Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 337 Reinforcement arrives

Chapter 337 Reinforcement arrives
A radius of dozens of miles has also changed.Amidst the five-colored mist, a glazed dome is rising faster than flying clouds.Flying into the air, it flipped upside down and stood on top of its feet, just like a big steamer made of five-color transparent glass.

After the golden light flashed for a few times, it disappeared again. I only felt that there were faint auspicious clouds everywhere.

Then there was a sky-shattering thunderbolt, and then the thunder from all around responded at the same time, and six or seven rainbow-like golden lights flew from a distance to the top of the magic wave pool, weaving and intertwining in the sky.

The surrounding air vibrates, as if falling into a huge wave, it is always squeezed.Meng Qiu suddenly noticed the chaos in the spiritual energy in this area, so he took the first step and moved Fan Tianyin to the cave.

Sure enough, there were lightning flashes and thunder immediately, and thousands of thunderbolts as thick as buckets struck from all directions towards the magic wave pool.

There were no dark clouds in the sky, and this wave of attacks came without warning, and each divine thunder was so powerful that it seemed to be able to pierce a hole in the sky.

Ling Hun couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed out with the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler on his head.Immediately, two bolts of thunder fell down, hitting the whole body with golden light and purple air, shaking wildly for a while.

His countenance changed suddenly, and he said: "The power of this blow is almost equal to my full strength shot. In the case of ordinary immortals, if they can't withstand a single attack, they will die."

When Yu Luan and Grandma Jin heard the words, they were all horrified, thankful that they didn't come out rashly, but also worried about the safety of the cave, and looked up at the sky.

I saw that on that Fantian seal, the five-color divine light was extremely strong, but I didn't pay much attention to it, and put most of my power in the magic wave pool under the protection.

Those extremely powerful thunderbolts all dissipated as soon as they came into contact with the divine light, as if they were very restrained by it, and they could not be shaken in the slightest by going on and on.

Everyone in Huanbochi heaved a sigh of relief, Ling Hun also took the opportunity to return to the cave, and said bitterly: "Unexpectedly, I have the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, and I am not even qualified to participate in the battle."

Several people are all concerned.Decades ago, which one of them wasn't famous and famous in the practice world?At that time, there were few shots, but it was because the status was too high, and ordinary things couldn't be in front of them, which was very different from the current situation.

Yu Luan was more open-minded, smiled, and said: "Who would have imagined that the catastrophe of ten thousand years would appear in our generation? Time is destiny, so you don't need to be discouraged.

Besides, it's not that I'm incompetent, but that the people on the opposite side are too amazing.Especially Fellow Daoist Meng Qiu, from ancient times to modern times, there are only two or three people of this kind, the Great Sage Guangcheng and the Daoist Changmei. "

Ni Fangxian also calmed down and persuaded: "Sister Luan is right. We are already dragons and phoenixes among people. As long as we don't compare with these evildoers, we are already proud of ourselves.

Man said that I was so confused, isn't Jingxu the same?With his talent, he should have been a star in the world, might shock the world, and be praised by the world.

But at the same time, there happened to be a real person with long eyebrows, no matter his cultivation level or other things, he was superior to him, and as a result, he didn't even have a tenth of the fame he should have had.

Even so, although he had some grievances, he finally looked at it and didn't mess up his position because of this anger, and kept going steadily and step by step.Although it can't be called transcendence, there is only one person who has ascended after four catastrophes in the world, and even Master Shan has not been able to achieve it. "

Naturally, Meng Qiu didn't know, because he was too powerful, which caused his companions to feel depressed, and he still fought hard to fight Emei.

Except for the formation in the air, Qi Shuming stayed still, attacking and killing with golden light and fiery sword.

At this moment, his swordsmanship is much sharper than before, and his moves are also smooth without any flaws, making it impossible for Meng Qiu to defeat him quickly.

What's more, while Meng Qiu wanted to fight Qi Shuming, he had to spend most of his energy on the Fantian seal to resist the power of the Emei formation.

At this moment, the sky has changed drastically. The main peak of the Magic Wave Pool is surrounded by auspicious clouds and auspicious clouds for tens of miles.

Under such peaceful conditions, there are lightning flashes everywhere, with infinite murderous intentions, a single negligence may cause the cave to be attacked, so he can't help being careless.

While attacking, Qi Shuming was amazed, and said: "Friend Daoist Meng is really capable. Besides swordsmanship, there is such a miraculous magic weapon. It really makes people doubt whether you are a person of heaven."

Meng Qiu was already under great pressure, and responded: "If I was a kinsman, I would not only have this thing in my hand today, such as Lingcui Peak, Ziqing Twin Swords, etc., should have fallen into my hands long ago, for me to drive. Why use a rough magic weapon?"

"Rough, Fellow Daoist Meng is just joking. If I estimate correctly, the power of this treasure is no less powerful than the Xuanyuan Supreme Treasure. This is considered rough. How can there be a good magic weapon in the world?"

Qi Shuming shook his head with a smile, pushed the golden light and fire sword to the extreme, and entangled with the Qingxuan sword; then inside the dome, the sun flashed twice, two rainbows of five colors, like two golden beams, intertwined to form a cross, Support the dome and pull it to one place to shrink it.

Meng Qiu frowned, and hurriedly mobilized his whole body's cultivation and magic power, first blocked Qi Shuming, and then tried his best to stabilize Fan Tianyin, resisting the attack of the formation.

If it wasn't for the fact that he has separated the fifth soul and is stepping up refining, the strength of his spiritual consciousness is no less than that of the enemy. Otherwise, if he can withstand two attacks at this moment, the opponent may easily kill him at the beginning.

Seeing this, Qi Shuming said loudly: "Senior Brother, I have restrained Fellow Daoist Meng, it is the best time for you to make a move, please hurry..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud bang, followed by a bang.Meng Qiu turned around to feel it, and saw that the broken jade hook had arrived at the entrance of the magic wave pool, and was in a stalemate with the restriction of the cave.

It was Miechenzi, who, taking advantage of Meng Qiu's energy being fully involved, used his sword energy and thunder sound, and went straight to the middle gate.Although it didn't attack, it also frightened everyone in the magic wave pool.

Ling Hun flew out of the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, and after only one encounter, he was beaten back and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Meng Qiu wanted to free his hand, but was tightly entangled by Qi Shuming, so he had to watch helplessly as Miechenzi slowly broke the restriction on the entrance of the cave.

Because Sun Xun, the son of the Wufu fairy who presides over the magic wave pool, is still in retreat and cannot preside over it himself, most of the restraint has passed, and the situation is critical.

"Ah!" Meng Qiu sighed, trying to get out of the way, turned his hand over, and a Haotian mirror appeared, shook it, and a clear light fell straight to the opposite side.

"Good time, I've been waiting for you!" Qi Shuming laughed loudly, shaking his hands and shooting out a piece of white light, which fell into the clear light, which looked like a piece of jade talisman.

I don't know what that talisman was made of, and it was very capable, it actually blocked the Haotian Mirror's attack, and produced a strange force, entangled back.

Meng Qiu struggled hard, but couldn't break free for a while, sighed in his heart, and wanted to activate the Thunder Bead of Taiyi God, and took the opportunity to return to the cave for the last struggle.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky, and someone shouted: "Meng Qiu, don't panic, Bagu Zheng is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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