Chapter 339 Refining Cave
Both the enemy and us were stunned, Master Baiyun reacted the fastest, and shouted: "Dear friends, the situation has changed, leave quickly!"

Holding a jade formation flag in her hand, about three feet long, she shook it vigorously, and saw that the big formation opened a gap, emitting layers of golden light, which was extremely dazzling.

Many casual cultivators were reminded, reacted, and fled out in panic.

Meng Qiu snorted coldly, and said, "Since we've made a move, don't think we'll leave so easily." Ten miles away, hundreds of sword lights shot out and shot away.

The Qingxuan sword had only reached halfway, but it was intercepted by the golden light, causing the entire formation to shake violently.He stretched out his hand and pointed at the Heavenly Seal, and with a swipe of the five-color divine light, the golden light was scattered in pieces, and the formation was crumbling.

He took off the sword again, and Master Baiyun roared angrily: "Meng Qiu, don't bully me too much! If you dare to make a move, I will immediately explode the formation. Even if I try my best, I will turn this square into a hell of fire and destroy the phantom!" It is forbidden inside and outside the wave pool."

Meng Qiu sneered, didn't speak, stretched out his hand, and the Haotian Mirror flew into his hand, and when he moved forward, the opponent couldn't move.With a bang, the glass shattered and the golden light was lost.

The Qingxuan sword energy is no longer hindered, like a divine arrow shooting at the sun, each finds its target and arrives in an instant.The screams sounded at the same time, and those casual cultivators suddenly disappeared by [-]%.Below the Earth Immortal, none survived, only a few such as Bai Guyi and Zukong Patriarch, who had profound mana and escaped by luck.

He wanted to do it again, but suddenly he felt a shock all over his body, and then fell silent for an instant. If it wasn't for his strong spiritual sense, he could hardly sense it.

He was overjoyed, and said: "Congratulations, Daoist Sun!" It turned out that at this time, Sun Xun just refined Yihuan Dongtian for the first time.

As soon as Hua Guang moved, a figure appeared at the entrance of the Magic Wave Pool. He bowed to Meng Qiu silently, and said, "Thanks to fellow daoist for taking action, otherwise today's success would be in vain."

When refining the cave, it cannot be disturbed. Once it is interrupted, it needs to start from the beginning and practice the method again for decades.

And if it is accidentally swallowed back by the power of the cave, it will be extremely powerful.With Sun Xun's current cultivation base, even with the protection of the Seven Treasures Golden Building, if he is not dead, he will be seriously injured.

Meng Qiu accepted the gift in peace, and sighed sincerely, saying: "Five years of trembling and trembling, I finally lived up to the trust of Master Ji Le!"

Zheng Bagu, Ni Fangxian, Yu Luan, Ling Hun and others all surrounded her. Grandma Jin said with joy on her face, "From now on, you don't have to worry about catastrophe coming, and you can live in peace for hundreds of years."

Ni Fangxian and the others nodded their heads in agreement, and their faces were also full of joy.Ling Hun said: "It's really a blessing to be able to escape the calamity without having to join the Emei sect and be a dog or a dog."

Everyone looked at the casual cultivators who were dead and wounded all over the place, feeling sad in their hearts, and looked at Mrs. Baiyun again.

Sun Xun said: "Fellow Daoist Baiyun, many of these fellows admire Emei's reputation and come here to agree with each other, but you go against the grain and force them to attack our place. Doesn't this act go against the original idea of ​​Daoist Master Changmei to create a sect?"

Master Baiyun said with a cold face: "Master's ambition, how can you guess? What's more, these fellow Taoists are all seeking a way out of life, so they voluntarily follow my sect and fight for the creation of heaven.

If it wasn't for the Ni family's selfishness, occupying Yiyi and returning the cave as their own, and refusing to take in sentient beings, how could they have died under the reckless actions of such a demon as Meng Qiu?

Today Emei's luck is too bad, her skills are not as good as others, so she is willing to admit defeat.From now on, just don't bother me.You can't wait because it's a fluke, so where's the face to say sarcasm? "

"You have a tough mouth." Meng Qiu chuckled and asked, "Although you won't be able to break through the magic wave pool until the end of the fight, Sun Daoyou will still refine Dongtian, and Emei will also fail, but Miechenzi and Qi Shuming left very suddenly. Against common sense.

You only need to tell them about their movements and Emei's plan, and I will spare your dog's life today. "

"Bah!" Master Baiyun said disdainfully: "I have been a teacher for hundreds of years, and I have received great virtue from my mentor. How could I betray Emei like a drunken Taoist? If you want to kill, just do it!"

Meng Qiu understood, nodded, and said: "Okay!" A flash of sword light suddenly came, beheading the man's head, and destroying the soul together with it.

Master Bai Yun couldn't react in time, his face was full of arrogance and astonishment, as if he didn't expect that the other party was so bold that he dared to kill himself.

So clean and neat, it caused Sun Xun and others to be stunned, and Grandma Jin was even more stunned. Unexpectedly, Meng Qiu killed an important elder in Emei without hesitation.

"Friend Daoist Meng, you are..." Sun Xun sighed several times, and said, "You are going to form a death feud with Emei!"

Meng Qiu was somewhat disapproving, and said: "When I built my foundation, this old nun jumped up and down, always trying to kill me, and she had a deep hatred with me long ago.

Last time in the Magic Wave Pool, I let her go for the sake of the overall situation. Now Emei and I are in the same situation, and it is difficult to reconcile. She fell into my hands and dared to provoke her, asking for her own death.

Although I don't know what happened to Emei, but seeing that Mie Chenzi and Qi Shuming left regardless, I knew they were in big trouble, and they probably couldn't take care of themselves, so they killed old nun Baiyun, so what?
The catastrophe of ten thousand years is imminent, and the monks are struggling for their lives.Even if they don't come to trouble me, maybe one day I will take the initiative to attack, how can I know that they are not afraid of offending me? "

Combining with the conditions discussed last time when the elder Sibi gave up Ziyun Palace, Meng Qiu was not able to help Emei in the future.He then guessed, could it be that the Demon Sect was dispatched this time to attack Ningbiya?

Emei itself has only three celestial beings, far less than the other party. Under such circumstances, if he provokes another powerful enemy, he really thinks that he will not die quickly enough.

Sun Xun and the others didn't know the details, they just thought it was Meng Qiu's madness, but when they thought about his achievements, they suddenly felt that what he said was very reasonable.

What's more, Meng Qiu is not alone in his family, not to mention his treasures, he also has the help of Gong Yehuang, a Taoist of hundreds of birds, and Zheng Bagu, a newcomer who has become a celestial being, which is not a small force.

After thinking through this verse, Sun Xun immediately felt relieved, ordered a group of juniors to go out to clean the battlefield, and invited everyone to talk inside.

After Yihuan Cave was refined, there seemed to be no difference between the inside and outside of the magic wave pool, at least Ling Hun and the others didn't notice it.Even Zheng Bagu felt it a little bit, but couldn't tell why.

Only Meng Qiu, who has a strong spiritual sense and a chaotic primordial body for many years, absorbs spiritual energy from the land, can clearly feel that this place and the outside world have been separated by void and are no longer one.

He refrained from his original conception and followed him to the main hall. After three rounds of tea, he said some gossip, then he got up and left with Zheng Bagu.

"Friend Daoist Meng is a true chivalrous man." Sun Xun couldn't stay, and sighed sincerely: "Actually, when Jingxu ascended, he was extremely pessimistic, thinking that it would be difficult for him to protect me to refine the cave, and confessed some funeral affairs.

But who would have thought that such a difficult and almost impossible thing was still done by him.It's a pity that it is such a person who is so arrogant, unwilling to live in the cave, and must defy the sky.I don't know if he can survive the ten thousand years of catastrophe safely. "

Ling Hun said quietly: "If it is possible, which monk doesn't want to fight for his life and the chance of ascension? Talent is limited, so what can I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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