Chapter 328
The Red Lotus old devil entered only for a moment, then came out, glanced at Meng Qiu, and left without saying a word.

Zen Master Tianmeng frowned, entered the underground palace, it didn't take long, returned to the ground, and chased after the old devil.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing the specific situation underground.After a while, someone rushed over tentatively, seeing that Meng Qiu and Xuan Zhenzi hadn't moved, they cautiously entered the tunnel.

Someone took the lead, and others flocked in. After a while, most of the monks had already entered, and even Ling Hun and the others joined in the fun.

The underground palace is not big, and with everyone's magic power, they can see the whole picture clearly with just a few glances.Except for the golden spears and copper swords on the two rows of guards, which had a little bit of aura, there was no sign of any magic weapon left in the rest of the place.

On the desk, it seemed as if something had been placed there, but now it was empty.Everyone doesn't know whether they were taken by Emperor Xuanyuan to ascend, or was it someone who got there first?Or it may fall into the hands of Old Demon Honglian.

Ling Hun and the others came out first, met Meng Qiu, and said, "It seems that this is just a place of worship built by later generations for the Holy Emperor, and nothing is left behind. Of course, it may not be necessarily in the hands of others."

Meng Qiu smiled and said, "It's useless for us to stay here, so we might as well go back earlier."

Grandma Jin suddenly said: "I see that Old Demon Honglian and Divine Monk Tianmeng are not going west but southeast. I'm afraid they are going to Dinghu, why don't you go and have a look?"

Everyone guessed before that if the Xuanyuan Sword and the Jiuyi Cauldron were really left in the realm by the Holy Emperor, then the buried place is not in the Qiaoshan Mausoleum, but in the Dinghu Lake where they ascended.

Meng Qiu said: "It's hard to say about the Jiuyi Cauldron, but the Xuanyuan Sword is the treasure of the Holy Emperor's life, how could it be lost to the world? I won't join in the fun.

You have also seen the situation just now, if the Jiuyi Cauldron cannot be found in Dinghu, they may snatch the Haotian Mirror; if they find the Jiuyi Cauldron, there is no guarantee that they will not trouble me.

Honglian Tianmeng, I can't beat any one of them, and I'm afraid I won't be able to hide in time, so there's no reason to take the initiative to get close to him. "

"But even if you're hiding, it's not the same if they want to find you?" Ling Hun was a little disapproving, and said, "Unless you seek to cultivate secretly. But in this way, who can help fellow Taoist Sun Xun, protect Zhuyi and return to the cave?" .”

"The soldiers came to block the water and cover it with earth. It's only a while if you can hide for a while." Meng Qiu replied with a smile, not wanting to say more.

Seeing that he really didn't want to go, Ling Hun didn't persuade him any more, and went to Dinghu again with Grandma Jin and Ning Yizi, but Yu Luan had seen the fight and didn't want to run away, so he returned to Huanbochi with Meng Qiu .


Dinghu Peak is located in the south of the Yangtze River, between Xiandu Mountain and Buxu Mountain.Along the way up, there are beautiful scenery and strange rock valleys.

At the southwest corner of the top, there is a large lake with a radius of [-] mu.

When everyone arrived, it was a sunny day, sometimes a gust of wind blew by, causing ripples in the lake water, and when the sun shone, thousands of golden scales flashed, shining brightly.

Looking around, Jinyun Xiandu is very close, surrounded by mountains, as if bowing together.The peak is high and the weather is cold and windy.

Ling Hun and the others did not dare to approach, and waited for a long time, but there was no movement. Just as they were about to go forward to investigate, a layer of white clouds suddenly rose up halfway up the peak, cutting off the peak, and all the mountains were lost, only half of the peak remained. And several mountains near and far are floating in the sea of ​​clouds, like islands in the sea.

Everyone stopped walking, used their eyesight enough, and watched carefully. Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and the cloud and mist violently churned for a while, and began to shrink.

"Look!" Someone exclaimed. It turned out that when the fog shrank, the Dinghu Peak wrapped in it seemed to have been cast by a spell and collapsed inside.

But after a while, the smoke disappeared, and there was nothing in the original place, neither a peak nor a big lake, as if there had never been a Dinghu peak in the world, only Xiandu and Buxu Mountains, separated by hundreds of miles, facing each other far away.

There were dozens of monks who came here, all of them were Earth Immortals, they couldn't help but looked at each other in amazement, not knowing what happened.

After a long time, someone tentatively asked: "The divine power of the two seniors is both shocking and unpredictable. I just don't know if there is a hidden treasure in the lake? Whose hands will it fall into?"

"No matter whose hands it is, do you still want to snatch it?" Another person replied angrily, and the previous person was not angry, and said softly:

"Whoever wins Xuanyuan's treasure will be like a tiger with wings added. It can be called the number one force in the world. With the current chaos, isn't it the best place to avoid disaster?"

"Alas!" Someone sighed, and everyone fell silent.The catastrophe of ten thousand years is getting worse every day, the overseas is almost occupied, and the middle land is also full of wars. Not to mention the rare peace of the earth immortals, even the heavenly immortals have died several times.

Originally, people were panicked, and the generation of loose immortals had nowhere to hide.In today's battle, I saw hundreds of comrades with my own eyes. The remaining people were even more frightened.

Three points today, although Emei is beautiful, but the qualifications of the three angels are slightly less senior, and all of them belong to a family, even if they say they welcome outsiders, they can live for hundreds of years, they are not idiots, how can they easily believe this Wait for the speech.

Therefore, although Emei has repeatedly proposed to merge the caves in the world into one place and establish a heavenly court to accommodate all monks, there are many echoes and few followers.

The other Buddhas and demons seem to have a bad reputation, one is domineering and the other is weird, but they are tolerant.It never depends on how good one is, regardless of one's background.

For example, Zen Master Baimei, from Sanfeng Zhenren's sect to Buddhism, was able to obtain the true transmission, and finally became a generation of divine monks, and now he has ascended to the heavenly immortals.

On the other side, there are more monks joining the Demon Sect. Even though Chili Old Buddha and Haha Patriarch died, they still got the true instruction.What's more, Deng Yin, the son of the blood god who has suddenly become famous recently, is in charge of the blood nerve of the highest secret code of the blood sea road, and it turns out that he is from Emei.

Among the three sects, the Emei Sect is the orthodox sect, but its strength is weaker; in the eyes of the Sanxian, the Buddhist Demon Sect has little difference in reputation, it only depends on the strength.Zen Master Tianmeng and Old Devil Honglian are their respective leaders, which is especially crucial.

It's just that the monks present wanted to join one family to save their lives, but the strength of the two families was irrelevant, making people afraid to place bets, lest one careless move would lead to all mistakes.

It was a rare opportunity to see them today. Tianmeng and Honglian first fought in Qiaoshan, and it was only a draw. When they arrived here, their traces were completely hidden, and they couldn't be seen clearly. It made people unable to make a choice.

Ling Hun and the others didn't see the fight they wanted to see, and they were a little disappointed. Looking at the casual cultivators next to them, they looked depressed and even more bored, and said in private: "If I knew this, I might as well go back with Fellow Daoist Meng. It's a waste of money." time."

They left first and hurried back. After a short time, they were stopped by people.A group of overseas monks, seeing that there were few of them, had evil thoughts.

Ling Hun was furious, he stopped Grandma Jin and Ning Yizi, and with the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler on his back, he rushed back and forth, beheading all the enemies, and let out a bad breath.

After this delay, when he returned to the magic wave pool, he unexpectedly learned that Meng Qiu had just left and went overseas.

(End of this chapter)

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