Chapter 313
"Misunderstanding?" Meng Qiu laughed a few times, and said, "If I hadn't been able to do something, my Qingxuan Cave Mansion would be reduced to dust under the thunderbolt formation of the Nine Palaces, and no one would survive.

Did Han Xianzi think it was just a mere misunderstanding that your master made such a disaster of killing one's body and destroying Dao? "

"I'm here to ask fellow daoists to forgive me. Don't say it's a misunderstanding, could it be blood feud?" Han Xianzi sighed and said, "Don't refute it, fellow daoists, let's see how sincere we are?"

She took out a small tripod with a simple shape, handed it over, and said: "Although this Yu Ding is not comparable to the Haotian Mirror of Daoist, it is also a top-notch magic weapon. Compared with Nanming Lihuo Sword, it is not bad. Take it as a gift of apology to fellow Taoists.”

"Not busy." Meng Qiu waved his hand and said, "I'm a little curious. Lu Yu didn't ask you to come here sooner or later, and now she's in a hurry to resolve the enmity. It's still such a precious thing when she makes a move. For what?"

Fairy Han said: "Among the three angels who disturbed Taoist Qingxiu that day, Yi Zhou died on the spot, and Wu Nangong was also seriously injured. After returning to Heijia Mountain Luoshen Ridge, the catastrophe came ahead of time, and he couldn't resist it, so he fell. .”

Rao she didn't just know the news, at this moment, there are still huge waves in her heart, some can't believe it, Meng Qiu, with a mere earthly immortal cultivation base, beat three angels with one against three, one died, one was injured and the other escaped.

Fairy Han still remembered that some time ago, when the news of Wu Nangong's death came, Lu Yu stayed on the spot, her face turned pale, and she blurted out asking if Meng Qiu had killed him.

Only now did she know why her uncle, who had always been so proud, didn't go back to Southern Xingyuan and hide in her cave with the cheek.

Although the misunderstanding was later clarified that Wu Nangong died in a catastrophe, Lu Yu was still in a state of panic all day long, and finally asked her to come and help make peace.

Fairy Han said sincerely: "I have traveled to many places, from Mangcang Mountain and Guangming Realm, until I found this place, and only then did I meet fellow Daoist. Now Master Lu's resident Heavenly Tribulation has only been in existence for a few years. Fellow Daoist If you are willing to take a step back, I will be grateful.”

She presented Yu Ding again, but Meng Qiu refused to accept it, saying: "It's not that I can't trust Taoist friend, but Lu Yu is your elder after all, even if she is afraid of me and doesn't come in person, then old man Kuzhu must come forward."

Immediately, Fairy Han took out another object, shaped like a chicken heart, not gold or jade, a ring-shaped magic weapon only an inch in size, and said: "Master Kuzhu is also preparing for a catastrophe, so he can't come here, so tell me that I will take this heavenly heart Giving the ring to you is his old man's promise."

Meng Qiu smiled, knowing that the old man Kuzhu was also an arrogant person, so naturally he didn't want to bow his head in front of the younger generation.But there is a magic weapon for this person to be famous, and it is the same.Besides, Meng Qiu didn't care that Lu Yu would regret it and come to trouble again.

He took over Yuding and Tianxinhuan, and even if the matter was over, Fairy Han was relieved.The magic weapon is important, but it is more deterrent than the existence of only a celestial being.

After the people left, Sun Xun and the others entered the room, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t--t-t-t-t--tut-tut-it-looks like I haven't been out for a long time, and I don't even know about such important things. Tell me, I'm very curious, how did you overcome it?" Three angels?"

"They all took shortcuts to reach their realm, and their combat power is not strong. If it's me, even stronger Earth Immortals, like Yixiu, can defeat them."

Meng Qiu explained: "Besides, I still have the Xuanyuan Zhibao Haotian Mirror in my hand. If I kill one by surprise, they will panic and flee in embarrassment."

Sun Xun naturally didn't believe that the matter was so simple, but he didn't want to ask too many questions, so he smiled and said, "I'm more assured that you have this combat power. After Jingxu ascends, I will rely on you to maintain it for a while."

Meng Qiu nodded, chatted for a while, returned to the quiet room, took out the Yu Ding, gave it to Shangguanhong, and said, "You worshiped under my sect, and you only got the way of the sect. It's not because I'm stingy, other magic weapons are a bit simple, Can't get it out.

Originally, I was thinking about where to find a suitable one, but now someone took the initiative to send one, which was just right.If you take it for refining, you can protect yourself to some extent. "

Shangguanhong took it solemnly, feeling very grateful in her heart.One must know that in her previous life, she had cultivated to the state of being about to ascend, and she had never possessed a magic weapon of the same level.


In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed, and most of the new overseas monks are rushing to the middle land, so the news of the current practice world is spreading very quickly.

As the news of Wu Nangong's failure to cross the catastrophe spread, the battle at Qingxuan Cave that day spread farther and farther, and almost the entire cultivation world heard about it, which caused shocks in all directions.

Compared with the middle-earth monks, the names of Lu Yu, Wu Nangong, and Yi Zhou are more resounding in the ears of overseas monks, but they suffered a big loss in the hands of an earth fairy, so that some people died on the spot. This frightened these monks, and somewhat refrained from looting around.

Many casual cultivators breathed a sigh of relief, and seeing the opportunity, they all moved closer to the big faction.Wudang has been closed for a long time, and Kunlun is far away, but the Buddhist monks and nuns have opened up their doors and accommodated many disciples.

And Emei's Heavenly Court plan also spread quietly, spreading more and more widely, which caused an uproar for a while, and the public sentiment was excited.

At this time, Daoist Ji Le suddenly left the level.

The state of the real person at this time is hard to guess.Meng Qiu has now separated into a fourth soul, and it must be known that every time the soul separates and rejoins, the growth will be multiplied by the previous one. Now his spiritual consciousness is not inferior to that of a fairy like Lu Yu.

Even so, it is still impossible to detect the slightest state of the real person of Ji Le, just like seeing the vast ocean, unfathomable and unreachable.

Meng Qiu was also a little surprised, and asked: "Shouldn't the real person prepare to cross the catastrophe and ascend? Why did he stop training again? Did something happen?"

"If I want to ascend, I can trigger the Heavenly Tribulation at any time. It's just because I don't worry about my family, so I have to deal with the first and last before leaving."

Master Ji Le explained: "At first, I thought I could persist for five or seven years, or even ten years. But the catastrophe of ten thousand years is approaching, and now it is in a state of being unreleased. If I don't leave within a year, there will be no more It's time to go."

Hearing this, Meng Qiu's heart sank, and he asked: "Is this catastrophe really like the rumors said, it is a catastrophe of absolute spirituality. Once the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is matched, all will disappear? Also, with real people's supernatural powers, they are all forced to leave, If I become a Celestial Immortal, is there still a possibility of ascension?"

"I can't know the whole picture, but your guess is probably close to ten." Seeing the other party's expression change, Master Ji Le hastily added, saying:
"However, you are different from me. I have already gone through three resident catastrophes, and I have to leave as soon as possible because it has been too long. There is still some time before the catastrophe really comes, and you still have a chance .”

"How long is left?" Meng Qiu hurriedly asked.

"Not much." Master Ji Le sighed, and said, "In about 50 years, the catastrophe will surely fall!"

(End of this chapter)

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