Chapter 94 Curse Kill
Speaking of catching internal responses, Yunzhu and the two little girls analyzed it carefully, thinking that this matter was a test for the servants by the second mistress.

"As long as you really do it, you can honestly report the results." Yunzhu said to Xiaohong like this.

After all, is it naive to think that Second Grandma will entrust her with important tasks?


After hearing this, Xiaohong laughed and said: "There is a big event in the house, and no one dares to disrespect it. Even the second master has spent too much time studying recently."

Just like that, there is less frolicking in Jiang Yunxuan now, Mrs. Wang was so happy to see it, and gave out the reward money again before the Lantern Festival.

Yunzhu was also as happy as something.

A tael of silver is packed into a bright red purse in the shape of a bat, not to mention how attractive it is!

It was windy and snowy last night, and this morning several maids were helping the mother-in-law clear away the dead branches that had been broken in the yard.He was afraid that the long delay would upset Jia Baoyu in the study.He is now like a primary school student who is making up for his homework before the start of school. He reads those poetry collections and beautiful articles over and over again, with the intention of showing off in front of Yuanchun.

After all, when Yuan Chun didn't enter the palace, he loved this younger brother the most.

Baoyu was reading Li Du in his study, when he suddenly heard a commotion outside, and was about to send Sheyue out to check, when Yunzhu stood up from the corridor and said with a smile: "Sister Sheyue wants to serve in front of Baoyu, let me go and have a look, If there is anything I can't do, I will come back and report to Baoyu."

After hearing this, Sheyue put down the curtain lightly, and the smile on her face became more real. She held Yunzhu's little hand and said with a smile: "Good boy, I know you are the most careful. Seeing the trouble Yes, don't care who she is, tell them to stay away to chat, and make sure not to affect the second master's study."

On a cold day, big girls may not be willing to walk outside.Yunzhu just took advantage of this loophole, looking for an opportunity to sort out Jiang Yunxuan inside and out, just waiting for that 'internal response' to show his flaws.

He greeted Musk Moon with a smile, resigned from Baoyu at the door, and went outside.

As soon as he walked out the door, he frowned.The maids and women gathered together in twos and threes, whispering to the rockery by the lake, with fear and gossip on their faces, including Jiang Yunxuan's own people.

That is to say, the old lady is old, kind-hearted, and far less resolute than Wang Xifeng in controlling her servants. Such indulgent behaviors occasionally happen in Jia's mother's courtyard.Yunzhu took a few glances and saw that they were all girls and servants, so she stood on the steps half smiling and half angrily.

With his waist crossed, he asked, "Who am I? It turns out that you are the ones who are making noise here. It's true that the rules are loose in the usual days, and you become arrogant without looking at this place. Do you want to go to Baoyu in person to be presumptuous?" Ask your wife to come and give you an attack, then you’ll know how serious it is?”

Pulling the tiger's skin to raise the flag is all learned from Xi Ren.

As soon as this remark came out, a daughter-in-law came forward immediately, leaned against Yunzhu and said, "So that Miss Yunzhu knows, we dare not go presumptuously in front of Baoyu."

Then he curled his lips again: "Yes, a big goblin is making trouble over there, and we don't know what to do yet."

"That's right, that's right, we don't dare to deceive the master when the deadline expires. Girl Yunzhu, go and tell Baoyu quickly, there are monsters in our yard!" Another woman echoed.

After hearing these words, Yunzhu raised her brows immediately, and reprimanded in a serious manner: "What nonsense are you talking about! Today's sages don't like talking about ghosts, let alone the sky and the sun, where is there anything evil? No more nonsense, This is Bingming's wife, and everything will be dealt with innocently!"

Not to mention serious, this group of people are all old fritters.But to be serious, they also run faster than anyone else.But today was strange, not only did the people not leave, but they also complained, threatening to report to the old lady for a thorough investigation.

Why report to the old lady?
Wang Xifeng is the first one in this mansion who doesn't believe in the retribution of the underworld, and if she speaks about ghosts in front of her, I'm afraid that the person who speaks will have to be punished first before he will have anything to say.But the old lady is getting old, and everyone looks at me and I look at you. After all, no one dares to take the lead to spread the word.

"Don't bother the old lady yet, you should go farther away to chatter, don't disturb the second master's study." Yun Zhu paused, calmed everyone down, and then turned to Qiu Wen inside the door and said, "Don't talk to the second master just yet." Grandpa, let me go and have a look before making any plans."

Qiuwen was also afraid in her heart. After listening to Yunzhu's words about the work, she nodded hurriedly, and handed another triangle wrapped in red paper to Yunzhu, saying: "Be careful, this is the evil spirit charm that my family asked for me. You take it!"

Seeing that the concern and fear on Qiuwen's face could not be faked, Yunzhu also smiled, took the red paper triangle and put it in his sleeve casually, nodded and went to the rockery that the servants mentioned.

When they got to the rockery, the ladies pushed me and I pushed you, but none of them would take the first step in. Seeing that they were afraid of this, Yunzhu's heart skipped a few beats.

Human beings have a natural fear of the strangeness of the dark, but the theory of ghosts and gods is not credible, Yunzhu comforted herself like this, took the lantern candle in the little girl's hand, and leaned in.

"Those of you who dare not come in, wait for me at the door." Holding up the hem of her skirt, she turned into the corner of the rockery.

This place was originally a few shady places built by mountains and rocks. A huge Ling Xiaohua was planted by the lake. In summer, branches and vines spread on the rocks, creating a scene that blocks the sky and sun. It is a summer resort that servants often come to.

Yunzhu also sneaked in to enjoy the cool air.

It's just that when you are in it in winter, it is a kind of biting cold that is completely different from the coolness. The cold wind hisses in from the air outlet, whipping the withered brown branches and fluttering.

Going around a few steps, Yunzhu saw the faint light and shadow on the stone wall, like the monsters with fangs and claws that are often seen in movies and TV dramas, followed by Yunzhu's own shadow.

Looking down, I saw a few bundles of branches that had been repaired but not transported away on the ground. The sun leaked through the cracks in the stone and shone on the frozen hard ice on the stone wall. The reflected light just hit the dead branches. The shadow was reflected on the stone wall again, and the human-shaped reflection just pulled out a farce.

"..." What a scary monster.

Baoyu also appeared at the entrance of the cave at some point. He only heard him yelling a few words, and then he ignored everyone's obstruction and went all the way to get into the cave. If there is a monster, it must be the monster who came to look for me.

As she said that, Yunzhu wiped the ice cubes and shouted loudly as she walked back: "Where is the monster? It's just a shadow! If you want to come in, come in!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a click on the stone wall behind him, and then there was a burst of shattered ice flying around, smashing his head to the feet of everyone, and someone said: "It's almost as good as not being a monster."

"Are you really looking for me? Where are you? Where are you?" Seeing this, Baoyu ran madly into the depths of the cave.

This flurry caused Yunzhu to be pushed and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the ground was dry.Seeing that everyone was chasing Jia Baoyu in a hurry, it was Yunzhu's little maid who wanted to please her and helped her up, and the two stumbled out of the cave.

Yunzhu's clothes were not dirty, but her hands and shoes were covered with mud, just in time to meet Qiu Wen who came in a panic, "As soon as I turned around, Baoyu put down her book and ran out. You didn't see that way, her eyes were red His white skin is really scary!"

Seeing the mess on Yunzhu's body, he said again: "Just now, Master Huan came to play in our yard just now, and he brought Caiyun with him for some reason. I'm afraid we can't hide this matter today, and my wife will definitely know about it. You Go back and wash, just wait in the yard."

Then he asked Baoyu where he was going, and then left by mistake.

Back in the room, the first time I came into contact with the warm air, I felt a burning pain in my hands.When Xiaohong came back from delivering the tea, she saw Yunzhu's terrified appearance, hurriedly brought half a basin of water to Yunzhu, and asked her what was going on.

The basin was placed on the washbasin stand in front of her. Yunzhu lowered her head and was about to wash her hands, staring at the light red cinnabar on her hand, she said without thinking: "I seem to know what to grasp."


As he spoke, he didn't bother to explain, washed off the dirt on his hands, and rushed to Jia Baoyu's room.

This was the second time she ran to Jia Baoyu's bedroom, and with the previous experience of night duty, Yunzhu easily bypassed Jia Huan's obstruction and went straight to the bedside.

A layer of sheets, empty.

The two-layer mattress is as white as new.

When they turned to the third floor, Jia Huan stepped forward and hugged Yunzhu's waist, and immediately cursed: "You bastard, could it be that you are so lawless because of Brother Bao's good temper! Come on!" Come here! This lowly servant girl has no dignity and is acting crazy, quickly drag her down and kill her with a stick! Kill with a stick!"

Originally, Yunzhu was still desperate, but seeing Jia Huan's obstruction, she felt strong in her heart, and intuitively felt that she was about to touch the hidden truth in her heart.As soon as he found the energy to feed himself, he turned his back and rolled himself and Jia Huan off the couch to the ground.

Although they are about the same age, boys develop later than girls, and Yunzhu pays great attention to diet and daily exercise. With the strength of a calf, Jia Huan is pressed to the ground and cannot move.If Caiyun hadn't stepped forward to pull him, Yunzhu might have scolded him a few times while no one was around.

It's a stick, a stick, a young boy, but he is vicious and uneducated.

Yunzhu fell to the ground and controlled each other with Jia Huan. When Caiyun saw it, she became even more furious. Pointing at Yunzhu, she cursed: "Little bitch, how dare you flirt with men. You are always serving me like this." Baoyu’s? See if I don’t beat you to death!”

As he said that, he slapped Yun Zhu with his hands, and even wanted to scratch her face.Yun Zhu couldn't get rid of Jia Huan's bear hug for a while, so she raised her arms to cover her face while yelling for help.

That Caiyun is the girl next to the second wife, and she has always followed the second wife's "pity for the poor and the weak", and she takes good care of Aunt Zhao, mother and son.Even for Jia Huan, who was unable to serve Xiao Que'er, she was the first to take the initiative to take care of him.

No, seeing that inch-long fingernail scratching her arm, there were a few bloodstains in two strokes, Xiao Hong saw her when she entered the room, and immediately screamed sharply from the side, and then a few girls rushed in from the door, it can be seen The young master followed the scene of a fight, no one knew who to pull, so they had to form a circle and speak out to persuade them.

The arm was burning, and Yunzhu was in excruciating pain, but she exerted a lot of strength to throw away Jia Huan. Jia Huan slammed on the carpet with a bang, making a muffled sound.

When Caiyun saw Jia Huan fall to the ground, her eyes hurt from anger, why would she let Yunzhu go?It's just that she is the girl in Second Master Bao's room, even if she hates Yunzhu's attack on Jia Huan, Caiyun only dares to scratch them both, blocking Yunzhu's mouth to insult her.

Jia Huan, who was lying on the ground, saw stars in his eyes. In a daze, he saw Yunzhu running towards the bed again. He ignored the crowd of people around and suddenly ordered Caiyun: "Go and take down the things on the bed and destroy them!"

Upon hearing this, Yunzhu felt extremely courageous and powerful. When she saw Caiyun turning around to turn over the mattress, she pounced forward on Caiyun with her mouth and bit her hard on the shoulder.Caiyun let out a scream, and tried to push the Yunzhu away with all her hands and feet, but she couldn't.

Just now everyone didn't dare to pull, because Jia Huan was the young master and the master, and if he got hurt, no one would be able to get away.But Caiyun is not, even the maids in the second wife's room are not to be favored after all, and now those who dare to bully them in Jiang Yunxuan's territory, a few older maids can't see it, they all step forward to pull or pinch , and pulled Caiyun off the bed.

Xiaohong even stood in front of Caiyun, raised her lips and spat, "Whatever wants to climb on our Baoyu's bed!"

Seeing that he was treating him in his own way, Yunzhu let out a snort, and threw herself on the bed and began to search.When Jia Huan saw this, he was terrified immediately, and the magic sound pierced his brain and howled.

Suddenly, a crisp voice scolded: "What are you all standing there for? Why don't you hurry up and hold them down, and let them make trouble like this?"

The mother-in-law who rushed back from the outside heard Xue Baochai's words, and immediately stepped forward to hold Caiyun down, and seemed to lift Jia Huan on the ground, but in fact she was restraining her.The two women were eager to try to catch Yunzhu in the same way, but they were afraid that she would bite someone, so when they surrounded her from behind, they heard her shout: "I found it!"

Baochai originally came here to talk to Daiyu, but unexpectedly he heard a noise as he passed by Jiang Yunxuan. As soon as he entered the room, Caiyun and Yunzhu were frightened to death as they struggled wildly.

Fortunately, it was me. If it was Daiyu, I was afraid that I would be too scared to sleep or eat, Baochai thought so.As soon as he looked up, he saw Yunzhu holding up a colorful paper pattern in his hand. After a closer look, he realized that it was a paper-cut of two villains with green faces and fangs.

"Ouch!" Baochai exclaimed in surprise, backing away again and again.

When Caiyun saw the paper-cut, she looked at Jia Huan in disbelief, and when she met Jia Huan's terrified gaze, she braced herself and wanted to snatch it.

But Yunzhu looked like a victorious female warrior, holding the paper-cut high with disheveled hair and almond-eyed eyes, and proudly read out the handwriting on the back: "Renchen, Dingwei, Jiawu... Bingwu"

As I read it, the voice became smaller and smaller, and everyone present recalled, isn't this Jia Baoyu's birthday horoscope?
How typical is the feudal superstition of killing spells?
Baochai was also shocked when she heard this. Baoyu helped Mrs. Wang in from outside the door. Both mother and son were full of disbelief.

When Jia Huan and Caiyun on the ground saw Mrs. Wang entering the room, their faces turned pale, Caiyun even curled up and shivered uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Yunzhu was also surprised for a while, and immediately went back to Jia Baoyu: "It's the servants' fault for disturbing the second master's study. Why don't you invite the wives to take care of this mess? That's it, save someone from being bluffed."

Invite a person of weight to sit in the town, whatever it is, just turn it upside down, and if something happens, you can find out the clues.

Baoyu chased after him to see that it was not a monster, and was a little disappointed in his heart.Seeing the messy house again after coming back, now hearing what Yun Zhu said, he calmly said, "It's because you are so thoughtful at such a young age, you should be like this. Mother, look..."

(End of this chapter)

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