Elves: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 571: A Vicious Plot

Chapter 571: A Vicious Plot
"Roar," Gyarados couldn't stand the falling rocks, so it opened its mouth and bit a fallen rock to pieces. Its water cannon was often blocked by the rock shield, and it was the one hit on the head by the rocks falling from the sky.

Since Aboskodora is resistant to many attributes, the Destruction Ray cannot be used at all. The general type has four times resistance, and even the dragon type has two times resistance.

"Roar," Gyarados jumped out of the stone circle and rushed towards Boskodora, its tail ready to go.

"That's exactly what I want," Lei Si originally wanted to fight in close combat, but the opponent was unwilling to do so.

The war of attrition has been going on for so long, and the opponent is the first to feel the pain. Boskodora can still hold on, but the consumption is also very high, and the rocks he summons are getting smaller and smaller. If this continues, both sides will suffer.

Since the other party wanted to fight, they also wanted to fight: "Boskodora, lightning fist..."

"Roar," Boskodora stopped summoning rocks, panting with exhaustion. He didn't plan to run away, but just wanted to wait for the opportunity. He held lightning in his hand, and stepped firmly on the ground. As long as Gyarados came over...

Gyarados saw the Thunder Fist, but still charged forward. After tempering its tail, it lashed at Boskodora with its tail.

Boskodora held the lightning fist in his hand, facing Gyarados's iron tail, he quickly turned his back and hit the iron tail with his tempered tail. The lightning fist was just an illusion.


As the sound of explosions was heard in the venue, Yu Hai thought to himself that something was wrong when he saw Boskodora turn around, but the smoke and dust blocked his vision and he could no longer see the situation on the scene clearly.

While waiting for the smoke to clear, he saw Gyarados lying on the ground and Boscodra was exhausted and collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. He couldn't even get up and failed many times when he tried to stand up.

"Gyarados has lost its ability to fight, but Boskodora is still standing. What a wonderful duel. Please ask Ukai to take back Gyarados. What Pokémon will Ukai send out next..."

"Come back, Gyarados," Yu Hai looked at the burnt black on Gyarados' body. That was the damage caused by the Thunder Fist. Boskodora used Iron Tail to offset the Iron Tail, and while Gyarados didn't react, he hit Gyarados with the Thunder Fist and eliminated it.

The two Pokémon were already at the end of their strength. If it weren't for that Thunder Fist, Gyarados might have been able to hold on for a while, but it didn't make much sense. The opponent's Aggron was on its last breath, and it would have little combat power if it was taken back.

"Boskodora has been taken back. Please release your spirits together. Ukai will attack first..."

"I've taken it back," Yu Hai stroked his chin and looked at Lei Si opposite him, who was in the same situation as him.

He has the advantage with Tyrannosaurus and Electabuzz. Dragonite and Forritos can both control the field and are not Pokémon that are easily used, so the opponent will definitely send out new Pokémon.

This new elf must be able to break the impasse and rescue the electric beast, otherwise the opponent's situation will only become more and more delicate.

After all, Electabuzz and King Scorpion were pinned down and unable to move, Tortoise was out, and Boskodora only had one turn left at most, so the opponent had to break the deadlock as soon as possible.

"Go, Blizzard King..."

"Go, big-billed gull..."

With the appearance of the two elves, strange conditions occurred in the competition venue. From the place where the previous earthquake cracked, there was a blizzard on one side and a storm on the other side. Both sides refused to give in and were fighting for control of the weather.

"Oh my god, it's a blizzard and a storm, both sides are competing for the weather of the competition venue, which side will have the upper hand?"

"Have I been seen through?" Lei Si gritted his teeth secretly. He didn't expect that the other party had the same idea as him. He used Blizzard King to crack the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but who would have thought that the other party would send out the Toucan.

That black-billed gull was not a means of transportation as rumored. It was just an elf used for traveling. The fact that it could actually compete with his Blizzard King for control of the weather showed that its strength should not be underestimated.

"Blizzard King, Blizzard..."

"Big-billed Gull, Storm..."

Blizzard, an ice-type special attack move, has a power of 110 and a 10% chance of freezing the target.

Storm, a Flying-type special attack move, has a power of 110 and a 30% chance of causing the target to fall into a state of confusion.

Snowfall plus blizzard are even more powerful.

But the power of rain and heavy winds is no less.

The two elves are still fighting for the weather, neither of them giving up an inch...

"What's going on? What's going on? The storm and blizzard have intensified. Rain that flies towards the blizzard will be instantly frozen, and snowflakes that fly towards the storm will be shattered by the storm. Oh my god, is this a natural disaster..."

The host saw that above the main venue, two dark clouds were squeezing and blending with each other. The dividing line in the middle of the competition venue was the battlefield. The celestial phenomena on both sides refused to give an inch and were fighting for control of the weather.

With the emergence of two types of weather, the race also became a test of endurance.

In addition to the initial rain and snowfall, the two elves are using Gullwing to add rain and storms, and Blizzard King is also using blizzards to intensify the weather.

If it was just a competition of physical strength, Yu Hai would not panic at all. The physical strength of the Toucan was trustworthy. When they were chased by the Rocket Team, the Toucan brought two people and flew over thousands of kilometers. It was just a competition of weather consumption. He would just fight hard.

Lei Si also put all his energy into it. He didn't want to lose in this weather battle. Although the weather was useless, it was no longer a question of whether it was useful or not. What they were fighting for was not winning or losing, but momentum...

As the weather battle intensified, with freezing cold and strong winds blowing at the same time, the audience was tortured to death, but it was also very enjoyable to watch.

The reason for this situation is that the two elves' control over the weather is similar to their own strength.

If it is a game, the Blizzard King with a speed of 60 will definitely be able to take over the weather, because the speed of the Toucan is 65, and the slower ones will appear later and cover the faster weather.

But this is not a game. The basic speed has only increased by five points, so the impact is not that big. The most important thing is the control of the weather. The two elves are similar, so there is a situation where there is a storm on one side and a blizzard on the other side.

As the battle for the weather lasted for half an hour, the two elves in the field became a little tired. The weather began to weaken, and both elves were breathing heavily. It seemed that their endurance was similar, but the winner had not yet been decided.

Lei Si also didn't expect that the Blizzard King, which was originally used to break the deadlock, was evenly matched with the Toucan on the opposite side.

If Yu Hai could hear Lei Si's thoughts, he would definitely complain. If the opponent wanted to compete with something else, the Toucan might not be able to win.

If it comes to endurance and praying for rain, that is the strength of the toucan, because the toucan has been training in praying for rain for the past six months since its debut, and that is its best move.

But the Blizzard King over there was also very strong, and he obviously used ice-based moves as his main attack direction. Otherwise, he would not have been able to hold out for that long by using his weaknesses to confront the strengths of the Toucan.

Ten minutes later, the storm and blizzard could no longer hold on. The blizzard was gone, and the storm was gone. The sun suddenly shone, and the sky in the main venue was clear without a single cloud. It should be that after the competition just now, the rain clouds and moisture in the air were consumed by these two guys, and all turned into rainwater and flowed into the sewer, leaving the main venue.

"Come back, King Blizzard..."

"Come back, big-billed gull..."

The audience, who were shivering from the cold just now, felt the sunshine from the clear sky and suddenly felt warm all over. But they also saw that Yu Hai and Lei Si chose to take back their respective spirits at the same time.

The two panting elves had no need to continue, so they started a new battle.

The pressure on Yu Hai's side was much smaller than that on Lei Si's. Although they each eliminated one elf, he had only released four elves, while Lei Si had already released five elves.

Then the opponent's last Pokémon should be the quasi-god Garchomp that has not yet appeared. This is easy to guess. Unless the opponent does not intend to let the quasi-god play, otherwise it is equivalent to the opponent showing his cards and competing with you.

On my side, the only thing the opponent could guess was the Poliwag, but there was also a sixth Pokémon, which was the final trump card.

So, is the opponent's last Pokémon Garchomp? Will the opponent send out Garchomp now to break the deadlock?
"Alas, my plan to use blizzard to consume the energy of the Tyrannosaurus Rex has been seen through," Lei Si silently clenched his fists. He originally wanted to use blizzard to consume the energy of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But who could have thought that the big-billed gull on the opposite side was so powerful and could fight on equal terms with his Blizzard King. How could a means of transportation be so powerful? It must be a lie!

Now it's all right. The Electric Beast is still in full strength, but it can't be activated. The Dragon King Scorpion will definitely be blocked by Forritos, Boskodora can't hold on any longer, and the Blizzard King needs to rest...

Is it possible that he can only use the Land Shark? This is his last trump card. He is unwilling to give it up so early...

"Got it, got it," Lei Si pondered for a moment and suddenly thought of an idea that seemed very promising. At the referee's urging, he glanced at Yu Hai and threw the Poké Ball in his hand out together with Yu Hai.

"Go, Dragon King Scorpion..."

"Go ahead, Frog..."

"It's the Dragon King Scorpion and the Mosquito Frog. What kind of exciting battle will they bring us? Can they reproduce the battle just now?"

"The Dragon King Scorpion? I miscalculated," Yu Hai sighed secretly. He made another miscalculation. His worst prediction was that he thought the opponent would use electric shock monster, but who would have thought it would be the Dragon King Scorpion.

Thinking back, from Raiji's perspective, his Gyarados was out, and only Tyrannosaurus, Forritos, and Sauger were left on the big screen...

The electric beast didn't appear, so the Tyrannosaurus Rex couldn't move.

Forlitos must be on guard against the Dragon King Scorpion.

The toucan has just been retrieved and cannot be used.

Then the only ones left are the backup Pokémon, Frog, Crab, Slowpoke, and Buggy...

No matter what you choose, you will be restrained by the electric monster. In this situation, it is safer to use the mosquito frog.

If the opponent sent out the Land Shark, it would be better, and the Electric Beast would also be no problem. But who knew that it was the Dragon King Scorpion, a Pokémon he had never imagined appearing.

Now that he thought about it, he found that the Dragon King Scorpion could also play the role of electric shock monsters, because only Tyrannosaurus and Forritos could suppress these two Pokémon, and other Pokémon would be poisoned if they came up.

"Dragon King Scorpion, poisonous nails..."

"Come back, Frog," Yu Hai heard the other party shout Poison Spike, so he used the Poké Ball to take back Frog and threw out the Poké Ball of Forlitos.

Because he took back the elf, Lei Si got the first attack, and he heard Lei Si yelling at the Dragon King Scorpion: "Roar..."

"Shit, this is bad," Before Yu Hai could react, Forettos returned to the Poké Ball and released the Pokémon behind Forettos.

The Poké Ball behind Flitos is exactly the Poké Ball of the Toucan. Fortunately, the Toucan can fly, otherwise it would be poisoned...

"Beili, beili," the toucan panted. A light rain began to fall from the sky. It looked back at Yu Hai. Why did he come out again?

Seeing the resentful look in the gullwing's eyes, Yu Hai apologized. Just as he was about to use the Poké Ball to take the gullwing back, he saw Lei Si's smile and his arm suddenly stopped.

At that moment, he finally understood what the other party wanted to do...

In the six-on-six final, there are six chances to take back the elves, and he has used five of them. He has taken back each elf once. If he takes back the gull at this time, he will not be able to take back the elves anymore. The most he can do is break the rules and take it back once more.

But we've reached the finals. Anyone who breaks the rules will be known as someone who will do anything to win the championship, and reputation is an invisible knife that kills people.

He naturally didn't want to break the rules of the game. This was probably Lei Si's tactic. Although it was despicable, it was a tactic within the rules and the opponent did not commit a foul, just like Butterfree used its body to block the red light of Taro's Poké Ball.

If this is the case, then it is useless for him to take back the Toucan and release the Foretos. He can roar away at any time. The opponent is targeting the Tyrannosaurus Rex. What a vicious plan!
He looked up at the big screen and quickly reviewed the remaining elves of Lei Si in his mind. After calming down and thinking for a moment, he decided to oblige the other party since he wanted to fight. "Oceanus, use Storm on the ground..."

"Bei Li," the toucan flapped its wings, using the violent storm to create a tornado. Purple poisonous spikes emerged one after another and were blown into the sky by the tornado.

"What is this? Clearing the area?" How could Lei Si not see that his purpose had been seen through. The other party was clearing the area instead of attacking the King Dragon Scorpion. It seemed that the other party knew what he was going to do. This was his opponent!

He looked at Yu Hai opposite him and couldn't help but feel a sense of mutual respect. Only your opponent can understand you...

After clearing the area, Yu Hai used the Poké Ball to retrieve the Toucan, which further confirmed Lei Si's guess that the next one would definitely be the Tyrannosaurus.

"Go, Tyrannosaurus..."

"Roar," the Iron-Armored Tyrannosaurus looked at the King Scorpion opposite it, which dared to show its pincers provocatively to it, and it immediately glared back fiercely.

"What happened? Why did Ukai take back the Otodermund and release the Tyrannosaurus Rex instead of Forritos..."

The host couldn't understand what Yu Hai was going to do, but the trainers with some combat experience already understood what Lei Si was going to do. The roar of the Dragon King was to force the Tyrannosaurus to come out. Yu Hai's six chances to change Pokémon had been used up, and the rest would be a tough battle.

"As expected, you are here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." Lei Si licked his cracked lips. He didn't care if he was seen through. Anyway, his goal had been achieved. He shouted to the Dragon King Scorpion: "Poisonous nails..."

(End of this chapter)

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