Chapter 37
The noon sun is just right, Lai Shangrong's study.

Qingwen was dressed in a water-green servant uniform, and stood facing the window, with a slim figure, but the panic on her face had not yet disappeared.

Standing in front of her was Lai Shangrong, who had taken a good rest. He hadn't changed his dark blue official uniform, and one of the buttons on his collar had been undone neatly. Before his blush faded, he calmly ordered the boy to close the door of the study.

Even though there was a servant who wanted to speak, he gave him a wink and asked someone to pull him out.

The little maid who first told her that Nanny Lai was invited has long since disappeared. Qingwen lowered her eyes and walked towards the window calmly as she thought about it. The current situation is quite unpredictable.

"Master wants to see me, why bother to go all this way? It's enough to let someone know. Now Grandma is resting at the front. If it gets out that you and I meet in private, it won't hurt my reputation." Qingwen tugged at the corner of her clothes, her mouth as sharp as ever.

Saying this on the mouth, but constantly ridiculing in the heart, what reputation does the man's family have?Since ancient times, only women are vulnerable to the shackles of so-called reputation.

Lai Shangrong stood behind him silently, seeing Qingwen's sharp teeth and sharp mouth, he felt displeased, so he deliberately left her alone for a long time before opening his mouth in a calm and unhurried manner.

"Sister Qingwen, we may not see each other for a long time, don't we even have the friendship to sit down and drink a cup of tea?"

What camaraderie!Where is the friendship between the two of them?
Qingwen's almond eyes widened, and her already deceived heart was even more furious. She wished she could rush up and tear up that mouth, but before she could refute, Lai Shangrong said again: "First of all, my mother bought you into the house, and she had other intentions, but I didn't know that the old lady fell in love with you at the first glance."

Lai Shangrong gazed at the beautiful face by the window fascinatedly, "We are slaves after all, the master has orders, even if he is unwilling, he has no choice but to obey, but you know how painful it is in my heart."

As if struck by lightning, Qingwen thought for a long time about the plan next to that sentence, and then stammered and asked: "What are you talking about, sir? Grace of the old lady, how can it, how can it..."

How can it be?Qingwen herself can't tell how ugly she is, she only knows that water flows to low places and people go to high places.Don't say that he was sent to Jia's mansion at that time when he was still young, so he had to let his fate be manipulated by others.

Even now, with the opportunity in front of her eyes and asking her to choose, she would definitely not choose to stay in Lai's house as a servant of a servant.

The man covered the light in his eyes, couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "Good Qingwen, you can be regarded as I grew up watching, can't you feel my love for you?"

"Although I am not a big official now, I can still speak well. As long as you agree, I will redeem you and promise you the position of equal wife."

Lai Shangrong's words are full of ambition, although there is bitterness in the words, they are also decisive.Qingwen was four or five steps away from him, so naturally she couldn't see the frivolity in the other person's eyes.

It's just that he knew in his heart that the Lai family had already decided on a girl from the Yang family. Although the Yang family was not a big family, the family had an uncle who was a five-rank acquaintance in Beijing. Marrying to the Lai family this time was considered a marriage, and he was happy to carry his status on weekdays and refused to suffer easily.

This old man's mouth is touched, he is a flat wife, and he is not afraid that Xiao Yang will eat him alive!

Qingwen didn't know what he was thinking, and she didn't bother to know, anyway, it was the women who suffered in the end.

Qingwen was arguing, but forced by Lai Shangrong's official authority, and thinking about the friendship of Lai's family in the past, she just closed her mouth tightly like a clam shell, swallowed back the words, and turned to the direction of the yard.

Here, Qingwen and Lai Shangrong had a delicate atmosphere, while over there, everyone happily moved the food boxes, and the banquet in the front yard was about to begin.But in a moment, just as she was thinking about how to get out, she saw four or five young men carrying Yunzhu with a bright red face towards the corner gate.

"Hey! You guys! What are you doing!" Qingwen raised her voice towards the yard, ignoring the man's gesture of dragging her, swaying left and right before going down the stairs.

Before I stepped out of the study, I heard a female voice outside the courtyard saying softly: "Stop for me, who is it? Bring me here."

When Qingwen stepped out of the room, she saw the goose-yellow figure approaching, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao would be here, isn't this Mrs. Lai and Xiao Yang?
He walked over angrily, and glared at the young servants first to make sure that they didn't carry Yunzhu out of the corner gate, then turned around and bowed to Xiao Yang, and said loudly: "Grandma, today is the young master drawing lots. You are his sister-in-law. Maybe there are some procedures that require you to leave. I just saw that the uncle is waiting for you outside."

"It's just that I brought that little girl here. After all, she is the person who serves Second Master Bao. They are too unruly!"

Qingwen raised her chin to show everyone to watch the actions of those boys. She is a maid who went out from the Lai family, and she still has some friendship with the Lai family.Later, he served in front of the old lady. Although he was not very old, his qualifications were impressive.Although Xiao Yang is an official's wife, because of the relationship with the Lai family, it is not easy to put too much airs on Qingwen.

Facing this young girl with a childish but crisp voice, the noisy scene was suddenly silenced.

The complexions of Xiao Yang and Mammy gradually changed following these words, and the cheeks full of jealousy just now returned to their original state. The Mammy was quite perceptive, looked up at the crowd, and saw Uncle Lai coming down the stairs, she couldn't help but glared at the boys, gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice: "They are all villains!"

Hearing this, Lai Shangrong looked a little unhappy, of course he didn't feel that the culprit had even scolded him, he only coughed twice, and looked like Wang Ding and the others leisurely.

Wang Ding is the servant next to the male master, at first he was scolded by his wife from the old woman in front of him, and just now he was scolded by Qing Wen again, his face flushed with embarrassment and anger.

Under the eyes of the uncle, Ai Ai waited for a long time, and finally could only admit his mistake first: "This girl just fell at the lotus pond, and she is fainting now. We are taking her to Doctor Jiang!"

"Yes, yes! Ma'am, look, her teeth are broken!" Wangcai rolled his eyes, bowed to Xiao Yang, and continued in a soft voice, "We were wrong just now, thinking that it was the young master's happy day ahead, it would be inappropriate to see the red, so I made my own decision."

"Wangfu has already gone to invite Dr. Jiang, maybe right away..."

Lai Shangrong stepped forward and kicked him on the leg.

Wangcai staggered, knelt down on the ground with a slap, and stuttered, his facial features wrinkled and his smile was uglier than crying: "Master, calm down! Master, calm down!"

Seeing this, Qingwen deeply felt that Lai Shangrong and the former just seemed to be two people at the moment, so she coughed lightly: "Please make it easier for the eldest lady to let me, my sister, go back first. We caused trouble for the family and bumped into a happy event. We will definitely visit the door in the future."

When Xiao Yang saw Lai Shangrong, the corners of her eyes and brows were full of joy, and when she heard that she was a girl from Jia's house, she even smiled and said no hindrance, no hindrance.

"The visitor is a guest, and going back home like this will definitely make people suspicious. Wouldn't it be my family's fault to spread rumors later?" Lai Shangrong's gaze flashed across the faces of Qingwen and his wife, Yang Shi, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold: "Wang Ding! Don't help this girl into the study, Wang Cai will invite Dr. Jiang to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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