Chapter 49

"Do you want to go through the main entrance?" Daiyu asked Jia Baoyu when she saw the wide open main entrance at the entrance of the Rong Mansion.

The main gate is not often opened, except for weddings, funerals, and funerals, the gate is only opened to show respect when distinguished guests or heavenly families visit.The last time the main door was opened, it was Aunt Xue, mother and son who came to the door, so right now, it can be confirmed that the door is not opened for juniors like them.

Before Jia Baoyu could answer, he saw a tall maidservant in a lotus-colored jacket, a green satin waistcoat, and a lake green skirt coming out of the small door next to the side door.It is none other than Zicuckoo who has received Xueyan's letter and is waiting inside the door.

Thinking about the purpose of Daiyu's trip, Zijuan flicked her newly changed clothes, raised the corners of her mouth, stepped forward and said with a slight smile: "The girl is back, the old lady has been thinking about it all morning."

"Maybe there is a visitor, let's go and see who it is." Jia Baoyu said, ignoring Zijuan, and dragged Daiyu to the main entrance.

He has always been unruly, Lin Daiyu glanced at Zicuckoo's anxious face calmly, smiled lightly and tugged at the crane cloak on her body, and replied softly: "That's fine."

The two stepped into the threshold of the main entrance, ignoring the gatehouses on both sides, and saw the green cloth car waiting inside, the two got on the sedan chair one by one, and after a while, the two maids were left behind.

Yunzhu followed Zijuan and entered through the corner gate. Before she could run quickly to chase the sedan chair, she heard Zijuan tugging at her sleeve and said numbly, "Young lady is the most disciplined, why are you messing around with the second master today? Where is the main entrance from the house of the girl from the inner gate? What happened to you on the way?"

Following Zijuan's gaze, he glanced at the two small green cloth sedan chairs in front of him, thinking that anyway, there are so many people today, and there is a joke that can't be covered even if he wants to cover it in the public.

So he kept walking and talking, telling Zijuan how he was hired by Jia Baoyu as a strong man to drive the carriage, how he got a plain carriage from the stable, and how he went to the post station.

"When did you start grooming? Forget it, it doesn't matter, this...Wu Xing's family is an old man, how could such a mistake happen?" Even she knew that she had changed into colorful clothes in advance to pick up people. Wu Xing's family had no reason to make such a mistake.

Then she thought, I'm afraid the girl is sad right now, so she gritted her teeth and pulled Yunzhu, carrying the money of a well-balanced maid and followed all the way in.

Yunzhu only said that she knew how to drive the carriage when she was at home, but she spread her hands when the carriage went wrong today, expressing that she would ask Wu Xing's family about it.

In the main room of Jia's mother's courtyard, Jia Lian was sitting at the bottom with a heavy face just after he had finished speaking, the tea bowl in hand was empty, but because the old lady had gotten so angry just now, no one dared to come up to add water for the time being.

The old lady with frosty temples had blue veins in her arms, and she was holding on to the crested crutches tightly, with anger in her eyes; Mrs. Wang, who was facing the Bodhisattva on weekdays, was also cautious without saying a word.

Only Mrs. Xing came late and didn't understand what happened to everyone. She just looked at the glass kneeling in front of Jia Zheng, and asked with a smile on her face, "What's the matter? Glass can't serve the old lady properly? My place..."

She originally wanted to say that there are a few well-trained girls from my place who can be sent over for dispatch, but the old lady should not get angry, when she saw the bright red limelight suddenly knocked.

The sound of 'Dang' startled everyone, and even the girls and daughters-in-law held their breaths and dared not speak. Mrs. Xing was stunned immediately. If she hadn't maintained her identity, she might burst into tears on the spot.

She is a girl from a small family and a stepwife, and she is always out of breath when facing the Jia family members; so far, she has no son and a half girl under her knees, and her waist is not straight between her sisters-in-law.

Just as the old lady was about to reprimand, she heard footsteps outside the house, Wang Xifeng smiled and said sadly: "Tell the old lady to wait, I'm here to deal with errands. Miss Lin is back, God is sorry to see you, and she is missing her father and mother, and she is tired after a long journey. The old lady will feel sorry for her!"

Baoyu wanted to go back to Jiangyunxuan to change her clothes, but Yu Daiyu entered the room alone, and as soon as she entered the door, all eyes were on her.Zicuckoo thought to herself that it was a good thing that Master Bao left just now, otherwise, if so many people saw the two holding hands, rumors would be unavoidable afterwards.

Seeing Hu Po put a futon in front of her, Dai Yu raised her head, and after saying hello to everyone, she swept her gaze over everyone, and bowed respectfully in the direction of the old lady: "Grandmother, I'm back."

My originally thin body came back following this sentence, and my trembling appearance was like a flower fluttering in the wind, which made people feel infinite love in an instant. Aunt Xue stood behind Baochai, her eyes were red and she could hardly control her hands that wanted to go forward to help her up.

And the old lady who was originally angry, when she saw her granddaughter like this, she immediately pulled her heart into one place, and she had already thrown away those emotions just now. The face that was [-]% or [-]% similar to her own daughter evoked infinite sorrow and tears in her.

Wang's two daughters-in-law supported the old lady, one on the left and the other on the right, for fear that she would fall, and when the old lady made a gesture to get up to hug Daiyu, Daiyu also threw herself into the old lady's arms like a tired bird.

Everyone got up when they saw this, some helped Daiyu, some helped the old lady, some handed silk handkerchiefs, some wiped their tears... In the wide hall, only the old lady cried mournfully: "My Yu'er, my poor Yu'er!"

After a while, he pulled Daiyu to sit beside her, and looked at her face carefully while shedding tears: "How can I lose weight like this after a trip? Your parents are irresponsible, you..."

Yun Zhu stood outside the door, and saw through the window lattice that everyone was crying together, but when she looked closely, she saw other expressions on their faces.

Only Aunt Xue followed the conversation and said: "The person who came to Wang's house just now came to report that Lin girl had been bumpy all the way and hadn't eaten yet. The time is not right now, and the banquet may take a while. The old lady took pity on her, so she asked this girl to eat a bowl of plain noodles at my place, so she can rest at night."

Xue Baochai wanted to prevent her mother from showing her eyes, but Lin Daiyu was so tired that she had no choice but to suppress her heart, and even lost her usual prudence in words and deeds.

Baochai, who was tall and muscular, stood in the hall. Although she was a visitor, she said neither humble nor overbearing: "I just want to report to the old lady, but Miss Lin is keeping her filial piety, and she shouldn't touch meat and mutton. If she is asked to sit with us at night, she can't eat this or touch that. I'm afraid you will feel sorry for her."

If following the usual practice, Daiyu surrounded so many people, she didn't have to try to save trouble and go against her will. Besides, I'm not hungry, and it would be fine to sit down with the elders later and have dinner together.

Xu Shi listened to Xueyan's chatter all the way, and remembered Lian's second cousin's attitude, nodded for the first time, and said: "Father just passed the [-]th, and I am keeping my filial piety, why don't I say goodbye now, and come to serve the old lady in the evening."

Although the tone of the words was soft, the content was strong, causing Baochai to look at her sideways and inquiringly.

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly suffocated.

Mrs. Wang looked at Jiamu calmly and calmly: "Brother Lian said just now that Lin girl has gone to Yangzhou to look like a big girl. Look, old lady, she really has her own ideas."

An orphan girl who is about to face a hostage, the wife who is called the head of the family at first said something assertive. This big girl does not mean that she is as stable as Yuanchun, but that she is belittling Lin Daiyu now that her wings are hardened.

Seeing this scene, Yunzhu finally understood why Daiyu was able to write 360 ​​days a year, such a painful experience of wind, frost and swords.

(End of this chapter)

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