Chapter 48

East Palace Side Hall
The tall young man in front of the desk was the young man in green robe and python boots, flipping through the papers Feng Bao sent up, he paused for a while, and then casually threw the stack of papers into the incense burner.

Under the cloud of green smoke, the look between his brows and eyes is hard to see clearly, but he said calmly: "It's just that he has been a teacher for a girl for a year, but he has the face to call himself a teacher."

Feng Baoli stood aside, he didn't see any servants, his new green robes were clean and elegant, his face was full of respect, seeing that the person above him didn't want to say more, he casually mentioned a few words about Daiyu's life experience, and then talked about the changes in the palace.

"Your Majesty probably intends to speed up his actions, but now he refuses to even do superficial efforts. I just don't know what the head of the Jia family thinks."

The prince looked at the busy little birds jumping up and down on the treetops outside the window, lost his mind for a while, then turned his head and said thoughtfully: "Jia Xiande, there are also fake virtues."

Feng Bao sneered, and wanted to say something, but his superior looked indifferent, so he hurriedly lowered his head and swallowed it down, no more words.

"Since you also said that she is very pitiful, then, as you said, let's take care of her more." After saying that, he waved Feng Bao out and told the front of the hall:

"Since there is Jia Xiande in the palace, I'm not afraid of having more real virtuous ones. Zhu Quan, tidy up, and let's enter the palace to say hello."

The chief supervisor named Zhu Quan responded.


Perhaps one of the servants went back to report the news long ago, Daiyu's master and servant got into Yunzhu's car, and another driver came up, and the group of people staggered back to Jia's mansion.

On the way, Daiyu and Baoyu looked at each other in silence, but Xueyan couldn't bear it anymore and said first: "Miss, do you still live in the Bisha cabinet? I'm afraid the space is too narrow to fit so many luggage. I thought, there are two other courtyards in the middle of the capital that the master left for the girl earlier. Why don't we put the things that are not commonly used in the other courtyards, and I will go to pick them up when they are needed?"

Jia Baoyu didn't know what Jia Lian was going to Yangzhou for, but when he heard that Daiyu's luggage was going to be put elsewhere, he was afraid that he would lose his sister in the future, so he said anxiously: "Is there still a lack of storage in the house? Where is the master in one place and the luggage in another? Isn't it inconvenient to use?"

"Second Master, have you forgotten? Our house is currently building a family home for the elder girl, and the large house in Huifang Courtyard has been demolished." Yunzhu smiled and said, implying that where are there so many warehouses?

What's more, she also has her own thoughts, although she doesn't know what Daiyu herself thinks, but Xueyan is Daiyu's personal girl, and she was brought here by the Lin family, so she must have a plan in her words and actions. Although she doesn't know the details, she also knows the outcome of Daiyu's death in Rongguo Mansion.

If someone has a long-term plan in mind, how can others stop him?
After hearing this, Jia Baoyu came back and said angrily: "I was careless.

Then as if thinking of something, he grabbed Daiyu's hand and said with a happy smile: "When the garden is built and the land will be opened up, I will move back at that time."

Xueyan glanced over the overlapping hands of the two of them seemingly unintentionally, and seeing Daiyu nodding, she knew that she also agreed with her idea, so she stopped the driver, asked Yunzhu to take care of the two, and called for someone to go back to inform Zijuan, and then said that she would go back when the arrangements were made.

Originally, the Lin family's house in Beijing had some advantages, but now most of them are in other people's hands, and now there are only two under the girl's name.There is a small house with four entrances in the city, and there is a Zhuangzi with a pleasant scenery facing the water and backing the mountains outside the city.

That's it.

He counted the carriages pulling the luggage, and sent most of the goods that were temporarily unused to the small house, and a small part of the goods that were needed immediately went to Jia's mansion with the carriage.

Yunzhu is right.

Now that the girl is young, she has to be taught by a respectable elder in order not to lose her reputation, so there is no reason for her to live alone.

But the daughter's family is going to marry after all, and her girl has no relatives by her side, these belongings must not be mixed with other people's family, otherwise in the future there will be me in you, and you will be in me, how can you tell the difference?
"Miss, won't you come?" The housekeepers are Mrs. Wu's family. Seeing Xueyan counting the list books, everyone is busy registering and entering the warehouse. Only the old and dazed Mrs. Wu stood at the door for a long time. No one came, so she stepped forward to ask Xueyan.

Xueyan smiled and replied: "The old lady misses Miss, so she will pick her up to live in the Duke's Mansion for a few years. If you miss her, can you come to see her with me in a while?"

"It's time to see you, but today there is a lot of chaos, and Shuanzi went to visit the village outside the city again. I'm afraid it will be bad if I go like this. I have to sort out the affairs before I can talk to the girl." Mrs. Wu squinted her eyes and exchanged warm greetings with Xueyan.

She hadn't seen the old lady for many years. If she hadn't visited the girl in Rongguo Mansion a few years ago, she might not even remember the appearance of the old lady.

Now when she heard that Daiyu was going to live in the capital for a long time, she was heartbroken that she lost her father when she was young, but also longed to earn face in front of her master.

So he repeatedly told his hands and feet to be gentle, don't touch the girl's things, smiling, if it weren't for the blurred eyes and gray hair, who would have guessed that such a shrewd and capable old lady is now seventy years old?

After a lot of busy work, he finally said: "You are the big girl next to the girl, and it is your first duty to take care of the girl. Let the boys do these rough jobs. Go and drink some tea."

"I'm not thirsty, Grandma Wu, don't worry, I will give birth to [-] minds, grow three heads and six arms, and protect the girl like an iron bucket!" Xueyan replied with a smile, but secretly made up her mind.

There are many things she couldn't see clearly before, but now she understands.

Why does the old lady have to take the girl back to the mansion, and why does the second master Lian have to preside over the master's funeral.Looking at the distribution of the family wealth now, if the magistrate hadn't stepped forward, I'm afraid that her daughter would not know how much the Lin family's property is, let alone sell it to the court and register it in front of His Majesty.

As for the future, the old saying goes that if you have money in your hand, you don't panic.

Don't look at the second master Bao is very concerned about the girl right now, but which girl does the second master Bao not care about?In case of being busy for two years, I will change my temper, and when the time comes, I will send the girl a few thousand taels of dowry silver.

If a well-behaved young lady is underestimated because of her lack of wealth, where can she ask the girl to reason?

"Today we are in a hurry, so I will decide to accept your greeting post. When the girl recovers, I will ask you to go to the house to talk. From now on, everyone will live in the capital, and there is no need to come and go frequently. Grandma Wu is at ease." Mrs. Wu's family is the elderly of the Lin family. Now a son and a daughter are guarding the house in the capital, and they signed a death contract.

"I made two copies of this list. I'll take this back to the girl, and you can keep this one. Now that the old lady has gone, the old lady can decide other things, but these dead things need us to be careful."

Mrs. Wu answered yes repeatedly.

This day at the post station, Wu Xing and Laiwang's family took command of the dowry box for three boats and five carts for most of the day, and moved the last box into Jia's mansion in the dead of night, just missing the bustling excitement of everyone Lai who tied up the five-flowered glass and sent it out of the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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