Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 570, Small Victory

Chapter 570, Small Victory

While waiting for the flames to pass, the small tree on the back of the earthen turtle was burned, leaving it with a bare tortoise.

"No, Grass-type moves can't get close at all. If this goes on, Tutai Turtle will definitely lose," Lei Si looked at the burnt Tutai Turtle worriedly. He was not worried about Tutai Turtle's safety. He had great confidence in Tutai Turtle's defense.

But the grass-type moves were completely useless, which was beyond his expectations. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was four times weaker than grass, was actually not afraid of grass-type moves. This was ridiculous.

But Yu Hai didn't give him time to think, and shouted to the Tyrannosaurus Rex: "Frozen Fist..."

"Roar," the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus stepped forward again, raised its cold fist, and smashed it down on the shell of the Earthen Turtle.

"Turtle, halve your reflexes..."

Before the fist landed, the turtle's shell suddenly grew larger. It was a green turtle shell phantom that blocked the turtle and hit the Tyrannosaurus Rex's freezing fist.

A magical wall that reduces reflection by half. For five turns, the damage taken by physical attacks on Pokémons protected by the wall will be halved.

Kaka, kaka——

The power of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's freezing fist was reduced by half, and the four-fold restraint became two-fold restraint, but it still did not cause no damage.

Under the freezing fist, the halved reflex was crumbling and breaking into pieces, and cracks appeared on the green phantom turtle shell, breaking from the middle. The freezing fist landed on the shell of the earthen turtle and hit the center of the target.


The freezing fist blasted out a gust of air, raising a cloud of dust that blocked Yu Hai and Lei Si's vision. They had no idea what was happening inside the cloud of dust, let alone what was happening with the Tutai turtle, until the Tutai turtle's screams were heard.

Half Reflex is different from absolute defense like Hold. Under the same level, Hold can defend as long as it is released, but Half Reflex only weakens the power of attack, not immunity to attack.

"Ahhh," the Tutai Turtle was hit on its shell by a freezing punch. It crawled out of its shell and cried in pain.

"Tutai Turtle, Iron Head..."

dong dong dong-

Lei Si didn't know whether the Tutai Turtle could hear it, but as the sound of thudding came from the ground, the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus was indeed knocked out from the smoke and dust.

He didn't expect Iron Head to cause much damage. He just hoped that Iron Head could knock the Tyrannosaurus Rex away, allowing the two Pokémon to distance themselves from each other, giving Tortoise some time to breathe and giving himself some time to think.

But things went against their wishes. When the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus was knocked out, it was holding the Tutai Turtle that was trying to escape. The Tutai Turtle was in the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus's hand. So what happened next is self-evident...

Boom boom boom——

Tutaigui enjoyed the same wrestling style as Rocky. At this moment, Tutaigui's thoughts were probably similar to Rocky's, and he was doubting his life.

The Tutai Turtle was thrown to the ground and was dazed. The Tyrannosaurus Rex pressed on its shell. The high temperature radiating from its body made the Tutai Turtle very uncomfortable. In addition, there were blazing flames on its fists. Lei Si hurriedly let the Tutai Turtle shrink into its shell and frantically used the iron wall to strengthen its defense.

Boom, boom, boom—

The Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus ignored the turtle's dying struggle, raised its flaming fist and punched down, one punch after another.

Even though the basic physical defense of the Tortoise is 105, and the three Iron Walls strengthen the sixth-level defense, it has a total of more than 400 defenses. Under the flaming fist of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it is just the difference between one punch and countless punches.

After more than ten punches were thrown and Pidgeot cleared the field, Tutai Turtle rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The Tyrannosaurus Rex got up from Tutai Turtle and roared at the whole audience.


This roar instantly woke up all the audience, including the host...

"Oh my god, this is unbelievable. Tyrannosaurus Rex is not afraid of Grass-type moves. Tortoise has no power to fight back and was knocked unconscious by Tyrannosaurus Rex..."

The host saw the Tyrannosaurus Rex looking at him fiercely, and his voice trembled. That look was so fierce.

"Come back, Tutai Turtle," After this battle, Lei Si used his strongest Tutai Turtle to test the waters and finally realized how terrifying the Tyrannosaurus Rex was.

It's not just about not being afraid of Grass-type moves. If he wants to replace this ferocious Pokémon, he'll need at least three Pokémon, and the fight will be difficult.

"Go, Dragon King Scorpion..."

"It's the Dragon King Scorpion. Can the Dragon King Scorpion defeat the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Player Lei Si chose the Dragon King Scorpion, which is weak to the ground, to fight against the Tyrannosaurus Rex..."

"King Scorpion? Does this guy want to play with poisonous nails?" When Yu Hai saw the Dodai Kame fainted, he couldn't help but sigh that it was a pity for this turtle that it couldn't even learn a counter-punch.

At the same time, he had anticipated Lei Si's idea. If he wanted to defeat the Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex in Rock Armor state, he could only use a move like Curse that ignored defense and stun the Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Or use poisoning and burning, and use abnormal states to slowly wear down the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Hanhan, wearing the rock armor, was not afraid of even the poisonous spikes, let alone burns. After all, he had let Foretos try it before, and the poisonous spikes could not hurt the Tyrannosaurus Rex whose whole body was wrapped in rock armor.

But the task of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is not these minions, but the Electric Beast. He can't let the opponent consume the Tyrannosaurus Rex. If the Tyrannosaurus Rex is eliminated, the opponent's Electric Beast will have no elves to deal with it.

If the opponent knows about the mosquito-scented frog, it would be too frustrating if they could trick the mosquito-scented frog and force it out of the game, before it’s time for the mosquito-scented frog to come on the field.

"Dragon King Scorpion, poisonous nails..."

"Come back, Tyrannosaurus," Yu Hai heard Lei Si shouting for poison spikes, so he used the Poké Ball to take back the Tyrannosaurus. It was enough to kill Toei's Tyrannosaurus.

The Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex is not invincible. Maintaining high calorie consumption and attack consumption can only sustain the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex for two battles at most. Then the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex should have a good rest.

"Take it back, take it back?" The host couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus was taken back. He thought the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus was going to get a string of six, and logically the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus should be able to do it, but Yu Hai took it back. It was really puzzling.

"Took it back?" Lei Si was also very confused. Logically, the opponent should have become more and more courageous until the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus fell. Could it be that the opponent kept the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus just for his own electric beast?

"Go, Forlitos..." Forlitos is the only Pokémon in Yu Hai that is not afraid of poison. Since the opponent wants to use poison nails, he can use it as he pleases. Forlitos, a steel-type Pokémon, is not afraid of poison.

"Fretos, turn into a circle and roll..."

When Lei Si heard the circle rolling, he no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to place poison spikes. Although there was only one layer of poison spikes, it was meaningless facing this Foretos. He immediately changed his tactics and shouted loudly: "Dragon King Scorpion, destroy the death ray..."

"Fretos, hold on..." Yu Hai knew that Fritos's dual resistance was very high, but there was no need to take on the destruction and death ray.

When Forlitos used his shield to block the destructive death light, before the smoke and dust cleared, he saw a beam of red light coming and shining on the Dragon King Scorpion, and the Dragon King Scorpion was taken back by Lei Si.

It seems that the opponent does not want to use King Scorpion to fight against Forettos, so what kind of Pokémon will the opponent replace? You must know that there is still a layer of poison spikes on the field. The Pokémon that is replaced can only be of poison and steel attributes, otherwise they will be affected by the poison spikes.

"Go, Boscodora..."

"So it's this," Yu Hai saw the Steel-type Aegis. This Pokémon was not afraid of poison spikes and was not affected at all standing on the ground.

"Boskodora, sandstorm..."

"Roar," Boskodora stomped his feet on the ground, stirring up a gust of wind and sand that instantly covered the entire competition venue and reduced visibility to the lowest level.

"Sandstorm, my goodness, is trying to destroy the venue, use the sandstorm to blow away the poisonous spikes, and use the wind and sand to bury the poisonous spikes. This is also a good way to detoxify," Yu Hai nodded secretly. It seems that the other party also knows how to remove the poisonous spikes by destroying the venue.

"Fretos, turn into a circle and roll..."

"Fofo," Flettos had already strengthened his defense with an iron wall in the sandstorm. After hearing the rolling, he retracted into his shell and rolled towards Boskodora. "Boskodora, Fire Fist..."

"Roar," Boscodora sensed the rolling of Foretos, and punched down at Foretos with his burning fist.


The moment the Flame Fist collided with Foretos, a huge explosion occurred, even the wind and sand were blown away, and the sandstorm stopped under the explosion.

dong dong dong-

Boskodora was forced back several steps by the shock wave of the explosion. His whole arm drooped limply, his fist was charred black, and one of his arms was crippled by a counter-punch.

Counterpunch is a fighting-type move, and Boskodora is four times restrained by the fighting-type move. The fact that he didn't die on the spot can be attributed to the fact that Boskodora has a lot of health and strong defense. He is really lucky.

"It's a counter-fist," Lei Si gritted his teeth secretly. He actually forgot that the physical defense of the Foretos was very high, and it was almost impossible to deal any physical damage. And when combined with the counter-fist, it was really invincible. He was careless.

The Dragon King Scorpion just wanted to take it back after the fight, so it used the destructive death ray with its greatest power.

Then you can no longer be counter-punched and can only attack with special moves.

"Come back, Forettos," Ukai took Forettos back with the Poké Ball before Boskodora could continue attacking.

His Foretrus is there to defend against the King Scorpion, so it is impossible for him to fight a war of attrition with Boskodora. If he loses either Tyrannosaurus or Foretrus, the opponent will be able to break through instantly, and it will be difficult to fight then.

He had a more suitable Pokémon to deal with this Boskodora: "Go, Gyarados..."

"Roar, roar," as soon as Gyarados came out, it threatened Aggron, but Gyarados's intimidation was not very effective on these large-tonnage Pokémon, and these ferocious beasts were not afraid of it.

"Roar," Boskodora roared, not wanting to be outdone, and roared back at Gyarados.

"Gyarados, Water Cannon," Yu Hai looked at Boskodora, whose level was definitely ten levels higher than Gyarados, but Boskodora had a broken arm, so as long as Gyarados could replace Boskodora, it would be fine.

"Boskodora, Thunder Fist..."

"Roar, puff puff puff," Gyarados fired three consecutive water cannons at the charging Boskodora, and all of them were smashed to pieces by his fists. It seemed that this was another Pokémon that was not afraid of water.

"Gyarados, Earthquake..."


"Roar," Gyarados' tail instantly hardened and slammed the ground hard, sending waves of seismic waves towards Boskodora.

Faced with an earthquake that was four times more powerful, Boskodora did not dare to drag its feet and stomped its feet on the ground. It was just an earthquake, it was not like it was incapable of causing any more damage.

As earthquake waves appeared under Boskodora's feet, they rushed straight towards Gyarados, and the two earthquake waves continued to converge in the middle.

Click, boom, boom——

The competition venue suddenly couldn't bear the weight and a huge crack appeared in the middle, which extended all the way to the wall of the audience seats. Even the wall had cracks.

"Boskodora, continue with the lightning fist..."

"Gyarados, climb the waterfall and rush over Iron Tail..."

"Roar," Gyarados twisted its body and burst out with the momentum of climbing a waterfall, rushing towards Boskodora.

"Roar," Boskodora roared, holding lightning in his hand, and rushed towards Gyarados.


As the lightning fist hit the iron tail, a loud bang occurred in the middle of the competition venue, huge smoke and dust rose, and air waves hit the entire venue. The two elves also flew backwards under the huge explosion and stopped only after hitting the stone pillars of the contestant platform.

Both Pokémons felt uncomfortable after taking this blow, especially Boskodora, who was using his left hand. Not only was his strength not as good as his right hand, but his lightning fist was also blocked by the iron tail.

Thunder Punch has four times the damage against Gyarados, but has one times the damage against Steel-type. This is why Ukai uses Iron Tail instead of Water Tail.

It is true that the water-based Water Tail can restrain Aggron. However, Aggron uses Thunder Punch, so using Water Tail will not restrain Aggron, but Thunder Punch will restrain Gyarados.

Plus, Boskodora has a lot of resistances, and is only restrained by quadruple fighting, quadruple ground, and double water.

Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Electric, and Dark types all have double damage, and the remaining attributes have resistance. There really aren't many moves that can deal with Boskodora.

As for earthquakes?

Didn’t you see that the walls of the auditorium were cracked?
In addition, Boskodora's Earthquake was equally powerful as Gyarados's, so there would be no result if they continued fighting. If they really wanted to tear the main venue apart, the match would definitely be suspended, so both sides tacitly agreed to stop using Earthquake.

Since water cannons aren't very useful, let's try jetting flames...

"Gyarados, spray fire..."

"Roar," Gyarados spewed out a large ball of high-temperature flames, attacking Boskodora.

"Roar," Boskodora stomped the ground hard, picked up a large rock from the ground, blocked his body, and sprayed flames all on the rock. Boskodora hid behind the rock and was not affected by the fire.

After waiting for the jet of flame to pass, Boskodora directly raised the rock and threw it at Gyarados.

"Roar," Gyarados faced the rock and without Yu Hai's words, jumped up and hit the rock with its tail, instantly shattering the rock, and the fragments rushed towards Boskodora.

"Boskodora, rock blast..."


"Roar," Boskodora waved his arms, and the gravel that had just fallen quickly rose into the air and surrounded his body. Controlled by Boskodora, it rushed towards Gyarados, leaving a stream of energy when flying towards the opponent.

"Puff puff--"

Gyarados was not going to passively take the beating. It shot bubbles of water down the rocks, and some even hit Boskodora.

The opponent wants to fight a war of attrition, which is just right for Gyarados. Once it gets close, Gyarados can't withstand the four times restraint of Thunder Fist.

Boom boom boom——

At some point, the rocks summoned by Boskodora became bigger and bigger, and all of them fell on Gyarados. Rock-type moves can also restrain Gyarados twice as much.

"Oh no, it's a rock blockade," Yu Hai saw that Gyarados's movement space was compressed, and immediately ordered Gyarados to smash the rocks with its iron tail.

But just as it broke the rocks, another huge rock fell, and Gyarados could only twist its body to dodge.

This is the disadvantage of a large size, and the probability of Gyarados being hit is also higher.

Boskodora also has a rock shield, a water cannon, and a rock cannonball. In this war of attrition, Gyarados will obviously suffer a lot...

"Gyarados, crush the rocks and fight it..."

(End of this chapter)

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