Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 340 Another Battlefield

Chapter 340 Another Battlefield
After leaving the Magic Wave Pool, Zheng Bagu led Meng Qiu westward and arrived at Qingluoyu.

Chen Yufeng waited here, and seeing that the two of them were safe, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with regret: "It's a pity that although I have some insights, I'm still separated from the realm of heaven and immortals. I can't participate in the battle, so I can only hide here. So as not to be delayed."

Zheng Bagu shook her head and said: "From the beginning to the end, there was something strange about this matter, as if Emei was covering up something. The departure of Mie Chenzi and Qi Shuming was also unexpected. I don't know if there is something really wrong, or if they are going to sell this group of loose cultivators. life."

"The life of a casual cultivator is worthless, but old nun Baiyun is Emei's core disciple, so he won't give up." Meng Qiu paused, and then said: "If Emei can do this, then I really have to admire them.

What happened to Emei, there will be news in a few days, don't worry about it, let's talk about it, you are not practicing in the cave of light, how come here suddenly? "

Zheng Bagu said indifferently: "Uncle Gongye has driven Dongtian out of the boundary, Yufeng and I don't want to leave, so we stay here. There is nowhere to go anyway, so I plan to go to the magic wave pool to find you first, so I know today's Emei Come attack."

"Senior Gongye left?" It was a matter of time, Meng Qiu was not surprised, but wondered why Chen Yufeng didn't follow.

You must know that the ten thousand year catastrophe is becoming more and more obvious, and you don't know how it will evolve in the future. It can be said that there is not much benefit in staying in the boundary.

"Bagu won't leave, what's the point of me leaving alone?" Chen Yufeng said: "Besides, although I am stupid, even though the matter of crossing the catastrophe is extremely difficult, I still hold a little hope in my heart that I can be promoted to a fairy in the future. If I follow Dongtian If you leave, it will be a dead end."

The Light Realm is too small, and the Dao of Heaven in it is incomplete, so there is no way to support the advancement of the Earth Immortal.She herself lost the desire to stay because of Eighth Aunt Zheng's refusal to stay, plus this problem, she naturally couldn't stay.

"It's fine to stay." Meng Qiu understood, nodded, and said again: "Even if you really want to rely on the cave to survive the catastrophe for ten thousand years, you don't have to choose to be in the light realm. I have some friendship with Fairy Wufu, which is enough to settle you down.

In addition, I have a magic weapon, which is also a cave, and it is not a big problem to protect you. "He immediately took out Ziyun Palace and introduced it.

Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng were overjoyed, they had a lively discussion, and learned that the other party was collecting spiritual veins everywhere, and immediately took care of the matter, took Shangguanhong, first went to Qingluoyu to dig out the Linghun Cave Mansion, and then returned to Mangcang Mountain to collect Lingyu Cliff The two spiritual veins of Zaohuaya and Zaohuaya were taken out and merged into Ziyun Palace.


The smoke in the magic wave pool cleared, and the fierce battle in Ningbiya was in full swing.

Miechenzi and Qi Shuming got a letter from the door saying that there was an attack from the magic door, they immediately abandoned Master Baiyun and others, and left in a hurry.

Both of them are celestial beings, and their escape speed is extremely fast, but within an hour, they can already see Ningbi Cliff in the distance.

In the center of the Dharma Eye, a radius of a hundred miles, is full of black clouds billowing, blood lingering, only inside, faintly revealing golden light, flickering non-stop.

"Emei has been forced to activate the Liangyi Mochen array, but still suppress it. The enemy is no small matter." Miechenzi narrowed his eyes, and took a quick step, as if he was impatient to go back to help.

Qi Shuming didn't move slowly, and hurriedly followed. If he moved a little further, he was about to reach the ground, and he could already see thousands of people gathered in front of Ningbi Cliff.

Suddenly a burst of golden light came out from the top of the nearby mountain and went straight up to the sky, just blocking the two of them where they were going.

"Which Buddhist monk is joking with Qi?" Qi Shuming said loudly: "The situation in Emei is critical today, and there is no delay. Please don't make jokes."

"Hmph!" Mie Chenzi sneered, "Junior Brother, these bald thieves set up an ambush here, they clearly have colluded with the Devil's Cult for a long time, since they're so embarrassing, why talk nonsense with them?"

The appearance of Zunsheng Zen Master appeared from the air, put his hands together, and said: "You two don't go left, don't go right, but just pass by my head. It seems that you have a predestined relationship with me. You might as well find a place where you can talk about Buddhism."

"You have met the Buddha, so go talk about it yourself!" Miechenzi was too lazy to talk to the other party, and the broken jade hook had already flown out to kill the other party.Qi Shuming didn't hesitate, and the golden light and fire sword also cut down.

The two angels on the opposite side laid down their hands as soon as they came up, Zun Sheng's expression changed slightly, and he quickly threw a futon, which fell to his feet, turned into a golden lotus flower, and wrapped himself in it shining with golden light.

The left and right hands shot out a big sandalwood Buddha light respectively, and intercepted them respectively towards the two flying swords.

Although Zen Master has profound magic power, but Emei and Emei are not like ordinary gods, they can deal with them easily.

When the Buddha's light came, the two of them didn't dodge or dodge. Instead, they drove the flying swords and stabbed forward, as if they had burst a bubble. There was no difficulty at all, and they continued to kill Monk Zunsheng without stopping.

Zun Sheng had no choice but to use the Vajra method to wrap his whole body, and took two attacks abruptly, his mind and soul were shaken, but finally the golden light did not dissipate, and the opponent did not escape.

"This bald thief would rather be injured than give way. There must be a big conspiracy in it. Junior Brother Qi, you go first, and I will finish it!" The violent sound was like a thundercloud passing through.

The sound of sword energy and thunder came fiercely, so Zun Sheng naturally didn't dare to catch it as hard as before, so he had to move his position to dodge.

Qi Shuming saw the opportunity, and with a flick of the sword light, he broke away from the bondage of the golden beam, and hurried to Ningbi Cliff.But I don't want to just move, there is a Buddha's light on the left and right, covering it.

"Baimei and Dazhi two Zen masters, you have also come here, do you want to collude with the Demon Sect and embarrass Emei?" Qi Shuming recognized the person and yelled loudly, as if to remind his senior brother.

On Miechenzi's side, besides Zunsheng, there was another Fentuo, his heart sank, and he silently observed whether Zen Master Tianmeng had also arrived.

In fact, Zunsheng alone is better than Miechenzi, plus Fentuo, Michenzi has no chance of winning.

However, Buddhist monks have always defended strong and attacked weakly, and Zunsheng has always been a painstaking practice. He rarely fights, and the means are not enough, but it is still supportable.

But what Mie Chenzi was worried about was Zen Master Tianmeng, one who could almost stand up to the three immortals of Emei, if he came, he would definitely be unable to resist, and even if he didn't withdraw early, he might be captured or killed for the opponent.

Fortunately, after observing for a long time, Zen Master Tianmeng was not there at all, so he was both lucky and worried.The Demon Sect and the Buddhist sects colluded together to attack Emei brazenly. To ensure success, of course they must do their best.

If Zen Master Tianmeng was not here, he would probably be at Ningbi Cliff, and the pressure on Xuanzhenzi would be enormous.

Miechenzi took a deep breath, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Qi Shuming, saying: "I haven't seen Tianmeng, or at the senior brother's place, plus the old devil Honglian, it will be extremely difficult to resist. If there is something unexpected, I will use my sword move again." , to help you escape quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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