first, then hesitated for a while before bowing and said: "I choose the Bright Realm, and ask Fellow Daoist Meng to convey it for you."

If there is no Dao method taught by the other party's newcomer, he will not be able to advance, and his life span is only 500 years, more than half of it, I am afraid he will not bother.But now that the Earth Immortal is expected, with a lifespan of 300 years, he is naturally unwilling to take the risk and stay in the Earth Realm.

Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said, "Hey, I thought you would choose Yihuanling, the cave is much bigger."

"It's because it's too vast that I didn't choose it." Taoist Tie Mino looked at Taoist Zui next to him, his meaning was self-evident.

"Everyone knows the heart of Emei!" Meng Qiu said with a chuckle, "It just so happens that I'm going to the Bright Realm too, and we'll be leaving in a few days."

Seeing that his friend had a place to go, Taoist Zui didn't want to stay in Qingxuan Cave anymore, so he offered to leave.As for the Nine Palaces Thunderbolt Array talisman, Meng Qiu didn't say anything, he didn't ask, and left directly.

After he left, Meng Qiu went out and found the Nine Palace Command Flags scattered outside the cave, and made a set with the talisman, handed it to Shangguanhong, and said, "I'm not good at formation, you seem to have studied it quite a bit, and in your hands you can make the most of it, take it."

Shangguanhong took it with her hand, and after thanking her, she hesitated and asked, "The mirror that Master used just now is the Haotian Mirror?"

"You guessed right, it's the Xuanyuan Supreme Treasure." Meng Qiu nodded, seeing that she hesitated to speak, she understood a little, and said, "I got this treasure from the Xuanyuan Holy Tomb, and it was a coincidence.

At that time, the Nine Doubt Cauldron was also there, but it was a pity that it was not with me.At that time, the mana was not enough, so I couldn't take it away. Later, when the realm was enough, I went back to look for it, but it was gone. "

Shangguanhong yelled inwardly that it was a pity, but after thinking about it, it was a blessing to get one of Xuanyuan's most precious treasures, not to mention the inheritance of Taoism.

However, she knew the power of this magic weapon, so she reminded: "The Haotian mirror is one of the few pieces, and it is a magic weapon that is very useful in the realm of celestial beings. It is rumored that it can resist the catastrophe of celestial beings in the world. If the news of this battle spreads, it may arouse the greed of many people. Master must make plans early."

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "It's okay. After I go to the Light Realm, I'll go to the Magic Wave Pool to hide for a few years. At least I can have some peace and quiet before the real Bliss ascends."

(End of this chapter)

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