Chapter 36 Confused
There are happy events in the mansion, although there are no tourists in the garden, there are swallows and warblers everywhere, the Lai family is not as particular as Jia's mansion, and the rule that servants are not allowed to enter the inner courtyard is not strict here.

Yunzhu walked among the paths in the garden, looking at the servants who were shuttling in the courtyard.

Ordinarily, the Lai family's five-entry house is considered luxurious, and there are peonies and orchids planted everywhere. These flowers that need to be carefully attended to by a special person to bloom are not likely to be cultivated by a family like the Lai family who know how to make money.

With doubts, Yunzhu didn't dare to go far, but she also didn't want to go into the crowd.So he touched the side and sat on the edge of the rocks around the lake, waiting for Qingwen to find it again.

For some reason, when I heard that Nanny Lai wanted to find Qingwen, some inexplicable thoughts suddenly arose in my heart. Fortunately, the two came out of Jia's mansion openly, and the Lai family is also a respectable family. After all, there will be no hindrance.

Just watching the wind and lotus moving around on the water, there was a loud noise from a distance, and then a few hunched young men came out from the verandah, all of them looked anxious, and they were about to come up to the lotus pond.

Thinking that he was here as a guest, it would be hard to tell if he saw something private, so he lifted the hem of his skirt and flashed into the blind spot beside the rockery.

Fortunately, this pair of bodies is still small, leaning against the cracks in the stone, the eyes are full of emerald green lotus leaves, and there are whispers in the ears as the breeze rippling.

"The uncle doesn't even look at what day it is today, if something goes wrong, what shall we do?"

If it was really a shameful thing, Yunzhu blinked, and as the footsteps got closer and closer, she jumped up wildly like a rabbit in her heart.God bless, she is just an ordinary migrant worker, and she doesn't want to get involved in these bad things.

"To shut up!"

Some people walked around, maybe they didn't expect there to be people around the lotus pond on the outer edge of the rockery, and after turning around a little, seeing that the servant girls and servants were still far away, the man said again: "What nonsense are you talking about! Besides, what are you afraid of? The old man will be released after the New Year, and we all want to follow,... Can you catch us?"

There was a pause at that point, I don't know what information was skipped.The only thing that is certain is that the uncle they are talking about is Lai Shangrong, and it is almost certain that it is Lai Shangrong who ordered them to do shady things.

Hearing this, the person who first complained murmured for a while, and finally blew his nose rudely, then leaned against the rockery to rest in the cave.

Yunzhu was stunned, what's going on?What kind of geomantic treasure is here?If you don't go, when will you be able to go out?Seeing that the main courtyard was about to hold a banquet, it was impossible for him to stand here until dark.

Listening to the chattering of the mountains outside, Yunzhu moved the embroidered shoes uncomfortably, and Qingwen reckoned that she was going to come back. There was already a strong smell of food outside, and it was almost time for the banquet.

Covering the anxiety in his heart, he touched the rough Taihu stone under his hand, and suddenly his heart moved.

Carefully picked up a piece of corner stone from the edge of the grass, and threw it hard in the direction of going out.


Holding the hem of her skirt, she listened to the sound coming from her ears. The servants outside the rockery heard the movement and gradually dispersed. Yunzhu listened for a long time, and then jumped out after confirming that there was no one there.

It's hard to get out.

Just now, the five or six young men were guarding the sides of the rockery viciously. No matter which direction Yunzhu went out, he would fall into their encirclement.

"You..." Before I could ask what you were going to do, I was startled by the scent coming from the tip of my nose, and then my eyes went dark, and I slumped heavily on the rockery on one side of my body, and rolled to the ground with my face down.

***!Mercury retrograde!

Yunzhu screamed in her mind, and lost consciousness with only this thought left.

The east wind blows, and the willow waves hear the warblers.Where the blue sky is like washing, there are butterflies dancing and bees flying, and the garden is full of spring.

Qingwen stared blankly at the bright red Yunzhu in front of her eyes.

This is Uncle Lai's outer study. It seems to be a quiet place, but it is only separated from the garden by a wall. From the perspective of the second floor, you can also see the busy maids and servants.

The girl who came to urge the banquet has already asked three times. Fortunately, it is a flowing water table, otherwise today there will be a negligent talk.

After a gust of wind, Qingwen had a rare shiver, and a gentle voice next to her remembered: "This girl is fine, but she suffered a fall during the tooth replacement period. This front tooth... I'm afraid it will be unsightly for a few days."

Taking the padded cloak from the servant, Qingwen stepped forward and covered Yunzhu's shoulders herself, and after sending the trembling old doctor out, she sat in front of the couch with a sad face.

Who would have thought that Uncle Lai would dare to invite him privately in the name of Nanny Lai?

At the beginning, she was sent to Jia's mansion by Nanny Lai through Lai's hand. Although she was not a child of the family, she was not bad at all. Her life can be seen at a glance.For the rest of his life, if he couldn't become Jia Baoyu's aunt in the future, what should he do?

If it was earlier, she would still have a choice...

Qingwen was annoyed in her heart, her nose was sore, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and she even choked up her breathing.

"I fell!" Yunzhu groaned uncomfortably as the sweat covered her back covered by the cloak, she was woken up by a heat wave.

His eyes stared straight at the ceiling, his mind was in chaos, only a picture of falling down was played in his mind in a loop, the wound on his waist was burning hot, and there was still a fishy and sweet breath in his mouth.

"That's right, you can fall off the rockery just to enjoy the flowers. It was brought to you by Uncle Lai's servant. The front teeth have been knocked off. Yunzhu, you are really good at it." Qingwen wiped her tears, straightened her body, and said softly with a sneer on her lips.

Yunzhu was taken aback for a moment.

fall down?
She was obviously stunned!
"You, are you okay?" Even though there are thousands of thoughts in my heart, it is still a mess at the moment.Thinking of Qingwen not returning for a long time, the tip of her tongue licked lightly, and a sharp pain came from her gums.

This tooth has been loose for more than half a month, and now it suddenly fell out like this, and I still feel a little worried.

"Nurse Lai came to see me to talk about the old days, what's the matter? But you, although you are changing your baby teeth, but you lost your temper, and you are still leaking. How can you tell me to go back and explain to the second master?" Qingwen looked at Yunzhu's dazed face, and deliberately covered up that Uncle Lai was looking for her.

Yunzhu had a headache and didn't know how to describe her experience to Qingwen in a reasonable way, so she looked around and stopped talking.

Seeing that Yunzhu was silent, Qingwen thought she was terrified, so she forced a smile, folded the cloak and put it in the box beside the couch, and comforted her: "Those boys saw that your blood was smudged, so they sent you here in a panic. This was Uncle Lai's study, and it couldn't be closer to the lotus pond. Don't worry, no one has seen you humiliating."

Lai Shangrong's study room is spacious and clean. Although there are many books, there are not many signs of flipping through them. There is a new smell of paper everywhere. Apart from Tao Qian's famous book "Peach Blossom Spring" hanging on the wall, it is even less popular.

Excited to donate the official, but hang on to the peach blossom garden, it is puzzling for Mr. Lai.

(End of this chapter)

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