Chapter 336
Qi Shuming shook his head and said, "What do you want to do with a little fame. Only the well-being of the people in the world is what Emei has been pursuing tirelessly since Changmei's mentor."

Meng Qiu laughed, and said: "Fellow Daoist, this formation has already isolated the inside and outside, and no one else can hear it. Why do you have to speak in such a high-sounding way? It's a bit perfunctory."

"What I say and do is all sincere, how can it be considered perfunctory?" Qi Shuming remained calm, and said: "However, since you come from a casual cultivator and have no education, it is normal that you don't understand this great thing of fraternity."

Meng Qiu laughed a few more times, not paying any attention to the sarcasm. He only used his spiritual sense again, and the connection with the Qingxuan sword became clear again. The exquisiteness of the sword technique was fully displayed. Even in the enemy's formation, he was still calm .

Although Qi Shuming didn't expect to disarm the enemy with this ability alone, he still couldn't help admiring when he saw what the other party did: "It's really amazing what you can do. In those days, the real person did not give up much.

If it weren't for Yihuandongtian Emei's inevitable victory, I really don't want to be hostile to you.Now that the arrow is on the string, I have to send it out. Even if fellow Taoists ask for peace now, I can't accept it! "

Meng Qiu could hear that there was something in his words, and he was a little puzzled. He was about to inquire again, but saw another change in the formation.Blossoming golden flowers were born, and the number was too numerous to count. Before he could react, they puffed up and burst into flames.

The fireworks are also strange, the heat is extremely hot, but it is illusory, not the fire in the stone, the fire in the air, or the fire in the wood; it is also extremely bright, not the red lotus karma fire, the earth lung Yin fire, and the ghost fire.

The flying sword passed by, completely unable to touch, hurt or touch, nor be affected by it.But if the sword energy falls into it, it will disappear instantly.

There is such a special formation that restrains swordsmanship, and if it waits, most of Meng Qiu's methods will be abolished.He wanted to take back the flying sword, but he couldn't. Once he rushed back, the golden light was like an iron wall, no matter how much magic power he used, he couldn't break through it.

Qi Shuming even smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist, don't waste your efforts. Although you are very capable, you are not in the realm after all. How can your mana be as good as mine. Unless you can break this formation, otherwise this flying sword will remain Here it is."

Meng Qiu snorted softly, didn't speak, concentrated on mobilizing the flying sword, and tried his best to attack the golden light and fiery sword on top.But without the sword energy to open up the passage, it is difficult to move an inch.

After a stalemate for a while, no matter what kind of methods such as splitting the sword light and refining the sword into silk, it didn't work.

Besides, he still has a doubt. So far, Qi Shuming has been on the defensive and has no intention of attacking at all.If it is said that the arrangement of the formation is to cover the companions, it is not at all, after all, there is Mie Chenzi by his side, so he shouldn't be so conservative.

But to say that the other party didn't show their true skills is not necessarily the case. Such a technique of restraining swordsmanship cannot be mastered in a day. Even Meng Qiu can guess it, so it should not be aimed at him.

However, if this drags on, it is beneficial to him, and the monks in Emei retreated far away to set up formations, and Meng Qiu couldn't take care of it for a while, so he calmed down and dealt with them slowly.

In the blink of an eye two hours later, Mie Chenzi's voice came from afar: "The arrangement of the array is complete, you can go back!"

Qi Shuming responded immediately, stretched out his hand and pointed at the flying sword in the array, the flames suddenly exploded, but the golden light retreated.At the same time, Meng Qiu felt that the connection with Qingxuanjian became a little weak.

He snorted coldly and said, "Still taking my flying sword? Wishful thinking! Do you really think I'm incapable of dealing with you?"

As soon as the words fell, the Qingxuan sword flashed a few times, and thousands of sword shadows were separated, with different moves, covering the entire space.

"Your sword-light splitting method, I have seen through it a long time ago, how can you... Huh?" Qi Shuming responded with a smile, but suddenly his face changed, and he said in surprise: "Your sword shadow is all an illusion? Mr. Kunlun Zhong's Thousand Shadows Phantom Light Sword Technique?"

The phantom is not real, so the golden light and fire cannot be annihilated.For a while, he couldn't tell which Qingxuan sword it was, and he couldn't drive the formation to target it.

He changed his mind for a while, determined to respond to all changes with the same, still maintaining the current defensive position, shrinking the sword array continuously, pulling it out, and observing the opponent's subsequent changes at the same time.

Meng Qiu didn't let him run away, and immediately urged his sword skills, all the sword shadows released their brilliance together, competing with the golden light and red light, not giving way. The two swords of "嗖嗖", one stabs at Qi Shuming, and the other at the golden light and fire sword.

After all, Qi Shuming was vigilant, even though the sword aura was only within three feet, he was still aware of it immediately, a golden light flashed all over his body, and he knew it, and he shot in time, arousing the golden light and fiery sword aura, blocking another sword aura within three feet outside.

He was a little surprised, and said: "Compared with the Qianying Phantom Light sword technique, it seems to be more magical. Your flying sword hides in the void, making it impossible to catch the breath. No wonder the fire from my sword array burns It doesn't matter.

But if you want to get back the flying sword, you have to show some real skills, otherwise you won't be able to get out of the sword formation, and it will be mine. "

Meng Qiu chuckled lightly and said, "What's so difficult about this?" Flipping his right hand, a small Qingxuan sword shadow was in his hand, and with a firm grip, the sword grew instantly, just like the original.At the same time, the other sword shadows in the golden light and fire sword array did not disappear.

Qi Shuming was taken aback, and said: "Virtuality and reality are intertwined, and presence and absence accompany each other. Your swordsmanship is so high! It seems that this sword array can't trap you."

It is not uncommon for flying swords to travel through the void. In the cultivation world, there are at least two palms that can do this.But because when it is activated, the sword energy will be aroused more or less, so none of them can penetrate the golden light and fire sword array.

As for Meng Qiu's swordsmanship, when it was activated, it was silent, invisible, and there was no sign at all between movement and stillness.

Even Qi Shuming was not sure whether the sword shadow outside had been prepared by Meng Qiu, or came out of nothing following his breath.If it was the latter, then he had to admit that, in terms of swordsmanship talent alone, Meng Qiu was absolutely unprecedented.

The sword array was reduced to a flying sword, and Qi Shuming began to attack on his own initiative.He doesn't use tricks, every move is the Emei swordsmanship handed down by Master Changmei.

This swordsmanship is extremely exquisite, and more importantly, as far as a swordsmanship is concerned, it is perfect and has no flaws. Even if Meng Qiu's attainments in swordsmanship are superior, it cannot be overwhelmed in a short period of time. He repeatedly praised :

"Xuanzhenzi is elegant, and Miechenzi is domineering. You are so majestic, you don't give in at all, and you don't leave any famous swordsmanship. It's really strange!"

What makes him even more disturbed is that Qi Shuming's methods are much superior to those of Lu Yu, Wu Nangong, etc., but in terms of the status of the head teacher of Emei, it still seems a little weak, no doubt he is hiding and restraining himself. What.

Seeing the heavy sky and dark clouds, hearing the whistling wind and rolling thunder, Emei has already set up a big formation, and the offensive is about to come.

Meng Qiu knew that there would be no delay, so he quickly took out the Fantian seal, threw it in the air, and it rose in the wind, turning into the size of a mountain, and did not attack, but first protected the Huanbochi cave.

(End of this chapter)

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