Chapter 316
Deng Yin and Fang Chufeng were also forthright, and the agreement was finalized, so they immediately set about tidying up and down the cave, and left with a group of companions, leaving only Ziyun Palace empty.

At this time, the Shensha corridor was quiet, and Meng Qiu and the real person of Ji Le stepped into the cave.

For the first time, I saw a long white jade road with a width of tens of feet.Calculated from the exit of the corridor, it is several miles long and shaped like a swastika.There is a palace at each end, which is divided into four roads and eight halls, which coincide with the gossip.

Beside each road, there are two rows of green trees lined up in forests. Each tree is ten circumferences in size and hundreds of feet high, with vermilion fruits and green leaves, gloomy and gloomy.From time to time, there are black cranes and red feathers, red birds and orioles, flying up and down, flying back and forth.

As the breeze passed by, the branches and leaves swayed gently with the wind, making a sound of jade ringing.Comparing with the singing of many fairy birds, it is like hearing the clear sound of Xiyue, and the repertoire of sheng and reeds is very entertaining.

At the end of the straight road, there is a tall palace, the whole body is like a golden building, radiant and majestic.In front of the hall, there is a white jade platform with a size of tens of mu, in which there is a very large alchemy furnace surrounded by eight small alchemy furnaces.

This is the yellow crystal hall in the center of the swastika.The four walls are like white jade.More than a hundred feet away from the body, there is a throne in the middle, and there is a big circle in front of the throne, and there are many jade pillars of different sizes in the circle.

Going closer and taking a look, those jade pillars are of different heights, shorts, and thicknesses.Except that there is a small circle in the middle which is a virtual column, the number is exactly 49.

There is a large mirror with a radius of five zhang in front, with a cold light shooting from a long distance, like an ice wheel hanging there, but the brilliance is uncertain.

When the light is off, it is as if there is nothing, and even the shadow of the mirror is almost beyond the reach of ordinary eyesight; when the light is on, although it is only for a moment, people who are dozens of steps away are faintly visible.

He crossed into the mana a little bit, and in the mirror, there was a scene of the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles on the top of Ziyun Palace.Where the mind is moving, even the appearance of the birds flying in mid-air can be seen very clearly.

"There is something interesting about this mirror of Taiyin." Daoist Ji Le stretched out his hand and nodded, and said, "And there was a magic weapon in each of these jade pillars, but now there is nothing there, it seems that they have all been taken away.

You have to post it yourself, find out seven or forty-nine magic weapons of similar quality, put them back, and you will be able to reproduce the style of this hall. "

Meng Qiu smiled and said, "It's easy."

He got a lot of good things from the treasure house of Lianshan, and he also accumulated a lot from traveling all over the years.

Regardless of his usual fighting skills, he seldom uses them. That's because his swordsmanship is superb, and most of the magic weapons in his hands are of no help, not because of their poor quality.

Immediately took out 49 pieces and put them into the jade pillars from all sides, and there was an immediate change.

The Yellow Crystal Hall is located in the center, and there are other palaces in the southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest. rising.

Ziyun Palace, Bishu Qionglin, Yuyuyao steps, Pearl Palace and shell towers are all there. They are majestic, profound, beautiful and infinitely gorgeous. When they are covered by the smoke of various colors, they appear more brilliant and colorful, which is a wonderful sight.

The two of them were not in a hurry, they watched it for a while, and then walked back to a forest garden with a size of tens of hundreds of hectares.The ground is full of fine sand, colorful and colorful.

Dozens of hills are dotted and scattered among them.I don't know whether it is artificially built or naturally generated, all of which are beautiful rock valleys and exquisite caves.

Some are piled with clouds and condensed with purple, and the ancient meaning is boundless;In the crevices of the rocks at the corners of the mountain, there are not clusters of Zhilan orchids blown by the wind; it is the vanilla Xueli, embroidered with moss marks.

Then take a closer look at the beautiful flowers of Yaocao, Ganoderma lucidum and immortal medicine all over the ground, competing for beauty, as brilliant as clouds.It looks more magnificent and magnificent, the fairy scene is extraordinary, and the scene is so diverse that it is difficult to exhaust it.

"It looks like a cave." Master Ji Le said with a smile: "Let's go to the apse first, control the cave, and then come back to watch it carefully."

The harem is the Ziyun Forbidden Area, the hidden treasure area, the scene in it is quite different from the front.There are no jewels such as coral, glass, and agate here, and it is made of bluestone masonry.

The only thing left is the white jade pillars, which are thick and clear, transparent and crystal-like, majestic and majestic, and incomparably beautiful.

There is a main pillar in the middle, the color is different from the others, it is bright yellow, and it emits golden light, which is as bright as a scorching sun, shining brightly and auspiciously.

The real person of bliss said: "This is the jade pillar of the Jinting, which was the treasure of Dayu Zhenhai at the beginning. It was moved here by the mother of gold, and it was integrated with Ziyun Palace, becoming the lifeblood of the whole palace, the master of all dharmas.

At the bottom of the pillar, there should be hidden treasure of Tianyi Golden Mother. Only her special talisman can be controlled by refining it.

Otherwise, if this pillar is moved arbitrarily, not only the entire Ziyun Palace will be wiped out, but also the surface of the sea within ten thousand miles will turn into boiling soup, causing endless disasters. "

Meng Qiu took out the jade tablet from the Lianshan Treasure House, poured it with mana, and the tablet turned into a streamer of light, and threw it into the main pillar.

He hurriedly poured his spiritual consciousness into it, and saw the brilliance of the jade pillar slowly fade away, but the sound of wind and thunder came from the ground, and it became more and more prosperous.

After half a day's work, I heard the sound of gold and iron, the main pillar suddenly turned, and the more and more rapid the turn, the surrounding jade pillars also turned.

Meng Qiu yelled "Get up", and the pillar moved slowly with the sound, slowly flying about three feet above the ground, a deep hole appeared at the base of the pillar, inside was filled with colorful air, and the strange fragrance penetrated the nostrils.

He dodged and fell to the bottom. With his discerning eyes, he saw that it was a spherical cave, and it was extremely hot inside.

On the coral case in the middle, there is a bright and transparent round jade box, in which hang more than ten magic weapons of strange shapes, floating up and down.

A plate of incense sticks as thin as silk is burning in front of the box, and the cigarettes disperse into dense air, turning into colorful mist.

Meng Qiu knew that this plate of water incense was the test of the mother of gold, and he had to leave this place before it burned out, otherwise, as soon as the incense was extinguished, the acupuncture point would be closed by itself, just like Yue'er Island, and the real fire in the heart of the earth would be aroused immediately, no matter what Characters, all turned into ashes.

But now that he is investigating, the fire in the earth's lungs has shrunk.Even if it is aroused, the range of influence is only more than a thousand miles, and even if it rushes out of the sea, the damage it can cause is not too great.

Seeing this situation, Meng Qiu was not only displeased, but looked a little dignified.From this point of view, the impact of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity is increasing day by day.

The underground spiritual veins were affected first, otherwise there would not be many overseas islands with no spiritual energy.

He sighed, stretched out his hand to move, the jade box didn't move at all, he could only touch it, it weighed ten thousand jun.He tried his best to lift it, but saw that the fragrance of water suddenly burned extremely fast.

Meng Qiu hurriedly mobilized his whole body's mana and rushed out.As soon as he got away, the jade pillar fell to the ground, and there was a slight sound at the bottom of the cave, but there was no other movement.

He put down the jade box and took out one of the pearls. After refining, he rubbed his hands together, a spark scattered and flew between the pillars, and those jade pillars were set on fire.

After a smell of black burnt, his eyes suddenly brightened.I saw that the jade pillars in the courtyard became bright and clean, transparent and bright, showing various splendors, crystal and precious, covering the flow of brilliance.The original evil atmosphere and evil fog have all disappeared, and against the emerald threshold of the golden court, the spectacle is even more spectacular.

Meng Qiu probed his spiritual sense into the jade pillar again and branded it, and felt that the entire Ziyun Palace was under his control.

(End of this chapter)

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