Chapter 17 Pine Nut Candy

Holding the red pierced ear pierced newly, and a piece of boiled foxtail stalk inserted in the ear hole, Yunzhu wanted to cry but had no tears.

"It hurts too much." She said to Qingwen.

"Sooner or later, you'll have to beat them. The earlier you beat them, the less you'll suffer." Qingwen pulled the twisted silk bracelet in her hand, burned the used pins, and put them back into the sewing dustpan.

"Isn't it? Our old lady is most particular about matching, so I don't want to see the poor girls." Tan Yun opened the curtain and entered the room, completely ignoring the guarded expressions of the three people in the room, and poured a cup of tea by himself.

She pointed to Yunzhu's ear, and stroked the Ruyi pattern earrings on her ear that were wrapped with gold thread and pearls. She said in a firm voice, "Although you are young now, you will grow up as you grow older. In the future, you will serve in front of Second Master Bao. Being too shabby will attract criticism and make people look down on you."

"Sister is right." Yunzhu replied in a daze.

Feeling the arm hanging by her side being pulled by Qingwen, she blushed a little, she was still arguing outside yesterday, but today she looked like nothing happened.

What a great maid.

But she is indeed dressed soberly, sold into the Rongguo Mansion last year alone, not to mention jewelry and hairpins, she doesn't even have decent clothes.

She wanted to dress up like everyone else, and with her monthly salary, she might have to work part-time until her next life.

Seeing Yunzhu's blushing cheeks, Qi Lai knew it, she lowered her eyes and said slowly, "When the days get longer, you will often walk in front of Second Master Bao, and the mansion will naturally match you with some decent attire, plus New Year's rewards, it will be enough for you."

Seeing that everyone ignored her, Tan Yun turned around and left the tea room with a pot of tea in his arms.

"Bah, what are you showing off!" Qing Wen, who wanted to get up and yell, was stopped by the remaining two Qi Qi.

Qilu is a little older, and she is quite methodical in dealing with people. It is easy to mention Qingwen, "What did you know with her? No gain or loss of face!"

Seeing that she didn't yell anymore, Yunzhu also nodded. The grass stalks on her ears were itchy, and she didn't dare to touch the new pierced ears, so she couldn't help rubbing her hands on her face to relieve the itching, and her cheeks turned red after a while.

With red cheeks, the yellow-green grass stem became more and more conspicuous. Qi Lie thought about it: "Yunzhu, go to work in the back garden. If I call you, follow me. If I don't call you, you should manage the tea room so that no one can take advantage of it."

Such a maid who has been willing to support her for many years must not have taken a fancy to her money, so Yunzhu also stopped thinking about using those few pearls as a thank you gift, and only solemnly greeted her with some gratitude.

"If Big Sister Qi has a mission in the future, I will definitely do my best!"

As she spoke, she took out a purse from her bosom, and took out an oiled paper bag from the purse. Spread the oiled paper out, four or five grains of pine nut sugar on top were glistening and fragrant, "This was given as a gift by Second Master Bao in the morning. I don't have anything else, so I had to borrow flowers and present Buddha to invite my sisters to sweet mouth."

Qi Xun picked up a candy and got up to say goodbye, saying that there was still work to be done and that she would come to find the two of them in the evening.

Qingwen held onto the purse reluctantly. The material of the purse was ordinary, and the embroidery was simple. A Q-version frog the size of a fingernail was cute and moving. Just like that, Qingwen caught Qingwen's eyes, "You embroidered this?"

Skipping the pine nut candy, the two sent Qilae away, Qingwen looked at the little frog, the color of the embroidery thread was dull, and the excess was not well-proportioned, and the embroidery cloth was a common cotton cloth in the yard, only this pattern was very flexible.

"Sister Zhenzhu first taught me how to embroider. The patterns are too delicate for me to embroider, so I have to draw a simple one myself." The Q-version frog is round and compact, and the color matching is not complicated. It only takes a few stitches to make a prototype, which is much easier than those traditional patterns!
In the past year, she relied on these small thoughts to cope with the embroidery session in the maid training class.

Rongguo Mansion is rich, and the maids have been studying all their lives. If they can learn something famous, there will be special old people to teach them carefully, which can be regarded as angel investment.

"The mind is clever."

Seeing Qingwen drawing the embroidery pattern on her fingers, she knew that the embroidery master in front of her was attracted. There are countless capable people in this courtyard. It's not that she wants to show off deliberately, but if she wants to break into the maidservant group as soon as possible, she needs a skill that she can show off.

"My elder sister is good at embroidery. She can always sell more than others for her embroidered pieces. The ingenuity is in this pattern. I am young and love to pester her. Although I haven't learned the embroidery skills well, I dare say that the pattern has some skills that others don't have!"

In this courtyard, she is not as exquisite as Xiren, nor as skilled as Qingwen, not to mention those girls who are as beautiful as flowers and have backstage.

After all, who knows if his face will be disabled when he grows up?

The sturdy old lady sold her out of nowhere, and she didn't like her after all. In this era, it is even more difficult to become a woman of this era.

Thinking of not being able to rely on anyone, Yunzhu unconsciously used all her energy to ask Qingwen for advice on her skills.

"It's okay to teach you, but it's a delicate job. How much you can learn is up to you." When she heard that Yunzhu was going to learn embroidery, Qingwen blinked, swallowed a piece of pine nut candy, and said the old god.

"My sister is right. If my sister is willing to teach me, I will be a perfect person. I will never be lazy!"

Life in Rongguo Mansion is not bad, as long as you save some money before leaving the mansion, and have a handy handicraft, you will be able to live no matter what in the future.

It’s all bittersweet and tears, but a year ago I still saved money and went out to buy some land to be a landlord.

Now that a year has passed, she also knows that the land on the edge of Gyeonggi has long been acquired by a powerful force, a little girl who is nothing, how can she be qualified to buy land!
"Okay, draw me a frog first, no, two, it's better to be a pair. Then...then when will you be able to split this embroidery thread into eighteen threads, when will I teach you a unique skill!"

Seeing that Yunzhu readily agreed, Qingwen responded with a few words, and left the tea room shaking with pine nut candy in her mouth.

The little girl doesn't know the depth, how can I learn the real things without years of accumulation in embroidery?
The sun was setting to the west, and a pot of maple dew tea had just dried to a similar temperature when I heard footsteps outside the house.

Then everyone greeted him, "Second Master is back!"

"Second Master Bao, slow down!"

"But something urgent? Why are you in such a hurry."

Xiren's voice was mixed among the maidservants, and the crisp, loud and very intimate words immediately compared the voices of everyone.

"You're right! Quickly, change your clothes and go see the old lady, I have to go out!"

After serving tea and straightening her clothes, Yunzhu pretended not to hear the attacker's voice, and went to finish her work today.

"Our decent person today is back!" Yunzhu smiled and put the teacup on the round table beside Jia Baoyu, with a smile on her face. Xiren likes to be the leader in the yard, but her personality...

Yunzhu carefully pinned her hair.

"Oh? What do decent people say?" Jia Baoyu's personality was always out of character. If someone happened to say something to his heart, it would be impossible to get to the bottom of it.

"Just now, Sister Xueyan came to look for Sister Xiren. She said that the old lady heard that Miss Lin was going to make rouge cream, so she specially ordered Second Mistress to find pollen fragrance from the storeroom, so that we don't have to prepare the ingredients by ourselves. Now the girls are all waiting next door, and the second master is waiting alone. What is it not decent?"

Among the children of Rongguo Mansion's generation, Jia Baoyu is the most favorite of the old lady, and she loves to play with girls. Although she is a little more rouge, in Yunzhu's eyes these days, she has a conspicuous personality.

Our young master doesn't like to make progress, but he has a clever mind and a sharp contrast in his personality.

"Good Yunzhu, thank you for reminding me. Hurry up and ask Mingyan to answer the call, and I won't be looking for Qin Zhong today!"

Daiyu first entered the Rongguo Mansion, although it was her grandfather's family, but now her grandmother is not the head of the family, she is said to be an aunt and cousin, but in fact Mrs. Wang and Wang Xifeng are busy with their own affairs, so how can they have the time to take care of her carefully?
"This little girl is quick-talking! I only just found out about this. What a coincidence. I asked my brother to find roses after listening to your friend in the morning. It's unnecessary now." Upon hearing Yunzhu's words, Xiren stepped forward to take the crown tied by Jia Baoyu, and hurriedly explained.

Looking at Yunzhu, the words clearly meant that she was enriching herself and using power for personal gain.Good and bad minds!I thought it was a young person, and there was no threat to let him in, but now he is as annoying as Qingwen.

Seeing Xiren's raised eyebrows, Yunzhu's heart skipped a beat. Xiren wanted to climb into Jia Baoyu's bed so much, that's why he regarded all the girls in the yard as imaginary enemies.

"Miss Lin always liked to play around with our second master, now it's spring, and I look much better than the first one." Yunzhu thought of the attacker's method of driving Qianxue away, feeling very emotional in her heart, and pointedly pointed out, hoping that she could see the situation clearly sooner.

It's best not to use these tricks on other people. You are not a serious girl in the mansion. If you don't have a backing background, you will never have a good place to go. Even if you don't think about others, you have to think about yourself.

Seeing Baoyu put on her clothes, she happily threw the purse in her hand to Yunzhu, and said with a blushing face, "Yes, sister Lin has always been very thoughtful, but she is such a younger sister, and I just love to coax her. Seeing her complexion getting better every day, I am also very happy!"

"Your reward!" After a while, the big living person in front of him came out of the room, and the voice came from the outside.

Before Xiren handed over tea, Jia Baoyu, who had just tidied up his clothes, had already stepped out of the threshold in three steps, leaving only a scent of grass and trees in the air surrounded by lavender clothes.

"The truth is that people are small ghosts, Yunzhu is so clever, I was mistaken." Xiren pulled the handkerchief, watching everyone go out, she stopped Yunzhu who was lagging behind, her voice was neither high nor low, and her expression was full of worry.

"My sister is worrying too much. These are all from my heart. The old lady loves Miss Lin and is always concerned about her. She is also taken care of by our brother, the second master. Although she has Shen Ke in her body, it is unknown if she will be better in the future." This year, he has grown a lot in height, and his heart has grown a lot.

Seeing the sharp chin in her eyes, Yunzhu pushes back without showing any weakness. Jia Baoyu's preference for Daiyu makes anyone think that this is a pair of Bi people.

Therefore, in this courtyard, Daiyu's name is most disliked by Xiren.

(End of this chapter)

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