Chapter 342

The faces of Mie Chenzi and Qi Shuming changed slightly, and the former said: "Sure enough, dogs that don't bark like to bite people the most. Not only did your two families have no conflicts in the past, but since our benevolent teacher Changmei Zhenren, we have communicated a lot, and our friendship is very close.

Now, in order to survive, we each go to one side, and we don't necessarily have to fight to the death.But you insist on tearing your face apart, and you will exterminate Emei if you open your mouth.Sure enough, people don't hurt the tiger's heart, but if the tiger hurts people, its heart can be punished!

If you can accomplish things today, you will be free to kill and cut me; if you let me survive today's calamity, you must use the other way and give it back to the other body, so that Buddhism will no longer exist in the realm. "

Faced with such harsh words, Zen Master Zunsheng who provoked first did not change his expression, while the rest of Baimei, Dazhi, and Fentuo changed their expressions one after another, and then sighed, but they could not speak.

Since he made a move today, it is natural to end all the grievances and grievances of the past. From now on, even strangers can not be called enemies, they can be called life and death enemies.

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance." Zen Master Dazhi took a deep breath and said in response, "Since we dare to attack directly, we have made a perfect plan. The four of us who came to intercept you are the four of us, go to Ningbi Cliff, there will only be more.

Deng Yin, son of the blood god, was once in the same sect as Daoist Changmei, and he is well versed in the tricks of your Emei. With painstaking efforts, he created the blood sea formation, which is specially used to restrain the Liangyi mote formation.

And there are two assistants, Xingxiu Demon King and Shibi Old Man, even if Xuan Zhenzi is used to hiding clumsiness, he will definitely not be the opponent of these two.What's more, there is also the boy Sand God, and a newly promoted celestial being from Asura Dao, who will definitely make it impossible for you to escape. "

Dazhi said his plan, the original intention was to disturb the minds of the two of Emei, but he didn't want Qi Shuming to be expressionless, and just said: "Sure enough, it's as senior brother expected, this senior uncle Deng doesn't miss old feelings at all, Use what you learned from your teacher to deal with Emei."

After Zun Sheng and the others heard this, their hearts trembled.Zen Master Dazhi coughed, and said: "At this point, Emei is about to be destroyed, and the boundless sea of ​​blood has surrounded Ningbi Cliff, and the people in it can't escape with their wings. Why does Master Qi pretend to be confident and try to confuse us."

At this time, under the Ningbi Cliff, there is a blood-red ocean, which is endless, and a special fragrance can't cover up the stench.The four sides are covered with red mist, like the sunset glow when the setting sun is setting, its color is like blood.

The innermost layer is a ball of golden light, and the mist floats up and down, wrapping Emei inside, and people, scenery, and objects are looming, seemingly real and unreal, hazy.

There are five lotus platforms in the sea of ​​blood, and five people sit cross-legged on them.Among them, at the main entrance of Ningbiya Cave Mansion is Deng Yin, son of the blood god, with a poleless flag hanging above his head, which is full of blood and has no variegated patterns.

There are also the old man Shibi and the boy Sha Shenzi, whom Xuan Zhenzi has met several times; Fang Chufeng, the former Ziyun palace master, he does not recognize, but his power of perception is not weak.

The last one is a beautiful young man wearing a purple gold crown and five cloud fairy clothes, with a big gourd on his back, a golden knife on his waist, and a gold ring on his head and hands and feet. It is undoubtedly the Constellation Demon Lord of the Demon Cult and the Heavenly Demon Dao.

Five heavenly immortals, surrounded by a sea of ​​blood formation, Xuan Zhenzi was not nervous at all, instead he looked relaxed, and comforted the juniors at the side: "Look, as expected by Junior Brother Miechenzi, the old devil Honglian did not come over.

Just the five of them, plus an unknown formation, wanting to break through Emei is just wishful thinking. "

Outside the formation, the sea of ​​blood is surging, and the pressure is like a mountain, but the Dharma light emitted by the Liangyi Mote Formation is as stable as a rock, and will not give up at all.

The old man Shibi frowned, and said: "Deng Daoyou, when you came, you patted your chest and promised that this formation will be able to break through the Ningbi Cliff, and I will let you create boundless slaughter and gather blood into formations. Now it seems , there is no way to use the Emei Liangyi Mote Formation."

Deng Yin's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "Don't worry, we will see the true power of this array when the Asuras are in place."

The blood flag above his head waved violently, emitting an unusually dazzling red light, and the roots flew out like red threads.

From the sea of ​​blood, human heads popped up all over the place, and then they surged upwards, and thousands of monks appeared, ranging from qi training to earth immortals, and their costumes were also varied, some from Zhushan sect, some There are those taught by Xiji and those taught by Tianmen, and there are all kinds of people.

The red thread shot over, and these people didn't dodge. They let it pierce through their heads, pulled it out, escaped a soul, and flew back into the blood-colored banner.

The bodies fell into the sea of ​​blood one after another, melting immediately.The blood surface was even more crimson, as if stained with cinnabar.A strong fragrance came out, covering up the stench.

Then the sea water surged upwards, did not pass the foot of the mountain, and soon spread to the mountainside, and continued to rise, as if to envelop the entire Ningbi Cliff.

At this time, Xuan Zhenzi sensed that something was wrong, he kept urging the formation, persisted for less than half an hour, the golden light around the periphery had been slowly worn away, leaving only a one foot thick, thin layer.

"Hey!" He chuckled, and said, "It's been so long since the signal was sent out, and the two junior brothers haven't returned yet. It seems that they were intercepted by someone. Even if Taiyi Hunyuan has the heart, he doesn't have the ability. It seems It was Buddhism who made the move, and the two families really colluded.

We don't have to wait any longer, since the enemy has already used all their tricks, there is no need to neglect them.Junior Brother Jian, you are here to preside over the Liangyi Mote Formation, and act according to the plan you set before. "

"Okay." Jian Bingru responded, and stood up, holding a small mountain in her hand, carved out of jasper, shaped like a lotus flower, one foot high, plump at the top and sharp at the bottom, with a graceful figure.

At first, everyone in Emei felt a fresh fragrance through their noses, refreshing their minds and minds.If you look carefully, there are more vines and green bamboos on the mountain, the color is towering, the wind moves the Langgan, and the sound is like jade.

A place about the size of a palm is surrounded by strange rocks and small peaks, all of which are exquisite and thin, with many holes. If there is music advocating coming out of the stone, it will interplay with the sound of bamboo and spring, forming a complex sound.

This is the Supreme Treasure Ling Cuifeng that Daoist Changmei won from the Demon Sect's Cave of Heaven and Xingxiu Sea back then.The shape is like Ziyun Palace, which can be big or small.As small as three to five inches, as large as it can be turned into a mountain peak, it is extremely powerful.

The most important things in Emei, such as top-notch magic weapons such as Ziqing double swords, bipolar universe discs, long eyebrow jade charms, as well as Yingling pills, elixir, and spirit grass, are all in this mountain.

Jian Bing turned this treasure like a twirl, and the auspicious energy immediately transpired, and five-coloured cold light flew out, condensing into a splendor, pouring into the dust array of Liangyi, changing in various ways, and no one can see the mystery in the array.

Elder Shibi and Demon Lord Xingxiu noticed the change, and saw that although the waves of the blood sea were huge, they couldn't break through for a long time, as if hitting a diamond wall, they could only roar outside.

Deng Yin explained: "The Dust Formation of Liangyi, the full name is the Mote Array of Life, Death, Disillusionment, Darkness, Six Gates, Liangyi, and Four Images.

The power of this array is not that it is unparalleled in defense, but also that there are six changes in it: life, death, illusion, annihilation, darkness, and light. Forever. "

"Since you understand this formation, you must have the means to deal with it." Elder Sibi asked.

Deng Yin nodded, stretched out his hand, and said, "Look!" But seeing a little red light flying from the blood flag above his head, shooting into the sea of ​​blood, the sea water immediately churned, as if boiling, gurgling and bubbling. Numerous bubbles are produced.

In each bubble, there is a monster, some with multiple eyes and black complexion; some with three heads and six arms, baring their teeth;So many kinds, and so on.

These are all the Asura tribes bred by those monks' bodies just now with the power of the sea of ​​blood.Deng Yin said to Elder Shibi: "Please help, fellow Taoist."

The old man Shibi did it immediately, raised his hand and sprinkled a yellow light on the bodies of the Asuras. These demons immediately opened their eyes, glowing with blood, and at the same time roared up to the sky, they all came alive, and rushed into the dust formation of Liangyi middle.

"The Asura tribe is neither good nor evil, and has a tyrannical temperament. Even if they fall into the battle, they will not be confused. Moreover, they are irritable and aggressive, brave and good at fighting. If they start a fire, everything in front of them will be destroyed.

With the support of mana provided by the sea of ​​blood, all of them are like immortals. Even if the people of Emei make a move, they can kill a few, but their mana will be consumed, and they will definitely not be able to deal with more than a thousand. "

Sure enough, after these asuras entered the dust formation of Liangyi, they started to turmoil.Although the formation is miraculous and vast, it needs spiritual power to maintain it.There are only one person and two people, not many attacks, but there are more than a thousand, scattered, it is also a great pressure.

Zui Taoist couldn't hold back at first, and volunteered to invite Ying, but was stopped.Xuan Zhenzi said: "This battle is fierce and powerful. Don't act rashly, otherwise you will be in danger of death."

The drunken Taoist shook his head and said: "If these monsters and ghosts are allowed to cause trouble inside, it will waste energy, and with the sea of ​​blood outside, I am afraid that the formation will not last for many days.

Up to now, the order of the world has been disintegrated, and each family is either sweeping the snow before itself, or retreating into seclusion like Kunlun and Wudang. No one can count on it, and we have to save ourselves.

My mana is low, and for a long time, I have been supported and supported by my brothers, and I can't repay it.Even if you become an Earth Immortal by luck, the road ahead will be cut off, so I just use this remnant body to explore the way for everyone, in order to be the teacher of the past. "

He refused to listen to the persuasion, and rushed into the Liangyi formation, took Xuan Zhenzi with him, sighed, and said: "The younger brother must be extremely disappointed with what we did, and felt that it was against the teacher's teaching, so he acted angrily."

Xun Lanying didn't take it seriously, and said: "As a disciple of Emei, he doesn't put the interests of the sect first, but keeps protecting outsiders. His intentions are not right, his heart is not pure, how can he face to blame us?"

Ascetic Toutuo, Jian Bingru and others did not speak, Xuan Zhenzi glanced at her lightly, and said: "Aside from being taught by a mentor, what kindness does the so-called Emei have to him and me?
You have never owned a cave in Emei Mountain, you have never taken a magic weapon from Ningbiya, and you have cultivated and cultivated your own elixir. Even the most critical level of promotion is to rely on friends. Why should you protect the interests of your sect? "

Xun Lanying's face turned pale, and she stammered, "Brother,"

Xuan Zhenzi waved his hand, his magic power surged, and he sealed the words of the other party, saying: "I will help you one last time in the face of my mentor. After this time, you can hide, and you want to build a heavenly court to be the Jade Emperor Whether it's my mother, it has nothing to do with me."

The surrounding elders of the second generation, including Master Yuan Yuan, Li Yuanhua, and the third generation of disciples, including Zhuge Jingwo, Qi Lingyun, and Li Yingqiong, were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

Jian Bingru couldn't help but said: "Elder brother's remarks are inappropriate, they all came from the same school, how did they make such a fuss. Besides, the enemy is now, saying these things will hurt morale."

Xuan Zhenzi smiled lightly, and said: "As long as Old Demon Honglian and Old Demon Tianmeng don't come, the rest of Old Demon Shibi and Xingxiu will not be able to threaten Emei. Besides, you have been promoted to Celestial Immortal now, presided over by Lingcui Peak. The formation of Liangyi Mote, no one in the world can break it.

Coupled with the fact that the ascetic brother has finally achieved the right result, the power of the invisible sword has increased to another level, and it can shuttle through the formation. This time the demon sect must keep one or two.This catastrophe, which seemed like a catastrophe, was actually all planned by Mie Chenzi and Qi Shuming, so what is there to worry about?
As for what you said about coming out of the same school, what does it have to do with me leaving?Didn't Patriarch Taiyuan, Patriarch Yu and Patriarch Lianshan also practiced Taoism together in the past, loving brothers and sisters?

In the end, due to the conflict of ideas, the two patriarchs drove Patriarch Lian Shan overseas and watched him struggle without helping him.

In the end, around the time when Patriarch Lianshan fell under the catastrophe, Master Changmei did not see any actions. Even though Lianshan Sect fell apart, the disciples under the sect died and scattered. "

He pointed at Zhu Mei, the dwarf old man, and Jiang Shu, the demon-destroyer, and said, "If the Qingcheng faction doesn't take the initiative to merge into Emei, if it is attacked by the demon sect, see if Emei will be saved."

As soon as this remark was made, the audience fell silent, and the disciples of the younger generation did not even dare to breathe out.Under such circumstances, it appeared that the battle in the Liangyi Formation was extremely fierce.

The drunken Taoist stimulated the Qingyang wheel, this piece of treasure forged by Qiantian real fire, first it was a three-inch star-shaped golden wheel with hexagons on it, and when it was outside, it had grown to the size of an acre, and the six horns shot in unison. The silver light is as far as Zhang Xu, brighter than electricity.

Turning together, the Zhaolun flies and turns into a brilliant sun, which is extremely dazzling. Now it is three feet above the head, emitting golden light that burns the sky and boils the sea, and shoots in all directions.

Those Asuras, even though their bodies were extremely hard, under the radiance of the light, their bodies still sizzled, as if they were being burned by fire.And the flames acted on the souls, making them cry out in pain.

Being so uncomfortable, they didn't back down, instead they became more restless, braved the scorching and pushed forward with all their strength, and they rushed hundreds of feet in front of the drunken Taoist.

Beard Immortal Li Yuanhua and Police Officer Zhuge I couldn't help but take a step forward, looked at Xuan Zhenzi, but saw the latter's face was calm, so I felt relieved.

Sure enough, the drunk Taoist gave a soft drink, and the Qingyang wheel immediately released a stronger light, covering the whole person, not being in the realm of heaven, his eyes could not penetrate.

He pinched the spirit formula with his hand, activated the golden wheel, and sent out a large number of silver sparks from the six awn horns like a torrential rain.The three-yang divine fire that it sends out has the magical function of breaking away. It is different from ordinary real fire. It turns into a silver strange light that is only Zhang Xu long, thinner than a needle, and hits the enemies who are rushing.

Those asuras immediately yelled and stopped in place, and then a ball of flames burst out from all the orifices around their bodies. With a bang, it exploded to a height of one foot, completely enveloping themselves, and instantly burned to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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