Chapter 315
Being blocked by Master Ji Le's words like this, Fang Chufeng was suffocated, and he wanted to talk about it, but he didn't know how to refute.

Deng Yin took over the conversation and said with a smile: "The real man's words are wrong. Although the country is not easy, there is a change in human affairs. Thousands of years ago, Emei was a Buddhist resort, isn't it returned to Taoism now?
The Ziyun Palace is the same, it was indeed accomplished in the hands of the Golden Mother, and the legend of Master Lianshan is true.But the master didn't fully accept it back then, and later let it be empty for so many years, and the Lianshan sect has nothing to pass on, isn't it to leave it as a gift?
My fellow Daoist Fang, many years later, there is no one to guide me, so if I can go deep into it, it is because of fate.Moreover, she has been operating here for many years and has already taken root. No matter how you look at it, she should be the master of this palace. "

"Your lips and teeth are as sharp as they were back then." Master Ji Le said with a smile: "If according to what you mean, Lingcui Peak belongs to Emei, and it is also where the virtuous live?"

Lingcui Peak is the core of Xingxiu Haidongtian where the Demon Cult resides. It was taken away by Daoist Changmei back then and still remains in Emei.Generations of people in the Devil's Cult have longed for it, wanting to take it back.

Deng Yin was caught talking again, but he didn't feel embarrassed. He smiled and said: "The real man's words are wrong. These two things are different, so how can they be generalized. The ownership of Ziyun Palace has not yet been determined, and Lingcui Peak is my teacher. Sacrifice..."

"Okay, stop making unreasonable arguments. I've known you for a long time. Don't I know that little thought?" Daoist Ji Le sneered and said:

"You guys just want to use Ziyun Palace to replace Lingcui Peak and suppress Xingxiu Sea. Who can you hide? But for the sake of our friendship over the years, I would like to remind you: don't waste your efforts!"

Deng Yin's expression darkened immediately, and he asked, "Why did the real man say that?" He neither admitted nor denied it.

Master Ji Le said: "You have lived in Ziyun Palace for so long, I don't believe you didn't see something. Since you still want to pretend to be stupid, then I will really teach you.

Although Ziyun Palace is also a strange peak falling from outside the sky, it has been carved into a very special spiritual treasure by the mother of gold. It can be regarded as a complete cave, and it can also be regarded as a top magic weapon, which is in between.

The key is that it is already a whole, like glass, once it is broken, there is no way to restore it.How can you take out the core and embed it in the Constellation Sea. "

Deng Yin was silent for a while, and then said: "Even if Ziyun Palace cannot replace Lingcui Peak and restore Xingxiu Sea, it is still a cave, which can protect monks from catastrophe, and it is extremely precious.

Relying on the real person's few words, coupled with the so-called Lianshan's will of this fellow Daoist Meng, wanting to take this treasure, is it too disrespectful to my teaching? "

Master Ji Le said calmly: "I've always disliked verbal arguments, and for the sake of our friendship, I'm only talking to you a few more words.

If you are not used to it, it is easy to handle.I haven't done my best for many years, and my reputation has dropped a lot, making many juniors suspect that my name does not match the truth.

Just ascension is imminent, also known as the world monk, experience it, what is No.1 in the world! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the momentum of his whole body was soaring, and the transformed hall suddenly shattered, revealing the billowing sandstorm outside, whistling wind, baring its teeth and claws, like a devil.

Meng Qiu only felt that his body was heavy, as if he had returned to the top of Mount Tai. He couldn't sense the spiritual energy around him at all, and couldn't penetrate his spiritual consciousness. He could only see things with a pair of eyes.

Deng Yin and Fang Chufeng on the opposite side also retreated three steps, their expressions changed drastically.This scene is not gorgeous, far from the fighting skills of monks, the thunder is all over the sky, and the flames are as lively as clouds.

But inside the tunnel, there is a murderous intent that is as cold as ice and pierces to the marrow.It seems that as long as you move, you will be armed with a sword, and you will be doomed.

Fortunately, this aura was only released for a moment, and then it was put away again. Meng Qiu waited for the three people to recover.

With a wave of Deng Yin's hand, the tunnel turned into a long road made of jade, with Yao grasses and flowers on both sides, and Qionglin fairy trees.

At the end of the long road, there is a jade archway.Behind the square is a tall palace.Looking at the faint glow of the sun from a distance, it is really the jade pillars in the Jinting, the Qiongyu Yao steps, majestic, majestic, and extraordinary.

He secretly sent a message to Fang Chufeng, saying: "Li Jingxu is extremely talented, but his background is not that good, especially in the turbulent era, he can stand out from the crowd and not die young, it depends on his patience.

Later, I met Ren Shou, the eldest eyebrow. Although he was a latecomer, he came first.If you were someone else, you would have been upset a long time ago, so you have to don't show any signs of it.

But he was otherwise, he retreated bravely, and gave up the situation where the two stars shined in the world, and he became the only one in the thriving.

He is also very open-minded, Chuang Qingcheng faction is in the front, and Zhu Mei and Jiang Shu's juniors have taken the place, so he doesn't worry about it, he only blames his own disciples for not living up to expectations.

Qin Yu, the most talented apprentice under his sect, was seduced by Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang, and lost his way. It is not surprising, but he hates that his disciple is not firm enough in Daoism.

Just looking at these, if you think he is a good man with no temper, then you are wrong.Once such people get angry, it is no small matter.

At that time, there was a Zha Shuangying from the evil way, whose fierce flames were so fierce that no one could control him, so he ran amok and killed at will, and once injured one of Li Jingxu's apprentices.

Jingxu went to the door to ask him for an explanation.How could Zha Shuangying be willing to give face to a kid of the younger generation, but naturally he refused, and he killed the killer, but told the other party to escape.

At that time, Ren Shoucai had just become famous, and he had to avoid his edge. If he were someone else, he would swallow the loss, or wait for revenge later.

But Li Jingxu refused, and since then, she has her eye on Zha Shuangying. She has been disturbed every three years and fought every five years, dragging him down for life and preventing him from causing trouble, while her own cultivation has risen.

Later, the situation turned upside down, and Zha Shuangying was overtaken by him, so he had to leave Zhongtu and hid overseas.

Even so, Li Jingxu still didn't want to let him go, and chased after him to the ends of the earth, and finally found and killed him.And this process lasted for nearly a hundred years.

I mentioned this this time to let you know that once this person gets angry, he has made a decision and there is no way to change it, you have to make a decision immediately.

Either you push it hard and fight him; or you compromise early so things don't get out of hand, and maybe you can get some benefits. "

Fang Chufeng sighed secretly, calmed down, and said, "I'm at a critical moment, where can I do it?

Furthermore, with his soon-to-ascend mana, the two of us may hide in Ziyun Palace, and we may not be able to win. There is no need to try again to avoid accidents.

This cave is just for him, as for what conditions can be negotiated, I have to ask fellow Taoists to make full use of it, I am really not good at this. "

"That's fine!" Deng Yin responded, then took a step forward, and said in a loud voice, "Senpai, we have agreed, but there are three small things, and I need to ask Fellow Daoist Meng to agree."

He knew that Daoist Ji Le was about to ascend, and no matter how many requests he made, it would be of no use, so he involved Meng Qiu.

Master Ji Le was noncommittal, and said, "Let's listen first."

Deng Yin said: "Since the Ziyun Palace is not available, my teacher will definitely take it back. If Emei asks Daoist Meng for help in the future, you must not make a move, this is one of them.

Since the Haotian Mirror was born, the Nine Doubts Cauldron must have been handed down as well. As for whether it is in the Holy Tomb of Qiaoshan or Dinghu, it remains to be found out.But if I teach you to fight, Meng Daoyou can't make a move, this is the second.

Thirdly, Fang Taoist friend will have a kalpa, and he must obtain a Buddhist treasure to survive, and he must borrow the seven treasures and golden pillars from the hands of a real person. "

After hearing this, Master Ji Le exchanged glances with Meng Qiu, and the latter said first, "I agree to these two things."

The real person continued: "Isn't it that fellow Taoist Fang of Asura Dao wants to unite his three souls into one and become a celestial being? I also agree to borrow treasure, but it must be done within half a year."

Deng Yin knew immediately that the real person's ascension was not far away, so he couldn't help bargaining and nodded in agreement.

Master Ji Le sent a voice transmission secretly, and said with a smile: "I thought he would make some excessive demands, but I never thought that he would be so afraid of you that he would exclude you from fighting skills and winning treasures first."

(End of this chapter)

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