Chapter 12

Xi Ren had the same gentle smile on his face as usual, and when he lifted the curtain and entered the room, he saw Yunzhu's expression immediately became vivid, and the light red skirt moved towards her in a graceful and graceful manner without wind.

No matter how reluctant she was in her heart, Yunzhu had to stand up and bless her body. Yuxue, who was as soft as a catkin, held her up and looked her up and down, making Yunzhu feel hairy.

What's wrong with this?
"Sister Yunzhu is so stable, no wonder the old lady likes it so much." Xiren dragged her to the small couch by the window, talking while walking.

Yunzhu's scalp was numb, these big maids like to talk around the bush, and they don't know what they want to do until the end, so they carefully apologized and said with a smile: "Sister Xiren was joking."

What does the old lady like, she has been brewing tea for a year, and the old lady has never seen her more than one hand in total, so how can it be considered whether she likes it or not?

I'm afraid it's not even clear what she looks like.

Sitting on the small couch, with eyebrows raised, children in their teens are already cute, and it is even more pitiful to do this Xizi holding a heart.Yunzhu looked at her suspiciously, only to see her red lips parted slightly, "My sister must have heard that our Jiang Yunxuan kicked out a girl, do you think we are too cruel?"

Before Yunzhu could speak, he said again: "But the second master dropped the cup, and even the old lady sent someone to ask about it. There must be an end to this matter, right? In this yard, Second Master Bao is the master, and Grandma Li is also the master. The master's quarrel must be because our little girl did not serve well, don't you think so?"

Yunzhu was confused when she heard it, she wanted to nod her head, and then shook her head, thinking, what are you talking to me about?I am neither your Jiang Xuexuan's girl nor his Jia Baoyu's roommate, so how can I have a position to say which of you is right and which is wrong?

So she reciprocated: "Sister Xiren said so."

It's a fart, what does it matter to me?

"After all, it's the old lady who can teach people. Look at such an older girl, it makes sense. Sigh, it's just that after all the calculations, I can only ask Qianxue to take the lead to lead this mistake."

He praised several people, and also realized Qianxue's fault. She seemed to be thinking about her master in every way, with intention and structure.

But this time she understood. It was saying that Jia Baoyu was the master, and the nanny was also the master. How could the master make a mistake?It's just that this incident alarmed the old matriarch, and everyone from Lai came to ask about it. It was impossible to lift it high and put it down gently, so we had to find someone to take the blame for the dead ghost.

Qianxue is the dead ghost.

What's more, that Qianxue has a pink face and peach cheeks, and a coquettish figure. For a maid who wants to climb the bed, such a "strength" competitor, one less than one, kills two birds with one stone.

As for what will happen to Qian Xue and where she will go again, it doesn't matter, the masters don't care, and the slaves don't even care.

But as Xiren spoke lightly and lightly, the strings in Yunzhu's mind became more and more tense.

No matter from which point of view these things were discussed, they should not have been brought up in front of her. A third-class envoy who made tea was bought halfway from outside, let alone such a disgraceful maid like Xi Ren, come and tell her right from wrong with a pleasant face.

Bad visitor! ! !
Looking at the little girl with crooked eyebrows and smiling eyes, Yunzhu smiled on her face, but her brows were tightly knit in her heart. What exactly does she want to do?Or maybe, what are they trying to do.

After countless brainstorms in my heart, Tianguang finally exploded in Xiren's soft arrangement.

It turned out to be this plan!
No wonder!
No wonder.

Xiren smiled very gratified: "It's good now, your sister Yuanyang and the others have agreed to transfer you to Jiangyunxuan, go out with me and thank the old lady."

! ! !What kind of gratitude is this?Who wants to be the young master's maid!Yunzhu's heart was beating like a drum, and she subconsciously wanted to refuse.

"Sister Xiren, me, how am I qualified to serve the second master? I don't have to dislike the second master with my clumsy appearance."

Before I finish the conversation, the only sentence left in my mind is: go and thank the old lady~go and thank the old lady~~
Being able to say this means that they have finished all the things in the process, and they just need to thank them, and the job transfer will be settled.

Seeing that Yunzhu's face was flushed, Xu Shi said indifferently, "You're smart, mandarin ducks and the others see it, and it's because of Qianxue's matter that the second master's yard lacks tea to serve, and the old lady takes pity on her, so she is willing to part with her..."

Yunzhu heard that Xiren opened and closed his mouth so cutely and cutely, you are welcome to Jiangyunxuan, but he didn't know the next step until he got to the front of the mountain, so he couldn't help but feel a little slander.The Tao is that the situation is stronger than people, how can a third-class maid have the right to say no?
What's more, the people who pay the wages have all been arranged, and I have to rely on the strength of these people for my various future plans, so I can only agree to the unhappiness in my heart.

In the early morning of the second day, Yun Zhu, who had bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, was beaten and reminded, and entered Jiang Yunxuan holding a red bag that was not light in weight.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Lang's color scheme was very bright, and there were servant girls interspersed with them, coming in and out, laughing and chatting constantly. Although this place was only a corner of Jiamu's courtyard, it was exquisitely furnished and the fragrance was blowing. At first glance, there were more maidservants in Jia Baoyu's room than in Jiamu's room.

This, this, this!Where is the lack of tea service here?

Looking at Xiren again, it has changed from the previous spring wind and rain. Although she was smiling, her mouth showed the sternness of the big maid, and she scolded in front of everyone: "My son Qianxue made a mistake, which made our second master very angry! You all pay attention to your own work. If there is such a trouble again, don't be restrained. Why don't you find a reason to go out together!"

Yunzhu was standing on the porch, why, just after reporting, did you use me to make people feel bad?

You can't be so double-faced as a human being.

Seeing everyone around trembling, where is Qingwen?Where did Qingwen's firecracker go?Jiang Yunxuan's first and second leaders have always been at odds, and she loves to find fault with each other, and after searching around for a couple of times, she still doesn't see Qingwen's shadow, so Yunzhu has no choice but to bite the bullet and do it herself.

"Sister Xiren is joking..."

Before the words finished, a crisp female voice came in from outside the door, Yunzhu's eyes lit up, it was Qingwen!
Savior!Immediately take a short step to make room for Qingwen.

"Sister Xiren is making fun of the little girl again! Which servant in this family is not anxious about what the master wants, but thinks about what the master wants? What you said seems to be the only one that needs to be used by Xiren, and the rest of us are all eating dry food."

Well done!The little seal in Yunzhu's heart applauded, this Xiren loves to pick Joe too much, if you like to fight for favor, then go for it, and use the little maids as rafts.

The little maids are very soft-spoken, letting you criticize and scold Huai so much, and then spread it later, it seems that everyone collectively did something wrong.

When Sheyue came out from the inner room, she saw the two arguing, so she pointed to a little maid and asked her to take Yunzhu to the side room to have a look, while she hurriedly pressed down her staring Xiren, and said with a smile: "You two can just joke, if the second master knows, it's time to talk about it."

"What's more, I shouldn't bring up the matter of my son Qianxue before. The second master is now worshiping as a master, and he will go to study soon. We servants, why bother to distract him?"

Qingwen didn't speak, she snorted softly, then turned around and chased in the direction Yunzhu left, one Qianxue left and another Yunzhu came.

She is no longer a child, so she naturally understands what this means.

The number of Xiren and Mrs. Wang's visits is increasing day by day. Seeing that she is the second master's sure roommate, she tried her best to drive away Qianxue and bring in a girl like Yunzhu who is about six years old. Doesn't the master know what she is planning?

Yunzhu was familiar with the same layout as the old lady's in the room. Jiang Yunxuan was not a big place, and she probably understood clearly when Qingwen and the others came and went.

In the past, he knew that Xiren was powerful, but he didn't expect Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Jiang Yunxuan.

On the first day I came in, I met the Ji Feng of the three big maids. Seeing that everyone was talking and laughing at Yan Yan, but they were merciless in picking up short messages from each other.

Xiren pointed out that Sang scolded Huai for not being meticulous in their errands, Qingwen scolded her for entrusting Daqiao, and Musk Moon seemed to be admonishing them on the surface, but in fact she was beating them with an "imperial decree" for the master's good.And on the surface, he is neutral, but underneath he is accusing Qingwen of influencing Jia Baoyu's study, following Xiren's words.

Oh, reading.

What can Jia Baoyu learn?Can the pampered and pampered young master suffer so much?

The maids in this yard are already standing in line.

Who should I stand for?

How can a little maid like her have a neutral life?Now it's okay to be neutral for the first time, but after a long time, you still want to be neutral, that is the target in the scope, and you can bombard her from any side!

Just thinking about it, Yunzhu didn't think clearly about the inextricable relationship. Among the maids, only Qingwen's ending was known, and she would be kicked out of the Grand View Garden.

Drive out of the Grand View Garden?
Yunzhu's eyes lit up, it's good to throw it out, why don't you follow along with him when the time comes!
The construction of the Grand View Garden has not started yet, and it will probably be several years before Qingwen is kicked out. In these few years, she has to save money.

When the time comes, go out and stay far away from this place of right and wrong, so as not to hit yourself when the tall building collapses.

"You're free, I'm miserable, now I offended the big maid, I don't know what will happen in the future." Qingwen leaned on the door curtain, saw Yunzhu holding a handful of silver picks in her hand, gnawing and biting, her heartless appearance directly stimulated her petite temper.

It was a harsh statement.

But when thinking of Qingwen's character design, Yunzhu just frowned slightly, and then smiled again in a moment. Cao Gong said that Qing was Dai Ying, and she really was a person who liked to play with her petty temper.

This kind of person is easy to get along with but not easy to get along with. Speaking of which, she has met Qingwen several times. Except for her mouth, which is really unattractive, she has a straightforward and smart temper.

"It turned out to be Sister Qingwen, why did Sister say that? Sister Xiren speaks faster, but she is not as temperamental as Nanny Li. In my opinion, Sister Qingwen does not seem to offend Sister Xiren."

Of course you have offended everyone with your sharp mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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