Chapter 13

Qingwen frowned, "How do you say that?"

Seeing Yunzhu slowly stuffing a few grains of silver into her purse, she had a calculation in her heart.Although Grandma Li is the half master of Jiang Yunxuan, but she is very old, and she turns a blind eye to the occasional jealousy among the little maids.

If you talk about offending, it is nothing more than because the second master got angry the day before yesterday, and grandma Li was also scolded.

"Ah, Sister Qingwen, don't think too much, I just saw you look unhappy, that's just nonsense, Grandma Li is an old man, how can she not understand these trivial things? How can she be angry with us maids?" Yunzhu turned sideways to Qingwen to smooth things over, and used the movement of packing her purse to cover it, and took all the silver coins into the space.

He has only entered Jia's mansion for a year, and his treasury has nearly [-] taels of silver.

According to the prices here, one tael of silver is [-] copper plates. Thinking that when she was in Zhao's house, a catty of rice noodles could be bought for seven or eight Wen.

Qingwen never expected that this five or six-year-old hairy girl would tell her at this moment not to worry about Grandma Li.

Thinking of Qianxue's expressionless look before she left, she had always been so innocent, under the same roof, she even forgot that Qianxue was the niece of Shan Daliang's family, and thinking that she was pleading for Qianxue with everyone, she couldn't help but tighten her toes.

God!Look what she has done!
The reason I started arguing about the bean curd buns that day was to separate myself from Xiren, not to stand up for Qianxue. Now that the dust has settled, Qianxue has also left Jiang Yunxuan. Thinking of Xiren's demeanor, she is in a mess. How did things develop like this?

A male voice came in from outside the door.

"Speaking of it, it's all my fault! I drank too many glasses of wine, got my heart full of lard and did something wrong, which made my sisters jealous, and made sister Qianxue feel wronged for no reason. It's just that I've passed the clear road now, and I can't help it.

But don't worry, I have made a statement with the old lady, Qianxue was not kicked out, it was the old lady who gave her a dowry and sent her out after the reward! "

While talking, Jia Baoyu lifted the curtain to enter the room, and bowed nonchalantly to Qingwen, followed by innocent attackers.

He is the son of everyone, so he naturally knows etiquette. Qianxue is a maid assigned by the old lady, and she is two years older than him, so calling her sister is not abrupt.

"If it weren't for Sister Qingwen's outspoken words, I'm afraid I'd be that bastard who doesn't distinguish between black and white! Now that Qianxue is out of the door, she didn't let me get hurt. It's all because of Sister Qingwen! Sister is really the number one interpreter flower in history!"

With his back to the attacker, Jia Baoyu pulled Qingwen in a serious manner, and his obedient words turned into a big golden hat, which he put on Qingwen's head in a daze.

Just looking at it from Yunzhu's point of view, it just happened to meet Xiren's astonished and disappointed expression.

Alas, Yunzhu sighed.

Seeing Xiren's eyes shining with spring water, he knew that the two of them had enjoyed the cloud and rain of Wushan together.

Now Jia Baoyu seems to be a young man who doesn't understand love, he only knows that he likes to play with girls, so he has recruited more than twenty girls into Jiang Yunxuan one after another, but he doesn't know that Hua Xiren, who has a romantic relationship with him, can see him calling other people Xieyuhua?

Children in their teens, enjoying the blessing of being equal to each other with hugs left and right, are actually decent.

"Sister, let's have a cup of tea." After Jia Baoyu went out, Qingwen sat in the tea room and had nothing to do. She suddenly faced a cup of fragrant tea brought by Yunzhu, and the messy thoughts in her heart were cleared up.

Now Jiang Yunxuan is very lively, Miss Lin lives next door with eight or nine servants, so although there are many houses, the servants live in one room with four or five people, and the good double room has become a Datong shop, Yunzhu is not willing to go back to the dormitory when there is nothing to do on weekdays.

There is only one and a half-year-old child guarding it, and it is a clean place.

Is the pantry so attractive?

Looking at Qingwen who had been sitting in front of her for nearly an hour, Yunzhu was puzzled, so she had to boil a pot of water to make scented tea. Compared with the variety of tea leaves in the Jiamu Courtyard next door, Jia Baoyu's place looked much fresher.

A few pu'er cakes, a can of maple dew tea, and some scattered scented tea, although they are changed once a month, but because of the large number of people in Jiang Yunxuan and the large amount of consumption, the situation of extravagance and waste seems to be much better.

The tea was handed in front of him, looking at Yunzhu's red lips and white teeth, he remembered that he had always relied on being somewhat clever and quick-spoken, which was not as good as attacking people with deep and long-term vision, and was not as good as Baoyu's servants who could follow him everywhere to serve him.

It wasn't until Qianxue was kicked out that she realized that she had used too many soldiers to cover up the water and the earth.If she just acts according to her likes and dislikes, will she end up like Qianxue one day?
Although both she and Xiren were sent by the old lady, Second Master Bao was too young to be a master. Qingwen knew in her heart that she and others were just Baoyu's playmates, and she always believed that her master was the old lady.But looking at it right now, Xiren doesn't think so, Xiren and Mrs. Wang's contacts are becoming more and more frequent, and most of the maids and servants in Jiangyunxuan have a tendency to secretly move closer to Xiren.

Today, it is uncertain whether or not Xiren has sought refuge with Mrs. Wang in private.

After careful planning in her heart, there was no one reliable around her, and she was fighting alone in the mansion. There was also a cousin Wu Gui who asked her for money from time to time. I heard that a cousin came in not long ago. I had never seen that cousin, but the last few times Wu Gui always seemed to have little money, which deeply hurt her nerves.

The tea bowl was warmly pressed against her fingertips, Qingwen's heart skipped a beat, "How old is my sister?"

"Sister Lao, remember, I am six years old this year." Looking at Qingwen's quiet and beautiful appearance, Yunzhu felt a little envious. She lived so freely and recklessly, which was fascinating.

The shameless servants in this mansion are like attackers, and they all have solid family members behind them, even Qianxue, who is going out, has a shameful uncle in charge like Shan Daliang.

The two of them folded their hands, and for a moment they felt a sense of sympathy and sympathy for each other.

Seeing the glint of water in Qingwen's eyes, the door curtain was floating at this time, and with the sound of scattered footsteps coming in from the corridor, Qingwen hastily took out her handkerchief and pressed her eyes.

Before he could open his mouth, he heard someone say, "Is Qingwen here?" It was Pearl's voice.

Seeing that Yunzhu was there, Zhuzhu also nodded in a friendly manner, pressed Yunzhu to salute, and the three of them sat down in a circle in the room, "Sister Yunzhu is young, but she is transparent, why don't you listen to what we have to say together?"

I was the youngest and the last in rank, so naturally there was no reason to shake my face, so I poured three cups of scented tea politely, and then sat down on the small table beside me.

"Qingwen, you and I have known each other for a while, and I won't make any detours for you."

"Don't worry, Grandma Li will never blame you again. Qianxue's family has gone to explain it to her. Just now, Qianxue found my house and asked me to pass this on to you."

Pearl held a pouch in her hand, and inside were two golden fishes. Facing Shang Qingwen's confused eyes, Pearl couldn't help but put the pouch into her hand and said in a low voice.

"This is Shan Daliang's family who came to find me, saying that if you hadn't yelled out of your heart, Qianxue might have to bear a bad name and go out. Now that she has become a maid and let her out, I must thank you."

The maids live in Rongfu Yiying, and they are no worse than those middle-class families outside. Because they have never worried about money, they all have the character of being rich and not promiscuous, but it is not easy to take out two pieces of gold casually.

"Well, you know me, and it's not because of her..." Qingwen glanced at it, and calmly pushed the gold back.

Yunzhu kept shaking, is this the servant who got the face?Qianxue is backed by Shan Daliang. Although she has worked in the Rong Mansion for several generations, she is a servant after all, and she is so rich and powerful to thank her casually!
"Qingwen, you also know that it's thanks to you that I came to take the lead in the attack. I also went to inquire about this matter for you, so you can take it at ease."

"Yunzhu, the old lady appointed you and me to be a sister, and now I'm a big one, are you willing to recognize me as a sister?" Zhuzhu stuffed the gold into Qingwen's hand again, squeezed her hand to indicate that she had it, then turned to face Yunzhu's dark eyes and asked solemnly.

"!!" Yunzhu was shocked, looking up at Zhuzhu's sincere and firm eyes.

Pearl was not originally called Pearl, but her surname was Wang, and she was the son of Wang Sheng, a domestic servant. Because of the first Pearl, that is, Xiren, after she was sent to Jiangyunxuan, she was selected by Wang Xifeng and sent to fill the gap of "Pearl".

But because her parents are unremarkable old people in the Rong Mansion, her background is naturally inferior to Yuanyang's. Although she is a newly promoted first-class maid, the others don't particularly value her.

If it wasn't for Qingwen's quick temper, willingness to play with her, and taking her to train her from time to time, she would be able to gain a firm foothold among the first-class maids.

After all, it is an old man who has been running the mansion for many years. Although it is not as luxuriant as Qianxue's family, but there are family members working behind the scenes, and pearls in the front.

Qingwen's mountain was bigger than she imagined, Yunzhu blinked her eyes, and made a naive gesture, "Firstly, Second Master Bao asked me to climb up to my sister, but in my private heart, I have always regarded Sister Pearl as my own sister. Now that my sister is willing to recognize me, a useless girl, it is the best!"

The servants have their own network of relationships, and now Yunzhu has nothing to do, and there is a big mountain willing to let her enjoy the shade, it's like a pillow when she fell asleep.

"Good girl, if you have any difficulties in the future, Qingwen and I can both find them." Zhuzhu pulled back a gold-plated copper twisted wire bracelet from Yunzhu's hand and put it on Yunzhu's hand.

This action of pulling people onto the boat is really skillful and nimble. After accepting the gift, everyone is like grasshoppers on the same boat.

But seeing Zhenzhu and Qingwen's candid expressions, Yunzhu also willingly recognized this good relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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