Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 329 South Pole True Magnetism

Chapter 329 South Pole True Magnetism
As soon as Meng Qiu arrived at the Huanbochi, he suddenly received a letter from Shangguanhong. He didn't dare to delay, so he went to the South China Sea without stopping, and followed the talisman to the ground.

I saw the sea is vast, the waves are vast, and there is no limit.Where the sea and the sky meet, a black shadow appears faintly, like a small mountain, floating and sinking in the turbulent waves.

Meng Qiuyun took a look with his Dharma eyes, and there was a group of purple light below, supporting the hill, rising and falling for a while, it was very difficult to watch.

He recognized it as Ziyun Palace, and quickly released the magic light to catch Heishan.Ziguang immediately flew up, escaped from the sea, and came to the front, Shangguanhong appeared, and said happily: "Master!"

Meng Qiu frowned, stretched out his hand and pointed down, and said: "This huge rock is full of real magnetism from the South Pole, where did you get it?
And if I remember correctly, this place should be where Coconut Coconut Island is located, why is there no trace?

Between the heavens and the earth, the aura is in chaos. Could it be that there are celestial beings fighting here to destroy the island? "

The two poles of true magnetism are separated by 93 miles, and the essence and energy are confused. Immortals and mortals cannot exist. Difficult to move.

Therefore, although this qi restrains the treasures refined from hardware, most monks have never seen them, let alone the magic treasures refined with it.

Only in the west of the South China Sea, there is a Coconut Island. The owner of the island, Master Tianchi, is a master of earth immortals. The gas of true magnetism communicates.

He condensed that piece of swamp sludge into a straight peak with a heap of spells, and led the magnetic energy of the Great Yi Yuan to the peak.

After the completion of this magnetic peak, although it is much weaker than the mother of the two poles of true magnetism, except for a few sacred objects and treasures in the world, as long as you come to the island, no matter whether you are immortal or ordinary, you only need to bring metal weapons , unless Master Tian Chi puts away the restriction, it cannot be used immediately,

As a result, the Venerable Master's moral power has become more and more sophisticated, and he has gradually recruited more disciples. He has planted a large number of ancient alien species and copper coconut trees on the island, and practiced the flying sword of the oriental Taiyi sacred wood. Dare to provoke.

Facing Meng Qiu's repeated questions, Shangguan Hong replied: "This small mountain is the True Magneto Peak refined by Master Tianchi, as for why it fell into my hands, Master let me tell you slowly.

That day, I got the Taiyi God Thunder Orb bestowed by my master, and with the power to protect myself, I rushed overseas to collect my spiritual veins.

Because most of the overseas monks and Sanxian and above rushed to the middle land, there were very few fights, and things went very smoothly.

But after passing through the South China Sea, a group of Tongye Island disciples riding giant whales rushed out, saying that I practiced demonic methods and destroyed overseas inspirations, and that I was not allowed to distinguish them, so they unleashed the Yimu Excalibur to kill me.

I was annoyed that they were indiscriminate, so they hurt people ruthlessly, and they fought back hard, killing them all.

This kill was a disaster, and another enemy attacked from behind. I beat and killed them in several waves.However, there are so many enemies and my methods are not good enough. Even if I used Yu Ding, I still managed to escape a few.

I knew then that something was wrong and I was ready to run away.But Venerable Tian Chi came very quickly, even though I had the treasure in my body, I was still invincible, he took Yu Ding by force, and I was captured with great magic power.

I'm quite alert, I borrowed the power of Ziyun Palace to lift the ban set by him, and secretly sent you a letter, planning to make false claims with him and delay the time.

After explaining the truth, he was very defensive and refused to listen.And as a last resort, I used your name, Master, in order to make him afraid, but it was self-defeating, and instead made him want to kill.

Seeing that something was wrong, I had no choice but to take advantage of the unpreparedness and act first, using the Taiyi God Thunder Bead.Because it exploded in Tongye Island, limited by the formation, the power was even greater than I imagined, it was simply devastating.

Except for me who escaped by hiding in Ziyun Palace in advance, there was no one left, and even Tongye Island disappeared, leaving only Yu Ding and a real magnetic peak.

As soon as I retrieved the Yu Ding, the divine peak was pulled by the south magnetic pole and fell to the bottom of the sea.This kind of treasure shouldn't be allowed to slip away for nothing, so it has been stalemate. "

"Good kill!" Meng Qiu heard it, sneered, and said: "In this troubled world, the old man who is crazy doesn't want to retreat, but holds his treasure arrogantly, provokes the enemy for no reason, and asks for his own death.

But it's a pity, if I can arrive later, I can send his family to heaven without wasting the hard-won Bliss God Thunder. "

Shangguanhong hurriedly pleaded guilty, saying: "It is indeed my disciple's negligence. He thought that he was the saint Gu Jiayin in the previous life. He was proud of his talents and didn't know how to advance or retreat. He knew the identity of the enemy, but he didn't think of asking for help quickly, which almost caused a catastrophe."

"It's good for you to understand. You learn a lot of wisdom. In such a chaotic situation, you don't want to leave overseas. It's either very bad, or you can't fight it."

Meng Qiu tried his best to capture the South Pole True Magnetic God Peak, and taught him a lesson: "Next time you get caught, you won't have such good luck."

Shangguanhong nodded in agreement, seeing her master struggling, she still released the Purple Cloud Palace and supported it underneath, and said at the same time:

"It's a pity that although this treasure jumps out of the three realms and is not in the five elements, if it absorbs the unrefined two-pole true magnetism, it will become the property of the cave itself, and it will no longer be miraculous."

Meng Qiu also disliked the slow closing, and sighed lightly: "I still don't have enough mana. But fortunately, there is Xuanyuan Zhibao."

Immediately took out the Haotian mirror, flipped the mirror, and looked down, a ball of blue light swooped down, enveloping the True Magnetic God Peak, and pulled it back with a whoosh.

Using his spiritual consciousness, he spent a cup of tea to carve a preliminary imprint on the divine peak, shrunk it down to the size of a fist, and put it in his arms.

"God's will told me to obtain the true magnetism of the South Pole. If I can obtain the true magnetism of the North Pole, I will be able to make Fantianyin a higher level, comparable to the treasure of Xuanyuan."

Meng Qiu thought to himself, pondered for a moment, and took Shangguanhong to the Arctic ice field.

At the end of the land, there are tens of thousands of feet of icebergs and snow mountains everywhere. This time, the destination is the empty island, which is still on the east side of the end. There is a sea of ​​ice and snow in the middle, and the place name is Xuanmingjie.

The Xuanming Realm was originally a long horizontal ice field, and it was dark and gloomy all year round, only a little bit of dawn at midnight on the winter solstice.When people go there, all spells and magic weapons will fail.

It was originally uninhabited, but the ancestor of Zakong came here by accident, and came across the magnetic light of the North Pole in the sky.

After silently calculating the mystery, it turned out that the heart of heaven is benevolent, and there is still life in the midst of desperation.At the end there is a sunken island, sunk in the bottom of the sea, with mountains, forests, rivers, water and land areas, and then human beings will open up this boundless fertile land, with infinite advantages, for the needs of food, clothing and living.

He built the crystal palace here, and with the help of the natural terrain, attracted the true magnetism of the North Pole, set a ban, and became a family alone.

(End of this chapter)

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