Chapter 317

According to Meng Qiu's thinking, he is actually unwilling to refine the Ziyun Palace, because he is worried that he will be bound to Xiaodongtian in the future and will not be able to be promoted to Tianxian.

But Master Ji Le persuaded him that Ziyun Palace has become a magic weapon after being refined by Tianyi Golden Mother, and it does not have the disadvantages of Guangming Realm and Yihuanling Cave Heaven. After refining, it will not affect promotion.

The bondage between the two parties was already very deep, and Meng Qiu firmly believed that the other party would not harm him, so he sacrificed Ziyun Palace, and it did not have any effect afterwards, and he couldn't help but exclaimed:
"Senior Tianyi Golden Mother, you are really amazing. You actually cultivated a cave into this treasure, Nasumi Yu Jiezi, it can be big or small, and you can carry it with you. Except for the small place, only more than a thousand mu of land, There are few downsides.

It is so miraculous, I think that although caves are rare in the world, they are not without them. Why didn't other senior masters follow this practice, and they also developed magic weapons such as Zhenwu Palace and Bright Mirror? "

"How can it be so easy?" The real person of Ji Le sighed: "In addition to requiring extremely high mana, there must also be such a rare thing as Dayu's divine iron, which can be used as the treasure of the palace to gather the core.

The Golden Mother is a monk who can ascend to the sky, and the divine iron itself is extremely precious, and it is also known as Yu Ding. In addition, the cave is rare, and the three are indispensable.

Moreover, the cave after refining cannot be brought to the upper realm, who has such a chance and mana, and is willing to waste a lot of time and energy on such a meaningless matter? "

Seeing Meng Qiu looking over, Master Ji Le said with a smile: "I can't make it, I don't have that chance. I have been practicing Taoism until now, and I just took away a golden building with seven treasures by chance, which is called the most precious treasure.

Speaking of it, Fellow Daoist Long Eyebrow had this opportunity, but his plan was so big that he wanted to refine the entire Xingxiu Sea, but he failed in the end, but it also left a glimmer of hope for the younger generation.

Now Emei is relying on the Lingcui Peak that he seized, and wants to create a heaven, so as to escape the catastrophe of ten thousand years.

This matter is also something I still can't figure out. Did he do it unintentionally or on purpose? "

Meng Qiu said: "Maybe there is a vague feeling, but it should not be clear. Otherwise, with the style of the ancestor of Emei, there will definitely not be so many loopholes left. It is called today's Emei, and it is impossible to go up and down."

Master Ji Le shook his head and said: "You think too simply. Although the long-browed Daoist Jie Mai is in the world, he can't cover the sky with one hand. From my point of view, from the perspective of pure fighting skills, it is not necessarily true in the same realm. stronger than you.

Besides, no matter how good the predecessors' calculations were, the disciples must have the strength to execute them.Once you meet a dull and unworthy person, the more you do, the more mistakes you make, which is often counterproductive. How can you be as good as you want?
It's not like you haven't seen that Master Lianshan is famous, and Lianshan Sect is also very popular for a while, what about now?There is only Gongyehuang left, lingering on his last breath. "

Speaking of this, he thought of his own situation, and it was even worse, he was a little bit dispirited, and said: "Forget it, it's useless to talk. I'll go back to the Magic Wave Pool first, and get the Seven Treasures Golden Building, and I will end this cause and effect long ago."

Immortal Ji Le left after a while, then turned around and waited for more than ten days, when the three sisters of the Fang family arrived, bringing the old man Shibi and the son of the blood god Deng Yin with them.

At this time, Chu Feng, Er Feng and San Feng gathered together, and their state was very obvious.The faces of the three are basically the same, and their expressions and movements tend to be even more homogeneous now. If it weren't for the differences in the way they practiced, the cultivation bases are also inconsistent, and they are almost indistinguishable.

This trip is to cross the catastrophe, so naturally it can't be done in the Ziyun Palace, so I went to find a deserted island, Chufeng asked the real person of Ji Le for help, sacrificed the seven treasures golden building, and joined the two younger sisters to join it.

There were blue light, red light and black light on the three of them respectively, and when they came into contact with the golden light from the golden building, it was like cold water pouring into hot oil, colliding violently and making crackling noises.

Even Chufeng, who has the highest cultivation base, has only reached the top of the Earth Immortal after many years of practice. Naturally, he is no match for the Buddhist treasures that the real person of Ji Le personally manages. The three magic lights are quickly suppressed and reduced inwards.

First, the black light on Sanfeng's body couldn't bear it, and it burst apart, and his whole body was buried in the golden light, gradually melting, and finally, there was only a ball of pure black light left, which was extremely deep.

Chufeng stretched out her hand to guide her, and the ball of light turned into a streamer of light, piercing through the Buddha's light and penetrating into the top of her head, the aura became stronger, driving away the golden light a bit.

Not long after, Erfeng did the same, turning into red light and entering.So far, Chufeng has taken back all the spirit and mana that the three of them had cultivated all their lives, and their momentum has been rising all the way.

"Unfortunately, the catastrophe is imminent, and there is no time to wait. Otherwise, if the second and third phoenixes have cultivated to the extreme, once the three souls merge, what will be transformed will be an extremely magical Asura demon body."

Fang Chufeng sighed, stood up and bowed to Master Ji Le, and said, "Really please let go of the confinement."

According to his words, the real person of Ji Le took back the golden building with seven treasures.Immediately, the world responded, the sky was full of dark clouds, covering the entire area of ​​a hundred miles, and then there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder.

The three tribulations of wind, fire, and thunder came one after another, turning the blue sky upside down and piercing the ocean, shaking people's minds and souls to pieces, and blocking the air passage.The deserted island where Chu Feng sheltered also turned into flying ash, and the waves were thousands of feet high, rushing away in all directions.

The power of this heavenly calamity is three points more powerful than the heavenly calamity Meng Qiu saw during Gongye Huangdu calamity.Before doing it, you must be shocked and avoid it for fear of being too late.

Looking at it this time, the feeling is quite different, the power is greater than it is, based on his secret estimation, if it is really encountered, it seems that with the current magic power, he can get through it safely.

While thinking about it, everything stopped and the dark clouds dissipated. Fang Chufeng was promoted to Tianxian smoothly without any accidents.

In this way, the three ways of the Demon Sect, Heavenly Demon, Blood Sea, and Asura, each have two angels, and they are the number one in the world in terms of strength.It's just that they are not harmonious internally, and there are quite a few times when they hinder each other, so they can't compare with Buddhism or even Emei.

As soon as this matter was over, Master Ji Le returned to Middle Earth, and Meng Qiu also took over Shangguan Hong. Afterwards, while nurturing Fantian Seal, he sacrificed the Golden Court Jade Pillar, hoping to pull it out from the lungs of the earth earlier. Take Ziyun Palace and leave.

Suddenly one day, Lu Min, the Golden Immortal of the Land, came to deliver a letter. When he opened it, it turned out that it was Daoist Bliss who was going to hold an Ascension Conference, inviting heroes from all over the world to attend.

Meng Qiu suppressed his surprise, and didn't rush over until it was almost time, and asked the real person why.

The real person of Ji Le said: "I originally planned to find a place to ascend quietly. But the situation has turned upside down recently. After thinking about it, I still can't just leave like this. I have to leave some impression and let people know about me. It’s powerful, and it will scare some youngsters.”

He caused the movement of Heavenly Tribulation, which was indeed very big.The whole world seemed to be turned upside down, as if it was the end of the day. With Meng Qiu's current cultivation level, he thought to himself that he might not even pass the first test.

However, the real person of Ji Le walked in the courtyard, relaxed and happy, as if he was in his own cave, which really amazed countless people.

It's just the act of ascension that Meng Qiu wanted to see the most, but he couldn't see clearly, only a blue light flashed, and the person disappeared. .

(End of this chapter)

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