Chapter 312
However, after that Lu woman escaped, she subconsciously went to the Great Eastern Desolation and Southern Star Plain, halfway there, she felt something was wrong, and thought to herself:

"Although everyone knows about my cave, it is not a secret in the eyes of the Da faction. If the evil star Meng Qiu comes after me, I can't resist it. I'd better go to Emei, it's safer there. I don't believe it. , the evil star dares to come over."

After walking towards Emei for a while, she finally calmed down, walked more and more slowly, and finally stopped, thinking: "I lost the Nine Palace Thunderbolt Formation that Headmaster Qi lent, so it's hard to explain when I go back like this. Besides, the old man withered bamboo The son is still here, if he finds out, he will inevitably be ridiculed, no!"

She hesitated for a while, Emei didn't want to go, and made up her mind to find a remote place overseas and hide for a while.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a shout from below, saying, "Is Master Lu up there? My nephew Han Nu is being polite here."

Lu Yu was startled, she came back to her senses, and looked down, it turned out that she had unknowingly flew to Minshan Mountain, wasn't it the White Rhinoceros Lake in the Dongfu of Fairy Han, the daughter of her junior brother Han Xiao?
She was upset, and responded with a cold face: "It's me."

Fairy Han was about to go out today. After flying up, she saw a person in the sky. After a closer look, it turned out to be Shi Bo Lu, so she greeted her.

Seeing the other party coming, he said politely: "It's rare to see Master Fajia in Zhongtu, and the nephew's cave is right below. Please come in and sit for a while, so that I can have the honor of entertaining you once."

Lu Yu was about to refuse, when suddenly her heart moved, she squeezed out a smile, and said: "That's fine." She fell down.

Fairy Han was taken aback. This uncle was usually very cold and never said anything to her, but now he is willing to accept the request, which is really surprising.

Fortunately, she responded in a timely manner and quickly led the way, leading the other party to the bottom.

In the middle of the mountain gorge, there are two cliffs standing thousands of feet high. From time to time, clouds and mists appear around the cliffs.

Below is a bottomless ravine, with huge waves, flying springs hitting rocks, stirring up a spray of water vapor, covering the ravine surface, turning into a vast expanse of white mist.

I can only hear the roar of the waves, but I can't see the real water flow.The real one is Bo Qingming on the top, and there is no land on the bottom, extremely dangerous and poor.

Lu Yu is a celestial being. She saw through the clouds and mist at a glance, and saw a deep pool at the bottom, about ten acres, surrounded by precipitous cliffs on all sides, gradually gathered from wide to narrow, and formed a four-dimensional pool in the middle of the extreme top. A five-foot hole.

She nodded in satisfaction and said, "You have chosen a good place!"

Fairy Han said with a smile: "It's good if Master likes it." With a wave of his hand, the dense fog dispersed, and the sun shines directly on the center of the pool from the hole, and shines on the mirror-like pool water, which is set off by the surrounding darkness. In the middle of the dark blue glaze, there is a piece of wall jade.

The strange stones on the four walls are standing tall and in various shapes and shapes. Just a little bit of skylight in the center of the pool, those strange rocks on the dangerous walls seem to have arrived at the Dragon Palace Resort. .

Lu Yu followed Fairy Han into the cave, but saw strange flowers and plants everywhere.

Some are shaped like seaweed, filled with vermilion seeds; some have leaves like big fans with fine flowers on them; Some are shaped like coral, bright and crystal clear, silky like hair, blowing without wind.

The cave dwells underground, so it is impenetrable to light, but along the way, there is no place that is not as bright as day, shining with precious light, dazzling like flowers.

Lu Yu put on a gesture and watched for a while.Fairy Han commented dryly, and then the two fell into silence, not knowing what to say.

After a while, Fairy Han couldn't figure out the purpose of the other party's visit, so she had to ask tentatively: "Uncle Master doesn't want to come from the great wilderness of the East for a million miles. Prepare a quiet room and rest for a while?"

"Well, I'm indeed a little tired." Lu Yu agreed without hesitation, and settled down amidst the other party's doubts and incomprehensions.

Meng Qiu didn't know that he was going to be a fairy, so scared that he didn't dare to go home. After a short rest, he went to the Bright Realm.

Seeing Gongyehuang, after entrusting Taoist Tieyu with his master and apprentice, he asked Bagu Zheng for news, and when he learned that he hadn't left the customs, he didn't stay any longer, and turned back to Zhongtu, and arrived at Yihuanling.

At this time, the news that he killed Yi Zhou, wounded Wu Nangong, and drove away Lu Yu had not yet spread, so the descendants of Wufu Fairy asked about his intentions and were a little surprised to learn that he wanted to stay for a while.

But now that the two families are tied together, she didn't get too entangled, and left the other party's master and apprentice behind.

In this battle, the decisive magic weapon is naturally the Haotian Mirror, but Fan Tianyin also played a key role.

In particular, Luoshenfang, the natal magic treasure that Wu Nangong had refined for many years, was also shattered under the attack of this treasure, which surprised Meng Qiu even more, and felt that his hard work of collecting materials for many years was not in vain.

There is not enough time for this magic weapon to warm up, and when it really takes shape, I am afraid that its power will not be inferior to the second treasure of Xuanyuan, so he is very concerned, taking this rare opportunity to repair it, so as to survive the sacrifice.

Fast forward half a year, Meng Qiu was practicing quietly that day, when suddenly there was a sound in the quiet room, Sun Xun invited him to the front hall to have a talk.

After coming over, in the hall, besides Sun Xun, Ni Fangxian and other masters, there is also Han Xianzi.When several people saw him coming, they got up to greet him at the same time.

Meng Qiu was a little strange. After sitting down, he asked directly: "I don't know why Sun Daoyou called me over?"

Sun Xun said: "It's not me, it's this Fellow Daoist Han." She opened her mouth, but she still didn't ask any questions when something came to her lips.

"I'm here because of a misunderstanding between Uncle Lu and fellow Taoist." Fairy Han immediately stood up, first responded to Meng Qiu's inquiry, then saluted Sun Xun, Ni Fangxian and others, and said, "Some things are inconvenient to speak in public. , and need to occupy a quieter place in the host’s house.”

"Fellow Daoist speaks seriously." Sun Xun hurriedly replied, "I don't need any other place, if fellow Daoist is interested, let's avoid it for a while, how about staying here?"

"Then I'll trouble you." After everyone had left, Han Xianzi looked at Meng Qiu who was sitting peacefully beside him, and praised sincerely: "I saw the demeanor of a fellow Taoist here last time, I can't imagine how many years have passed , meet again.

Last time I was shocked by fellow daoist's methods, and this time it is even more difficult to explain in words.Who would have thought that with the body of an Earth Immortal, you could fight against three Heavenly Immortals, and on the contrary, one of them was killed, one was injured, and the other escaped. "

Meng Qiu smiled slightly: "But the right time, place and people are with me, it's just a fluke, it's nothing."

"It's nothing, what else can you do, Fellow Daoist?" Fairy Han smiled wryly, and said:
"I don't beat around the bush. I came here this time because I just found out about the news and wanted to resolve a little misunderstanding between my uncle and fellow Taoist."

(End of this chapter)

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