Chapter 16
Early the next morning, after the cloud beads rolled into the boiling water, they rolled up their sleeves and began to clean the tea room. When they wiped the table and looked at the four round pearls on the table, they knew that this was Jia Baoyu's gift of apology to them last night.

Holding the beads and looking at them by the candlelight, she thought in her heart that although they look good, they are not as solid as gold and silver. Seeing that it was getting late, Yunzhu put away the beads and quickly made tea and took them to the main house.

Jia Baoyu wakes up every day at [-] o'clock. The first cup of nourishing tea is maple tea with honey, and the second cup is refreshing Pu'er, which is used after breakfast.

After packing up, if it's still early in the day, she will go to Jiamu's place to light the Mao and then go to Daiyu's place to show her face;

After sending Jia Baoyu away, he returned to the tea room and boiled a large pot of boiling water on the stove. This was for the little maids. Jia Baoyu was a generous master, and when he saw the little maids drinking white water occasionally, he felt great pity.

After asking, I found out that it was not that there was no tea, but that I had to use charcoal to boil the water myself. The monthly cost was only half a penny and one tael of silver. Where could I have money to buy charcoal?So Jia Baoyu waved his hand and went to my tea room to burn them. How can there be a reason for me to enjoy happiness alone under the roof?
So there was one more job in the pantry.

As soon as Qingwen entered the room, she saw Yunzhu holding a few beads and looking left and right under the sun. Her unseen appearance made her laugh out loud: "If you like it so much, why don't you ask someone to inlay it to make a pair of earrings?"

Seeing Yunzhu's embarrassing appearance of being raped, he casually asked, "Did your ears be pierced when you were a child?"

Yunzhu was taken aback.

Since she sold herself into Jia's mansion, her memory of Zhao's family has become more and more blurred. In the past, Wang Qi also asked about her family's affairs, but she always pretended to ask questions. When she was in a hurry, she said that she was young and didn't remember.

Now that Qingwen opened her mouth, it's not easy to prevaricate in such a perfunctory manner.

"I only remember that our family was poor, and the five of us sisters couldn't make a pair of hairpins, and the family didn't have the heart to make them for us." Yunzhu hesitated to speak, and it was Qingwen who said her ears were pierced, so she touched her ears and found that she didn't have piercings.

She didn't remember anything about Zhao Liuqianchen's past.It is estimated that she did not receive the memory from Zhao Liu, or it may be that Zhao Liu is too young to remember anything.

I just remembered that when I was Zhao Lu in the past, my parents doted on her very much. She had a temper like a bully and she was the youngest. The cousins ​​in the family were always spoiled by her. Later, as she got older, the brothers and sisters were separated from each other, but they would still specially invite her out to play in the family group during New Years and holidays.

Unexpectedly, after this farewell, those real memories turned into floating lights like the shadow of Feihong's claws, and looking at the antique furnishings and decorations in front of him, his nose suddenly became sore.

Where does she have a home here?
Thinking about the original body's parents wishing they could beat the little girl to their bones, an uncontrollable anger rose in their hearts.

Seeing that her words made the little girl's eyes turn red, Qingwen hurriedly pulled out the veil and handed it into Yunzhu's hand, and gently coaxed her to hold Yunzhu's hand again and again, "Good sister, I'm the one who talks too much, stop crying, it's all my sister's fault!"

"Come on, let's get your ears pierced! Put it in a row, and I'll give you all my sister's earrings!" She said, dragging Yunzhu's hand to go outside.

Hearing these words, Qingwen's vague figure was brought into her cruel and sweet elder cousin's face. Ren Yunzhu tried her best to control it, but the tears still fell on the handkerchief in big and big ones, and the cloud-gray handkerchief suddenly appeared patches of mottled shadows.

I couldn't help shrinking back and choking with sobs: "My good sister, stop quickly, how can I go out like this? Don't make people laugh!"

Seeing her crying like rain, Qingwen lowered her head and thought for a moment, then turned around and opened the curtain to go out.

When he came in again, he was holding a sewing dustpan in his hand, and Qi Shuang was following behind him.

Qilu held an egg in his hand, and looked at Yunzhu softly: "But I'm homesick? Is your home near Gyeonggi? I've never heard of it from you. If it's close, I'll find someone to take your place for a day and let you go home and see how about it?"

I wanted to say that there was nothing to think about, but when I heard that I could go out on vacation, a mournful expression suddenly appeared on my face.

If you want to miss home, Qingwen is the one who misses home the most among the three. She was originally a girl who was sold out by her family during the disaster year.

Now when she sees Yunzhu mentioning her home, she starts to cry, she can't persuade her, so she has to ask Qi Xiang to be a lobbyist.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, the big sister Qi in our yard is very good at talking!" Qingwen echoed with Qilu, and when she saw the little child who was holding back tears, the Holy Mother was so angry that she hugged Yunzhu in her arms and comforted her carefully.

But she was somewhat annoyed in her heart, she was a smart person, although Yunzhu started to cry when she got up, but she had no attachment to her family in her words.I think so, how can a family who has a full stomach and loves children be willing to sell their four or five-year-old children?
What she thought was probably the same as her own.

Qilu stepped forward and took off the handkerchief in Yunzhu's hand, and seeing that she had no tears, she spoke softly and softly: "In the past, Second Master Bao always said 'I feel sorry for you', but I didn't understand what he was talking about at that time. Now that I see Yunzhu like this, I know what kind of mood a man's family feels when he sees a girl.

It's also fortunate that our Duke's Mansion has a big place, otherwise if you cry in this room, the owner of that room will inevitably have his heart broken!
Come quickly and let me have a look, how can it be good if your eyes are broken from crying?Such a beautiful child, hurry up, roll the eggs while they are hot, so that your eyes won't be swollen tomorrow. "

Yunzhu was crying and laughing, took the warm egg in Qixi's hand and rolled it on her face, adjusted her emotions in the pinch between the two, and said embarrassingly: "Big sister Qi is making fun of me again!"

"Elder Sister Qi is also very pretty, and I am very happy to see it." The warm egg was peeled and rolled on the face, Yun Zhu couldn't help but kissed Qi Shang's flattery.

Unexpectedly, when Qi Xun heard this, her complexion suddenly turned pale, and she seemed to be indifferent: "I look like this, how can I call it beautiful? It is obviously ordinary."

Qingwen's heart turned, thinking that these days Jiang Yunxuan was under the influence of others, not to mention that she, who was also called from the old lady's courtyard, was framed up, and even Qianxue who came with her was pushed out, let alone Qi Xiang, who had a stable personality?
Looking at the worry in Qi Xun's eyebrows and eyes, it is clear that she is also depressed about her situation, and she knows better than herself where the root of falling out of favor is. In a similar situation, Qingwen inevitably thinks of her aggressive appearance again.

He couldn't help changing the topic and said: "Last night, Xi Ren became a good person. She said that as if she and Bao Erye were rotten in the same pot."

Qi Xun has always been upright and upright. Listening to Qingwen's words, although she couldn't help complaining in her heart, she still had to obey Xiren's shrewdness, "Xiren's words have fulfilled the duty of a big maid. Wouldn't it be humiliating if the second master dragged them down?"

"Oh, what you all said is very reasonable, but in my opinion, the second master likes to play with Miss Lin the most on weekdays, presumably he likes such a weak girl like Xizi very much,
Sister Qingwen is beautiful, and elder sister Qi is dignified, each has its own beauty, how can you ignore your own beauty because of Er Ye's unintentional actions? "Yunzhu flattered her so maturely, pretending not to understand the conversation between the two, she didn't want to be brought up by her ears again.



Seeing the two shaking their heads and laughing at the same time, Yunzhu also felt relieved, women are so restricted in this era, even though she has thousands of sex jokes in her heart, she dare not tease them out.

Also in this era, a hereditary family with a wealth of wealth naturally has its own rules for marrying wives and taking concubines. An ordinary maid climbed into the young master's bed. Even if the grandma in charge came in to lift their aunt in the future, life might not be any easier.

Even in such a prominent family, the second half of a concubine's life is miserable for the naked eye. There are lessons from Aunt Zhou and Aunt Zhao in the backyard. Yunzhu secretly hopes that these maids will not be coaxed by Jia Baoyu.

"Yunzhu has to set his mind right, you bought it from outside, and when you are old in the future, you might as well beg your masters to let it out again. The sky is high and the sea is wide, and that is a serious and happy life!" Listening to Yunzhu's words, Qilu thought that she was envious of Xiren and won the glory by flattering Baoyu, and couldn't help beating the two in front of her for a moment.

well said!
Yunzhu couldn't help blinking her starry eyes, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Holding Qingwen's hand, he secretly thought that it would be better if he could run out before the building collapsed, but this topic is not easy to talk about.

Seeing that Qingwen is envious of Qishang's background, and Qishang is envious of Qingwen's beauty, Yunzhu is afraid that the boat of friendship between the three will capsize, so she picks up the sewing basket that Qingwen brought over.

"Sister Qingwen has made a lot of achievements in the field of female celebrities. This is today, do you want to open our eyes?"

Seeing Yunzhu rummaging by the side of the sewing basket, and all kinds of silk threads hanging on the spools like rainbows, the young heart suddenly became alive, and he didn't care about the anger at Xiren's, so he just grabbed the sewing basket and rummaged in it.

Pretentiously, he sternly said: "Well, you little girl, you managed to make up me with a few drops of cat urine, Big Sister Qi, what did we say when we came here just now?"

Now that she has started talking, Qixi feels that her life is suddenly full of rush. Yes, the happiness of the rest of a woman's life should not be entrusted to others. Didn't she say those words for herself?
But seeing the relaxed atmosphere, Qi Xun also said relaxedly: "When we came, we said we were going to put a nose ring on Yunzhu, so that she could do her job obediently, and it would be fun for you and me!"

Seeing that Qingwen took out a new pin and lit it repeatedly on the stove, and Qilu pressed Yunzhu with lightning speed, a moment later, Yunzhu got a hole in one ear, the pain caused her to jump off the bed immediately, and helplessly shouted: "Sisters are so cruel, my God!"

Tan Yun, who was about to come in to get tea from the outside, heard their words, and his sneering hum stopped, the sky is high and the sea is wide, it is a serious and happy life.

(End of this chapter)

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