Chapter 341 The Four Heavenly Kings
Just as Qi Shuming was about to agree, suddenly the four Buddhist celestial beings in front of him took the first step, occupying the east, west, north, south, and north sides respectively, holding a jade tablet with cloud patterns and bird seals painted on it.

The four of them circulated their mana, and the jade plaque shone with light, rushing into the Buddha's light protecting the body, whirling, hooking together, rushing to the top of the head, and transforming into four statues of gods.

Zen Master Zunsheng lives in the east, and the statue above his head is the Heavenly King of the Eastern Kingdom. , fire, wind".

When the strings are plucked, wind and fire come together, attacking Mie Chenzi and Qi Shuming.The wind is a black wind, and there are thousands of spears in it.If a person touches this blade, his limbs will be turned into ashes; if he is talking about fire, there will be a golden snake coiled in the air, and a black smoke will cover the ground.

On the head of Zen Master Baimei is a Southern Zengtian King. His body is all blue, he wears armor, his face is fierce, he holds a sword with a seal on it, and the four characters "earth, water, fire, and wind" in the middle are full of light.

On the other two sides, Zen Master Dazhi invited the Guangmu Heavenly King of the West, who is red in color, wearing armor, with a red dragon wrapped around his hands, as if holding a ball of flames, burning the surrounding space to writhe.

The Fentuo god and nun naturally fell in the north, and the northern heavenly king who has heard a lot about his head is green, wearing armor, and holding a mixed-yuan treasure umbrella on his right. The umbrella is composed of orbs. , Bichen Pearl, Fire Bead, Water Bead, Cool Bead, Jiuqu Bead, Face Bead, Wind Bead.There are also pearls strung into four characters: "load the universe".

Following Zen Master Zunsheng's move, she opened the umbrella, and suddenly the sky was dark and the sun and moon were dark.Turning up and down, the universe wobbled, and the flying swords in Mie Chenzi and Qi Shuming's hands were about to break free, jumping non-stop.

Seeing that he couldn't leave, Qi Shuming didn't panic, he let out a long breath, and said: "Senior brother, except for the attack of the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch last time, the last time I fought side by side with you was when the teacher was still there, it's really amazing. miss."

"Hmph, what is there to read?" Miechenzi naturally restrained his mana, protected himself, and looked around, saying: "The four great Dharma protectors of the Buddhist sect are also concentrated in the divine way. It seems that they are also in a hurry to go to the doctor."

Qi Shuming also released the golden light and fire sword a long time ago, and amid the flashing golden light, a cloud of mist evaporated, covering himself, and he said without any worries for a while, "Didn't senior brother find out a long time ago? Presumably this time the attack on Ningbiya Yes, those Shinto monks are also indispensable."

The two seemed so leisurely, which made the four eminent Buddhist monks and nuns outside feel suspicious.Zen Master Dazhi had a thought, and said loudly: "Two fellow Emei Taoists, today we are the ones who are going to embarrass you. It is really a thousand years of calamity. In order to give the common people in the world a glimmer of life, we must not do it."

Mie Chenzi snorted coldly, and said, "Bald thief, I can still respect you for saying that you are afraid of death, but it is really ridiculous to use the common people in the world as a cover."

"Other families can laugh, but you, Emei, what right do you have to laugh?" Dazhi Zen Master didn't get annoyed, and asked instead, "When Emei wants to snatch the Yi left by Master Jile and return it to the cave, isn't it just for the sake of it?" Create a shelter for all monks?"

"The two are very different, how can we generalize them?" Qi Shuming followed up and said, "What we are going to do is actually feasible and not vain. Unlike you, who have no purpose and no action. It’s all talking about hype, but it’s all in vain.”

Zen Master Dazhi chuckled, and said: "Who said we are empty? I'm afraid you have arrived here, and you still don't know what kind of great achievements Buddhism will make. But it doesn't matter, we don't intend to hide it, so we will share it with the two of you.

The number of days has changed, the aura has disappeared, and monks are the foundation of the world. Of course, they will suffer the greatest calamity, but after all, the number of people is small, and there are hundreds of millions of living beings, which will also be affected.

Once Emei's mentioned heaven is successful, it is indeed possible to save many monks.But the remaining ninety-nine percent of mortals, should they be discarded and let them fend for themselves?

The Buddha is merciful, saying that all living beings are equal.It is inevitable that the order of the mortal world will collapse, and no one will protect the mortals. Therefore, several senior brothers came forward and organized us to use great magic power to build a Buddhist kingdom on earth.

As long as everyone has a Buddha in their mouths and hearts, they will be able to draw the vast mana of the Buddha from the spiritual world, bless them, eliminate disasters, save suffering, and help people reach the other shore. "

"Hehe!" Mie Chenzi sneered, and said, "You can say whatever you want, but it's just to follow the way of incense and fire, to confuse all living beings.

Is it true that Emei is not prepared?I have carefully checked the movements of you and the Demon Cult, and I have really caused a lot of troubles for you all these years of dormancy.

Over the years, unknowingly, many temples have sprung up in the mortal world, often showing spirits, using small favors to calm people's hearts and make everyone chant Buddha.

Apart from you, the methods of Demon Sect are not bad.With the help of Beiman Mountain, Xuekaidao intends to evolve into Huangquan; behind the West Pole Sect stands the star god and sand god boy of Tianmo Dao; Zhushan Sect has always been controlled by the old man Shibi.

I don't know what you think.However, because of the disappearance of spiritual energy, all kinds of Taoist methods that have been tested for thousands of years are all useless, so we have to place our hopes on the divine way.

It's just that I'm still a little surprised. If you talk about the Devil's Cult, you have been brooding over the fact that the town of Xingxiu Haidongtian fell in Emei, and you want to take it back. Then you Emei have no grievances and no enmity, but you have to collude with each other at the expense of reputation. What is the reason? "

"People in the world are ignorant. If there is no evil, who will be good? It is because there are immortals above, who often reveal themselves in the world, teaching these foolish men and women to be impious. If there are great demons born, and there are no gods, the world will naturally know it and not believe in it." Buddha, you cannot be saved."

Up to now, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, Zen Master Dazhi said without concealment, and said with a smile: "Since Emei has figured it out, why don't you see any actions?"

Zen Master Baimei interrupted suddenly, saying: "Why do we have to move? Just stare at us, if it succeeds, we can follow it, and if it fails, it is a lesson.

Looking at it now, the two of them are so calm, maybe they have a plan in mind.I really don't know, the Demon Sect has almost come out, and you only stay behind Xuanzhenzi, do you think you can be safe and sound with the help of Liangyi Mote Formation? "

Qi Shuming said: "You pretended to be against the Devil and Buddha, set up a trap, and wanted to take advantage of our attack on Yihuanling, and make a bold move. The calculation is good, but it is a conspiracy after all, just a small way, and it will not be put on the table.

The benevolent teacher Changmei Zhenren, Bingtian founded Emei from time to time. Although the road is full of thorns and thorns, he has always acted in an upright manner. How can he be afraid of your ghostly tricks? "

"What a dignified and upright one!" Zen Master Zunsheng couldn't help laughing a few times, and said, "Two junior brothers, don't get entangled with them, let them be stubborn. Let's see what Emei has to deal with the current disaster of annihilation .”

(End of this chapter)

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